MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 731 three things

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  Where is Qujing? It is the gateway to the east of Yunnan, an important road for water and land transportation, and it must be conquered. This place of silence fell into the hands of the Ming Dynasty, and it can be attacked or defended.

   It is expected that there will be frequent news of success in the near future. As the situation goes on, the importance of the Duan family in Dali will become less and less important. Silai Duan Bao should also make a decision at this time.

   While talking, the father and son arrived in front of the Kunning Palace, and the female officer welcomed them into the side hall, where the tables and chairs had already been set up, but there was no Queen Ma, obviously the dishes were not ready yet.

   "Father Emperor~Emperor Brother~"

  Zhu Lu jumped out, jumped into Lao Zhu's arms and made faces at her elder brother. Among so many princesses, she was the only one who dared to be so presumptuous.

   "Ouch, our baby girl."

  Zhu Yuanzhang leaned over and hugged his only daughter-in-law, and he was even more certain in his heart that that kid Mingsheng was also worthy? We have to pick a talented person with both civil and military skills, and we must not wrong our precious daughter.

  Zhu Biao teased and said: "Shame, Luer, you are already an aunt, why do you still want your father to hug you?"

As soon as these words came out, little classmate Zhu Lu, who was originally a ghost and had never lost in words, was speechless, because she did publicize that she was an elder in the palace after she had two nephews at once. grown up.

  He wanted to come down to protect his identity, but he couldn't bear to part with his father's warm embrace, so he pursed his lips and was speechless, and simply buried his face in his father's arms, pretending he didn't hear anything.

  Father and son looked at each other and smiled, Luer was even more reluctant, her little body twisted constantly, expressing her dissatisfaction, no matter how young a child is, he still wants to save face.

  Queen Ma tidied up her sleeves and came in, "Why are you two still bullying Luer? She has been waiting for you to come over, and she didn't go to play in the garden."

Zhu Biao first saluted his mother and queen, and then hugged his younger sister from his father's arms. The siblings whispered a few words, which made Zhu Lu, who was still angry at first, laugh, and could not stop acting coquettishly against her elder brother's face. Crazy.

  Lao Zhu scratched his head and sat down with a smile on his face. This is home, what more can I ask for?

   "By the way, sister, why didn't you ask Luo Hua to bring the child over."

  Empress Ma deliberately placed several dishes on her son's side: "Luohua still has something to do, so I can't come here."

  Sit down one by one. Today's dishes are very rich. Obviously, Empress Ma is a rare show of her talents. Roasted mushrooms, panlong vegetables, three things, roasted venison, fried prawns, bamboo shoots and chicken breasts, all of which are delicious in color and fragrance.

   What is placed in front of Zhu Biao is Sanshi, which is a mixture of seafood, fat hen, and pig's tendon.

  Zhu Biao got up and picked up a few pieces of fresh and tender abalone and put them in Luer's bowl first, then served chicken nuggets that soaked up the soup to his mother, and finally picked up a few pieces of big tendon for Comrade Zhu.

   This kind of meals cooked by Empress Ma herself has always been a rule that slaves are not allowed to serve. Zhu Lu is too young and Chang Luohua is not around, so Zhu Biao can only serve.

  Of course, it’s just the beginning, and the rest is basically to eat by yourself, so there is no need for the prince Zhu Biao to stand and wait all the time.

  Looking forward to the whole morning, the father and son buried their heads in eating. Zhu Lu thought that he was going to eat faster than anyone else, and stared at the bulging mouth of his father and brother.

  Empress Ma was pleased to see her husband and children eating happily. She didn't move her chopsticks much, but she obviously enjoyed the time.

  When they were half full, the father and son acted more gracefully. Zhu Yuanzhang took a piece of venison and said, "Your son has appointed Mingsheng to succeed Liu Bowen."

Empress Ma frowned when she heard that, but she soon relaxed again. The reason for frowning is that such a thing is related to the livelihood of the people in Sichuan. Son's trust.

"I was about to say to my mother that Ming Sheng has not married a wife yet, and my son intends to marry his concubine sister Luohua to him. After a while, I will bother my mother and ask her mother, Mrs. Peng, to come to the palace to discuss. For a happy event, it is necessary to say hello first. good."

