MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 684 I love you

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Lin Wanrong hurriedly looked up. The rushing girl appeared to be fourteen or fifteen years old, with her buns **** randomly, red lips and white teeth, beautiful and pretty. She was smiling at him, but she was a little sister Li Xiangjun.

"Hey, little sister," he said with a smile, "you are here!"

playing dumb! Li Xiangjun stopped and looked at him with an angry hum. She had already told him about going to the west to study, but this man pretended not to know anything.

"Sister Xiao," the younger sister, Jiao Yanruhua, bypassed him, took Miss's hand and smiled, "Are you deceived by my brother-in-law and want to accompany him to go to Korea? I tell you, Be careful on the way, don't be embarrassed! "

Xiao Yuruo had a red-faced ear, and bowed his head, embarrassed to speak.

With Lin Wanrong's thick face, how could she care about her sarcasm when referring to Sanghuai, seeing her two standing close together, couldn't help saying: "Miss, you and Xiaoshi are also very familiar?"

Xiao Yuruo gave him a few white glances and yelled, "Why, no? What kind of person was Xiangjun in our house? When you went north to fight against Hu, we all got together every day."

It turned out that Lin Wanrong laughed.

He commissioned Xu Xunqing to select more than thirty dexterous teenagers, all of whom were only fourteen to five years old. Li Xiangjun was the only woman among them. The girl had bright eyes and beautiful eyes, and she was a beautiful girl who became a country-wide beauty. Once she arrived, she became a princess among these boys without a doubt. Her every move naturally attracted the eyes of those young lovers. Seeing her standing next to a black-faced man talking, the teenagers were curious, but they didn't know who the man was.

Tavoni opened his eyes and said, "Lin, this Miss Lucy is your relative? No wonder she is so beautiful."

"Lucy? What Lucy?" Master Lin was full of fog.

"Lucy is this lady," Tavoni pointed to Li Xiangjun, "don't you know?"

Lin Wanrong's mouth couldn't be closed: "Li Xiangjun? Lucy? What's going on?"

Xiao Shimei said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, you are so stupid. This is my Western name!"

Lin Wanrong frowned. Quietly pulled her over: "For no reason, what do you call a Western name? I think the word" Xiangjun "sounds good to you."

"Really?" Li Xiangjun rejoiced, "then you shout a few times and I'll listen."

Lin Wanrong snorted: "Little sister, I send you to study abroad, hoping that everyone will learn the advanced things in the West, and will benefit the people after returning home. Instead of calling you Chong Yangmei, you have changed your name before studying abroad. If that's the case, don't go west this time. "

He wiped his sleeves, his face darkened and his eyebrows flying. The momentum is extremely majestic, and the words spoken are already extremely heavy.

Li Xiangjun laughed and laughed with him on weekdays. I have never seen him look so solemn. There was some fear in my heart. Looking down and grieving, "Where did you go, what kind of foreign charm. This western name was ordered by Sister Xu Qingqing. She said that when you study in the west, you must choose a customary name for your hometown, so that you can talk more smoothly with westerners. It will help us to learn in the future. Everyone has a name. As a Chinese, my Li Xiangjun is extremely proud. There are people I admire and like most here. What else do I admire?

Xiao Shimei said the righteous words were strict. Take Li Xiangjun alone. Her solar term should not be suspected. Lin Wanrong thought for a while, he did overreact, he chose a Western name just for convenience. How can I catch up with Chong Yangmei.

"Sorry, I think too much." He grinned and apologized to Li Xiangjun. "I hope everyone will go to the Western Ocean and learn good things, don't forget our hometown. Be the elite of Dahua, don't Be an elite of Westerners! "

Apologize for your mistakes, and take a sincere attitude. Just a few of them in the world can do it. Li Xiangjun's heart was warm and he laughed, "You can rest assured, I will definitely come back in the future, because I want you to worship me, hee hee!"

This girl is like crazy, she always wanted me to adore him, and she said it several times. Lin Wanrong smiled, and returned to Yu Ruo's hand, took Miss's hand, and whispered softly: "Is Xiang Jun stimulated, why is he thinking about conquering me?"

The young lady watched for a while, shook her head helplessly, and shook him a few big eyes: "Wait, there will be you in the future."

