MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 35 Holy area

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   Chapter 35 God's Domain

   "…Who is Liliana to you?"

   Actually, before William asked this question, he already had a rough answer in his mind.

   But he still wanted to hear the person in front of him say it himself.

   The other party was silent for a while, the expression on his face kept changing, and finally he replied.

   "She's my daughter... Where did you get the name from?"

   Sure enough…

   Feeling the sense of vigilance that could not be concealed in the other's words, William couldn't help but have the urge to laugh.

   He said to this middle-aged man who claimed to be the chief court mage and claimed that the three goddesses of the moon were the ancient beliefs of the Blackwater Marsh area.

"Then do you know that your daughter was almost eaten as a dinner by the family of the 'Three Goddesses of the Moon' about a week ago? What were you doing at that time? Worshiping the statue of the Rotten Lady in this mine? "

   "I was looking for her at the time. I didn't know what happened to her encounter with the new born goddess."

  Vincent replied after a moment of silence.

  The goddess of rebirth is the honorific title for the hungry and rotten lady in the moon worship of the ancient Blackwater Kingdom. Likewise, the Queen of Whispers and the Lord of Nightmares are called the Goddess of Change and the Goddess of Art, respectively.

   "So you know that Lady Hungry's family can eat people?"

  William asked. He waited for a while and saw Vincent say nothing and continued.

   "And then you treat them as your own beliefs and worship a **** who can eat people?"

   For William's words, Vincent shook his head.

"Power is just power, how to use it is only related to the user's will. The same power can be used to kill or save people. My daughter is in danger because the magic caster wants to kill her, and that's not The will of the new goddess."

   is this familiar saying again.

  William had the urge to rest his forehead.

   In the game, whenever he questioned those moon worshipers who could still communicate normally, those people would use this set of rhetoric. I didn’t expect that more than a thousand years later, it would still be this virtue.

   It is not their gods who are wrong, but the believers below who have read the wrong scriptures and abused their power.

  William scoffed at this.

   "There are many ways to gain power."

   he said.

"Whether it's training skills, cultivating magic, or building power, those powers belong to themselves after they are obtained, and no one can take the power away from you. But it can only be obtained by trading with the Moon Realm. Power is not like that."

  William said and looked at the dead body of the web weaver.

   "No matter how powerful or convenient that power is, the power from the Moon Realm is something borrowed by the Void King. Those things will never belong to you, and one day you will spit it out with interest."

   "You came here to destroy the altar and take away the miners. You must not only want to teach me a lesson in faith, right?"

  Vincent interrupted William's sermon, and he continued.

"You are the heretical mage who saved my daughter in the Mountains of Sorrow. I asked that girl about your identity and whereabouts, but she refused to say anything, she just said that you are a wandering heretical mage, and you don't want to provoke too much. Trouble."

   As he said, he looked at the inside of the temple, which was already in a mess, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

   "She probably wouldn't have imagined that you would cause such a big trouble here... But no matter what your purpose of coming here is, please accept my thanks for saving my daughter."

  Vincent bowed to him solemnly.

"If you are willing to leave here, I will guarantee by my own reputation that no one will come to trouble you... Although I really want to say this, you still choose to stay here alone when you can use teleportation magic. , there must be something you want to talk to us about?"

  William nodded.

   "That's why I need to make sure that your status is sufficient in this city."

  Vincent answered bluntly.

   "Tell me what you want?"

  William looked at the pattern of dragons and snakes swallowing each other and replied.

   "I want to put aside what I want, let me tell you what you want first."

  William said, staring at Vincent's eyes.

   "You want to make the Blackwater Marsh region independent from the Riel Empire."

   Hearing what the other party said, Vincent said as usual:

   "Only a lunatic would think like that."

  William shook his head, he pointed to the rock wall and asked:

   "Do you know what this pattern on the rock wall means?"

  Vincent replied:

   "The original belief totem in the Blackwater Swamp area in the Bronze Calendar, the dragon **** Oka, who symbolizes kingship, and the snake **** Vera, who symbolizes death. This picture of swallowing tails shows that they are in an eternal battle and reincarnation."

  Vincent paused, then continued:

   "But these myths have been proven to be just silhouettes of real myths since the creation model of the Seven Holy Spirits was put forward. No one will believe this now, so why are you asking me?"

   "Are you sure you want to pretend to be confused in front of me?"

   William said.

   Vincent hesitated for a while before finally speaking.

   "The ritual of Wang Kou, by recreating the mirror image of the ancient myth, enables the executor to obtain the power in the myth..."

"I'll just say it bluntly, this ritual is not enough to get you out of the empire's control. The strength of ritual magic is closely related to the degree to which the performer of the ritual restores the myth. Otherwise, I will join an underground gang at random, Then as a 'rebel' to kill the 'king', the leader of the gang, wouldn't it be possible to gain the mighty power of the **** king in mythology? There is no such simple thing in this world."

   "Don't talk about the mighty power of the **** king in mythology. Even if you want a person to step directly into the realm of the gods, your ritual materials may need to kill the current emperor directly in order to meet the conditions of the ceremony."

   And you can kill the emperor of the empire in public, what kind of ritual is needed to gain power?

"what do you want to say in the end?"

   Vincent asked with a frown.

   "I can help you become independent from the empire, but I need you to pay accordingly."

   "You? Why are you?"

   "By this."

  William said, slammed the magic medium in his hand to the ground, and an extremely complicated blue clock pattern unfolded around it, covering the entire scope of the temple hall.

   As if there were bells coming from far away.

  Vincent felt that an outrageously powerful magic was injected into the clock pattern along the yew magic medium, and then spread to every corner of the hall.

   Then the pattern disappeared, and the surrounding area returned to normal.

   But Vincent felt that just now, a big magic that might need to assemble several magic choirs to release took effect.

   He looked around, as if nothing had changed in particular.

   "What did you just do?"

   Vincent asked solemnly.

   The other party did not answer him, but bent down and picked up a handful of slag, and then sprinkled it into the sky.

   Those **** stopped in mid-air.

   Time paused at this moment.

   Frost-based god-level magic [Zero Entropy].

   The magic caster in front of me has reached the realm of the gods!

   (end of this chapter)

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