  Empress Ma glanced at her husband, and nodded when she saw that he had no objection. For such a big matter, the father and son must have discussed it properly, so there is no need to worry too much.

After eating and drinking, Zhu Biao took Zhu Lu, who had a bulging belly, to bid farewell to his father and queen, and then walked slowly to send his sister back to the small palace where she lived, and told the maids and maids serving her to pay more attention. Don't let her eat any more.

   Then he went back to the East Palace, Zhao Huaian greeted him just after the Spring Harmony Gate, Zhu Biao stopped and said, "Get up, Mrs. Duan has entered the palace?"

  Zhao Huaian stood up and responded: "If you come back to the Lord, Duan Liangyuan was welcomed into the palace an hour ago, and it was the slaves and officials from the Ministry of Rites who went to confer the canonization and welcome into the palace."

   "Has the princess seen it?"

   "I have seen it. The princess personally arranged the residence and rewarded two heads, Dongzhu Xueha cream and other things."

  Liu Jin said from the side: "Do you want to go see me too?"

   "No rush, I will go see the Crown Princess first."


  Zhao Huaian hurriedly came forward and sent someone to inform the princess to come out to meet her. Soon Chang Luohua led Zhao Tinger to wait in front. When Zhu Biao approached, the two saluted one after the other.

   "The concubine welcomes His Highness the Crown Prince back to the palace, His Highness forever."

  Zhu Biao stepped forward and stretched out his hand to support his wife: "Well, excuse me."

The two entered the palace hand in hand, and Zhao Chengwei followed behind, like Liu Jin and others, carefully followed behind with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes. A concubine's room is a concubine after all. Not even the last servant.

   After being seated, Liu Jin served Zhu Biao tea, while Chang Luohua was served by Zhao Chengwei. Zhu Biao looked interesting, his wife was not a woman who bullied her concubine's house to show her majesty.

  In recent years, there have been more and more concubines in the East Palace, but none of them have been brought by Chang Luohua's side for such use.

  Zhu Biao took a sip of the tea and raised his eyebrows slightly at his wife. Chang Luohua held the teacup and shook his head slightly before taking a sip, which meant that she came to the door by herself, not that she was punishing and setting the rules.

Zhu Biao cast his eyes on Zhao Ting'er and said, "It's good to serve the princess more often. A few days ago, Shu brocade was presented in Sichuan. It is very beautiful. You can pick a few. By the way, I heard that your grandfather is not in good health recently. , and pick the precious ginseng antler from the library and send it to others, it is also my wish."

  Zhao Ting'er carefully glanced at the Crown Princess, and then hurriedly knelt down to thank His Highness: "The concubine thanked Your Highness on behalf of my grandfather. The old man knows that His Highness misses you so much, and I don't know how he will be very grateful."

  Zhao Ting’er’s grandfather, Zhao Zizong, the governor of Huguang Pingzhang, has been very effective in governing the region in the past two years, especially in the area of ​​persuading agriculture and mulberry. In recent years, a large number of immigrants from Jiangxi have moved into Huguang, and the wasteland has been reclaimed, and a lot of grain has been produced.

The court was able to go to war on several fronts without the food and wages being broken. Huguang paid enough food and taxes. Valuable, benefit can also be maximized.

  It proves that Zhu Biao recognizes this relative, not to mention being respected by the Yue family, at least as a member of his own. To the Zhao family, it is already very precious.

  Zhao Tinger is a knowledgeable person. Seeing that the two of them stopped talking, she knew that she had something to say in private, so she obediently resigned. It is a good thing to show her face more, but if it is too late, it will be annoying, and the loss outweighs the gain.

   Waiting for the others to retreat, Zhu Biao smiled and said: "This is letting her take advantage of the wind."

  Chang Luohua also smiled and said: "I thought I was going to Duan's side, but I didn't expect to come here. It would be too petty to drive her away."

   "Forget it, it's rare to have something interesting in the palace, and it's enough to amuse you on weekdays."

  The couple have similar temperaments, and they don't dislike people who work hard to climb up, so that people can be used. If they have no desires, are not cute and boring, then it is tiring to look at them.