Seeing that he was talking very close to Li Xiangjun, Tavoni couldn't help but said, "Lin, this Miss Lucie, what is your relative?"

"She's my wife's sister, oh, it's my aunt."

"Little aunt?" Tavoni repeated it several times in blunt big Chinese, and nodded, "I made my aunt a lady I admire very much. In just a few days, she has learned a lot of English, far better than others . "

"Brother-in-law, is my clothes good-looking?" Li Xiangjun grabbed his dress and grinned, turning around, the beautiful figure was bright.

Although she was young, she had come out with a slender, smiled, as if there was a kind of innate charm, even the young lady looked at it: Xiang Jun grew up, must be a peerless beauty.

Tavoni applauded, "Miss Lucy, your beauty will surely shake the whole of France."

Lin Wanrong was even more surprised. The words of Xiao Shimei were in English, although they were not very coherent, but the words were correct. In just a few days, I can achieve such results. Li Xiangjun is really extraordinary.

"Excuse me, are you Marshal Lin?" I was astonished at Li Xiangjun's talent. Suddenly a thin young man, about fourteen-five years old, walked timidly, watching him whispered.

"It's Lin." Lin Wanrong looked at him with a smile: "brother, what's your name?"

"You. Are you really Marshal Lin? My name is Hong Sheng!" The little brother's excited lips trembled, and he waved his hands sharply. The remaining teenagers on the deck rushed up and surrounded him.

"Marshal Lin--"

"Marshal Lin--"

The teenagers flushed with excitement, looked at him with admiration, and shouted one after another.

These are still immature and full of enthusiasm. Just like the rising sun, Lin Wanrong was delighted to see: "Hello everyone, have you all gone to study in the West?"

"Yes, Marshal," the boys replied, all bending down.

Lin Wanrong smiled slightly: "As a young man, you are going to cross the ocean and go overseas to study a long distance. Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid--"

Although the answers were strong, they were not so neat. These were fourteen- and five-year-olds. Although most of them were poor, they had never traveled so far. There are many people who have seen Westerners for the first time. It is impossible to say that there is no worry at all.

Lin Wanrong laughed and laughed, "I'm afraid I'm afraid, what dare not admit it? Don't hide it from you. When I first went to the battlefield to fight the White Lotus, I almost scared to be a deserter!"

The teenagers laughed loudly, and this sentence brought him to an infinite distance from everyone.

"When encountering strange things, it's a bit timid. This is human nature, not embarrassed at all, no matter how great a hero is, this is how he came." He glanced slowly and said, "I want to come, since everyone has chosen This road is prepared in my heart. Overcoming these difficulties is natural. "

All these words made sense, and everyone nodded.

"Actually. These are not my concerns." He took two steps slowly, holding the railing of the deck, silently looking at the distant sea and sky, and whispering: "Can anyone tell me this vast ocean? Is there an end to it? "

This question was difficult for everyone, and the teenagers need not say. Even the knowledgeable Frenchman could not find an answer.

Li Xiangjun looked at the turbulent blue sea and listened to the whistle of the sea water, his eyes faintly raised.

The young lady snuggled up beside him, quietly took his hand, smiled silently, as if all flowers were in full bloom.

"There is no end. It is not really a problem. I want to tell you that the world is infinitely vast, and it has not only conceived Dahua, Turkic, Korea, Dongliao, and France. It also has more continents, oceans, and islands. In our world, there are five continents and seven oceans. Our Dahua is just one of the corners. This place is called Asia. And at the end of the sea, there are Europe, America, Africa, Oceania, and what we have not explored yet. Every corner. "His voice was loud and powerful, and the words he spoke were shocking. What five continents and seven oceans, Europe, America, Asia and Africa, who has heard such sensational things? Not only were the young people, but even the intelligent young lady and Li Xiangjun were silent.

