MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 32 Witch's Mist

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   Chapter 32 The Witch's Mist

   Cas Durant…

   When Liliana just returned to Thorns a few days ago, she had heard of this clumsy name.

   Once the chief of the Blackthorn Mercenary Corps, now for some reason, he has become a lunatic who kills innocent citizens indiscriminately.

   Killed twenty-eight people in just two months and is currently wanted throughout Blackwater.

   Liliana's gaze went beyond the black swordsman to the "Senior Rhodes" whose head was turned 180 degrees.

  Is this the truth, that black swordsman is hunting monsters disguised as humans?

   "Can you stand up?"

   Cass glanced at Liliana, who was sitting on the ground behind him, and asked in a hurry.

The monster in front of him was completely different from the opponents he had killed before, plus the seven or eight skeletons wearing half-armor and shrouded in mist that appeared from the side, he couldn't bear his attention at all at this moment. There is a slight shift.

  Liliana stood up leaning against the wall, only then did she realize that there was a moderate cut on her shoulder, bleeding profusely.

"no problem…"

   Liliana covered the wound and said while gritting her teeth, and then she chanted healing magic. The green light from her palm made the wound heal slowly and difficultly.


   Seeing this, the monster turned his stiff neck.

"If only you hesitated for a while. In that case, the neck of my good schoolgirl will be broken like a bamboo pole. It's a pity, I still want to take the pendant from the Kos Dynasty era and study it. "

   "You already knew I was following you?"

   Cass asked.

   "Since that pet of yours followed me yesterday, I knew you would come to see me these two days."

   The monster sneered.

   "Did you take the initiative to take me to the enchanting shop, and to take me to the underground black market to lure him out..."

  Liliana, who had stopped the bleeding, asked while enduring the pain.

   "Ah, this is indeed an accident. After all, I also really want to find out the origin of this pendant. After all, the enchantment above is a defensive enchantment specifically aimed at the spirit of the moon."

The    monster kept its face facing them and slowly turned around.

   "Are you a moon monster?"

   Liliana's eyes widened.

   "Moon monsters, what a nostalgic saying, who taught you this? The owner of this pendant?"

  The monster said, his face still had a stiff and kind smile.

   Liliana's heart sank suddenly, she had seen how strong the moon monster called "Stagger Demon" was. Even if the monster in front of him wearing the skin of "Senior Rhodes" is a few levels weaker, it is not an existence she can fight against.

   "Do you know what they are?"

   The black swordsman standing in front of her suddenly asked.

   "I know something, I heard it before... I heard it from a heretic mage."

   Liliana answered hesitantly.


   said the black swordsman.

   "Liz, use the witch's mist to take her out and go to the old place, she knows the clues of these monsters."

   Before Liliana asked who Liz was, a slap-sized girl with dragonfly wings on her back flew out of the black swordsman's chest pocket.

   She flew to Cass's head and said while tugging at his ear.

   "Witch's Mist can only take one person out, so don't talk too much here, and don't be so handsome here. If you want to run, let's run together."

   "There are too many people on the other side. I can't protect her here."

   Cass looked at the seven or eight half-armored skeletons that were approaching, and said quickly.

   "You take her away first, I'll knock them all down here and come back."

   Before he could finish his words, the three skeletons closest to him rushed up.

Because of the narrow tunnel, Cass couldn't swing the door-like giant sword in his hand, so he directly placed the sword in front of him as a shield, blocking the swords pierced by the two skeletons, and then The sword flew up for the axis and kicked the third skeleton against the wall.

With a sound of    "Whoa", the skeleton was scattered into skeletons all over the place.


  Case took advantage of this gap and turned around and shouted to the two.

   After he finished speaking, he raised his giant sword and swung towards the next skeleton.

  Liz looked at the back of Cass rushing out, cursed an idiot, and flew in front of Liliana.

"I'm going to take you out next, remember to never talk during this process, and don't try to think about what happened, in fact you don't think about anything, just leave your head empty, or you will be taken out of the fog thrown out."

   Looking at the witch she had only seen in the textbook, Liliana nodded subconsciously, but Liz still seemed a little worried.

   "Or I'll just let you sleep first, it's absolutely foolproof."

   "Huh? Wait a minute..."

   Before Liliana could finish her words, Liz fluttered her wings, and some purple-and-black scaled puffs fanned her face. Immediately, an irresistible drowsiness flooded into her heart, and within a few seconds she fell into a deep sleep.

   "Sorry, I'm in a bad mood right now, I guess you'll have a nightmare in a while, but that's something you can't do."

   said, Liz flew into the air and danced like no one else was around. With the dancing of her figure, a mist floated around her. The mist seemed to come from the fields in the morning or the forest at night, giving people an ambiguous feeling.

When the fog was thick enough to wrap both of them, Liz stopped, she took Liliana's hand, and the existence of one person and one witch in the fog gradually became ethereal and dreamy, as if it would disappear at any time. .

   The last gust of wind blew, and the two disappeared in this ambiguous fog.

  Witch's Mist, the only displacement magic that does not need to rely on thunder and lightning spells to tear apart space for teleportation. The witches temporarily disappeared from the world by blurring their existence in the fog, and then reappeared in the world through ambiguous memories.

   This is also the origin of the saying in many rural legends that children who run into the fog in the forest will be captured by witches. In fact, many children just got lost in the ambiguous fog created by the witches and forgot their existence. It may be just a short moment for them, but when they recall their memories again, it may be dozens or hundreds of years later.


   smashed the last skeleton into pieces, and Cas raised the sword in his hand and pointed at the monster.

   "It's a bit powerful, no wonder you can send so many of my compatriots back to the Moon Realm."

   Monster exclaimed sincerely.

   "The next one will be your turn to die."

   "Death? We won't die, don't get me wrong."

   said, its hands were bent into several pieces like some kind of arthropod, its palms bloomed like a flower of flesh and blood, and a sharp chitinous bone blade protruded from the position of the wrist.

"Of course, it's really troublesome to have the body destroyed in this world. After all, the contract to block the world has not expired, and now we can only get here through some loopholes, maybe we will be exiled back once, and then dozens of times. There will be no chance for a year.”

   Cass ignored the opponent's intentional delay, and directly charged up and slashed the opponent's head with a sword.


  The monster blocked the blow with its bones crossed in both hands, and its face showed a happy smile in the shadow of the great sword.

   "Don't worry, where are you going?"

  It said, raised its hands up, and knocked Cass back three steps.

   Then it began to swell, and with a sound of flesh and blood tearing, the layer of human skin disguise covering its true face fell off its body.

   After a while, a monster with compound eyes and insect mouthparts stood in front of Cass, a monster about two people tall, with six sharp spider lances growing from its back, covered with shiny chitin shells.

   It opened its arms and said as if making a declaration.

   "Now, last swordsman of Blackthorn, your long hunt should end."

   And Cass said in a charge posture.

   "It won't end until you kill all of you bastards."

   "Kill the clean?"

  Although it was no longer a human face after the layer of painting was torn off, Cas still saw that the monster's expression was a sarcastic smile.


   The skeletons that had been broken up by Cass were put back together again like a time-lapse.

   Around Cass, the skeletons covered in mist stood up one after another.

   He was surrounded by a group.

   "This is the real trap against you.

   (end of this chapter)