MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 792 Borneo

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   "Meet His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness."

   "Well, open the lock and wait outside."

   "No." The jailer with a big prison word embroidered on his clothes puffed out his chest and puffed his stomach and responded loudly, opened the cell door swiftly, and then retreated with some reluctance.

  Liu Jin stepped in first, walked around the kneeling figure, wiped the tables and chairs clean, took out the food and wine from the carrying case and arranged them, then silently hid the figure in the corner.

As a marquis who has become a prince, Kang Duo is very comfortable even if he lives in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Although the Kang family is not from Huaixi, it is still a family of top martial arts, especially now that he is an orphan and a widow. Very tacit effort to protect.

But a prison is a prison after all. Since the construction of the Ministry of Criminal Justice prison, no spacious and bright cells have been specially built. At most, the bedding is cleaner, more drinking water and meals are provided, and the urinals are changed more diligently and dragged in. Things can't be squandered.

  This is an unbelievable environment for other prisoners, but for the pampered and raised Kang Duo, this place is really tormented, there are no exquisite and delicious refreshments, no charming and considerate maids...

  Kang Duo knelt on the ground aggrieved, wiping his tears and crying, that he had accompanied the prince to study for a period of time in the palace a few years ago, although most of the time he read it by himself, but compared to others, he was still familiar with the prince.

  The prince has always been regarded as a trustworthy elder brother. Since he was imprisoned, he finally saw his backer, so he had to express his grievances, and begged the prince to take him out.

Zhu Biao ignored his complaints to the jailer, he must look like a errand, and anyone who is imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is a prisoner if he does not get the order. Only to get angry.

  Sitting on the chair, he asked, "Then the businessman surnamed Chen came to work, did you decide to accept it or someone else?"

  Kang Duo was not afraid of the people from the Ministry of Punishment, but he never dared to hide it from the crown prince, so he could only stammer and reply: "It was the elder brother who brought the man into the mansion, but it was the minister who decided to accept him after seeing it."

Zhu Biao frowned slightly, not because he was worried about a mere Kang Jian, but because he suddenly realized that he had been ignoring certain groups of people all along. Pay attention to the arrangement.

  Informed Kang Duo about his will this morning, and after giving him some time as a buffer, he broke down the inside story and explained it clearly.

   For this matter to end beautifully, Kang Duo must not complain. Young people may not understand the tacit understanding of adults, so Zhu Biao made this trip on purpose.

Fortunately, Kang Duo is not really a brainless child, he is just a little naive and convinced of Zhu Biao. Ping Xihou's hard work and hard work can also ease the mood after the restoration of the title.

  Afterwards, Zhu Biao let him eat some food and poured some wine for him. After he became a little confused, he was led to be tortured with the cane. No matter how measured the execution guards were, the sober Kang Duo could not bear it.


   "Officials do business, merchants buy land, landlords become officials, and finally government and business are integrated."

  "If it is possible to hide wealth from the people, why worry about the lack of use by the family and the country, lest the wealth will be hidden from businessmen and officials in the end."

  "The four peoples lost their positions, and the master and the end were reversed. I am afraid that even after a hundred years, even the families of scholars and bureaucrats will travel around as merchants and merchants. They will try to attack the son's business. They have a good idea, but they will not pursue their ambitions. They will abandon them and serve them."

   "If it goes to this point, the emperor will lose his power and become a false emperor, and the country will be overthrown, and the people will be like cattle and sheep, and they will be exploited by merchants."

With a calm face, Zhu Biao read the joint remonstrance chapters of several censors from Yushitai. I have to say that the court really does not lack insightful people. It sounds like they may be exaggerating, but the truth is far more important than this. To exaggerate.

   Emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business has never been a secular prejudice, but a necessity of governance. Collusion between officials and businessmen is absolutely inevitable. It will intensify social contradictions and shorten the life of the dynasty.

   Zhu Yuanzhang asked after hearing this: "Then do you still want to do this?"

