MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 17 All routines

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The sun was hot, but Wang Jun's heart was cold and cold, and he glanced at Ding's exposed muscles.

Paralysis! Why didn't you find this guy's muscle mass just now? This is the real man who can run horses on the arm, crush the rock on the chest, and open the bottle of chrysanthemum?

"Sorry, I'm the boss."

Beifeng said to the two of them.

"You, are you Xiaofeng? When is the kid coming back?"

Li Ding honestly watched Beifeng patted his forehead and asked uncertainly.

"Uncle Ding."

Bei Beifeng turned his head to say hello to Ding honestly.

"Fear the baby, this is a escape, isn't it? The boss is reliable at a critical moment!"

Xun Wangjun's heart was full of luck, and his legs and stomach trembled a little. This Nima Sand's big fist swayed in front of himself, always giving himself a sense of insecurity.

"When did you come back? Your boy didn't say a word when he came back, and came to my house for dinner someday."


Li Ding honestly sighed suddenly.

"What happened to Uncle Ding? What a sigh?"

Beifeng asked puzzled.

"It's a pity your kid is late. My daughter is already married, otherwise I can introduce it to you."

Bei Ding is a bit sorry, Beifeng can be regarded as growing up by himself, this child is all good, unfortunately.

"Uncle Ding, why don't you make trouble? Fortunately, I'm late."

After Bei Beifeng heard Ding honestly say her daughter, a five big and three thick female image emerged in her mind, shivered, and said fortunately in her heart.

"It's okay Uncle Ding, maybe I don't have this blessing."

Beifeng said that if he did not want to blink his eyes, he could even touch the left Mimi and swear!

"Also, my family Xiaowan is so virtuous, and she is so beautiful, so you blame me for this."

Li Ding was so proud of his face that in this life, such a thing worth showing off was to have a good daughter.

Wang Wangjun stood on the side without intervening at all. This Nima managed to distort the topic. If she went up and said a few words and was remembered by this person, she would be doing wrong.

恩 "Eun, Ding and I have guests, so I won't hesitate. Come to my house for dinner someday."

Bei Beifeng silently mourned for three seconds for the man who married Xiaowan. When Nima saw Xiaowan a few years ago, Xiaowan's arms had to have thick thighs?

"Okay, okay, we'll be good at that time."

Bian Ding nodded honestly, and then carried his basket toward the village entrance.

"Hmm? Wait, I seem to forget something?"

Li Ding honestly walked for more than ten meters, squinting and talking to himself.

"Slump! Why did you stop and do something? Don't you remember?"

Wu Wangjun watched Ding honestly stop and he was shocked, and he silently worshiped all the gods and Buddhas.

"Forget it, I can't remember."

Li Ding thought silently for a moment, as if nothing was wrong, turned and left.

"Woohoo! Fortunately, the boss, you come in time, otherwise I will account for the 180 pounds today."

Wang Jun looked like he had a lingering fear, patted his chest, and his fat shivered suddenly.

Paralysis, don't Bilian!

Others are really one hundred and eighty pounds. Can you not beat one hundred and eighty pounds?

Bei Beifeng glanced at Wang Jun's trembling fat body, thinking silently.

"It's okay, even if I don't come, you're going to be fat at most, and you won't die."

Beifeng said seriously.

"Ha ha ~ Sure enough I'm still naive. I actually think that I can come up with so many unruly bosses who can speak well. What a pity!"

Wang Jun thought silently.

"Let's go to your store now?"

Wang Jun asked.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

Beifeng doesn't want to wait to come over to pick up the second person.

喂 "Hey, where have you been?"

Beifeng asked faintly after the call was connected.

"We have arrived, where are you?"

A cold female voice came, like cold cold spring water.

"I'm at the village entrance. There are two cars parked here, one SH Volkswagen and one Rolls Royce."

The north wind is a little surprised, people have arrived? There are no half figures except for these two cars.

"Can it be done?"

Beifeng turned his attention to the Rolls Royce.

"You are the boss?"

Two women who can hit at least ninety percent wear a casual suit and get off the Rolls-Royce. Especially the two are very similar. One of them came up to ask.

The middle-aged man also got out of the car silently and stood behind the two women.


Beifeng nodded, and when she saw the two women, there was a flash of astonishment in the eyes of Beifeng, and then she returned to peace.

I looked at the middle-aged people behind the two women, especially staying on the palms of each other for a few seconds.

"So amazing sister flowers!"

Wang Jun's eyes narrowed and tried to be bigger, but in vain.

"Super Bai Fumei, which young lady is this?"

未 Li Wei didn't blink his eyes and stared at the two women straight.

"Hum, what's so great."

The baby fat woman who accompanied Lu and Wang Jun and others said a little embarrassed.

"You two are just fine, saliva is dripping."

Another girl wanted to open it, joking about Wang Jun ~ ~ Huh? Very clean eyes, just press it after a flash of stunning? "

King Yudie thought silently.

"It's very different from other men. Other men look at me and my sister's eyes as if they can't wait to swallow us. Some of this man's eyes are just indifferent and admired."

Wang Yuyu also thought silently in his heart, and then looked at the hot eyes of Wang Jun next to them, and instantly felt disgusted.

"Everyone is here, let's go."

Beifeng said something lightly, and then he led the way ahead.

"This trip is worthwhile, these two sisters alone are worth the money for the meal."

Wang Jun shook his head and said.

The ancients Yunxiu was delicious, and Wang Jun felt full.

"This is long and beautiful, and there is still money in the family. If I chase a life of at least a little struggle,"

未 Li Wei was also fiery, thinking about how to talk to each other.

Then a tragedy happened for a group of people. When will Nima go?

"Boss, where is your store? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Ten minutes later, Wang Yudie couldn't help asking.


Beifeng thought about it, the road in ten minutes should be considered fast.

"No, I can't move."

Twenty minutes later, Wang Yuzhang didn't leave, he stretched out his hands and rubbed his feet bare.

"The front is here."

Beifeng was a little embarrassed, pointing to a distant house built at the foot of the mountain.

"What about trust between people? Was it eaten by a dog?"

Wang Jun rolled his eyes silently, no wonder the boss came to pick us up for so long, it turned out not to go slow, is it too long?