MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 756 dock

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  Chapter 756 Dock

All the families who received the generous rewards were extremely happy, not only because of the rewards, but also because they had a bridge of communication. Although they originally belonged to the Eastern Palace in name, they always relied on the Chen family to convey the orders of the Eastern Palace. There is some estrangement.

Zhu Biao ordered a few more children to go to the Guozijian. Now the number of places in the Guozijian is extremely precious. Naturally, all the children who are the focus of the family have been sent there, but the second ones are also family blood. Of course, it would be great to have a family background. .

Then, I met a few virtuous elders and famous scholars. The number of people was much smaller than Zhu Biao expected, but it was also within common sense. After all, the Jiangnan case involved a lot, and some of them might not dare to come to see him. .

The meals for the luncheon can be described as delicacies from mountains and seas. Cooking calves and lambs is like folding sunflowers. Bao still has a quota for admission to the Imperial Academy.

  Before he left, the Guozijian started a new round of expansion. With a house, there will be a need for students. No matter how you look at it, the culture and knowledge of scholars in the south are now stronger than those in other places.

  Yungui, Liaodong Keding, the imperial court officials are so in short supply that they can't care about the balance between the north and the south. In this way, he doesn't have to be stingy with the quota of Guozijian, and it is the right time to send it out while it is still valuable.

Zhu Biao went back to take a rest, the rare festive feast was still going on, and it was estimated that they would go to the dinner together. Of course, people in the officialdom retired with Zhu Biao, no matter how rampant they were, they would not dare to indulge in singing and disregard government affairs at this time .

  Walking to the backyard, the pavilions and pavilions are well arranged, and small bridges and flowing water are inserted into them. The wind blows through the bamboo forest to eliminate the noise, and the scenery is different every step of the way. No wonder the Zhang family dared to invite their husband and wife to live here.

Entering the sleeping room, Zhu Biao seemed to think that he was still in the palace, but the furnishings in the room were too familiar. He smelled the familiar incense and came in, followed by the princess. Withdrew from the banquet.

  Looking at his wife who looks like a concubine and queen, he smiled and said, "Isn't this trip worthwhile?"

  Chang Luohua leaned towards him with a smile on his arm and said, "No wonder Your Highness always wants to go on tour."

   It is not only the fun of traveling along the way, nor the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou, but after leaving the capital and leaving the palace, there will naturally be a kind of great joy of being in a cage for a long time and returning to nature.

And here, there is no emperor, no censor, and there is only one Jiangyin Marquis and his wife who can stand in the middle and have the qualifications to give a few words of advice, and the level of the difference is a bit big, so it is really hard not to be unhappy .

Zhu Biao affectionately touched the ink hair of his own princess, knowing that she is honorable in the palace, but her words and deeds are also very restricted, especially after she gave birth to the emperor's grandson, and her father, King Kaiping, returned to Beijing After taking power in the Beijing camp.

Since ancient history books, there are many examples of foreign relatives intervening in the political world and even usurping the throne. Therefore, the whole court has examined the Crown Princess with extremely harsh eyes and requirements, for fear that she will be unworthy or have too much desire for power, which will lead to chaos in the royal family. .

   "I will go to the shipyard to inspect tomorrow, so you can have fun in the city."

   Before she could answer, he leaned close to her ear and whispered: "It's okay to be arrogant and self-willed, even if you tell the people below to do it, it's rare to come out."

This is also what he said in his heart, it is rare to come out, and if it is possible to be detained in this small courtyard, it will be very different from staying in the palace, not to mention that since they are separated, even if there are assassins, they will not deliberately assassinate the crown princess .

  The reason why the princess is noble is because of the prince. If there is a prince, there will be countless princesses. If there is a blood feud with the Zhu family and wants to overthrow the Ming Dynasty, he will only do his best to kill Zhu Biao, not a woman.

If someone really assassinated Chang Luohua, then someone must be eyeing the position of the crown princess, but according to the rules in the palace, if the crown princess was killed and died, all the concubines in the harem should be suspected. It can never be righted.

  So no matter how stupid a person is, he would not take the risk of killing the nine clans to make wedding clothes for her, not to mention the Jinwu Guards and local elite escorts. I really don’t know what kind of power can kill the future Empress of the Central Palace in this city.

