MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v7 Chapter 29 dog skin plaster

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(There was a business trip, and I got a fever and a cold. It was really uncomfortable. Now I am starting to resume the update. Due to some special reasons, I can only restore three chapters a day. First, I will change the previous chapters. Thank you for your understanding. .)

The doorbell rang, and Liu Lin was standing behind the door, but he didn't know how to face Andy, how to explain what happened that day, this matter cannot be recognized, it will be sliced. After waiting for a while, the doorbell rang again. Liu Lin looked through the cat's eyes, sighed, changed his expression, and opened the door with a smile.

Andy burst into tears outside the door, "Why don't you open the door?"

Liu Lin was afraid that the neighbors would come out to watch the fun again, so he took Andy's hand and entered the house: "I'm going to the bathroom, Miss Andy, why are you crying so sad?"

Slap, Andy slapped Liu Lin, and threw himself into his arms after the slap: "It's you, that's the smell, that's the feeling." Andy hugged Liu Lin and cried even louder.

"Miss Andy, this..." Liu Lin was about to argue.

Pa, Andy left Liu Lin's arms and slapped Liu Lin again, with sadness, joy, disappointment, anger, and joy flashing in his eyes.

"Hit again..." Liu Lin's eyes widened and his expression was exaggerated.

Pa, Andy gave Liu Lin another touch, approached Liu Lin, raised his head and closed his eyes, Liu Lin looked at the woman in front of him, closed his eyes and waited, tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, a little distressed, hugged her, bowed his head and kissed her. up up...

After an unknown amount of time, Andy left Liu Lin's embrace, and said affectionately to Liu Lin, "I'll wait for you to have dinner by the lake at ten o'clock tonight." Then he turned and left.

Liu Lin asked subconsciously: "What do you eat?" He slapped himself backhanded, wouldn't he sell himself?

"I'm ready, ha ha." Andy left happily.

Liu Lin collapsed on the ground wanting to cry without tears, shouting: "You've committed a crime"...

At ten o'clock in the evening, in room 2201, Andy, who was hiding at the door, clapped his hands like a child, seeing the furniture in the house disappearing one by one, and showing up one by one, Andy, who had never been so happy before, smiled. Laugh and cry. Andy finally took a step forward and disappeared.

The moonlight is like flowing water, pouring quietly on the grassland and the lake, and a thin blue mist floats in the lake. A beautiful woman in a long white dress appeared leisurely among the flowers by the lake, walked through the sea of ​​roses, the woman sat at the dining table, looked at a man with a shirtless upper body and a black hood on the opposite side, puff, haha , the woman laughed heartily.

Liu Lin asked with a voice changer in embarrassment: "Sister, shouldn't the beauty of this beautiful day be romantic? Your laughter is very embarrassing."

"Pretend, you continue to pretend, wear a hood, so I won't recognize you?" Andy's flowers trembled with a smile, and the beautiful Andy seemed to lose all the color of the surrounding flowers at this moment.

Liu Lin was attracted by the beautiful and vulgar Andy in front of him, and hugged him gently. Andy asked with a smile: "Am I beautiful?" "Beautiful." "Then kiss me." "Okay."

The moon shyly covered her eyes, and secretly looked at the lake again and again...

During the past few days of Chinese New Year, Liu Lin and Andy met every night, even in the community during the day, they just nodded silently, no one wanted to spoil this quiet and secret love, there was no agreement, no commitment.

In the afternoon of the third day of junior high school, Liu Lin received a call from Guan Guan: "Luo Hua, my mother took me on a blind date at noon, it's annoying me to death, it's already seven, and I've only been home for five days. What should I do?"

"Hehe, it's okay, Liu Shui told the mother-in-law that he is about to do a big business worth several hundred million yuan, and he doesn't like those people." Liu Lin is also quite fresh, this mother-in-law is cruel, with an average of 1.4 per day.

"Luohua, didn't we agree to make it public after success? By the way, when will you officially confess your love to me? I'll be getting old after waiting. My mother is here, goodbye." Guan Guan acted coquettishly.

Listening to the busy tone, Liu Linxin said that it wasn't because Hu Yifei beat her up, I confessed my confession a long time ago, it's a big revenge.

"Lin Zi, are you sweet with Guan Guan again? You two are so tired and flustered. Come here, there are still two sub-freezers that haven't been selected yet." Lin Wanyu urged from the side.

Liu Lin said impatiently: "Wan Yu, you are also the vice president, and it was agreed during the meeting that you and Guan Guan are responsible for management and operation issues. Besides, you can see that you have Zhanbo to help That's enough, human resources must be used rationally. Is it Zhanbo?"

The little licking dog Zhanbo nodded happily, this kid is a talent, he really helped a lot.

"Oh, the big boss is being lazy again. I'll choose." Lin Wanyu had no choice but to take Liu Lin out, so she took Lu Zhanbo out.

In the office, Liu Lin turned on the computer and continued playing games. Liu Lin has started a company, and is currently working in a 20-square-meter office with simple furnishings, including a simple set of desks and chairs and a bed.

