MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 25 The Weaver and the Chess Game

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   Chapter 25 The Weaver and the Chess Game

  The moon realm of the Whispering Queen is called "Silk Nest". It is said that every mortal's conspiracy will be turned into silk threads there, and eventually converge into a cobweb that is so vast that it cannot see the end.

   The Whispering Queen is entrenched in the center of this cobweb, and all the threads are gathered in his hands. He felt the tremors of all the conspiracies in this world, and then ordered the clan weavers to weave this web of conspiracy according to His will, so that all conspiracies would change according to His will.

  In the game, the Whispering Queen and her family are always inscrutable, leaving riddles everywhere, as if everything is under their control. And when doing things, he likes to keep reversing and reversing, and all kinds of subtle plans are linked together, as complex and sophisticated as Rube Goldberg machinery, and redundant and useless.

   But one of the more famous things about the Whispering Queen is that his seemingly perfect plans often collapse at the last step because a fatal detail goes wrong.

   So there are many players in the game forum who say that the Whisper Queen is a model of "planning from start to finish, and the last step is broken".

   Of course, according to the Whispering Queen herself, he only cares about the intricate process of conspiracy weaving, and he doesn’t care too much about whether the conspiracy can be completed.

   can also be regarded as a model of only asking about hard work and not about harvesting.

   But William felt that he said this purely to save face for himself, otherwise he couldn't explain why every time after the plan was destroyed, he would always send more family members to end in anger, and sometimes even personally end the game.

   At this moment, the web weaver in front of William no longer had the strange pleasure that the sub-riddlers usually had when they said riddles, although there was still a polite smile on his face. But just from the fact that it is willing to stand up and confront him with its real body, he estimates that the other party's mentality has almost collapsed.

   After all, his appearance was absolutely unexpected.

   "Members of the Thirteen Seats of Judgment?"

   Hearing William's words, the web weaver's expression became a little dignified.

It is not uncommon for    to claim to be members of the Doomsday Watch, after all their deeds back then have long since become legends. Many organizations on the continent, including some official imperial organizations, claim to be descendants of the Doomsday.

   But being able to say the name of the Thirteen Seats of Judgment, which has long since disappeared in the long river of history, has a completely different meaning.

   That is the existence that the thirteen emptiness kings of the Moon Realm once joined forces to erase in the present world—even including its arrival in the present world, the most important task is to…

   Thinking of this, it immediately asked.

   "Where did you hear the name?"

   "Didn't I say so? I am a member of the Thirteenth Judgment Seat."


As the weaver who weaves the web of conspiracy for the Whispering Queen day and night, it has long known the final outcome of the thirteen mad and rebels. Neither they nor the lingering successors can come to this remote place now. of Thorns.

   "Don't believe it?"

"I believe."

  The web weaver twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled, and the next second it rushed towards the other party without warning.

  It was as fast as an afterimage, and when it was less than three meters away from the opponent, it jumped high and stabbed his head with a condescending shot.


  William waved "Judgment 2" to block the shot, and at the same time, the [Flaming Spear] that had been prepared by the magic agent was also released.

  The web weaver leaping in the air had nowhere to use his strength, and it was impossible to escape this flame spear. However, under the reflection of the flame of the flame gun, its bewitching face showed an expression of "you have been fooled".

   Its slender and powerful spider legs tread lightly, and the spider silk intertwined in the air reflects a faint glow in the firelight. The web weaver stepped on the cobweb that had been woven at an unknown time in midair, escaped the [Flaming Spear] released by William, and then turned around to the blind spot of William's line of sight.

Time was too late for the web weaver to turn around, and the miasma condensed into a jet-black dagger that appeared on its other hand. Precisely stabbed to the position of William's neck.

   A feeling of piercing into the flesh came from its hand, but before it could savor it carefully, a sharp pain came from its back.


   The weaver screamed and turned around, then his eyes widened.

   A space door flashing with lightning appeared in front of the man's neck, and his short knife did not pierce his neck, but stabbed into the space door.