The couple had a heart-to-heart talk for a while and then went to rest on the couch. After a few days of traveling and traveling, with enough food and drink, sleepiness came quickly, and the young body quickly recovered from fatigue, but it also led to falling asleep again after falling asleep. I feel empty in my stomach, but luckily the feast outside is still going on, just in time to continue eating and drinking.


  Early on the second day, Zhu Biao was escorted by Zhang Cundao and Wu Liang to the largest shipyard outside Hangzhou.

   However, compared with the shipbuilding volume of Longjiang Shipyard and Qingjiang Shipyard, it is not large, but this is an experimental place for shipbuilding research and development, where the best and most advanced shipbuilders of Ming Dynasty gather here.

  Many of them were searched by Hou Jiangyin in the past two years. There are also shipwrights that Hou Jinghai searched for from Nanyang, and even Dongying shipwrights.

  Without female relatives, there is no need to ride in a car. A group of people gallop away, of course it is not a gallop, the main reason is that they don't let Zhu Biao ride fast, no matter how good a horse is, it is inevitable that the horse will stumble.

But no matter what, it was faster than driving a car, and soon arrived at the shipyard. A huge crowd was waiting in front of the shipyard. Wu Liang waved them away on his horse, leaving only a dozen or so responsible officials and adults behind. Carpenter.

These few craftsmen can't be called craftsmen anymore, they all have the official positions of the Ministry of Industry, and they are serious court officials, which were specially promoted by Zhu Biao, otherwise the reward of money and food is nothing to these old craftsmen. It is really not difficult to earn money to support the family with the skills.

   It was the Yuan Dynasty, which treated craftsmen extremely harshly, and treated these craftsmen whose skills were far beyond ordinary people. They also had special treatment. Everyone knows that talents are rare.

  After the salute, everyone surrounded His Highness the Crown Prince and entered the shipyard. It was obvious that it had been tidied up, but in Zhu Biao's eyes, it was still a bit messy. Various tools and wood were scattered on the ground, and few of them he could recognize were used.

  The objects on the ground become bigger as you go inward. Even if the anchor of the sail boat is smaller, it is difficult to lift it without a hundred or eighty people. One can imagine the size of the boat made of this.

According to Zhu Biao's intention, the people walked straight towards Zuotang, passing by workshops such as joinery workshops, iron workshops, and cable workshops. After draining, the vessel can be repaired on a dry bottom.

There is a lot of water in the south of the Yangtze River, not to mention Hangzhou, which is near the sea. The workshop is also very large. It is specially connected to the sea. spectacular.

However, Zhu Biao's gaze was still attracted by the majestic and tall ship in the middle, and he carefully looked around from far to near, from left to right. The flying dragon is embossed and painted, the rear is painted with phoenix, and the top of the stern panel is painted with a roc bird spreading its wings to fly.

Wu Liang, Marquis of Jiangyin, said with a smile, "To let Your Highness know, this ship is forty-four feet long and eighteen feet wide, with four floors, nine masts and twelve sails, twenty-eight warehouses inside, and an anchor weighing several thousand. Jin, can hold 5,000 ingredients..."

Five thousand materials, which is about 2,500 tons of displacement, and the load should be half of it, far exceeding the two or three hundred years of all countries in the world. From the beginning of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, to Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan, thousands of years of sailing experience Technology is blooming in this moment.

  It made Daming inherently stronger than the western countries, able to take the first step to eat the dividends of the ocean, formulate the rules on the ocean, and formulate the rules of this world.

Everyone stepped on the building boat, and Zhu Biaozai carefully stared at the structures everywhere. They were spliced, hung, and reinforced by shovel nails, iron curiums, shovel nails, leech nails and complicated mortise and tenon techniques. Very strong.

  There is a deckhouse in the middle of the main deck to form a sternhouse with bulwarks, a three-story **** at the stern, and a two-story transparent forecastle at the bow. From the bilge to the deck, it is divided into five floors.

  The ship is equipped with hard sails, with braces on the surface of the sail, and no fixed girders on the mast, which can adapt to sudden changes in the sea.

Zhu Biao also noticed that many wooden structures had their names written on them. After inquiry, he learned that every process and every piece of wood has strict records from feeding, picking, and processing into various components. The name of the person directly responsible is engraved on the material.


  (end of this chapter)