MTL - First Prince of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 796 interview

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  Chapter 796 Interview

   Soon things were almost settled. It was not a complicated matter at all, it was nothing more than a matter of reluctance to part with this face.

  In the final analysis, people cannot escape fame and fortune. Even when Zhu Biao did not loosen the shackles of business, anyone with some status would not buy property and start a business.

  Manchu civil and military, except for the censor Qingliu, how can anyone really count on that little salary to support their families. It is very common to promote servants to do business and make money.

  Originally under the policy of suppressing business, these were nothing, but as the status of the businessman got higher and the more resources he had in his hands, the situation of the government controlling the business might change.

  Therefore, Zhu Biao does not want collusion between officials and businessmen. At least there must be a red line on the surface.

  The name is right and sound, and it seems useless in many cases, but when there is a need, it is the general trend of Haohaotangtang.

Half a month later, Zhang Guanglie, Minister of Dali Temple, impeached Kaiping Wang Changyuchun, Qiyang Wang Lizhen, and his envoy Chen Youzong for allowing his family to collude with merchants, and to ban salt and iron from buying expensive and selling cheap. *Liang became a slave, causing local people to boil with resentment.

  The Holy One was furious, and imprisoned the two kings in the mansion, and ordered the pro-army Duwei Mansion to arrest the relatives and disciples involved in the case and put them in prison.

Within a few days, the evidence was convincing, and the imperial decree confiscated Kaiping Wang Chang Yuchun's salary for three years, and was relegated to the post of governor of the Taibao Metropolitan Government of Shangzhu Kingdom. Go to the post of Doctor Ronglu in Youzhu Kingdom...

  Dozens of relatives and family members were involved in the case in the palace. The leader was beheaded, and the rest were exiled in Yungui.

  The whole country was shocked by the emperor's orders, and the most prominent relatives of the emperor in the Ming Dynasty were punished in this way. It is true that the emperor is as heartless as a stone.

  Li Zhen is fine, but Chang Yuchun and Li Wenzhong are the top of the military, and there are countless old friends under their command. In just a few days after the order was issued, the generals of the local guards who received the news all came forward to intercede.

  Including Xu Da, Li Shanchang and others who have always kept a low profile and never interfered in political affairs. The generals in Beijing are so angry that there is no need to mention it.

  The morning court was disturbed for several days, and Zhu Biao was also blocked every day. Except for a short rest in the Jinshen Hall, there were many members of the sect who asked him to lead the crowd to play in the rest of the place.

   Not only Wu Xun, but even many civil servants persuaded him in private, causing most of the court to be in chaos. Although Zhu Biao had been prepared for a long time, he was still surprised by the unity of Huaixi Wu Xun.

  But after thinking about it, he realized that most of these people were not pleading for Chang Yuchun and Li Zhen, but were helping him. The people in Keping all over the world lived in peace, and merchants and merchants were close at hand, so they all wanted to take a bite.

  If even Chang Yuchun and Li Zhen can't eat a bite of meat, then they can't even drink soup, so they must first ensure that the people above can eat meat before they can drink soup.

  Hu Weiyong was overjoyed, and took advantage of the time to recruit a lot of civil and military men, and many Huaixi martial arts who had never looked down on him at all began to recognize his status.

  Interest is such a powerful force that can unite all people with the same interests, even those who don’t like or hate people.


   "Eunuch Liu, please report again, I will see His Highness the Crown Prince no matter what."

"Several generals, don't embarrass your slaves." Liu Jin stood in front of the gate of the Wenhua Palace with a face of embarrassment. The same as the palace gate.

   "Why is it so embarrassing? Don't we often come to see His Highness on weekdays? Is it possible that today is different from the past? Father-in-law will report it again."

  In the palace, Zhu Biao was playing chess with his teacher Song Lian, and the envoy Chen Youzong, no, it should be said that Chen Youzong, the former envoy, was watching chess. Because he covered up the reckless actions of merchants, his official position has also been removed, and he is now white.