Zhu Biao bowed slightly and said: "There is no thousand-year dynasty in the world, and Bang Zhou's destiny is only 800 years. What's more, in today's world, I only hope that the great Ming can surpass the Qin and Han Dynasties and surpass the Tang and Song Dynasties, so that we can live up to our father's founding hardship."


In April of the sixth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, the banknotes that had been prepared for a long time were finally issued, and the additional government bank note shops were also established in the state capitals of the Ming Dynasty. The stalls were spread widely, but the number of banknotes issued was not large. It seems a bit thunderous and rainy.

  Zhu Biao was very cautious about this, because he wanted to issue banknotes based on reserve funds, and after a period of circulation, they would be recycled and then issue new banknotes to ensure the credit of the imperial court.

The convenience of paper money is not comparable to that of copper coins, and it is the same for the court. In fact, in the Song Dynasty, there were very few metal coins. The Song Dynasty cast a large number of copper coins, which were not enough, so they had to cast iron coins, and finally came up with Jiaozi. , the Ming Dynasty was far more copper-deficient than the Song Dynasty.

  The casting scale of Hongwu Tongbao has long been difficult to maintain, so once the banknotes were issued, Lao Zhu's pressure was greatly relieved, and he even wanted to issue more at one go, but Zhu Biao pushed back.

With the precedent of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and with the **** of the powerful prince Zhu Biao, the banknotes appeared on the stage of the Ming Dynasty with a good posture. Things got a lot better after paying taxes.

After that, the major business gangs began to widely use banknote transactions, and banknotes began to be circulated and used in various state capitals. With a certain reserve of gold and silver in the country, they were issued according to the annual tax quota. The treasury is exchanged for an equivalent amount of gold and silver.

Many gentry and landowners who waited and watched began to accept it. The condition was good and the anti-counterfeiting technology was very safe. Zhu Biao ordered the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Households to start drafting legislation on banknotes. The operation of banknotes in any country depends on strong laws. Support, so does Daming.


  Borneo, Huang Yuanshou wiped his face and stretched out his hand to take the water handed over by his subordinates. He felt a little bitter in his heart. After leaving the territory of Daming, the hearts of his subordinates became a little scattered. During this period, twenty or thirty people had escaped.

  If you still can't stabilize people's hearts, then all the people under your command will run away. In this bad situation, how long can you live alone?

   "The country of Boni is not far away, has the person who sent the messenger come back?"

   "When I returned to the Zongbing, the people hadn't returned yet, but the scouts found a few more villages. They were very xenophobic. It seems that nearly half of them are Han Chinese, and their status is not very high."

  Huang Yuanshou's eyes gradually turned cold. It is unknown whether the hundreds of elites from the Boni Kingdom can get them, but if they still have no fixed place, the 180 people under his command will simply kill him and become pirates.

"Pick a stockade and attack it after nightfall. The Han people or those with Han blood are left behind. Those are the survivors of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and they are our brothers. The rest will be killed. You can divide the contents. don't want."

  Hearing this, everyone licked their dry lips, and their eyes showed menacing eyes like wolves. They have been suffocated for too long, in this humid, hot and humid place full of beasts.

"Don't forget, why did we leave our hometown? Isn't it just to give our children and grandchildren a birthplace? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has already promised me, and I will also put my words here today. If you break this oath, you will be destroyed by heaven and earth." !"

   "Willing to die for the general!"

  Huang Yuanshou let out a deep breath. To be honest, neither the terrain nor the surroundings here are good, but how can the world be satisfactory. At this point, the most important thing is to stabilize people's hearts, no matter what method.

As long as you can stabilize the elites you have brought, and then promote your confidantes from them, once you get the support of the Boni Lu family and your identity is clear, you will have the opportunity to be a Marquis immediately. There is no chance to seal his wife and son.


  Huang Yuanshou appeared in Chapter 791, if you forgot, you can take a look (^_)☆