MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 58 Wuxuan vs Qinghe

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[Tonight is just tonight. 】

After Yun Ranran finished answering, she was very nervous. After waiting for a while, the jade plaque finally warmed up, and short characters appeared on it.

【Location. 】

Yun Ranran didn't reply right away, her heart was pounding.

"What's wrong, your palms are so sweaty?"

Wuxuan suddenly stopped and looked over with concern.

Yun Ranran's hands trembled in fright, and the jade plaque almost fell to the ground. She held the jade plaque tightly in her palm, and tried to force a smile: "There are too many people, it's hot."

Wuxuan thoughtfully said: "Then go to a place with few people?"

Going to a place with few people is not a sure thing, Yun Ranran shook her head and said hastily: "It doesn't matter, I'm much better."

Wuxuan then held her wrist instead, spread out her palm, and covered her hand with his own, white light flashed across his fingertips, and the sweat disappeared completely.

He held her hand again and asked, "Are you comfortable?"

After all, Yun Ranran is a person, so she felt a little guilty, she looked away, and said softly, "It's much better."

Wuxuan felt relieved, and led her to continue walking. It happened that a procession appeared on the street. There were painted ghosts with green faces and fangs, and immortals with swords on their backs. took two slices.

Yun Ranran randomly pointed at one and said, "That person is so interesting."

Wuxuan followed her finger to look, he didn't see how interesting it was, but since the little girl said it was interesting, he wanted to know what was interesting, so that he could have more similar interests with her in the future.

So he looked very seriously.

As soon as Yun Ranran saw that Wuxuan's attention was attracted away, she began to look around at the surrounding environment, where would it be safe to invite [Cang Jin].

After all, the jade card in her hand doesn't wait for anyone, and I don't know if she is lucky, and the aggressive Demon Lord who urged her to die just now, after asking about the [location], she was silent and didn't urge her, just like It's like deliberately giving her time to think, but at the moment all her mind is tensely deducing, and she didn't think of this at all.

You can’t do it on the long street, you’ll always be bumped into, if you make a loud voice, or [Cang Jin] loses his temper, it will cause a big commotion, as smart as Wuxuan, he must know.

What about the long street next door? It was too far away, it would take time to run there, and she couldn't move around quickly. She looked left and right, and suddenly found a four-story restaurant standing on the side of the street, called the Riverside Restaurant, with many customers sitting inside, brightly lit.

She and Wuxuan are located in the center of the long street, and the restaurant is opposite. The parade people also stopped here and began to perform juggling. The two sides of the restaurant are full of shops, calligraphy and paintings, oiled paper umbrellas, masks, etc., are all well laid out. Big, not far away is an inland river with brightly colored praying paper boats floating on the river, as well as many painted boats floating on it.

It is said that the fireworks will be set off here later, so you don’t have to walk too far, and you can come back even if you are far away.

In this way, the restaurant is the best location, the first floor is too close to the lobby, and there are boxes on the second floor, as long as you choose the box on the inside, [Cang Jin] will not find it, and neither will Wu Xuan.

Exquisite, Yun Ranran, you are doing well.

After a lot of brainstorming, Yun Ranran finally came up with a feasible plan. She pretended to browse the surrounding shops, and asked the shop owner in a low voice: "Do you know the name of the restaurant opposite, the private room on the inside?"

The boss sells things here every day, so he knew it clearly, and said: "The outside is named after spring, and the inside is named after winter. You can choose [heavy snowflying]."

Yun Ranran felt that this name was really unlucky, but it was nothing else. After thanking the boss, she replied on the jade pendant with trembling fingers.

[See you in the box on the second floor of the Riverside Restaurant. 】

Yu Pei quickly became hot.

【good. 】

Yun Ranran felt that it would take some time for [Cang Jin] to come, so he took advantage of this opportunity to accompany Wuxuan first, so he put away the jade plaque and began to concentrate on watching the parade with Wuxuan.

