MTL - Fishing the Myriad Heavens-Chapter 82 Come, you keep laughing!

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The two Supreme Immortals shot with all their strength in the middle period, which is enough for the four Supreme Immortals to have no chance to escape, let alone four, even the ten ca n’t escape any one. This is the early and middle period. gap!

The two ancestors of the Zhe Lin family didn't want to have extravagant branches, and they didn't know if there were still hidden strong men. Now they are taking the lead. If these four Supreme Immortals are beheaded, they can be easier in the upcoming war.

I have to say that people are mature, and the ancestors of the Lin family are not like Lin Hao, blinded by greed.

Lin Hao was because of Dao Yundan's huge benefits, which led to fainting wisdom, and the ancestors of the Lin family were well-thought-out and well-prepared before coming.

Lin Hao believes that the palace master of the demon palace is nothing, but the ancestors of the Lin family do not think so. The ancestors of the Lin family believe that there is absolutely a strong middle-aged **** in the demon palace. There may even be more than one statue. !!

Don't look at the people who now appear here in the Lin family. There are only a few ancestors in the early period of the Supreme Immortal and two middle ages of the Supreme Immortal. In fact, the entire Lin family's high-level can be described as a rush out. Just in the void.


Two Supreme Masters shot in the middle, but it was just a moment that the four powerful gods of the Demon Palace were hit hard!

咳 "Cough, the gap is too big, run away!"

The strong men of the four demon palaces did their utmost to resist the blow. When the palace master has not yet appeared, it is most important to keep their own lives. It is because the four of them thought about it and went straight. Want to escape.

But the ancestors of the Lin family will not let the four of them do the same. "Want to escape?" A ancestor of the Lin family stood in front of the four, with a pair of big hands tearing the void, countless chaos, surging shots of supreme divine power, stealing the sky directly , Blocked the sky!

He seems to be the hand of God, falling towards the earth!

The big hand fell, and the void was broken in layers, and there was a black extinct thunder roaming.

的 Longyuan City, not far from here, was also affected by the aftermath. The earth shook, and the moat started to operate autonomously without anyone starting, and a huge layer of protection covered the entire Longyuan City!

Thousands of people were frightened and fled in fear.

The strong men of the four demon palaces looked up at the sky, showing despair and irresistible!

差距 The gap between the early and middle period is too big. The space around the four demon palace powerhouses seems to be frozen, but the four are like insects in amber, unable to move.

要 If this blow falls, the four will have no chance of survival, and even the horror of the aftermath will be razed to the ground for millions of miles!

This is the power of the Supreme Immortal, aloof, and overlooking the world with a godlike attitude!

As for this downfall, the aftermath will destroy Longyuan City, and tens of millions of people in Longyuan City will fall, not at all in their consideration!

Not to mention these people, even if it is the north wind, when it is really necessary to meet the peerless enemy and need to make a full shot, the north wind will not care whether the rest of the people will be wiped out by the aftermath, even if the number may be a city, or a whole A star of life.

When the four showed their despair, a figure suddenly appeared on top of the four, the terrible wind pressure and coercion poured down from the head, and the earth began to sink, but there seemed to be nothing to the person who suddenly appeared. Impact.

Beifeng looked up at the Lin family and others. In his gaze, he shot two gods, penetrated the void, and saw the rest of the Lin family who was deeply hidden.

"Meet the Lord of the Palace!"

The four of them seemed to have not responded yet, and for a moment, when they saw the figure of Beifeng, they immediately overjoyed, bowed and salute, with enthusiasm in their eyes.

四 These four people also saw how the north wind shot and directly killed a Supreme Supreme immortal!

嗯 "Huh? It's mysterious enough, no information."

An old ancestor of the Lin family murmured, but didn't care.


Bei Beifeng nodded his head, which was a response, and then he said something according to the law and spit out. In the horrified eyes of everyone in the Lin family, the palms falling from the sky trembled, and then seemed to be unstable and began to collapse!


The middle-aged ancestor of the Linlin family had a dull complexion. What was going on? He hit it with all his strength and collapsed under the words of the other party.

"Don't panic, this person is a bit weird, and the ability to hide is too strong, even I can't see the depth, but the other person is definitely not the late Supreme Immortal, this is probably just that his secret practice is more special, don't be taken away . "

Another ancestor of the Supreme Master Lin family was calming down, and an explanation made the people return to fighting spirit.

Rather than just saying the way, it is easy to erase a shot of a supreme immortal in the middle of the full blow, or this statement is more acceptable now, it must be that the mysterious method of the demon palace palace is more strange and lonely, and this one is broken Hit, the opponent must be doing his best, maybe now looking at the wind lightly, but the other party may be uncomfortable.

"Who gives you the confidence to dare to come?"

Bei Beifeng's eyes seemed to be flaming with flames, and the terrible momentum shocked the heavens, and it seemed that he had turned this world into his own domain in an instant.

The two ancestors of the Lin family ’s Supreme Supreme were okay, but the rest of the Lin family ’s early ancestors were shocking. They only felt that at this moment, the palace master of the demon palace seemed like a **** king, boundless and was inspecting himself. Territory, do not dare to look at the eyes of the North Wind.

Stubborn! Wu Shangxian mid-term can also be regarded as a strong one!

This is the idea of ​​the two middle-aged ancestors of the Lin family, wondering, where did this person come from?

It is like a blank piece of paper without any information.

I want to know that it ’s not that you have practiced the exercises, and then you can practice successfully if you close to death. For example, if you practice to the strongest in the Supreme Realm, you basically have a great reputation along the way.

