MTL - Final Redemption-v15 Chapter 13 Hera's distress signal!

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A dark golden light emerged.

There was a crack in a prop held in Libra's hand, and then he took a step back in dismay.

At the same time, the Force Storm launched by Hera also began to rag, and the surrounding things were fragmented under the terrible energy storm, and then gradually decomposed into a basic atomic state. As a bearer of all forces, Zhao Futu was shrouded in the center of the storm. The skin on his surface gradually split, but then regenerated. The pieces of dark blue worn by him for the transition period were directly broken into pieces in the Force Storm, and only the silver-level props were not affected in any way.

The power of the magnetic field erupted!

浮 Zhao Futu's body made of all metal props jittered, the lower the level of the props, the greater the impact. Except for a few gold-level items, other equipment showed signs of damage to varying degrees. At the same time, Jianguang in the sky directly split into flying needles, and the strength of the magnetic field directly decomposed this temporary silver-level temporary weapon, turning it into a dense flying needle that stabbed towards Zhao Futu.

The sword moves of 御剑 术 are basically performed with Feijian itself as the core.

Simple sword gas is not enough to kill, and it cannot guide at the same time. Sword gas is an invisible energy. If there is no entity as a guide, the sword gas sent out can only hit a straight line. Unless it is quite high, all sword moves use the sword body as a carrier and use the sword to attack. This is why he was able to restrain the sword demon, and why the sword demon began to practice the sword of the heart.

The sword sword devil must have played against him, and was obviously restrained by him.

Then I started to think of ways to cultivate the invisible and inexhaustible heart swordsmanship, but if this swordsmanship wants to achieve great success, I am afraid to approach the state of Chengxian Dedao.

浮 Zhao Futu's Royal Sword Technique is also restrained!

The strength of the puppet magnetic field interfered with his performance, and even directly deprived him of the control of the sword body.

"Heavenly load!"

After several successive moves, Zhao Futu finally couldn't handle it.

In order to prevent his injuries from increasing and affecting his strength, he slammed his hands on the ground. Immediately he launched a move he used most in Wulingxianshu. The power of the earth, which was not used for the violent atmosphere before it, emerged. The power of the earth summoned by the heavenly load was full of vitality, and the injury on his body began to recover quickly. Since Imperial Sword has lost its effect, there is no need for him to maintain it, and all innate auras in the body are converted into true value. Zhao Futu has performed a magic attack.


"True body protector!"

The body that has been completely enveloped around the body 罡 air emerges. In a collision of energy, Zhao Futu gritted his teeth and rushed to the front of the contractor who strengthened the magnetic field. Of all the covenants, only his power threatens himself the most, even Hera can't beat him. So you must kill him now.

Facing four top contracters at the same time, even if he has become a space agent, Zhao Futu is still under great pressure!

"Magnetic field distortion!"

A figure flew directly off the ground. With the control of the magnetic field force, the target flew directly into the air.

"Latch the Dragon!"

After a burst of real yuan broke out, Zhao Futu used the dragon claw hand and imperial skills to simulate the dragon-holding crane hegong to perform again. The other party just flew into the air and felt a suction dragging him to the ground. The lethality of the martial arts skills exhibited by the true value has been greatly enhanced, and the vortex formed by the true qi even rolled up a storm around everything. But the other side just paniced. Then he waved his hand sharply, and the steel bars in the collapsed house were all pulled out and turned into a javelin.

"Big sorrow!"

运用 The true energy that she once learned from the woman in red turned into a huge palm print, and the true value evoked the power of the palm. It even inspired the surrounding air, forming a huge palm outline more than ten meters wide. The sky's steel bars were all twisted, then ejected towards the opposite side, sinking into the ruins of the house one by one. But Zhao Futu's outburst has not faded yet. In a building that has not completely collapsed, Wu Yang was directly photographed and cracked into a huge silhouette in his hand.

"This is the palm of Rugao in Kung Fu ?!"

I don't know when the contractor with the mask also came near the battlefield. He was a little stunned, watching the lethality that erupted during the battle, and murmured: "It turned out that the Oriental martial arts class has been strengthened to the late stage, and it has such a terrifying combat power!"

"Ready for action!"

"Be sure to completely destroy the temples this time!"


A communication alert sounded, and another contractor's voice came: "Sniper in place!"

