MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 151

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Ever since brother Ping and the sixteenth prince learned to swim in water, the two of them are like ducks in water in this Xiyuan.

If Feng Sheng hadn't been watched closely all day long, I don't know what would have happened to the two of them.

Just like that, the two of them also turned from a white face to a small black face, and their whole bodies were swarthy, as if they had rolled around in black charcoal.

Brother Xuan was always left behind by the two of them, and now he finally found someone who could laugh at the eldest brother, pointing at Brother Xuan and calling him black every now and then. Fortunately, Brother Xuan is older now, otherwise Brother Xuan would probably suffer a lot of beatings.

When the children are happy, Feng Sheng is also happy.

It's also strange, since she lived in this Xiyuan, her bitter summer has been healed without any medicine, she has no morning sickness, she has a big appetite, and everything she eats tastes good, and it only took less than a month for her to gain weight Turn around and see that there is flesh on the face.

The imperial concubine was very happy and specially rewarded the dining room.

But at this moment, Emperor Jianping was a little bit unwell. His dragon body was always healthy, and he rarely had a headache, but this time he fainted when he was discussing with the ministers in Yingtai.

Announced that the imperial physician came, and after examining the pulse, the imperial physician only said that His Majesty fainted due to heatstroke due to heatstroke. But Yingtai is surrounded by water on three sides, so it is coolest in summer, so how could it be possible to catch the heat?

But that's what the imperial doctor said, and there was no other movement at Yingtai, it seemed that it was really hot.

The imperial physician asked Emperor Jianping to recuperate. Since he arrived in Xiyuan, Emperor Jianping seldom summoned his ministers to discuss matters, but he still had to read the daily notes.

Reading booklets is not too heavy, and it happens to be recuperated.

The matter seemed to be over just like that, but there was always a kind of uneasiness in the dark.

Feng Sheng's uneasiness came from Hui Wang, Wu Wang and others. Recently, he would go to Yingtai every day by asking An, and he was extremely attentive. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this kind of behavior, but combined with the fainting of Emperor Jianping before, it will make people think too much.

She took Brother Sui and Brother Xuan to visit Emperor Jianping. From the outside, Emperor Jianping was fine, but King Hui and the others pretended to be smart. Aren't they afraid of angering Emperor Jianping?

After all, Feng Sheng is a female family member, so it is not appropriate to stay longer on such occasions, she hurriedly left after visiting, as for Hui Wang and others frequently going to Yingtai, the news was reported by Wei Wangfu's eyeliner.

After all, it is only the eyeliner on the outside, which can only make people see some things floating on the surface, but it is impossible to find out what is inside.

Feng Sheng was worried, troubled for many days, and had no clue.

At this moment, Zuo Yi came to ask for an audience.

Zuo Yi dressed up as a little **** and came to Xiyuan with the messenger from Prince Wei's mansion. At that time, it was only said that King Wei had a letter to Princess Wei, and Feng Sheng's attention was all on the letter. She didn't recognize him until Zuo Yi smiled at her.

"Why is Mr. Zuo here?" Feng Sheng asked in surprise as he moved away from the screen.

Immediately, she understood why Zuo Yi came here in such a disguise. Could it be related to King Hui and others' frequent trips to Yingtai?

As Feng Sheng expected, Zuo Yi did come here for this.

"Your Majesty is getting old after all, and he has listened to quack warlocks to take pills all these years. Wangfei, don't forget how the late emperor controlled Bintian."

The first emperor died suddenly by taking an overdose of elixir, which was what King Wei told her. This is a court secret, ordinary people don't know it, they only think that the late emperor died of illness, but they don't know that the late emperor died on this.

"These elixirs contain a large amount of cinnabar and mercury. A single elixir is extremely toxic and should not be taken in excess. Your Majesty has been taking elixirs for many years. Does the princess really think that your majesty fainted this time because of the heat? "

"Then you mean—"

Feng Sheng actually already had the answer in his heart, but he was still shocked and muttered.

Zuo Yi looked her in the eyes and nodded: "Even if we haven't received the exact news, the fact that King Hui and the others have moved, it shows the seriousness of the matter."