The web weaver looked at the location where the pain in his back came from. That person's magic intermediary was also pointed there. Another space door opened there, and the knife he stabbed earlier passed through the space door. stabbed himself.

   It was too late to be angry, the magic medium in the man's hand flashed again, and another [Flaming Spear] was ready to launch.

   Weavers distanced themselves before the spell was formed.

   Before it ran a few meters, the flame spear roared towards its back. It stepped on the silk thread and pulled a large net to block it in front of the flame gun. Although the silk thread blocked it for less than 0.1 second and was burned to ashes, it also gave it a little reaction time to avoid the blow. .

  William looked at the back of the opponent fleeing in embarrassment, and did not rush to continue to make up the spell, but recalled the speed and strength of the opponent's previous attack.

In the game, Web Weaver is an assassin-type elite monster known for its speed and attack power. In terms of speed and attack power, it is much faster than the staggering demon encountered before, even if he has to keep up with the opponent's. Attack speed, also need to play seven or eight of the spirit.

   So at the beginning of the fight, he quietly put on multiple defensive spells such as [Folding Mirror], [White Frost], [Dragon Skin Technique], and [Dark Iron Body].

   It’s a pity that I don’t have time to change myself into a set of equipment with high defense.

   "Anyway, let's start the fight after you've finished speaking, you will make people feel very rude, you know?"

   After seeing the web weavers have pulled a far enough distance, he opened his mouth and said in a relaxed tone, as if the other party hadn't suddenly attacked him just now.

"you this…"

The wound behind the web weaver was slowly healing, but the soul-eating curse carried by the short knife also had an effect on him. A pain from being bitten by many spiders continued to spread from the wound, causing it to clench its teeth. close.

   "I'll give you a chance. If you're willing to tell me the purpose of coming to the City of Thorns now, and to clarify what the three Void Kings are busy with, I'll only banish you back to the Moon Realm."

  William said, pointing to the ground on the side with the Judgment II in his hand.

   "If you don't want to say it, say goodbye to your eternal life."

  The web weaver noticed the straight sword in his hand that looked ordinary, and then followed the direction where the sword pointed to the corpses of the two Soul Eating Nerubians.

   That's right, it's a corpse.

   All moon monsters should turn into black salt crystals and dissipate after they die in this world. How could they leave corpses behind?


   Trial armed?

   What are you kidding?

   How could there be such a coincidence that there would be two trial arms in a small city of thorns?

   Could this man really be a member of the Thirteenth Judgment?

   But which heir of the Tribunal would he be? Or is he some tribunal himself?

   Could it be that he also came to the City of Thorns for another Judgment Armament?

   But the Whispering Queen spent a lot of energy to adjust and weave the entire web of conspiracy, ensuring that there is absolutely no possibility of any variables appearing in this city.

   Looking at the sword in the opponent's hand that could really kill him, the web weaver gritted his teeth and made a decision.

   First use half-truths to stabilize the opponent, and then take the opportunity to find an opportunity to escape, even if you commit suicide, you must go back to the Moon Realm and tell Her Majesty the Queen that there is a new trial armed force.

   As long as you tell him this information, even if she violates her oath of keeping secrets, the Whispering Queen will forgive herself.

   made up his mind, the weaver opened his mouth.

   "I waited for..."

   It's a pity that before it finished speaking a complete sentence, a bright silver magic circle appeared under its feet, and a strong whirlwind appeared out of thin air and blew it into the air.

   At the same time, four glacial spikes protruded from the front, back, left, right, and four directions, pinning it firmly in mid-air, unable to move.


   It looked at William with a panicked face, and at this moment, seven or eight different colored magic circles appeared around him.

   "Wait...wait a minute!"

  Wind Blade, Thunderstorm, Fire, Ice Spike…

   Seven or eight spells with different attributes smashed into the Weaver's body, blowing it up.


   As he was dying, looking at the magic caster walking in front of him, the web weaver asked half doubtfully and half unwillingly.