Wuxuan is still studying what Yun Ranran said was interesting, and he can't take his eyes off it, although he still doesn't find it interesting, the world is boring, and it's not as interesting as the little girl.

The swordsmen in the parade began to juggle, turning the three torches in their hands in a fancy way, which attracted cheers from the onlookers.

Then a golden tray was launched in the center of the parade, on which were placed three crystal red round fruits, stained with dew, plump and ruddy.

The onlookers cheered one after another, dancing and saying "Here, here."

After Yun Ranran inquired about it, she realized that it was a spiritual fruit found by a pair of monks in the mountains. Although it was not a particularly rare thing, it was full of spiritual energy, and if it was snatched, it meant that it would be blessed by the gods.

Yun Ranran was so lively and relaxed, since she came out to play, she was naturally happy, so she also jumped up with the crowd and shouted loudly: "Here, here."

She jumps high, shouts loudly, and is a delicate and soft little girl. The person who threw the fruit saw her at a glance, and actually threw the fruit in her direction, and everyone around her robbed her. , jumped up one after another to pick them up.

Yun Ranran grinned, leaped gracefully, easily passed the crowd, and snatched the fruit into her palm, then she cheered happily.

Seeing her smiling, Wuxuan couldn't help laughing too, it turned out that she liked this and it wasn't a good thing, how could she be so happy.

He looked at the center, and there were two more. If she was so happy, then he would take the remaining two for her...

Just as he was thinking, a rosy and plump fruit suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

He froze for a moment, and saw the little girl's smiling face emerge from behind the fruit.

"Hey, I'll eat it for you."

She stretched out the fruit in front of him like this, smiling defenselessly.

He couldn't help asking, "Did you **** it for me?"

The little girl said: "That's right, doesn't it mean that if you eat this fruit, you will be blessed by the gods?"

"Although you are already very powerful, I still hope that some gods will take care of you."

Wuxuan looked at her silently, feeling that he really didn't look good these days, no matter what the little girl said, she could easily hit him. Is it because he is weak, or is she really that good?

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, the little girl stuffed him with fruit and said, "Eat it, you see, everyone envies you."

The handsome Buddha bent his eyes and smiled, took the red fruit, and really took the first bite. When the little girl was smiling, he stretched out his hand to hook her neck, pressed her into his arms, bent down and bowed his head , looking for her red lips, and fed the mouthful of fruit into it.

The little girl's eyes widened in an instant, and her cheeks blushed uncontrollably.

The fruit is sweet and delicious, and there is a clear breath on Wuxuan's body.

She had the lipstick fruit in her mouth, neither did she swallow it, nor did she swallow it.

Wuxuan chuckled in her ear: "Swallow it, or I'll feed it."

The words were very soft, his breath brushed against her earlobe and the adjacent skin, causing her to lose strength inexplicably, almost unable to stand, he clasped her waist with one hand to prevent her from falling.

The lights were like daylight, and the crowds were like weaving. The people around looked over excitedly. It is rare in a thousand years, and the Buddha has fallen into the world of mortals.

Everyone only saw Buddha biting off the red fruit and feeding it to the girl, but they couldn't hear what he said in her ear. All they saw was that girl's face was as red as blood, her eyes were downcast, and she swallowed the mouthful of red fruit.

The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

Yun Ranran was dizzy, she was often dizzy when she was with Wuxuan, this man didn't play cards according to the routine, and often caught her off guard.

The eyes of the people around her were too intense, she felt ashamed, so she pressed her face into his arms.

A man's gentle chuckle came from his ear: "Shy?"

She muffled her head and said nothing.

The man rubbed her hair, his voice was low, but it contained boundless Buddha power, like a gentle oath.

"If you eat the fruit I feed you, you will get my attention."

"I'm not a god, I'm just an insignificant monk."

"But whatever God can do for you, I will do for you."

After Wuxuan finished saying these words, an invisible oath force formed a shackle, which was tightly fastened to his Lingfu.