On Christmas night, Liu Lin and Guan Guan made a plan to open a chain fruit supermarket company, and now the basic structure has been completed. Liu Lin is the chairman, Guan Guan decided to resign from the investment bank after returning to Shanghai during the Chinese New Year, and he will be the general manager of the company, Miss Lin Wanyu will be the deputy general manager, and lawyer Li Junguo will also be the director of the legal department here...

Liu Lin invested more than 70 million, accounting for 90% of the shares, and basically invested all the money he earned from selling happiness medicine and fruit shops. Now he only has more than 20,000 living expenses left in his pocket. The rest of the shares were given to Guan Guan and Lin Wanyu. The two girls were determined not to accept it at first, but it took Liu Lin a lot of effort to persuade them to accept it. It was regarded as a management stock and could only be paid dividends and could not be traded.

Liu Lin mainly controls the purchase channels, and for this reason, he bought a leather bag company in other provinces. The company's largest operating expenses, the purchase of fruits can only be controlled by himself, for fear that the relevant departments will invite you to drink tea.

The company built a large-scale fruit fresh-keeping warehouse in Qingpu, the magic city. Liu Lin was afraid that people would find out that there were so many fruits out of thin air. The investment was mainly spent on this part, and the intelligent ones would never use manpower. The storage method took Liu Lin a lot of brains. cell. First opened 20 chain stores. After a month of busy work by Guan Guan and Lin Wanyu, the lease and decoration of the stores have been completed, and the training of employees is almost done. There is still enough to buy 30 fresh-keeping vehicles and other trivial matters. It's officially opened.

The current company headquarters is located in an office building near Ode to Joy. The rent is cheap on the 14th floor. It is also convenient for Liu Lin to commute to and from work on a small motorcycle. After all, this is Liu Lin's main business.

On the evening of the sixth day, I don't know if it was because of Guan Guan's return to the seventh day, but Andy was very enthusiastic. The intimacy ended, Liu Lin was smoking, and Andy in his arms suddenly looked up at Liu Lin, with tears in his eyes: "Fatty, can you promise me something?"

Liu Lin looked at Andy's appearance and was a little nervous. This could not be forcing the palace. Of course, his wife chose to pass the test, but what about Andy, but the experienced Liu Lin still answered affirmatively: "Yes."

When Andy heard Liu Lin's answer, he finally couldn't hold back his tears: "Thank you, can you give me a child? I don't ask for anything else, I just hope that someone can accompany me in the future."

As soon as Liu Lin heard this request, his mood suddenly brightened again. I am familiar with this life. There are 7 children born in the courtyard world. He turned over and was about to move, but Andy pushed him away.

Andy blocked Liu Lin's mouth with her jade fingers: "Listen to me first, and then answer again. There is a situation I just found out, I have a younger brother..."

Liu Lin gently held Andy's little face with both hands, and looked directly into Andy's eyes: "Needless to say, I know everything about you, isn't it just worrying about genetic diseases? Believe me, it doesn't matter whether the child has genetic diseases or not." , I will love you and protect you. It is better to discuss the issue of having boys and girls now, of course one son and one daughter are the best."

Liu Lin was kissed by Andy as soon as he was talking. At this moment, Andy's heart was full of joy and love, and he said softly: "Love me!", and the moon secretly blocked his eyes again.

The doorbell rang, and Liu Lin was standing behind the door, but he didn't know how to face Andy, how to explain what happened that day, this matter cannot be recognized, it will be sliced. After waiting for a while, the doorbell rang again. Liu Lin looked through the cat's eyes, sighed, changed his expression, and opened the door with a smile.

Andy burst into tears outside the door, "Why don't you open the door?"

Liu Lin was afraid that the neighbors would come out to watch the fun again, so he took Andy's hand and entered the house: "I'm going to the bathroom, Miss Andy, why are you crying so sad?"

Slap, Andy slapped Liu Lin, and threw himself into his arms after the slap: "It's you, that's the smell, that's the feeling." Andy hugged Liu Lin and cried even louder.

"Miss Andy, this..." Liu Lin was about to argue.

Pa, Andy left Liu Lin's arms and slapped Liu Lin again, with sadness, joy, disappointment, anger, and joy flashing in his eyes.

"Hit again..." Liu Lin's eyes widened and his expression was exaggerated.

Pa, Andy gave Liu Lin another touch, approached Liu Lin, raised his head and closed his eyes, Liu Lin looked at the woman in front of him, closed his eyes and waited, tears rolled down the corners of his eyes, a little distressed, hugged her, bowed his head and kissed her. up up...

After an unknown amount of time, Andy left Liu Lin's embrace, and said affectionately to Liu Lin, "I'll wait for you to have dinner by the lake at ten o'clock tonight." Then he turned and left.

Liu Lin asked subconsciously: "What do you eat?" He slapped himself backhanded, wouldn't he sell himself?

"I'm ready, ha ha." Andy left happily.