   "You didn't say as long as I told you..."

   "I believe that a lunar monster that symbolizes conspiracy and betrayal will tell me the truth? Do you think I'm really that stupid?"

After   , William stabbed the dying web weaver to death with his sword.

   "Is it okay if I ask your contractor about your purpose?"

The   glacial spikes turned into magic power and dissipated, and the web weaver's body fell down.

  William looked back at Sigmons and Colter, who were completely dumbfounded.

   "I want to hire you and those miners to help me dig a fortress. The reward is enough. Would you like to?"


  Rose Palace, the living room.

   Duke Simon is playing a game of Wang Kou chess with a middle-aged man.

   "Is the castle just let it go?"

   The man removed the guard piece from the castle and replaced it with a traitor.

   "But your refugees were cut off by my knights."

   Duke Simon calmly pushed the knight's chess piece forward two steps, blocking the opponent's refugee's position.

   "In this way, even if your renegades take over the castle, it's just an isolated city, and my Guards can take it back in the next round."

   The middle-aged man shook his head.

   "A dangerous move."

   "Sometimes you have to take that risk."

   Duke Simon replied.

   "Like now?"

   Duke Simon heard the words and put down the chess piece he was beating, he looked at the man and asked.

   "Do you know why every time I play Wang Kouqi, I always choose the side with the king?"

   The middle-aged man replied.

   "Because you are in the king's position?"

   "Because there are always winners and losers in this world, so I prefer to accept the challenges of others from the perspective of the king."

   Duke replied.

   "You are already king, the king of Blackwater."

   The middle-aged man reminded.

   "The king with a collar?"

   Duke Simon shook his head and continued.

   "I won't stop until I take back the power of the old Blackwater Kingdom."

The    middle-aged man sighed and stopped discussing this with him.

   He looked at the situation on the chessboard and thought for a while, and finally had no choice but to shake his head.

   "I'm afraid I've lost this game. Your Majesty, please allow me to retire first."

   "Wait a minute, Vincent, you can't come here today just to lose a chess game, right?"

Vincent von Bergman, a master magician whose numerology constellation is the Sage, and the chief court mage of the Mage Hall of the Rose Palace, has been assisting Duke Simon before he came to power, and is his most trusted advisor .

   "What do I want to ask, Your Majesty the Duke, you understand, and what is your answer, I also understand through the chess game just now."

   Vincent bowed his head and said.

   "Still entangled with the Holy Sepulcher?"

   "You and I have been to the depths of the Holy Sepulchre together, and we have seen the warning above. You should know that it is not a power that we can use."

   "But that's our only chance. Vincent, when did the warrior who dared to duel with members of the Imperial Platinum Circle become so... cautious?"

   "Recapturing the Elemental Silver industry and using the legacy of the Holy Sepulchre are two completely different things."

  Vincent took a deep breath.

   "You should remember that in order to prevent the awakening of that existence, the bodies of the two judges were buried there."

   "Then you should also remember that it is also written on the Holy Sepulcher. The residual will of that person is about to be wiped out. Why do you think I waited 20 years to start implementing this plan."

   "Your Majesty, allow me to take my leave."

   said that for the sake of it, Vincent no longer said any more, but turned to leave.

   He was halfway there when the duke suddenly asked.

   "Is your daughter okay? I heard that this trip to archaeology almost cost her life."

  Vincent paused slightly.

   "The confinement has been completed and she has been sent back to Offa University. Previously, I, Master Torrein, transferred her from the Department of Archaeology. She will never touch ancient tombs and ruins in her life."

   "Have you found the mage who saved her?"

   asked the Duke.

   "No, she has always been reluctant to say who he is, but the child has always been soft-hearted, and I suspect that the person is a heretic mage."

   Speaking of his daughter, Vincent's normally serious voice became less tense.

The Duke    nodded, then sighed leisurely.

   "Alas, Vincent, so is it all because of your daughter?"

  Vincent no longer spoke, but left the Rose Palace without looking back.

   (end of this chapter)