Yun Ranran felt that there was something different, but she didn't know what was the difference. Wuxuan seemed to have said something extraordinary, which made her chest swell, and she was indescribably moved.

Wuxuan held her by the shoulders and pushed her blushing out of his embrace, and asked with a smile, "I'll buy you peach juice, okay?"

Yun Ranran blushed and nodded.

Wuxuan pulled her out of the crowd and asked her to wait at the fence by the river, and then went to buy peach juice by himself.

Yun Ranran is still immersed in the emotion just now, Wuxuan is really a wonderful person, she just gave a fruit...

She wants to be nicer to him, she needs to take good care of him!

Just as she was thinking this way, the jade tablet started to feel hot.

[What about people? 】

Yun Ranran froze, and looked at Wuxuan again.

Wuxuan, I'm sorry... I'll treat you later... woo woo woo...

Then she sorted out her emotions and quickly caught up with Wuxuan. When Wuxuan approached her, he stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Ranran said, "I want to drink the peach juice from the one in the west of the city. Their peach juice is delicious."

The west of the city is far away from here, the peach juice store is filled with honey, it is famous far and wide, there are many people queuing up, you have to wait when you go, Wuxuan comes back and forth, at least half an hour, enough for her and [Cang Jin] to deal with for a while up.

Wuxuan asked, "Do you want to go together?"

Yun Ranran pretended to look eagerly at the parade, and said, "I want to watch for a while."

Wuxuan petted her, and said: "Okay, I'll buy it for you, you wait here."

Yun Ranran nodded, seeing Wuxuan's back disappeared into the long street, and immediately ran through the crowd to the restaurant. After a few waiters passing dishes, I hurried up to the second floor.

The two rows of private rooms on the second floor faced each other. She quickly found [Heavy Snow Flying], opened the door and saw that it was empty.


【Cang Jin】Where did you go? Just when she was wondering, the private room opposite suddenly opened, and a man in black clothes was wearing a mask, looking at her playfully.

"Come in."

Yun Ranran raised her head and glanced at the name of the private room [Spring]...

She felt somewhat uneasy, and why was she on the opposite side? If she was on the opposite side, she could see the long street. When Wuxuan came back later, she could see the two of them from the window, so she smiled and said, "The box I reserved is this way... "

Before he could finish speaking, the person was pulled in with his wrists clenched, and the door slammed shut behind him with a "bang" sound.

Yun Ranran felt his world spinning for a while, and he was pressed against the cold wall.

She passed over his shoulder, and was horrified to find that this position was facing the window.

She was pressed against the wall by [Cang Jin], so she was facing the window, while [Cang Jin] turned his back, the people below couldn't see [Cang Jin]'s face, but they could see her clearly.

Fortunately, Wuxuan didn't come back so soon, otherwise she would be finished.

As soon as she withdrew her thoughts, she met Shang [Cang Jin]'s interesting eyes, and she couldn't help shrinking towards the wall.

The Demon Lord raised her chin and asked, "What are we going to do?"

Yun Ranran said nervously: "Long time no see, we can chat."

The man sneered: "It's boring, do something I find interesting."

Yun Ranran bit the bullet and asked, "What do you find interesting?"

The man looked at her for a moment, then smiled: "Little thing, have you made any progress?"

Yun Ranran felt that she was going to burn up for a moment, she shook her head repeatedly, and said nonsense: "No, I have no chance to practice."

The man leaned in and traced her red lips with his eyes: "In this kind of thing, there is also the fun of being young."

Yun Ranran was miserable, with the cold wall behind her, she had no way of retreating, as he got closer and closer, her nervous eyes overflowed with steam, and suddenly said: "I, I have made progress."

The man stopped, but his tone was a bit low, with faint anger: "Have you made progress? Who did you make progress with?"

Yun Ranran knew that he had misunderstood, and said: "No, I mean, I have improved in dancing, how about I dance for you?"

The man paused slightly, let her go, and softened his tone: "Okay."

