MTL - Final Redemption-v15 Chapter 14 Special artifact! ?

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this is? !!

When that dark golden light rose, Zhao Futu's attack pace stopped for a moment.

Immediately, he withdrew the offensive suddenly, turned his attention to the sky, and his expression gradually became more dignified. If he remembered correctly, what Hera had just used was a special dark gold item that space agents could exchange for a certain price. This item does not have any attack power, but it can be used as a plane to transmit positioning coordinate points. In the event of an emergency, space agents can use this plane coordinate point for transmission.

of course!

代 The space agent's forcible transmission to the plot plane also has to pay a certain price.

And the corresponding nightmare space contribution must be deducted!

Uh ...............


After using the plane positioning mark, Hera immediately followed the others and left.

浮 Zhao Futu did not dare to act lightly, because he was a little worried that Zeus would suddenly come. If Zeus had been waiting in the nightmare space, he could teleport here as soon as he received the teleportation position in the plane space. But if he didn't wait for the teleportation intentionally, then even if he received the plane coordinate transmission position, he must arrive some time later. Hera and the other two contractors of the Temples have left Zhao Futu's attack range, but Zeus's figure still does not appear.

This shows that Zeus is not waiting to enter the plot plane, and may even return to the real world or enter the plot plane.

at this time.

Hela has escaped hundreds of meters away.

浮 Zhao Futu was not in a hurry to pursue, and those who helped him to block the temples of the temples also temporarily stayed in place because he didn't move.

浮 Zhao Futu starts counting time!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0! ...

A golden light emerged.

When the contractors of the public temple thought they had escaped from the birth, Zhao Futu's figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared directly within a hundred meters from Libra.

"Koller's escape dagger!"

的 The special props once obtained from the core members of the temples have now become their most lethal threat!

浮 Zhao Futu did not choose to target Hera because her power was retained the most. If he remembered correctly, Hera had another chance for short-range space teleports. So he directly targeted Libra, who was injured once. At the same time, after completing a short-distance space jump, he launched his mandatory judgment skill at a high speed dive.

"Desolate Land!"

爆发 The power of the earth that erupted in an instant seriously disturbed the speed of the enemy, and a glimmer of despair flashed in Libra's eyes.

Before he could give him the opportunity to use the props to launch his hole cards, Zhao Futu had reached out and grabbed the opponent's arm, and then a vein of vitality locked the meridians of his whole body. The burning breath and the power of terror burst into him in an instant Body. In a feeling of rising clouds and driving fog, Libra was directly lifted by Zhao Futu with one hand, and then slammed on the ground with a loud roar. Then he squeezed his neck and lifted it again, and threw it towards Hera, who was running away!

"Earth toss!"


Hera's figure disappeared instantly, then appeared hundreds of meters away.

She glanced at Zhao Futu with a hateful eye, and then she no longer cares about the life and death of the teammates behind her, and she glances away without looking back. She must support Zeus' arrival. She believes that Zeus will never give up on herself. As long as Zeus arrives, it's time for her revenge. At that time, he must return to him hundreds of times what he now bears. There will be a delay in the transmission of the plot plane, but Zeus did not enter the plot plane this time. Although there is a corresponding time difference, he will come within a maximum of one or two days.


浮 In the cold nightmare space kill prompt, Zhao Futu once again obtained a **** key.

at this time.

Hela had opened a safe enough distance, and she immediately opened up the mental force field. Began to interfere with Zhao Futu's perception lock, while immersing himself in the surrounding ruins with the surviving Aries. With her secondary attributes, it is enough to offset Zhao Futu's tracking ability, unless she has enhanced specific tracking skills. Otherwise, they cannot be found in the vast crowd. In fact, Zhao Futu did not pursue it, because he knew that Hera had higher secondary attributes than himself.

"Your Mightiness!"

The ghostly man appeared in ruins. He looked at Zhao Futu in front of him with awe, and said respectfully: "Should we send someone to search for their place?"

"no need."

浮 Zhao Futu shook his head gently, and then said, "Even if you find them, they will die!"

"Good job just now!"

Although it did not affect the final result, the interference did make Zhao Futu's battle a lot easier.

He looked at the five seniors who came out, and then nodded his head, "Are you a team?"

"Yes. Your Excellency."

The tone of the ghostly face is still very respectful, slowly: "We are a small team."


浮 Zhao Futu closed his eyes for a moment and then asked, "What is your main task?"

A moment of hesitation.

的 The five seniors present gave a glance at each other, and then said, "Our main task is to collect blood samples! Collect at least five different high-level blood samples!"