   Voices from outside the hall door came from time to time. Zhu Biao frowned and put down the white chess piece he was twisting with his fingertips. Song Lian also put down the chess piece and said with a smile: "If you don't want to see it, why don't you send it away."

Zhu Biao knows how to play chess, calligraphy and painting, not bad but not too good either. After all, he doesn't have much spare time to study chess records and practice calligraphy and painting. Old Master Song is undoubtedly a master of chess, and there are not many people who can surpass him in chess after many times in the capital. Just coaxing his apprentice to play.

   "I still have to see you." Zhu Biao got up and stretched. Both Song Lian and Chen Youzong turned their eyes away from him, which made him feel relaxed.

   "Can someone find Mr. at the door?"

"Of course there are, and I can't shirk it away, otherwise, how could the old minister have the leisure to go to the palace to find his highness to play chess." Song Laofuzi was very calm: "The Imperial College has expanded its recruitment, and the old minister has found many good seedlings. I wasted my energy on such meaningless things, and after meeting His Highness, there will be no one to torment the old minister when I go back."

  In Vanity Fair, the higher you go, the fewer people there are, so it is inevitable that there will be some favors between people. The old master is honest and self-confident, but he still owes favors. There are always a few people who cannot be seen.

   "Okay, it's almost time, the old minister will leave now."

  Zhu Biao bowed slightly: "The disciple will not see you off, and I will visit you in a few days."

  Song Lian stood up and saluted: "The old woman has pickled a lot of pickles, which are still delicious, and she is thinking about when to let His Highness taste it."

Chen Youzong sent Zhu Biao off, and when he came back, he bowed and waited on him. He did not sit down to accompany him as usual. Zhu Biao knew in his heart that this was a veiled expression of dissatisfaction. Being dismissed from office is somewhat sad.

   "Is there any gossip in the clan?"

  Chen Youzong smiled wryly and said: "Several clan elders have written letters to scold, the grassroots... I don't know how to defend myself, I just think that if nothing else happens, I will leave the Huizu Temple in Beijing to plead guilty in a few days."

  After saying that, he cursed himself in his heart. It is too much to call himself a grassroots person at this time. At this age, he has to think about his children instead of himself. How can he speak so freely.

Zhu Biao pretended he didn't hear it, and Chen Youzong continued to say: "In the court and in the field, they are all loyal to His Highness. After returning to the hometown, the humble officials will make sure to restrain the clansmen, and manage the Jiangnan family, lest they don't know the so-called mistakes and make mistakes. Your Highness's reputation."

  Tried half-jokingly to make amends: "It depends on His Highness's kindness, otherwise I am afraid that no one will take care of me when I go back like this."

  My daughter is Liangyuan in the East Palace, and she entered the palace early to serve. She has no shortage of qualifications, and has always been obedient and sensible. As long as God blesses her, she will have a son and a half daughter.

My son is also stepping into the fifth rank, and has a bright future, so he can't be delayed because of his temper. Hey, it's God's grace to talk about thunder, rain and dew every day. Why did it really fall on me and forget it? Sure enough, he is old. up.

  Seeing that Chen Youzong quickly adjusted his mentality, Zhu Biao nodded in satisfaction. Whether he promotes you or deposes you, he just wants to see his will.

Chen Youzong is naturally a capable confidant, but in recent years it has been smoother, especially after Yan Donglai also left Beijing, he is the head of the Donggong party, and the prime minister of Zhongshu, the six ministers, the Marquis of Wuxun, respect him three points, that is Lao Zhu, For the sake of his son, he will also give him three points of face.

  In such a situation, even a sage will inevitably feel turbulent. If his mind is disturbed and his position is not balanced, accidents will easily happen. Zhu Biao is very keenly aware of this.

  So he didn't inform Chen Youzong in advance, and only saw him today after he was dismissed from office, in order to see if he could still adjust his position.

  Of course, there is also the meaning of warning the Jiangnan family. Chen Youzong is not as influential as Chang Yuchun and Li Zhen in the officialdom, but Chen Youzong is very famous among the aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River.


  (end of this chapter)