【Cang Jin】Walk to the soft bed and sit down, looking at her leisurely.

Yun Ranran then moved to a place out of sight of the window, into the shadows, desperately doing mental training, and finally did it well. When she was about to jump, the man said coldly: "I don't like your clothes."

"Huh?" Yun Ranran was stunned. Don't you like clothes? What's the meaning?

[Cang Jin] said slowly: "Dancing should look like dancing, at least like that day."

Yun Ranran froze for a moment, and couldn't help but blushed all over. She dared to wear that kind of clothes in the atmosphere of Xiaoyao Pavilion. How could she be ashamed to be in this restaurant with him.

【Cang Jin】But he didn't say any more, just looked at her leisurely.

The time he gave was slow torture, let her think, let her convince herself, let her break down, and let her reshape herself...

Time passed bit by bit, Wuxuan should be queuing up to buy peach juice, she has already gone so far away from Wuxuan branch, at this time, if she is entangled with this kind of thing, it is a waste of time, and she doesn't get the favor of the demon king, isn't it Is it worth the candle?

She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll change the one you like, but there's nothing here..."

[Cang Jin] Sliding her fingertips across the storage bag, she took out a white gauze dress as thin as a cicada's wings, and threw it towards her.

The white gauze gently fell on Yun Ranran's head, then slid off her dull face, and finally fell into her palm.

He was already prepared? When did he prepare it? Just now? Or, which little goblin left behind?

[Cang Jin] glanced at her small face, and explained: "No one has worn it, I specially took ice silk and asked someone to make it, but it is a top-level defensive spiritual weapon."

Even so, it's a pervert to prepare such a thing on purpose, right? Are demons so shameless?

Looking at her wonderful little face, he said without limit: "That's right, I really have no shame."

Yun Ranran: ...

The matter has come to this point, she has no way out, she has come, she can only bite the bullet, she hugged the gauze, and whispered: "I'll go to the next door to change."

The Demon Venerable said slowly, "Just change it here."

Yun Ranran:!

She looked at him in shock, she couldn't believe what she heard, all kinds of swear words were written on her face in an instant.

She quit, this bastard, she can't convince herself, and she can't change clothes in front of him, never! She's leaving now, this dog man is gone!

Just when she was doing all the psychological preparation, [Cang Jin] said: Otherwise, I will turn my back and not look at you.

What nonsense is he talking about? How could she refuse to watch it? How could she believe in his ghost...

[Cang Jin]: I can make an oath.

After he finished speaking, he really made an oath, and swore a heart demon oath.

Yun Ranran: ...



I swore that I wouldn't read it, and she didn't seem to mind changing it, but the shameful line of defense in her heart kept her from even raising her head.

The fingers holding the white gauze were so hard that they turned white, she turned her heart and said, "Okay, don't peek."

[Cang Jin] chuckled lightly: "Didn't you all swear, coward."

Her ears were red from his laughter, and she hid in the corner, holding the gauze in her hands, and after making sure that he closed his eyes again and again, she tremblingly unbuttoned herself.

Outer shirt and inner garment, because of tension, the laces were pulled several times before they were untied. Of course, the bellyband and obscene trousers would not be taken off. Just when she finally untied them and was about to change the gauze, she suddenly felt a burst of tension behind her back. The scorching gaze was unscrupulous and extremely presumptuous.

Her heart was shocked, and she turned around suddenly, and saw that the man didn't close his eyes like he said, but looked at her seriously, from head to toe, without letting go of a single bit.

Her head exploded with a "buzz", her shame and embarrassment turned into anger, and she couldn't care about anything immediately, she suddenly rushed towards him, and suddenly pressed him who was sitting on the soft bed, knees separated Kneeling on both sides of his body, his hands were tightly clamped around his neck.

"Bastard, you lied to me, you didn't make an oath!"

The man was stuck by her obediently, without struggling, he smiled and said: "I didn't lie to you, I made an oath!"