France is a maritime power. Tavoni's vertical ship is nowhere to be known. Hearing his words, he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth: "Lin, you say, our world has five continents and seven oceans? God I have only been to three continents at most. Lin, you must teach me, where are the remaining continents and oceans. "

Lin Wanrong shook his head silently, looking at the shocking youngsters, Shen said, "This world is very big. If you go out, you will find a completely new world. It will be an unparalleled world. I hope everyone can Have a broad mind, a wide field of vision, learn more and do more, dare to think and dare to do it, don't be limited by your own vision. Learn from each other's weaknesses, study hard, don't laugh at others' rudeness, and don't be arrogant and respectful of your own deficiencies, respect Others also respect ourselves. "

"The most important point is that no matter where we are, I hope that everyone will not forget the color of their skin and where our roots are. Five years later, I still stand here and wait for everyone to return! Done! "

His eyes were slightly wet, and he bowed deeply towards the children. In this world, probably no one can understand his sudden excitement, let alone the profound meaning of his bow. Even if Xiao Qingxuan, Crescent Moon, Ning Xianzi, or An Fox were here, they would never understand.

"Marshal—" The teenagers were frightened. Kneel down and scramble.

Looking at these ignorant teenagers, no one knows what they will look like five years later. All that depends on their consciousness. He shook his head and sighed silently.

The young lady felt the tremor in his heart. He hurriedly held his arm and smiled softly.

Li Xiangjun saw his glittering eyes and couldn't help but murmur: "Brother, you, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, the sea breeze is strong, and his eyes flashed." He grinned, holding Xiao Yuruo's hand tightly silently.

Tavoni sighed deeply: "Lin, what you said today. Not only to these young people, but also to me, please allow me to pay deep respect to your Excellency. Five continents, seven oceans, my first I heard it once. But I never think you will be wrong! You are a strange person. But this does not prevent you from becoming a great person! "

"Thank you, Tavoni." Lin Wanrong shrugged. "Your horse is doing a good job, but again, this doesn't prevent me from buying your battleship with twelve silver!"

The Frenchman stunned and immediately laughed. Seeing this typical Western-style humor in an Oriental person made people even more lamented about their intelligence and wisdom.

Seeing that it was not too late, the four iron armored ships had adjusted their sails and were preparing to set sail for anchor. Li Xiangjun suddenly took his hand and said, "Brother-in-law. Our boat is going to study in the West. You haven't given it a name yet! It's nice, but I won't spare you if I'm worse off."

Tavoni woke up like a dream, and said, "Yeah. Lin, this boat is for me as a big land for you, please name it!"

Lin Wanrong scratched his head and said helplessly, "Name up? I'm very amateur!"

"Not even a layman," Li Xiangjun said with a small mouth. "You have hung up everyone's appetite, do you want to leave it?"

Looking around, more than thirty teenagers were looking forward to him with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

He thought for a moment with a deep eyebrow, and laughed: "Because it is the first ship sailing to the west, it might as well be called the Pioneer, it is also a memorial!"

"Pioneer?" Xiao Shimei said a few words, and then smiled: "I think you're doing your best, barely a little nice!"

The Pioneer's name was decided accordingly, and the teenagers ran to each other and cheered.

The young lady smiled and said, "It doesn't bother the two masters, let's go to this ship in Korea, and also trouble you to think of a name! Don't call it Pioneer No. 2, we have nothing to do with Pioneer."

It's hard to stop him from naming his cruise ship!

Titanic? The name is nice, but Caitou is not good. Beloved wife? The young lady is sure to like it, but they are also jealous. After thinking about it, I really had no choice but to hold Yu Ruo's hand and said, "Yuer's name is yours, it sounds great. I'm sorry to ask you this time, I have nothing to ask, just listen to it!"

He silently flattered, and the young lady was pleased to hear that it was just two things to name the ship and name it. She didn't do anything for a while.

Li Xiangjun saw the two of them pushing back and forth, but he didn't have a good idea, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, disdaining: "Isn't it just a pleasure boat? Is it so difficult to get a name? In my opinion, it's called the Miss Alright! Anyway, brother-in-law, you are full of confidantes. Everywhere you go, you will be missed by others. You must also miss others. These two words are the best. "

Lin Wanrong coughed in a hurry: "Don't talk nonsense, am I the kind of person? Miss, do you think about it?"

Xiao Yuruo gave him a few glances helplessly: "I think the name Miss is very appropriate, I also like it! If you have the ability, you want a new one!"

