MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 18 Rich wayward!

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I heard Beifeng say so, a group of talents reluctantly went forward.

As the saying goes, Wangshan Die and Wang Yudi are both bred and raised from a young age. Are they suitable for this kind of suffering?

Auntie eggs! Can't we build a road?

"Here, there are two restaurants here. Choose one of your own. I'll cook first."

Bei Beifeng pushed open the door that had faded seriously, pointed to two renovated rooms, and said to a group of people.

"The opportunity is here!"

I heard Bei Feng say so, Li Wei's eyes lighted up, thinking in his mind.

"Two beautiful women, shall we fight together? People are more lively."

未 Li Wei looked at the two women with anticipation, and Wang Jun was full of expectations.

"no need."

He Wang Yudie said coldly.


未 Li Wei and Wang Jun seemed to hear their heartbreaking sounds.

"Everyone is busy ..."


未 Li Wei's complexion changed, and he went forward with a cheek and said, Li Wei felt that he could rescue again.

A short humming sound passed into Li Wei's ear, Li Wei only felt that his head had been hit with a hammer.

A huge momentum shrouded Li Wei and made Li Wei swallow the rest.

I do not know when, middle-aged people who have been following the two sisters without any sense of presence stood in front of Li Wei.

"I really don't know if you are alive or not, Miss, you can peep ?!"

Wu Wu stared at Li Wei, thinking in his heart.

I just want to catch up with one of the two ladies and become a master. This kind of toad I have never seen before.

未 Li Wei was lost, not even when Wang Yudie and his party left.

"Miss, you want to eat the dishes here, just let him come home to cook it, why not run so far?"

"Mom! How do I know that I have to go so far?"

The two sisters grinded their teeth and thought silently in their hearts, but how can they change the word? Wang Yudie said, "Some people can't let them give up the principle if you don't have money. You see this way, this boss Almost with us? "

"Miss said."

Wu Wu nodded extremely, this boss is really very indifferent.

Bei Beifeng stir fry dishes in Tintin.

The squirrel fish, boiled fish, braised chicken nuggets, white chopped chicken, fish sticks, and a chicken soup are the food that Beifeng prepared for them today.

One thing these dishes have in common is that they are simple!

Soon, a dish of north wind was passed up, and a scent filled the smell of everyone.

"It really deserves its name! It just smells so good!"

A fascination appeared on the chubby Wang Jun's chubby face, and then he put a piece of fish into his mouth.

好 "Okay! This fish is smooth and fragrant. It melts at the entrance, but it has some gum texture. There are no excessive seasonings. It is this way that retains the original flavor of the ingredients.

What is this fish? Why ca n’t I eat it? "

Wang Jun lowered his head, thinking hard.

Yu Guang glanced, Wang Jun almost exploded.

Auntie eggs!

This flock of beasts eats so fast!

Now Wang Jun doesn't have time to think about what kind of fish it is, just roll up his sleeves and start grabbing!

姐 "Sister, why is it all meat?"

Wang Wangyu asked with a speechless expression.

但是 "But it ’s so fragrant. Shouldn't it be okay to eat this meal?"

Wang Yudie said a little uncertainly smelling the fragrance.

"Choose it! Eat it first, big deal, go to the gym once more!"

Wang Wangyu made up his mind and reached out his chopsticks to clamp a piece of squirrel fish.

"唔? It's so delicious! It doesn't feel greasy once!"

Wang Wangyu narrowed his eyes.

I saw that my sister had begun to eat, and it was still delicious, and Wang Yudie began to eat.

"Mr. Wang, do you have anything to do with me?"

Beifeng was preparing his own meals in the kitchen. Suddenly, the telephone rang and Beifeng put down his work and answered the phone.

"Haha, why? I can't find you if I'm fine? I've helped you so much, and didn't say to ask me for a meal."

Wang Jian joked.

"Well, I don't think enough, I'll invite you to dinner someday."

Beifeng stunned, and said embarrassedly.

"It's better to choose a date than hit the sun, just today, I happen to be coming soon."

Wang Jian said with a smile.

好 "Okay, I'll cook right away."

Beifeng is not a muddy person. After hanging up the phone, he began to prepare ingredients.

"Let's use this fish head as a fish head tofu soup."

Bei Beifeng thought about it, took out a fish head of about 20 kg from the freezer, and took out some tofu.


When Beifeng was halfway through cooking, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded.

嗯 "Huh? It's not a thunder, it's like the sound of a helicopter!"

Beifeng heard that the voice was getting louder and louder, and he knew that it was wrong.

Beifeng stepped out of the kitchen, and a breeze blew towards her.

直升机 A helicopter slowly landed slowly from the sky and parked on a large open space outside the Beifeng house.

"Haha, is Xiaofeng Cai ready? I screamed when I was hungry."

Wang Wangjian got off the helicopter, followed Liu Ziyun behind him, and greeted the north wind that appeared at the gate with a grimace.

"Why do you have such a big battle?"

Beifeng is speechless, this is rich and willful, and no one is driving by helicopter to eat.

"Well, I'm not afraid that you're in a hurry."

Wang Jian's old face blushed ~ ~ It is impossible to say, "There is no special road to your house, I don't want to take a dirt road?"

"Slum! What's the situation?"

Xi Wangjun and others were naturally alarmed, and as a result, he saw a helicopter parked in the distance.

Compared with this helicopter, all Rolls-Royce had to kneel and couldn't help looking at the two men coming down from the helicopter.

"Hey? Army brother, do you think that middle-aged man is a little familiar?"

Li Wei asked Wang Jun aside and said.

"A little familiar, it seems like ..."

Xun Wangjun also felt that the middle-aged man walking in front was familiar, but could not remember it for a moment.

"The richest man in Qingcheng!"

"Chairman of Aoyama Group!"

Suddenly the two looked at each other and said together!

No wonder I do n’t feel familiar. As the chairman of Qingshan Group, I usually show up on TV and newspapers, but I just did n’t think about it for a while.

This is Wang Jian! After they knew Wang Jian's identity, they didn't dare to step forward and get confused.

Without it, if an ant rushes forward in front of you, there are only two results!

First, leave it alone.

Second, I'm in a bad mood, I just poke to death with one finger!

Wang Jun looked at each other and did not expect that the background of this private dish was so deep. It seemed that the boss and Wang Jian had a good relationship.

Then he took out his mobile phone silently, took a picture, especially Wang Jian's front picture and the helicopter, and then started to post on Weibo.

"Breaking news! I saw the private dish recommended by Qingshan Group on the Internet, and I was lucky enough to book it. As a result, during the meal, I met the chairman of Qingshan Group, Wang Jian! He came by helicopter with pictures and truth. ! "