MTL - First Law-Chapter 504 this **** technology

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In the center of Shining Gold Town just built in Fuyun Continent, a whole stack of thick folders flew out from the windows of the tower and scattered all over the place.

All the creatures on the streets of Jinjin Town hurriedly avoided, and few dared to step forward, and Karen's angry curse could be heard from a distance.

"Colbert, this is the solution you told me. Look at what I look like now. Do I still look like a living being?" The documents in the room were scattered all over the place, and the protagonist Cobb Te can only stand dryly, occasionally looking up at Karen. There is a specially made rubber head on top of the rubber-like skin, and the loose gelatinous hair exudes a special smell of plastic.

Glancing out of the window, it was almost like this, but not far from Karen, Nasha, Alice, and a group of women looked at him angrily.

Now he looks like a criminal who is about to go to the 18th hell, but he can't refute it yet.

In fact, he promised Karen at the beginning that in the future Floating Cloud Continent, the creatures will choose the body they want according to their own preferences. It was very powerful, but he lost the chain.

The expected body was not perfect, until he devoted himself to conquering the manufacturing of the body, and found that there were more and more problems. Not to mention replicating a perfect body like the mechanical Karen, it was extremely difficult to achieve a normal body standard.

The Aegean Continent is completely skeletalized, resulting in a lack of raw materials. At the same time, there are so many creatures on the Aegean Continent, there are not so many materials at all, and the soul refining is not so perfect. The degree of fit between different souls and different materials There are also many problems.

He was already working overtime, but instead of solving the original problem, he discovered more new problems.

"Boss, I really tried my best." Colbert was resigned, and he refused to accept it. With the deepening of his research on the flesh and blood body, he discovered that there are many unsolvable mysteries in the body. The thing is just a skin, if you want to truly penetrate the secrets of the body, it is impossible for him alone.

"No?" Karen asked coldly, "You can't tell me now?"

"Boss, listen to me. I didn't expect it to be so difficult. If you punish me, you can come here casually, but I hope this matter can be resolved." Colbert knew Karen's temper, and he would not really embarrass him I myself, said it boldly.

Sure enough, facing the facts, Karen suppressed her anger, "What should I do?"

"Boss, it's simple. You are now the northern overlord of the Far Eastern Sea, and you have the right to rule the entire Far Eastern Sea..."

"Get to the point!" Karen interrupted the other party coldly.

Colbert smiled awkwardly, "It's actually very simple. We now have three main problems, materials, technology, and personnel. Especially in terms of materials, we need plenty of flesh and blood, which requires experts who know how to distinguish flesh and blood. There are no talents in this area. As for technology, the boss needs to invest a lot. In terms of personnel..."

Colbert didn't finish his sentence, but his meaning was very clear. Karen, a lord, naturally knew what to do.

Method Karen naturally knows that he just finds it ridiculous that the entire Floating Cloud Continent has been taken down, and the Aegean Continent has gained a firm foothold in the far east and the north of the sea. You need to obtain a body through soul transfer to start your own life comfortably.

What a perfect ending.

But what he valued the most was not realized. The creatures in the entire Aegean continent could only lodge their souls in temporary bodies modified by rubber.

No taste, no smell, not even a difference between men and women.

Naturally, a large part of this is due to Colbert. This tower has no clear prediction of the future situation at all, so that it did not keep up with the pace when needed.

At the same time, Karen is more aware that the underlying reason is that the development of Gold Flash Town is too fast. While the strength is increasing at a high speed, the basic services are not supported at all.

As far as the current Aegean Continent is concerned, it is not only in the manufacture of the body, but also the recreational facilities, natural environment, climate design, basic services, food and living in the Floating Cloud Continent are far from the most perfect standard.

Karen didn't pay much attention to these things before, and even he, the lord, focused his energy on technology development, so that the entire sky island was actively developing weapons and acquiring capabilities, and there was not much investment in these basic livelihoods.

Judging from the top ten magic towers in Sky Island, none of them serve the basic livelihood of the people.

Life is a hotbed of enthusiasm, and only a sufficiently stable life can provide creatures with an endless stream of creative enthusiasm.

Karen knows better than anyone what it means to live a good life, but the difficulty now unfolds far exceeds his expectations.