There are many people in Lin Lin's heart pretending that the word missed fits his mind, but how can he admit it in front of the young lady, and he has to tweak it: "If you can't think of a better one, then Make up, call it Miss, which means I miss my young lady every day! "

As soon as his offensive attack came up, Xiao Yuruo couldn't help it, and had to hold it in his arms, and blushed.

Li Xiangjun looked at the soft and weak lady, and shook her head helplessly: "Sister Xiao, can you believe such a crappy lie? If your brother-in-law's husband can rely on it, the sow will go up the tree!"

The young lady chuckled, and her brother-in-law jumped like lightning: "Little girl, you're in the sky!"

Playful. The Pioneer and the Miss, both anchored at the same time with two large ships in Tavoni. The sailors joined forces to paddle the paddles on both sides, and the rudder water rushed out, adjusted the direction, and passed the two islands of Cheniushan and Dashan. Drive straight to the Yellow Sea.

The Dahua teenagers on the Pioneer had trained for many days between Lianyungang and Rizhao Ports, and had already learned a lot about sailing on the sea. In addition to the navigation chart, French people may also need guidance, other aspects can be completed independently.

The Miss was originally the flagship of the French fleet. It was huge and luxuriously decorated. The sailor and the garrison were selected by Xu Yiqing. They had been carefully trained for the firearms on board. They are also very familiar.

Not only that, on the way to the ship, Tavoni also personally went to the Miss, to explain the use of various firearms to Master Lin.

The French donated more than ten firearms with him. All are single shot long muskets. Although not as delicate as the short urn gifted by Qing Xuan, the range was farther.

Lin Wanrong straightened the long cymbal, narrowed his eyes and aimed at the sea for a while, slammed the trigger, the banging noise, and the gulls of the gulls hovering in the sea were frightened, hurriedly fluttering their wings and flying, and scattered a bunch feather.

"Good marksmanship, good marksmanship. Lord Lin really uses a gun like a god!" Tavoni clapped and laughed.

Can you count the marksmanship if you hit bird hair? !! This old boy's bullshit. But like his Dahua language, progress is fast! Lin Wanrong laughed and patted the hot barrel: "Tawoni, you firearms. In the accuracy of the aiming and the recoil resistance, more work is needed!"

Although he does not make guns, but in terms of knowledge and vision, which diamond dealer can compare? Tavoni listened with great sincerity: "Lin, you are really a master of masters. We have only used this firearm for a few years, and it will take time. The two things you said are exactly what European gunsmiths want to solve. Problems, but there is currently no good way! "

"Brother-in-law, come!" On the deck over there, Li Xiangjun, who was studying the chart with Miss Xiao attentively, suddenly waved hard at him.

Lin Wanrong made a noise, threw the musket to the soldiers behind him, and walked with a smile: "Little sister, why don't you go to Pioneer, and run on this cruise ship all day? Why don't you want to go abroad?"

"Is the ghost willing to come over if you can bathe and change clothes every day on this boat! Are you saying, Sister Xiao?" Li Xiangjun hugged Miss's arm and snorted angrily.

The luxury of the Miss is reflected here. Once it was bulky and stored a lot of fresh water, and secondly, the French put a lot of seawater purifying agents on this flagship. Ms. Xu also prepared some medicine packs. Although they were not ready to drink, they were used after boiling. Bathing is still more than enough.

In the past few days, while not sailing into the Yellow Sea, the two fleets have not yet separated, Li Xiangjun stayed on the Miss, and enjoyed the pleasure of bathing at sea.

Xiao Yuruo shook his head hesitantly: "This excuse is not necessary. The Pioneer can also be bathed, as long as you shout, those young men who like you will surely boil the hot water and send it to your doorway."

Lin Wanrong laughed. The young lady said quite well. A peerless woman like Li Xiangjun, although young, would never lose her admiration.

Thinking of this, he suddenly wondered: "By the way, Xiao Shimei, what about Hou Fangyu and Hou Gongzi?"

"Hou Gongzi? What is his relationship with me, and you ask me what to do?" Li Xiangjun stared at him with wide eyes.

"Oh, that might be my mistake." He hurried to the table: "Miss, what are you studying?"

Xiao Yuruo smiled and pointed at the chart: "Xiangjun asked me to ask you, what is this place?"

Lin Wanrong glanced a few times and said positively: "This is the Dongsha Islands, above the South China Sea, and also the sea of ​​our Dahua."

