MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 14 City of Thorns

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   Chapter 14 City of Thorns

   City of Thorns.

  The largest city in the Blackwater Province, once the capital of the Blackwater Kingdom.

  Located at the confluence of the Seber River and the Kafferan River, it is the second largest port city in the Blackwater Province. Every day, there are endless merchant fleets between the Platinum Province and the Blackwater Province.

   Not only is it developed in the shipping industry, the City of Thorns is also home to the highest quality source silver ore veins in the entire continent. The annual sale of refined essentia to mages across the continent can amass vast wealth for the city's rulers.

The above geographical advantages have created the prosperity of the city of thorns, but it is also because of this unique advantage that the conspiracy and wars surrounding this city for thousands of years have never stopped, so some people call this city silver City with blood.

At the head of the city, a banner interwoven with dragons and gold roses flutters. The former is the symbol of the Riel Empire, while the latter is the family crest of Duke Simon, the current ruler of Thorns City.

   When entering the door, William and Liliana were stopped by the doorman. Liliana thought it was a routine to question their identities and was just about to show their documents. But I didn't expect that the other party just took out a reward order with a portrait of a man.

"The reward order issued by Duke Simon himself, the thug Cas Durant, the former chief of the Blackthorn Mercenary Corps. He has killed 27 innocent citizens. If you see this person, please report to the nearest guard immediately. "

   The Thorns Guard in black armor said to them solemnly.

   "Killed 27 innocent citizens..."

   Liliana was silently stunned along the way, but William didn't pay much attention to the bounty order, and looked around at the scenery of the city.

   Today's City of Thorns has changed a lot from what William remembered. The entire city has been widened by a large circle. The former moat has now become an inland river for transporting goods in the city, and the original curved city wall has also been changed to the bastion that I have seen in the documentary before.

   Of course, the Rose Palace built at the highest point of the city has not changed much, but some city walls have been stained with a layer of green moss under the erosion of the years.

The biggest difference between    and William’s memory is that a tower with a very elven architectural style was erected not far from the Rose Palace.

  The whole tower is made of chalk stone, the tower body is inlaid with constellation patterns outlined by active silver, and the top of the tower shines with a deep magical brilliance.

   Seeing William staring at the tower, Liliana introduced.

"There are 24 star lighthouses in the whole continent. They will light up alternately according to the position of the constellation in different seasons, ensuring that thirteen lighthouses are in operation at any time, guiding the magic of the astral world to flow into the world to the greatest extent. And that's the basis on which the law of the stars works."

   said, she seemed to remember something, and immediately asked.

   "Wait a minute... You said you wanted to come to the City of Thorns to do business, right? You didn't ask what you were going to do before. You wouldn't really want to knock down this star lighthouse, would you?"

   Hearing that the other party finally took his eyes off the lighthouse, he looked at Liliana and said.

   "No, now is not the time. I came here just to investigate something, and to purchase some Origin Silver."

  Although Liliana was very concerned about the phrase "it's not the time", she suddenly became interested when she heard that he was planning to buy Elementium Silver.

   "Is it source quality silver? My friend has a special channel. Would you like me to help introduce it. How much do you want to buy? Buying more than 500 grams at a time will give you a discount."

   "About 15 tons."

   The expression on Liliana's face froze.

   "Do you know how much Elemental Silver is now on the market to buy a gram?"

   "I'm still a little rich."

   William said lightly.

   In the game, gold coins are not included in the weight of the backpack, so the money he earned is always on him. As there are fewer places where money needs to be used in the later stages of the game, and the rewards for receiving tasks are increasing, it seems that the number of gold coins has already exceeded eight figures before it is about to be closed.

   After passing through, the four-dimensional backpack in the game has become a portable space, and as long as you use the [Space Rift] spell, you can open it and take out things from it. According to his estimation, if all the gold coins in his backpack were taken out, it would probably be enough to cover several football fields.

   It was at this time that William suddenly realized a problem that had been overlooked before.

   Can the gold coins in his hand from a thousand years ago still be used?


  Liliana looked at the gold coin he took out, and said after a long silence.

   "I really believe that you just woke up after sleeping for more than a thousand years... Don't you know that paper money is used in the empire now?"

   "Paper money?"

William looked strangely at the bright golden banknote that Liliana took out, which she called "Golden Riel". It had the denomination, serial number, and the dragon emblem of the Riel Empire printed on it. A watermark that verifies the authenticity of light.

   He looked at the banknote and at the surrounding medieval city style.

   "Why are you the only one developing so fast in this area?"

   And Liliana was fiddling with a gold coin taken from William. As a student of the archaeology department, she could recognize at a glance that this was the official currency of the Kos Empire a thousand years ago. In the days of the gold standard, such gold coins were circulated throughout the continent.

   "But for a thousand-year-old coinage, it looks too new and shows no signs of wear."

   "That means it's not easy to sell on the black market?"

   "It is inconvenient to sell it as a cultural relic, and it will be suspected of being fake."

   said Liliana.

   “And the sudden influx of hundreds of thousands of coins from a thousand years ago is too flamboyant.”

   William added as if to himself, and then said.

   "Then if I melt gold coins into gold, what is the current price of gold in gold riel?"

   Liliana looked at him with the look of a prodigal son.

   "One to five, each gold riel is equivalent to five grams of gold, but it would be too wasteful to sell cultural relics as gold."

   "You won't be able to use it anyway, so it's better to use it as a waste... By the way, where are you going next? Back to Offa University?"

   As soon as these words came out, Liliana's mood sank again.

   "I'm going to the Adventurer's Association to return the ID cards of those people, and then..."

   Having said this, she realized the meaning of William's words.

   "You don't need me to continue to be a guide?"

  William nodded.

   "Whether you are going to the black market or other places, you are not very suitable to follow the past. Let's separate here for now. I will visit Aufa University later when I have time. See you then."

   He turned around to leave, but Liliana stopped him behind him.

   "Wait a minute, Mr. William..."

   Watching the other party turn around, Liliana didn't know how to express her question.

   "I guess you want to ask, can I tell you about you?"

  William looked at her and said.

   "I personally don't recommend you speak out."

   "In order not to reveal your identity?"

   Liliana asked.

   "For your own safety."

   (end of this chapter)