MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 257 Cardinals are behind.

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As the camera zoomed in, the already intense scene became more dazzling.

The rudeness and urgency of Wang Zhongding when kissing, the intoxication of whispering when forgetting, the brave and powerful when entering and exiting ... These Zhou Li not only have not seen, and even dare not think.

She could not find an excuse to comfort herself.

Because Wang Zhongding stared at Han Dong's eyes, it was so hot that the passion that emanated from his bones, even if it was just the onlookers, would be burned to the surface.

That is true love because of love, not any medicine can support it.

They seem to have scarce each other into their bones.

Every stimulus from Wang Zhongding to Han Dong, faster or slower, or lighter or heavier, perfectly matched Han Dong's intentions, and instantly understood Han Dong's morbidity during the day.

And Han Dong's response to Wang Zhongding was even more fierce and fierce.

The swaying beautiful legs, strong waist, and uncompromising physical strength also made people instantly understand the answer given by Wang Zhongding-I especially liked it.

Zhou Li is not a cautious person. She has a guilty arrogance and finds faults, but rarely takes things to heart.

But today's scene penetrated into her heart like a sharp thorn.

Not because she still has the same old feelings for Wang Zhongding, but because of the attractiveness that Han Dong gave Wang Zhongding, she slaps **** her face.

She never thought that her most proud external charm would be blown away.

It was a shame to her.

Wang Zhongding kept adding weight to this shame.

Zhou Li watched Wang Zhongding lick and lick at Han Dong's tragic part, Han Dong was so full of bed and rolled, and Wang Zhongding Qiang held down and pampered him.

Ordinary people may not be able to do this, let alone Wang Zhongding, who has cleanliness.

However, it is such a clean, impatient, and unsmiling man, but when his desire is gone, he kisses Han Dong's body tirelessly, even if there is sweat on it.

In contrast, Zhou Li suddenly felt that his first love repeatedly was a joke.

The excitement of watching the crowd disappeared, leaving only a deep chill in my heart.

Zhou Mu turned off the monitor.

Li Shang did not know when he had looked away from the screen and turned out the window.

Huang Tuo's car was long gone.

It is estimated that when Han Dong's car was here, he was directly taken away ... Li Shang guessed that, like his identity, it was impossible for him to make a big deal about this little thing.

As for why Huang Tuo was here, Li Shang suddenly thought of a possibility.

He believes that Wang Zhongding did this on the one hand to combat Huang Tuo, and on the other hand to attract Zhou Li to hook her and severely rectify her.

But then I thought it was not right. As Wang Zhongding, it was impossible to make people see themselves for nothing to stimulate someone! Regardless of whether Wang Zhongding is willing to let Zhou Li see, Li Shang can be sure that he must not let himself be seen.

So Li Shang turned to Zhou Li and said, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette.

"Zhou Li was still in the midst of sorrow, and without any doubt, Li Shang went out alone.

However, Li Shang never returned.

Zhou Li made a few calls and no one answered, only to realize that something was wrong.

She deliberately glanced out the window before going out, making sure Wang Zhongding's car had gone, and then she went out with confidence.

However, just as she was just out of the gate of the clubhouse, all of the flashes suddenly turned on her.

In the past Zhou Li traveled, at least a dozen people around him.

Today, because of special circumstances, I brought an assistant and was detained in the lounge at the request of Boss Liu.

In this way, Zhou Li had almost no power to dodge and was surrounded by reporters.

"I heard that you signed a cooperation agreement with the club's boss and will perform some special services here. Is this true?" Zhou Li's face changed when she heard this.

"Excuse me, keep your mouth clean. Don't talk nonsense without evidence.

"The reporter insisted," "It was the information disclosed to us by the person in charge of the club. Is it true? Zhou Liqiang said with a tense temperament: "There is no need to answer this question, please let it go, thank you.

"What is this special service?" Did the person in charge of the club talk to you? "" For what purpose did you agree to cooperate with them? "..." Zhou Ligang was about to explode, and the reporters spread away from her again, embracing Boss Liu who had just left.

"Excuse me, are you in charge of this club?" Boss Liu admitted generously. "I am.

"We heard that Miss Zhou Li signed an agreement with the club and promised to perform some special services here. Is this really the case? Boss Liu replied unhurriedly: "Yes, Miss Zhou really wants to cooperate with us.

Zhou Li, who was not far away, was instantly calm, and rushed directly to Boss Liu to ask: "When did I sign an agreement with you? Isn't it an oral promise? When the reporter saw the two having a dispute, they became even more excited and asked the truth about the facts.

"What verbal promise?" "Can you tell us?" Boss Liu waved to the reporters to calm down.

"In this matter, Miss Zhou and I had some differences.

After we communicate privately, we will explain to you.

However, what Mr. Liu calls communication is just a sentence.

"If you don't recognize the agreement, I will tell reporters the reasons for cooperation.

Zhou Li realized for a moment that he had been conspired.

Boss Liu also said, "Anyway, my industry is so big, there is one stall and another stall. Once you peep at the privacy of others, your reputation will be completely stinky.

Zhou Li's face was iron blue.

Boss Liu's rough fingers lightly scratched her beautiful face.

"Consider it.

Zhou Li couldn't say a word.

... In contrast, Li Shang is much smarter than Zhou Li.

He realized that there might be an ambush outside, and if he ventured out, it was likely that he was arrested.

So he hid in the bathroom on the second floor and observed the situation outside.

It turns out his caution was right.

Zhou Li was indeed tricked.

Li Shang felt that the noise of the reporter was low before he turned his head out of the window.

This is the back of the clubhouse.

After Li Shang made enough mental preparation, he jumped out directly from the window on the second floor.

However, as soon as his feet fell to the ground, I didn't know what to step on, and suddenly he fell to the ground in an unstable state.

The sudden pain forced Li Shang to faint.

Only then did he feel that there were a few extra sharp stones on the smooth concrete floor, and he lay on the half-knee, the pain value was conceivable.

Li Shang hadn't recovered from the pain, yet another blow ensued.

Feng Muzhi connected a man's face and appeared above his sight at the same time.

That man, Li Shang, couldn't be more familiar. He was the official reporter of Feng Muzhi every time he fired the news.

Feng Muzhi said to Li Shang: "It's not easy to catch the day when you two are dead at the same time.

Li Shang calmly said nothing.

Feng Muzhi smiled again, "Maybe you still have a chance to live from the main entrance, but unfortunately you haven't changed.

I know your wolf so well.

As long as you notice something is wrong, you will definitely try your best to protect yourself.

Li Shang knew that he had planted it this time.

Zhou Ligang got rid of the entanglement of reporters, Feng Muzhi and boss Liu met.

"Sister Feng, you're better.

Rather than asking her to spend a lot of time, it is better to borrow her fame directly, no worries about losing business in the future.

"Feng Muzhi laughed:" I was just a long-term ill.

Boss Liu handed a card to Feng Muzhi.

"A little bit, Sister Feng smiled.

"Feng Muzhi readily accepted," Boss Liu was polite.

"There was a lot of trouble here, Wang Zhongding and Han Dong didn't know it, and fell asleep until dawn.

It wasn't until Zhou Li came to the door that Wang Zhongding knew that so many things had happened after he left.

"General Manager Wang, help me suppress this news.

In order to show his superiority, Zhou Li rarely called Wang Zhongding as the general manager, usually by his first name.

The sudden change of mouth this time shows the seriousness of the matter.