Liu Lin collapsed on the ground wanting to cry without tears, shouting: "You've committed a crime"...

At ten o'clock in the evening, in room 2201, Andy, who was hiding at the door, clapped his hands like a child, seeing the furniture in the house disappearing one by one, and showing up one by one, Andy, who had never been so happy before, smiled. Laugh and cry. Andy finally took a step forward and disappeared.

The moonlight is like flowing water, pouring quietly on the grassland and the lake, and a thin blue mist floats in the lake. A beautiful woman in a long white dress appeared leisurely among the flowers by the lake, walked through the sea of ​​roses, the woman sat at the dining table, looked at a man with a shirtless upper body and a black hood on the opposite side, puff, haha , the woman laughed heartily.

Liu Lin asked with a voice changer in embarrassment: "Sister, shouldn't the beauty of this beautiful day be romantic? Your laughter is very embarrassing."

"Pretend, you continue to pretend, wear a hood, so I won't recognize you?" Andy's flowers trembled with a smile, and the beautiful Andy seemed to lose all the color of the surrounding flowers at this moment.

Liu Lin was attracted by the beautiful and vulgar Andy in front of him, and hugged him gently. Andy asked with a smile: "Am I beautiful?" "Beautiful." "Then kiss me." "Okay."

The moon shyly covered her eyes, and secretly looked at the lake again and again...

During the past few days of Chinese New Year, Liu Lin and Andy met every night, even in the community during the day, they just nodded silently, no one wanted to spoil this quiet and secret love, there was no agreement, no commitment.

In the afternoon of the third day of junior high school, Liu Lin received a call from Guan Guan: "Luo Hua, my mother took me on a blind date at noon, it's annoying me to death, it's already seven, and I've only been home for five days. What should I do?"

"Hehe, it's okay, Liu Shui told the mother-in-law that he is about to do a big business worth several hundred million yuan, and he doesn't like those people." Liu Lin is also quite fresh, this mother-in-law is cruel, with an average of 1.4 per day.

"Luohua, didn't we agree to make it public after success? By the way, when will you officially confess your love to me? I'll be getting old after waiting. My mother is here, goodbye." Guan Guan acted coquettishly.

Listening to the busy tone, Liu Linxin said that it wasn't because Hu Yifei beat her up, I confessed my confession a long time ago, it's a big revenge.

"Lin Zi, are you sweet with Guan Guan again? You two are so tired and flustered. Come here, there are still two sub-freezers that haven't been selected yet." Lin Wanyu urged from the side.

Liu Lin said impatiently: "Wan Yu, you are also the vice president, and it was agreed during the meeting that you and Guan Guan are responsible for management and operation issues. Besides, you can see that you have Zhanbo to help That's enough, human resources must be used rationally. Is it Zhanbo?"

The little licking dog Zhanbo nodded happily, this kid is a talent, he really helped a lot.

"Oh, the big boss is being lazy again. I'll choose." Lin Wanyu had no choice but to take Liu Lin out, so she took Lu Zhanbo out.

In the office, Liu Lin turned on the computer and continued playing games. Liu Lin has started a company, and is currently working in a 20-square-meter office with simple furnishings, including a simple set of desks and chairs and a bed.

On Christmas night, Liu Lin and Guan Guan made a plan to open a chain fruit supermarket company, and now the basic structure has been completed. Liu Lin is the chairman, Guan Guan decided to resign from the investment bank after returning to Shanghai during the Chinese New Year, and he will be the general manager of the company, Miss Lin Wanyu will be the deputy general manager, and lawyer Li Junguo will also be the director of the legal department here...

Liu Lin invested more than 70 million and accounted for 90% of the shares. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com sells happiness

On Christmas night, Liu Lin and Guan Guan made a plan to open a chain fruit supermarket company, and now the basic structure has been completed. Liu Lin is the chairman, Guan Guan decided to resign from the investment bank after returning to Shanghai during the Chinese New Year, and he will be the general manager of the company, Miss Lin Wanyu will be the deputy general manager, and lawyer Li Junguo will also be the director of the legal department here...

Liu Lin invested more than 70 million and accounted for 90% of the shares. On Christmas night, Liu Lin and Guan Guan made a plan to open a chain fruit supermarket company. Now the basic structure has been completed. Liu Lin is the chairman, Guan Guan decided to resign from the investment bank after returning to Shanghai during the Chinese New Year, and he will be the general manager of the company, Miss Lin Wanyu will be the deputy general manager, and lawyer Li Junguo will also be the director of the legal department here...

Liu Lin invested more than 70 million and accounted for 90% of the shares. On Christmas night, Liu Lin and Guan Guan made a plan to open a chain fruit supermarket company. Now the basic structure has been completed. Liu Lin is the chairman, Guan Guan decided to resign from the investment bank after returning to Shanghai during the Chinese New Year, and he will be the general manager of the company, Miss Lin Wanyu will be the deputy general manager, and lawyer Li Junguo will also be the director of the legal department here...

Liu Lin invested more than 70 million and accounted for 90% of the shares, selling happiness