Feng Sheng stood up, but didn't know what to do, so he could only keep walking back and forth. She rubbed the center of her brows, feeling extremely headache. The news might not shock her enough, but it was enough to give her a headache.

The headache is not only the truth of the news, she thinks more, now that King Wei is on the right track in Fujian, if something happens to Emperor Jianping at this time, the impact will be too great.

Not to mention anything else, since King Wei is now in Fujian, and King Hui and others are close at hand, once anything happens, it will be a big problem.

King Hui and the others went to Yingtai again and again, did they also think of this, so they deliberately went to find out the real physical condition of Emperor Jianping?

"Then what do you mean by coming?" She turned to look at Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi cupped his hands and said: "The princess is pregnant now, it stands to reason that Zuo shouldn't disturb the purity of the princess, but the princess also knows the seriousness of the matter, she is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case, the prince is now in Fujian, and it is beyond his reach. As a plan, we can only take the next step if we find out the true condition of His Majesty's body."

Yes, who can find out the truth of the matter more conveniently than Feng Sheng.

The imperial concubine has always been by Emperor Jianping's side. If anyone knows who is the most obvious, it must be the imperial concubine. The communication between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the cheapest, so it is most appropriate for Feng Sheng to find out the truth.

This is precisely another reason why Feng Sheng had a headache just now, Imperial Concubine.

Although since she came into contact with the imperial concubine, she felt that the imperial concubine was a very sensible character, whether she was supporting Wei Wang from the side or dealing with empress Chen, her methods were very rational, and she even did not hesitate to use Emperor Jianping.

It stands to reason that such a situation would not make Feng Sheng so difficult, but she just happened to see through the mind of the imperial concubine.

It's not that I'm not happy, but I don't dare to be happy, even if it's a fake show, after so many years of company, my heart must be on Emperor Jianping.

If Emperor Jianping's true dragon body was ill, she would probably be burned at the moment. Would she really help her son deal with his seriously ill father? Or is this the obvious truth, will Emperor Jianping let people look at the imperial concubine, what is the current situation of the imperial concubine, and if she goes to see her, will it arouse suspicion?

Too many unknowns were spread in front of Feng Sheng at once.

And she couldn't tell Zuo Yi these words, she could only give him an ambiguous answer.

"I need to consider this matter."

Zuo Yi wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by her.

"Mr. Zuo doesn't need to say any more. I believe that even if the prince is here, he will agree with my approach. You only saw that everyone else has gone. Have you ever thought about it? If this is just our guess, I will rush to ask the imperial concubine. Will the news arouse His Majesty's suspicion? Now, how will the imperial concubine deal with herself?"

Zuo Yi was taken aback for a moment, but didn't speak.

"A lot of times, the Sacred Heart is lost in this way. Mister Zuo has forgotten why the Zhonggong family has fallen like this? And, now that the prince is on the right track in Fujian, even if we can't help him too much, we can't hold back , who dares to say that this is not a trap set for us by others. Of course, I am also aware of the seriousness of the matter, and I will keep in my heart what you said, but please don't act too hastily, sir."

Zuo Yi thought for a while, stroked his beard and said: "What the princess said is true, but the old man is reckless, but the princess absolutely takes this matter as the top priority, you must know that if you are one step late, you will lose more than just an opportunity .”

Of course Feng Sheng understood what he was talking about, this was planning for the worst.

If Emperor Jianping really missed his body, King Wei would have to return to the capital quickly, otherwise the capital would not know what chaos would happen. If others were allowed to take the lead, their family, including the imperial concubine, would be meat on the chopping block.

But Feng Sheng always feels that this is not the case. Even if Emperor Jianping is in trouble, it is not because his mind is confused, and he will not be unclear about the importance of the funeral.

Now that it is clear, arrangements will definitely be made, so the matter should not be that serious yet.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Sheng didn't dare to make a judgment because the matter was too serious and the lives of the whole family were in danger.

So after sending Zuo Yi away, she thought for a long time by herself again.