Xiao Shimei measured the distance from the Yellow Sea to the South China Sea and murmured: "The sea area of ​​our Dahua is so long, so isn't it a few tens of thousands of miles away from France?"

"Of course," Lin Wanrong laughed. "Why, are you afraid? Then don't go!"

"Who said no need to go?" Li Xiangjun glared at him and said quietly, "I'm worried that the journey is too long. When I come back, you won't recognize me!"

Still worried about this? Lin Wanrong shook his head helplessly.

He slowly stood up, looking around blankly, surrounded by the turbulent sea water, the sky seemed to be pressing on his head. The shadow of the land was not visible, and only the roar of the sea and the howling of the seabirds were in my ears.

The huge body of the Miss Miss is as small as a millet in the sea, swaying by the wind and waves, and the whole person turns into a leaf on the sea, floating. Can't find myself at all.

In a few days' journey, I couldn't bear it anymore, not to mention that these children, Xiang Jun, had to sail across the sea for thousands of miles, and I didn't know how much they would suffer. He sighed deeply.

"Master, look, what's that?" Tavoni, who was standing beside him, suddenly screamed.

The young lady and the little teacher hurriedly looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw that on the vast sea, more than ten large ships full of sails suddenly came. The ship was full of heavily armed soldiers, dozens of dark artillery were exposed on both sides, and the flag hanging on the mast fluttered in the wind. Letter a big "Lin" word.

Lin Wanrong laughed: "Tavoni need not panic. This is a sailor in Dahua Shandong, who escorted us to Korea!"

The French are astonished. I said, why do you take only one boat to Goryeo? It turned out that the **** ground sailor was already waiting in the Yellow Sea.

The dozens of big ships of Dahua Marine Division approached slowly. There was a mighty black-faced general standing on the leading ship, holding a fist far away towards Lin Wanrong, and admiringly said: "Shandong naval division leads Shi Changsheng and meets Marshal Lin."

Miss Miss stopped in the middle of Haiti, put down two long wooden planks, and bridged the battleship of the Shandong Marine Division. Shi Changsheng passed the bridge and respected him.

Lin Wanrong smiled and helped him up: "Why Brother Shi is so polite, I heard that you are the cousin of Brother Hu's brother and sister-in-law. We are not outsiders!"

Shi Changsheng stood up. Xinxi laughed: "The war against Hu is the glory of our great century. The letter from my cousin will mention Lin Shuai's prestige. Longevity admires. In fact, last year, Bai Lian was consulted, and Changsheng has already seen Lin Shuai's mighty power It's up! "

"Last year?" Lin Wanrong blinked: "Brother Shi means--"

Shi Changsheng said: "Last autumn, when Lin Shuai defeated the White Lotus bandits with thousands of grain and grass army and broke through Jining City, Changsheng was ordered by Lord Xu to lead the Shandong Marine Corps to the side! The Jining City was broken, but He will see it for himself. "

It was an old man! Lin Wanrong smiled and nodded.

This time to go to Korea, Miss Xu thought about his safety. Not only did she personally train the sailor sergeant on the Miss, but even the escorted general, she also chose the Shandong sailor with rich naval warfare experience. The leader is Hu Bugui's pro-old table! With this relationship, why not let go

Now that Dahua Marine has arrived, it means that the Yellow Sea Center has been reached here, and here he is going to part ways with the French fleet.

Tavoni reluctantly held him and said, "Lin, if you are free next year, you must come to France to see it! I will send you a big ship at that time, and one or two silvers!"

"Willn't I be corrupt and take bribes? I'll buy it for a dozen dollars!" Lin Heihe laughed.

Banqiao has been erected between Miss and Pioneer, and they are looking at each other. This is a few tens of thousands of miles. I do n’t know how many years it will take to return. Even if they are as strong as Li Xiangjun, their eyes can't help turning red , Teardrops swirled in the eyes. The young lady hugged her shoulders, soothing softly, tears had already covered her cheeks.

Lin Wanrong sighed: "Little sister, Western is no better than Dahua, where no one is covering you, everything is up to you! Be careful, don't be bullied by others!"

Li Xiangjun snorted: "Have you forgotten, I will martial arts! Who dares to bully me?"