Yun Ranran was anxious: "Do you think I'm a child? You made such an oath, how could you still peek at me after making such an oath?"

The man didn't speak, his eyes slightly curved behind the mask.

"Would you believe me if I said that I want to see you in a different way even when I'm gone?"

Such a rogue behavior but saying such affectionate words, no matter what, people can't see the sincerity.

The little girl was a little dazed because of these words, and watched him for a long time without moving.

Qing He behind the mask smiled.

She, no matter what was said to her, her first reaction was to believe it, it was so absurd, but she was also thinking seriously, how stupid.

He looked at her small face seriously, and suddenly reached out to brush her eyebrows.

This time, he didn't lie.

I don't know when it will disappear, and such a moment will eventually come. Even though I'm so close, I still feel that my desire is hard to fill.

Want to see more of her, no matter which side...

Even if the soul flies away... I will not hesitate...

[Cang Jin]'s gaze was serious enough to be persistent, and Yun Ranran couldn't help being caught in it, even a little sad, but she quickly reacted and said angrily: "Who are you lying to, I'm smart."

[Cang Jin] laughed out loud: "That smart man, with your appearance, do you want to do something with me?"

Yun Ranran was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that she was too impulsive just now, so she threw herself into his arms like this. Now the anger passed, and the embarrassment regained the upper hand.

She jumped off the soft bed in a panic, ran over to pick up her clothes, squatted in the corner, thinking that she was already like this, she might as well max out her favorability, so she couldn't suffer this loss for nothing, so she asked: "Then you Want to watch the dance?"

【Cang Jin】: "I can't ask for it."

Yun Ranran made a decisive decision and quickly changed into gauze clothes.

The gauze was soft and light, outlining the tight waist of the little girl. She stood there looking shy.

[Cang Jin] took out a bamboo flute from the storage bag, and said with a smile, "How about I accompany you?"

Yun Ranran blushed and nodded.

【Cang Jin】It really started to blow, and the melodious and melodious notes jumped out one by one, gradually drifting away with the night and moonlight.

To Yun Ranran's surprise, she originally thought that he would make things difficult for her by playing those blushing tunes, but what he played was a deeply affectionate tune.

She really danced a dance of clouds and cranes for him.

[Cang Jin]'s gaze fell on the little girl all the time, her serious appearance was too beautiful to behold.

This white gauze suits her very well. Under the moonlight, she is as beautiful as a fairy in the Nine Heavens. It is not stained by dust, cannot be profane, holy and lovely, elegant and dignified.

Just when the little girl completely forgot about the absurdity just now and was immersed in the elegant atmosphere here, the man suddenly threw the flute in his hand, got up from the chair, strode up to her, stretched out his hand to clasp her waist, and held her To the side, he pressed against the window sill behind him.

The cold wind outside the window brushed her back, making her shiver slightly.

The little girl panicked immediately, what about the romance under the moon, playing music and dancing? Isn't he following the elegant route of silk and bamboo? Why did he suddenly, suddenly...

The man smiled and said, "Why do you think you are asked to dance this kind of dance? Is it because I like it?"

"Of course not, I just want to see the tall fairy fall into my arms after being lured."

Yun Ranran: ...

This guy is a devil! woo woo woo...

At this moment, she suddenly heard him lazily saying: "Why are there so many people on the long street today?"

She was startled, and suddenly her scalp went numb, and only then did she realize that he was pressing her against the window. According to the time, it was almost time for Wuxuan to come back. If he looked up, he would definitely see her .

What should we do?

If found out, she would be dead.

The man was still looking at the long street slowly, without any intention of letting go of her.

"Well, where did the monk come from? Why do you still like to drink peach juice?"

Yun Ranran's heart skipped a beat, Wuxuan came back, she couldn't care about anything else, she stretched out her hand, hugged his waist tightly, turned around abruptly, escaped from the window, and turned back to press him against the wall.

Heartbroken, he raised his heels slightly, closed his eyes and bit his Adam's apple.