After much deliberation, Feng Sheng still felt that for the present plan, he should first get in touch with the imperial concubine.

But how to get in touch with the imperial concubine without falling into people's eyes and ears, or arousing the suspicion of Emperor Jianping? This is the biggest problem.

After thinking for a long time, but did not think of a solution, Feng Sheng decided to wake up and think again. It happened that brother Xuan woke up from his afternoon nap and was clamoring to find his elder brother.

Feng Sheng called Tao Zhi over to ask questions, only to find out that brother Ping was called away by the sixteenth prince again, and he didn't know where he went, but he was accompanied by guards.

Now it's hard to find the elder brother, she looked helplessly at Brother Xuan and said: "Mother, let someone look for it, didn't you make a fuss about eating watermelon before going to bed, and I asked Tao Zhi to bring a plate?"

"If you don't eat watermelon, you have to find Big Brother."

Brother Xuan played tricks, waving his arms and kicking his legs. Feng Sheng was familiar with this kid's character, so he didn't let anyone pull him. He waved his hands to make everyone stay away, and she also kept away Yes, I went to Luohan's bed and sat down, and asked Taozhi to bring her a plate of watermelon.

Here comes the watermelon.

It has been tempered with well water, it will not be very cold after eating, but it is very refreshing.

In addition to a plate, there is also a small bowl containing watermelon. The watermelon is topped with milky white cheese, which looks very attractive.

Feng Sheng finished eating a plate of watermelon in a short while, and she used a fork to eat the bowl, but before she could reach out her hand, brother Xuan came running over.

"This is brother Xuan's, don't give it to mother!"

"You are so stingy!" Feng Sheng put down the fork, covered her face and began to cry: "Brother Xuan won't let mother eat, brother Xuan is not filial."

A boy over two years old can't tell the difference between real crying and fake crying, but brother Xuan remembered being tricked by his mother before, so he put down the bowl in his hand and bent down to look at his mother's face.

Feng Sheng just didn't show it to him, and turned around to avoid him.

Brother Xuan was so helpless, he looked at the watermelon in the bowl and said: "You are still crying at such an age, you usually don't make fun of me crying at my age, obviously you are older than me. It's not that I won't give you to eat, just Give you half."

He picked up the bowl and poked the watermelon into the plate with a small fork.

After dialing a few dollars, he looked at his bowl, then at the plate, and then another few dollars, and then looked again. Finally felt it was fair, he tugged at Feng Sheng's clothes and said, "Don't cry, mother, brother Xuan is done, eat quickly."

"Okay, mother, don't cry."

Feng Sheng pretended to wipe away the non-existent tears, while looking at his son's little face, he suddenly felt that this little boy seemed to have grown up a bit, and he knew how to be filial to his mother.

Mother and son are eating watermelon facing each other.

Brother Xuan complained: "Brother and Uncle Sixteen go out to play every day, and they don't bring me with them." This is what he resents the most.

Feng Sheng said something fair: "Your elder brother is older than you, and older children don't like to play with younger children. Wait a little longer, wait until the younger sister is born, and let the younger sister play with you."

"But I'm older than my sister. Didn't you say that older children don't like to play with younger children? I'm sure I won't play with her either."

Feng Sheng was at a loss for words.

"That's different. She's a younger sister. The elder brother must play with the younger sister, so that the relationship between siblings is good."

Brother Xuan stopped to eat melons: "Then the elder brother should also play with the younger brother, so that the relationship between brothers will be good."

Let me say one thing, and you answer two words, is there anyone who is like a son, this kid still hasn't grown up!

"No, I'm still going to look for elder brother, maybe he's at the imperial grandmother's place!" Brother Xuan put down the fork, stopped eating the watermelon, and said that the wind was raining, so he made a fuss with Feng Sheng to take him to Yingtai.

Feng Sheng was stunned for a moment and laughed a little, she really was blind, she thought for a long time but couldn't think of a solution, and let this brat solve it all at once.

Sure enough, people can't do shady things, and just because of this shady things, she forgot that there is still the simplest way-just go like this.