Even in the beginning of the Supreme Immortal, the number of strong men in the middle of the Supreme Immortal is much less than in the early period. Most of them are overlords. Even in the Vajra universe, it is comparable to the existence of the Supreme Immortal. The Lin family also masters a lot Information, not to mention the Supreme Immortal in the vast stars.

As for the north wind, the identity of the Hu family sister-in-law was not at the heart of the ancestors of the Lin family. What they could let them know was the mid-term superiors of the Supreme Immortal. It was also because of this that they did not know the north wind.

"Your strength is very strong, but you can't be our opponent. Give up Dan Fang's Dan Fang. You can't hold such a Dan Fang. My Lin family can't hold it. If you hand it over now, I will wait Give you compensation. "

An ancestor of the Lin family spoke, because the ancestors of the Lin family were more cautious because they could not see the north wind. They did not want to rush to fight with a supreme immortal mid-life. Even if they were killed, the ancestors of the Lin family thought that this person would be bound to be The Lin family besieged, but in the middle of a supreme immortal, if something happened, it said that no one could be severely damaged by the Lord of the Demon Palace, or even left to death!

This is not what the ancestors of the Lin family would like to see. The ancestors of the Lin family are also telling the truth. They do n’t think that a resource such as Dao Yundan can hold it, even the Lin family.

You know that there are three families on the starry sky, not to mention the family left by the rest of the transcendence, Zongmen!

The interests are touching. The Lin family does not think that once Dao Yundan is known by these families, the Lin family can still keep it.

From the beginning, the goal of the Lin family was not to devour Dao Yundan alone, but to give flowers to Buddha and obtain Dao Yundan's Dan Fang, and dedicate it to the existing surviving families, hoping to get a cup of 羹.

Lin Hao on the other side was dumbfounded, his ancestor actually knew the existence of Dao Yundan! Lin Hao's complex look, does this not mean that he is like a clown, everyone knows his plans, but he is proud of himself.

The old ancestors of the Lin Family were talking nonchalantly, trying to persuade the palace owner of the Divine and Magic Palace in front of them, and the Dan Fanglin family of Dao Yundan did not dare to swallow it alone, but now the strong men in the Divine Palace are not allowed to conquer it.

"Come, you continue to say." Beifeng opened his mouth with a flat tone, and looked at the Lin family as if he were looking at the dead. He didn't care about it, nor could he commit anger. What do he care about the dead?

I just matched a heart that suddenly appeared in the hand of Beifeng. The heart was exquisite and clear. It seemed that the jade was able to see the golden blood in it, and horrible energy waves came from this heart.

这么 With so many strong players present, no one can see when the heart of Beifeng appears!

Beifeng seems to be standing still, without moving at all.

The Lin family ancestors who were trying to persuade Beifeng were suddenly white, with a pair of eyes full of panic, like hell, stepping back and forth!

The rest of the Lin family was attracted to him, and they set their eyes on the ancestor of the Lin family, and then a sound of inhalation came one after another!

"How is that possible! When?"

Another strong Lin Jiaxian mid-century felt deeply desperate. In his eyes, a blood hole was formed on the chest of Lin's ancestor, who was between him and his strength, but his heart was wingless. And fly!

Don't say that everyone didn't see how the North Wind shot, even the middle-aged ancestor of the Supreme Master Lin's Supreme Master, who had been dug out by the North Wind, didn't find out when his heart was missing!


The atmosphere was a bit depressing. Everyone present was shocked and had a creepy mood!

The rest of the strongest Lin family in the early days of the Supreme Immortal is even more so. It is on the verge of collapse. Even the ancestors in the middle of the Supreme Immortal were easily taken off the heart by the other party. Wouldn't it be more unbearable!

"A heart is so innocuous for me and others!" The ancestors of the Lin family who had their heart removed were not panicked, or even wanted to laugh. The method of the Lord of the Demons and Palaces is very weird, but then what kind?

无 For the Supreme Immortal, there is no key to the whole body ~ ~ Even if you lose your heart, you can grow up instantly. You want to use this to deter the Lin family too much!


Bei Beifeng had no expression on his face. After this Supreme Master of the Supreme Immortal finished speaking, he crushed the heart in his hand!

Heart was broken, and endless energy burst out from it, but it was dissipated by the north wind at the next moment. It had no effect except for a breeze.

After doing all this, Beifeng looked at the ancestor of the Lin family with a sarcastic face on the opposite side and said, "Come, please smile again and see."

The ancestors of Zhe Lin's family couldn't laugh anymore. Suddenly there was panic in his eyes, his hands stretched out, one hand trembling toward the north wind, and one hand touching the heart, it seemed that he wanted the north wind to return his heart to him!


In the rest of the Lin family, they all came back to God, thinking that the ancestor made sense, and the Supreme Master ’s whole body has long been up and down. When he said he was about to sneer, he saw his ancestor shaking, and then One fell down and fell towards the ground below!


A group of people in the Lin family panicked. Did n’t your old man say that the Supreme Immortal was not important, or that he lost his heart? What a big deal, but now how can your old man be unable to carry it? A supreme immortal would actually plant it from the cloud to the earth. If I heard it in other places, these people in the forest would laugh at the big teeth. How could the supreme immortal not fly? Even if a Supreme Immortal has fallen, the corpse is not rotten for thousands of years, and the corpse can also not touch the ground, but now what happened to his own ancestor? Afraid not to drink too much fake wine.

A group of Lin family members were panicked.

PS: Three thousand and five hundred words chapter!