MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 93 always gentle, always upright

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"Qin Ziqi."

"Let me help you find your former self, okay?"

When she heard this for the first time, she cried bitterly, unable to calm down for a long time.

Qing'er's death left an indelible shadow on her, and the gap in her heart might not be closed in this lifetime.

Can I really get back the self who used to be alone in the enemy's camp with a long spear and a horse?

Yun Jian regained some strength, got up from the ground and sat cross-legged, his handsome cheeks flickered in the bonfire, he smiled and said, "Qin Ziqi, you'll be fine."

She didn't know what to say, so she wiped away her tears and asked him, "What are you going to do?"

Yun remonstrated: "First, get out."

go out?

She was surprised: "How to get out? You can't even see the border."

Yun remonstrated: "Then keep going south, you can always come to the end."

She looked at the young man covered in injuries, and said helplessly, "But you can't do without..."

Yun remonstrated: "As long as I stay awake longer, we can slowly head south."

She asked, "How to do it?"

The boy didn't respond to her, but gradually disappeared before her eyes.

Into the real nightmare again...

It's mind-boggling...

He has already entered three times in such a short period of time, and each time he came out of the illusion after a complete breakdown.

She only enters once and doesn't want to live anymore. She can exchange anything in her body to avoid pain. She doesn't want anything anymore. Dignity, life, everything, what kind of perseverance does that guy live to the end? Now…

As night fell, her body became colder and colder, and she began to want to sleep again.

But this time she didn't let herself go, but put her hand into the charcoal fire again, and the sharp pain made her sober for a moment.

She stood up unsteadily, picked up the branches with all her strength, wrapped some dew in the leaves, and staggered back, sitting down in front of the campfire.

She stuffed the branches into the coals and placed the leaves in the middle of a pile of stones.

Then she sat in front of the campfire and waited silently, not daring to close her eyes.

When the moon rose to the middle of the sky, the boy fell onto the fire out of thin air. He groaned and rolled away. His body was soaked in blood, and he closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

She moved in front of him, took the bag of leaves, and poured the dew into his dry lips bit by bit.

After a while, the boy woke up moaning and groaning.

He sat up vigorously, rubbed his head, then looked at the leaves beside him, his eyes lit up.

"Qin Ziqi, you are very good."

Being praised by him like this, she was a little dumbfounded for a while.

Seeing his dirty appearance, she wanted to fetch some water for him, but just as she was about to get up, he held down her wrist.

"I'll go." The young man said briskly, then propped himself up on the ground and stood up straight.

His face was bloodless, and he looked like he was on the verge of falling, and the blood on his body flowed more cheerfully because of this movement.

She frowned: "Why are you being brave?"

The young man limped towards a depression not far away, where a puddle of rainwater was accumulating, so he squatted down, scooped up water with his hands, and gently scrubbed his face.

After a while, the boy washed off the dirt on his face, and smiled with one bruised eye closed: "I didn't try to be brave, don't you think I did it?"

She didn't take it seriously at first, but when she thought about it carefully, she suddenly felt that something was wrong. It was difficult for Yun Jian to escape the emotional collapse again when he came out of the nightmare a few times before, and he even fell into a coma for a while, but this time, he was fine and still Can stand up and walk that far?

She looked at him in surprise.

The boy with water on his face was sitting and resting by the puddle, he came back with no strength...

But he still looked sane.

She couldn't help asking: "You seem to be different from before..."

The young man smiled wearily.

"Oh, I've become stronger."

She was stunned, what's going on? Got stronger? There are purple bouquets all over the mountains and plains because of him. Such a long period of pain did not make him stronger, but he actually became stronger within a short day of meeting him?

The teenager rested for a while, and his mental state improved. He got up again and walked back, and sat down next to her. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist, tapped his long fingertips lightly, and his pretty face turned around in shock.

"Qin Ziqi, your viscera are all shattered, your meridians are all broken, how did you survive?"

She looked at him speechlessly, she should be the one to ask this question! It is a miracle that this guy survived the flowers all over the mountains and plains!

After Yun Jian was shocked, she closed her eyes, and an unusually gentle force suddenly rushed into her veins, gentle and tough, slowly nourishing his body.

Those pains are relieved a lot because of this.

This is... Yun Jian's spiritual power...

She struggled to withdraw her hand: "Don't waste it on me."

Yun Jian refused to let go: "How can it be a waste to use it on you?"

She couldn't speak, but the spiritual power was endless, making her want to sigh comfortably.

The moon hangs gently high above, and the purple bouquets all over the mountain sway gently.

The orange bonfire made a slight sound, dispelling the chill from his body.

The young man next to him has handsome eyebrows, chic and happy.

She suddenly felt that this was a long dream, that she and him were not trapped, they were just wandering the rivers and lakes, resting here to feed the horses.

They sat on the ground, drank a jug of strong wine, slept under the moonlight, and chatted about the happy and enmity past.