The population of the Aegean Continent is almost 70 million people. It is scary to think about providing food, transportation, entertainment, and spiritual enjoyment for more than 70 million people at once.

People must be recruited!

Yes, Karen must recruit enough service personnel and at the same time need enough material suppliers. It is impossible for him to let the bone warriors go to the bottom of the sea to fish, and at the same time, he must constantly find new technical power to stimulate the sky island. .

All of these require a large number of people. If you want to complete such a method quickly, the most direct way is to devour the continent.

Just like building the Floating Cloud Continent, gather all the continents in these areas.

Karen immediately gathered the senior management of Gold Glitter Town to discuss what kind of services Gold Glitter Town needed.

"Materials are a must!" Churchill, as a patriarch, said straight to the point: "And there can't be only one. First of all, food supplements. In terms of food, there are meat, materials, pulp, drinks, and wine. We'd better have our own. Breeding continent, wine continent, fruit and vegetable continent.”

Everyone nodded one by one, thinking that it was necessary. Basic food is a must for their lives. The purpose of their construction of Floating Cloud Continent was not to solve food and clothing, because the problem of food and clothing did not exist for the undead bodies they had transformed into. In the Aegean continent, the breath of the undead can satisfy some physiological needs.

The standard of Fuyun Continent is enjoyment and life. If this is the case, then we must use the best in this world.

"That's right. At the same time, professional winemakers, maikos, performers, and bards are needed. These are all necessary."

Everyone feels that this is the most important thing at present, and the second is the collection of materials, especially the flesh and blood materials needed for the body itself.

"From the current research on the magic tower, only the flesh and blood of the animal itself can perfectly fuse the flesh and blood samples we need. The more varieties of animal flesh and blood, the healthier the body we can make, and having enough farms is also the current problems that must be resolved.”

Karen nodded and said yes, the resolution was quickly passed, and then a detailed discussion was carried out in terms of soul and energy.

Karen sat in the center of the venue, and recorded as long as they passed, without leaving a trace. Anything that was uncertain was resolved on the spot. If they were undecided, they would find someone who could solve the problem.

Three full days!

A detailed analysis was carried out from various aspects such as city-state design, entertainment section, climate control, basic catering supply chain, and large-scale breeding farms, and it was determined that the Aegean Continent needs at least 36 different abilities to operate perfectly. mainland.

Afterwards, Karen asked people to inform the entire continent of the needs of the Aegean Continent, drawing opinions from ordinary creatures. After a month, until the final consensus was reached, Karen's needs for the continent had reached 72.

Twelve are needed just for the supply of basic materials, and flesh breeding is the most. A total of twenty continents will provide large-scale meat for Jinshi Town. In other respects, winemaking, as a unique art, also needs a continent to Special processing.

On the contrary, the factory processing is much simpler. In particular, the blood and flesh factory, the alchemy factory, the soul refining factory, and the energy factory are divided. The alchemists have systematically divided them into twelve factory continents to ensure the operation of the Aegean continent.

In the top research field, the empty island will be canceled and converted into five continents. In addition to the basic professional research on energy, soul, and body, it will be a continent for large-scale alchemy and professional experiments.

After confirming the plan, Karen first selected the surrounding seas, using the two continents in the Far East, the sea and the north as the basic factory continent, and then screened the surrounding creatures, and absorbed some qualified ones into the Aegean continent.

After a detailed screening for a month, it was found that only 2% of the scheduled plan had been This was unbearable for Karen, who always valued efficiency.

Immediately issued a notice throughout the Aegean continent, asking for a solution.

But with little effect, except for the fusion core continent which is constantly looking for resources for the Aegean continent, the others are basically at a standstill.

"Boss, a golden-haired monkey wants to see you!"

Karen frowned slightly. There was no image of a golden-haired monkey in his mind, but being able to be notified was obviously a bit special.

It really was a golden-haired monkey, with golden light all over its body, and its slender hairs were like golden threads, extremely cute.

"No, I'm not a pet!" The golden-haired monkey threw an iron stick tree in front of Karen the first time it saw Karen, and the whole tower vibrated a few times, obviously defending itself.

Karen looked away. This ability is naturally extraordinary, but she is not afraid of anything on the Aegean Continent. "I heard that you are looking for me?"

"No! You asked me!" the golden-haired monkey said triumphantly.