Mainline tasks are very important.

It stands to reason that other contracted parties should be kept secret, but Zhao Futu's identity is obviously different.

"Is that so?"

浮 Zhao Futu glanced at them, and then said, "That's not a conflict! Other blood samples should be solved by yourself, and I will help you collect a blood sample of a big snake."


There was a hint of surprise on the faces of the twenty-five seniors, and it seemed that he had not been so close to the distance with Zhao Futu.

With their strength, it is not difficult to get a blood sample of the Yagi snake.

But that was without the interference of other contractors, and now with the help of a space agent, it would be much easier to complete the mainline task unintentionally. At least in their opinion, they no longer need to worry about the threat of the temples, and at the same time can complete other linear tasks as much as possible. According to the ghost's judgment, Zhao Futu entered the plot plane as a space surrogate. If nothing else, his main task would be to kill the Yaki snake or seal the Yaki snake.

Without major conflicts between the two main tasks, the possibility of cooperation is very high.

No doubt!

He guessed right.

Uh ...............

The messy battlefield once again attracted the army.

But Zhao Futu has left here at this time. He went back to where it was originally arranged.

The killing of three first-class veterans of the Temples brought him a lot of benefits, of which the merit value alone was as high as 32 points. Zhao Futu's meritorious value is now as high as 321 points, not far from the lieutenant colonel's 360 meritorious value. The more difficult it is to increase the rank of the rank later, although with the authority level of the space agent, Zhao Futu has no high demand for the elevation of the rank. However, after the rank was promoted to major general, there was an advantage that the space agent did not have.

That's the ability to create humans!

This ability can be used to strengthen the strength of the resurrected teammates, and can even be resurrected in full state.

Twenty-three **** keys were opened.

Then killed the enemy with the plane tracking, Zhao Futu was ready for the reward to be cut. But he never expected that the reward this time was actually cut to this extent. The **** key dropped by the Scorpio opened 15,000 survival points, and 4 points of merit rewards. This is nothing like what a first-rate veteran should drop, even if it is a contractor who has gone through a few story transitions. Anything could be better than the puppet he dropped.

Then opened the **** key dropped by Libra. It seemed that Zhao Futu's luck had not improved at all.

The first time was a bottle of recovery potion, and the second time was a dark blue prop. It wasn't until the last draw that he got something that surprised him.

That is a scale made of pure gold.

"Golden Scales of Death." (Condition: Broken.)

"Place of origin: unknown."

"Item Rarity: Artifact."

材质 "Material: Unknown."

"Weight: 300 grams."

"Equipment effect 1: Strengthen your own soul strength. When facing some special soul attacks, you may be immune to certain damage. At the same time, when you kill the enemy, you can accumulate a certain amount of soul energy. Soul energy can be effective against death The golden Libra is recharged, and every 1,000 soul strength can complete the recharge effect, and the recharge can stack up to 5 layers. "

"Equipment effect 2: Death's Golden Libra contains some magical powers of law. It can resist the damage of some Death King skills. At the same time, it is immune to any finger like Death, Gaze of Death, Eye of Death, soul deprivation, etc., which may trigger the death determination effect. Damage. "[Note: The damage intensity of the **** level can only be weakened! But it can reduce the chance of triggering the death decision! 】

"Equipment Effect 3: Consume 1 layer of soul energy to recharge ~ ~ Activate the [Death's Golden Libra] skill once on the target! The target will be subject to a mandatory immediate death judgment effect, if it cannot be successfully exempted, it will be compulsively deprived Soul. If the target passes the saving throw, it consumes 2 more layers of soul energy. You can activate the Eye of Death skill once! "

备 [Note: If all of them are successfully saved, they will be attacked by the death projection! 】

"Equipment effect 4: Increase your own 5 points of physical strength, 5 points of intelligence, 5 points of spirit, 5 points of will."

"Equipment requirements: None."

"Evaluation: This is a legendary artifact. In Egyptian mythology, it is said that there is such a golden scale in the hands of the **** of death. It can weigh the good and evil before life. The **** of death judges the soul after death based on it Whether to be punished or rewarded, but it is not complete yet. Nightmare Space does not recycle such items. "

Uh ...............

Artifact? !!

浮 Zhao Futu took this item with surprise. Then it was found that it was missing a part.

One end of the Golden Libra is incomplete!

……………… (To be continued) [Bring parallel imports @ peapodbar @ TB 小红 鸡 @ 谁 睡 底 @ 神兽 老师] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets Support is my greatest motivation. )