It wasn't until the spiritual power in the meridian suddenly stopped, and the boy disappeared like a wave around her, that she finally woke up.

Her eyes were wet, and she stretched out her hand to grab him, but in the end it was in vain, only the cloud-white hairband lightly brushed against her palm, and finally disappeared.

She covered her eyes with the back of her hand, and the tears couldn't stop falling.


She cried for a while and wiped away her tears. Her physical condition improved because of Yun Jian's spiritual power, and she didn't feel as painful as before. block, start figuring out which direction to go.

Just after she checked all around in a hurry, the boy reappeared.

He was miserable as always, curled up and cried bitterly as always.

She gave him water, and he came to himself quickly, even faster than the last time.

Something has indeed changed in him, is it because of his cultivation?

Same as the previous time, Yun Jian took the time to give her spiritual power. This time, he stayed longer, not only finished losing the spiritual power, but even started walking south with him.

But not long after he walked out, he entered a real nightmare.

This made her feel incredible, this boy was nothing short of a miracle.

Following his instructions, she searched for the remaining survivors along the way, but unfortunately, there was no sign of any living things.

Then began the difficult cycle.

Yun Jian continued to enter the real nightmare, and when he was awake, he went south with him, searching for the rest of the surviving population along the way.

Today is the tenth day.

Yun Jian was walking through clusters of purple flowers, searching every corner carefully to see if there were people like them.

Under the nourishment of Yun Jian's spiritual power for so many days, her body recovered quickly, and now she can walk without hindrance.

And that miraculous boy was even more outrageous, and his waking state became longer and longer.

After checking the two northwest corners, she walked towards Yun Jian and asked as she walked, "How did you do it?"

After seeing the last dense forest, Yun Jian turned around and said, "Recently I have been practicing hard."

She went to the south side by side with him, and asked even more incomprehensibly: "Recently, you have worked hard to cultivate? Didn't you work hard in the past?"

Yun remonstrated: "I didn't work hard before."

She was dumbfounded.

The boy smiled and said, "You don't know how talented I am."

She really doesn't know how talented he is, but this is too outrageous, so why didn't he work hard when he fell into a real nightmare? To make yourself miserable for so long?

She asked, "Why didn't you work hard before?"

The young man smiled and said, "You don't know, do you? We sword cultivators become more and more indifferent as we cultivate, becoming a generation of sword immortals, and the way of ruthlessness is the best."

"I don't want to be so heartless."

The boy was walking beside her, with endless purple bouquets behind him, he lowered his eyes and smiled briskly.

"What's the use of having a high cultivation base? It's so boring to keep a cold face all day long."

"The little girl will be scared to cry by me."

She froze again.

Just for this? That's why he endured such endless pain? Is this guy too childish? Nonsense, right?

Veins twitched on her forehead, and she asked, "Then you plan to endure this pain forever and never go out?"

Yun remonstrated: "I think after a long time, I can always find a way, but it's just a bit of hardship."

She was about to be ignited by the young man's words. Is this just suffering?

The boy smiled and said, "Compared to this kind of pain, I hate being someone I don't like more."

"I would rather die than become a cold and heartless person."

She couldn't speak, and always felt that the boy was too childish, no matter how principled she was, it shouldn't be like this...

But he was really different from everyone she had ever met, so she asked, "Then why have you worked so hard lately?"

The young man sighed: "At first, I thought I could persevere until I figured out a way, but recently it was too painful and I couldn't stand it. I thought I should get out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible, so I left my childish and innocent self and started to practice hard."

She was slightly startled, and gritted her teeth: "Stop talking nonsense, you are not such a person, you are...for me!"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her eyes to look at him, and the boy looked over with a smile.

His pair of black eyes reflected the purple of the ocean, without any avoidance, he looked at her frankly.

"That's right, it's for you."

She paused, her eyes turned red, annoyed.

"Yun Jian, who wants you to do it for my own good? Have you asked for my consent? You clearly said that you don't want to be the person you hate, but you want to do this kind of thing for me. Do you think I'll be happy? I'd rather die here. "

Yun remonstrated: "I can't lie to you, it's really for you."

"When I first saw you, I wanted to take you out."

"You are the person I admire, do your best to do something for the person I admire, is there anything wrong?"

She said angrily: "I don't want it!"

Looking at the endless clusters of purple flowers, the young man asked softly, "What about them?"

She was taken aback.

There are not only her here, but also other people who suffer as much as her, and even in the future, there will be people who keep entering...

She couldn't help but look at the young man, with a smile on his lips, brisk brows and eyes, he was always gentle and upright.

But, why should he have to suffer all these hardships, why should he be the self he hates? Her eye sockets were wet, and her vision gradually became blurred.

The boy leaned down and smiled at her.

"Qin Ziqi."

"What were you thinking when you entered the enemy's camp alone with a spear and a horse?"

Her tears fell down in big drops.

[I want to protect important people. 】

The boy rolled his black eyes.

"Qin Ziqi."

"I think the same as you do."