That ’s why, with this girl ’s martial arts, I ca n’t avoid being bullied by her. Is there anyone stronger in the West than me? joke! He laughed twice, turned and pulled over the French, and whispered: "Tavoni, these children sent by our Dahua, you must take care of me! If they are bullied, hum--"

He smiled with a smile, and Tavoni was sweating and hurriedly said, "Lin, rest assured, Her Majesty Louis and I will certainly welcome them warmly! In France, no one dares to bully them!"

"That's good!" Lin Zheng nodded, and sighed slightly. "And my little sister. She is a girl, young and lonely, I can't rest assured. Wait until France, you Help me find a few servant women to take care of her, buy a house and make her live happily, and the cost is counted as mine. In addition, my little girl is tough, you do n’t say these are my help She looked for her and said that Her Majesty Louis would take special care of the lady! "

Tavoni pointed up and exclaimed: "Lin, you're so interesting to make auntie!"

The two of them talked softly in English, and Li Xiangjun looked at him silently, and his tears kept flowing.

When it was time to board the ship, watching Li Xiangjun stroll on the bridge between the two boats, Lin Wanrong sighed, and suddenly saw Xiao Shimei rushing back in a gust of wind, standing in front of him gaspingly: "Brother, you Is English good? "

"Generally, how do you ask this?" Lin Wanrong laughed.

"Then do you know what this sentence means?" Xiao Shimei put it in his ear and said something trembling. Lin Wanrong's face changed abruptly, standing there as if a puppet, which couldn't be moved at all. Already.

"Brother-in-law, you are so stupid!" Li Xiangjun said, tears were flying like rain, she giggled and turned around, flew across the bridge, then turned around and stood on the vanguard's deck, staring silently he.

The windsurfing slowly unfolded, the sailors rowed at a rapid speed, and the tail rudder sprayed a string of dazzling drops of water, shining colorful in the sun.

Pioneer anchored silently and drove silently to the depths of the sea.

"Brother-in-law" Looking at the fading cheek, Li Xiangjun suddenly jumped up, waving his crystal jade hand and crying with tears: "Five years, five years, I must let you worship me! You Be sure to remember my face and wait for me to come back! "

"Remember my face and wait for me to come back—"

The echoes lingered on the surface of the sea for a long time, until Vanguard's sail disappeared, but still hovering in his ear.

The Frenchman's fleet had long since disappeared into the sea, but he stood still like a stone without moving. Xiao Yuruo hurriedly held his hand and said gently, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Wanrong's palms trembled slightly, like a long, dreamlike breath, wondering: "Miss, do you know, how old is Xiangjun this year?"

"Good, why did you ask this question?" Xiao Yuruo frowned slightly, shaking his head, "I don't know, it seems that no one has ever cared about this thing!"

He first met Li Xiangjun when he was firing Xianfang. At that time, the little girl was still tied with two small pigtails. It seemed that she was only eleven or twelve years old. But when she and Qingxuan descended the mountain and removed the pigtails, suddenly Turned into a 14-year-old girl with bright eyes. He has been wondering, how old is this little sister?

Seeing him frowning, the young lady took his hand and said gently: "Don't think about the problem, don't think about it, there will be an answer someday! I'm curious ~ ~ Xiangjun in the end What I said to you seemed to startle your soul! "

"Nothing, nothing, she just joked with me!" He hurriedly haha.

"Really?" The young lady smiled slightly: "Love tiger oil, love tiger oil, what exactly does that mean? This girl, Xiang Jun, gave us problems before leaving!"

Lin Wanrong was terrified and busy: "Love tiger oil, in fact, there is a tiger, it loves to rub a magic oil, oil from India, so people call it tiger oil."

"Oh!" The young lady suddenly realized, took his hand silently, and said gently: "Lin Lang, love tiger oil!"

Every woman is not stupid! His eyes were moist, and he hugged the young lady tightly. Countless emotions came to his heart: "Yu Ruo, I have lived forever tiger oil!"

The character Li Xiangjun represents a dream. If you don't like this paragraph, please skip it.

Now he is still scolding the third brother's stallion. It is really wrong to blame him. Ascended to his level, the means of stallion is no longer needed. Maybe, the word love horse is more accurate.