"Jī light guidance locked!"

"You can attack at any time! K! How is your situation?"

"Already in place!"

A series of sounds sounded, and then several contractors were scattered around.

Uh ...............

On the battlefield.

Zhao Futu seems to have found inspiration for another way of fighting.

Because of the lack of true qi, the innate qi's lethality is not enough. He often used a martial arts-style strengthened move after he got closer. However, as Shu Shan ’s mind level rises, he directly uses the true value to show the moves, but with an extraordinary amazing destructive power. It can even be used as a short-range long-range attack method, and it is much more flexible in its moves than the original sword spirit. The only drawback is that the use of true priming still consumes a lot.

"哽 地!"

"Spiritual flogging!"

"Gravity twisted!"

After a series of moves collided, Zhao Futu once again carried on the attack of the other two people, narrowing the distance to the target.

He is waiting for an opportunity.

The waiting distance is narrowed to a distance where the power of the field can be used to form a compulsory force determination. At that time, it is the time for him to launch a finishing technique to kill the enemy in front of him. However, the target apparently found this out, and began to desperately retreat. At the same time, the attack of Hera and others began to change from damage to limit the ability to affect his movement. Nightmare space rarely has the ability to directly vertigo, and vertigo is a negative state caused by poor attributes when determining skills, so they can only block the speed of Zhao Futu at most.

"Target locked!"

"Magnetic ability-enhancing contractor! Be careful! Do not use metal bullets!"

The ghost-faced man picked up the communicator, and then slowly took off the mask, revealing a face with a scar, and he said in a deep voice, "Lock the target! Light guide lock!"

注意 "Be careful not to use metal bullets! Just limit his movement!"


Bang bang bang!

The dull sniper rifle sounded one after another, and then the figure of the magnetic contractor strengthened the contractor to freeze.

Although did not even bring him into a state of minor injuries, he stopped for a moment in this attack.

援 There are reinforcements outside the field!

浮 Zhao Futu was a little surprised, and then withdrew his thoughts about launching a wide range of wave skills. He burst into a slam and rushed into a shadow, then reached out and caught the enemy in front of him. The compulsory judgment extended from the earth field began to take effect. Even if the other party had the ability to control magnetic fields, it was still temporarily restrained and then caught in Zhao Futu's hands. A majestic force erupted, and Zhao Futu twisted his waist and changed his hands to embrace the enemy's torso, then flew into the sky and ejected.

"End the Nirvana! Dark Hell Bliss!"


It looked like a small meteorite had fallen, and Tokyo, which was already a bit overwhelmed, had once again collapsed a house.

The figure of Zhao Futu gradually emerged from the dust, and a dark red **** key fell into his palm.

"冇 Retreat!"

"Hera! Retreat!"

Aries of fear finally appeared on Aries's face, he grabbed Libra next to him, and wanted to take him away. But the sudden sound of gunfire interrupted his movements, and several contractors gradually appeared on the periphery. Although Zhao Futu did not intend to cooperate with them, they were unwilling to give up this opportunity to kill the temples. What's more, it is a good thing to make a good space agent, at least this time the selling of people can prevent him from dealing with himself and others.


If there is a conflict of interest later, I am afraid that the other party will kill without hesitation.

"You all have to die!"

Faced with other seniors who were surrounded by all around ~ ~ Hera's cold face showed a crazy smile, she smashed a prop in the palm of her hand, and then appeared a gloom The golden light finally turned into a beam of light straight into the sky. This force broke through the barriers of the planes and passed directly into the nightmare space. She eventually used the item because she knew that everyone could not escape if he did not turn to Zeus for help.

At the same time Hera's heart is full of frustration!

When did you start, the contractor who was able to kill at will is now completely suppressed?

So many plot planes.

I still haven't restored my strength to the peak level!

Damn Ling.

If it wasn't for her killing her avatar, how could it lead to a 20% reduction in her attributes!


Hatred emerged in Hera's eyes, hatred for the woman who suppressed her everywhere!

Uh ...............

Even the top contractor may not be able to afford the cost of a death.

Because they have more reduced attributes, the recovery speed is slower, and at the same time, the transition of the plot will become more and more difficult! (To be continued) [Bring parallel imports @peapod 吧 @TB 小红 鸡 @ 谁 睡 底 @ 神兽 老师] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest Power. )