MTL - Fox in the Penalty Area-Chapter 15 Turns out you are professional

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After the school bell rang, Hu Lai jumped out of the seat almost instantaneously, and then pulled out the school bag that had been packed up, ran out of the back door of the classroom, and the other students in the fast-moving class had not reacted.

Just after he went out, Li Qingqing also got up from the seat, carried a school bag, and left the classroom immediately thereafter.

Luo Kai's eyes turned to the back door of the classroom.

Has been three days in a row, and the boy of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing have left the classroom at the earliest.

Just as before, Hu Lai, always running for the first time out of the classroom three days a week. But at that time, no one cared about what he was so anxious to do. For most people, Hu Lai did not exist when he was not making a joke.

But Li Qingqing has three days a week to leave as anxiously as Hu Lai ...

Although they usually seem to have no intersection at school, this scene still makes Luo Kai feel like there is some kind of tacit understanding between the two.

He stared at the place where Qingqing Li Qing disappeared, frowning.


Li Qingqing first went home to get the props needed for training, then appeared in front of Hu Lai carrying the **** sports bag, took out various training props from it, and guided Hu Lai to train according to different training contents.

When letting Hu Lai warm up himself, Li Qingqing started to work on the open ground, putting all kinds of equipment needed for training.

She first placed the five red sign plates one meter apart at the center of the field, and then inserted a red sign post on each sign plate. The five red sign posts were arranged diagonally, and the last sign post The first ten meters is the blue stone wall of the high platform with the "goal" painted on it.

And at the beginning of the sign post, five meters apart, Li Qingqing put three sign rings of different colors, arranged in a triangle.

Hu Lai, who was warming up next to her, watched Li Qingqing busy on the venue. She wore her long black hair in a ponytail tied behind her head, wearing a loose style sportswear school uniform of Dongchuan Middle School and hanging a stopwatch around her neck.

As she walked around to place training equipment, the stopwatch and ponytail on her chest flicked back and forth.

Is really like a capable female coach.

After Hu Lai warmed up, Li Qingqing stood at the end of the sign post near the goal and hooked up to signal Hu Lai to come over. After Hu Lai ran over, she said, "I will come over later and pass the football to me horizontally."

"Okay." Hu Lai knew that Li Qingqing was going to demonstrate to himself what he would train next.

They did this every time. Li Qingqing will demonstrate Hu Lai first and then guide Hu Lai's training, whistle at any time to suspend training, and correct Hu Lai's problems in training.

After telling Hu Lai what to do next, Li Qingqing returned to the three different colored circle of signs, facing the sign post, facing away from the circle of signs, and said to Hu Lai: "You just call a color."

"Shout casually?"


"Black!" Hu Lai shouted.

Almost at the same time, Li Qingqing quickly turned around and froze in front of the three signs of yellow, red and blue. After a second she screamed: "Where is the black!"

Hu Lai was very wronged: "Don't you let me shout casually?"

Li Qingqing turned back and gave him a white look: "Let you just shout one of these three colors!"

"Oh oh, I'm sorry ..." Hu Lai was still apologizing to Li Qingqing a second ago, but he said suddenly, "Red!"

But even if he was so unexpected, Li Qingqing quickly completed the turn, and then his feet jumped into the red sign circle accurately, and then turned around and jumped out of the sign circle, rushing to the sign pole five meters away.

Then she flashed into the gap between the first and second marker rods, then flashed out, bypassed the second marker rod, and cut in the gap between the second and third rods.

Just like this, she almost stuck to every sign post, but she didn't touch those sign posts at all. With amazing speed, she bypassed the five sign posts instantly, killed them, and rushed to Hu Lai.

Hu Lai was dumbfounded. He seemed to see a fluttering butterfly flying through the flowers. The ponytail raised and fell. It was the dust left after the butterfly's wings flapped. It shone in the sunset light.

He forgot what he should do until Li Qingqing shouted at him: "Pass!"

Hu Lai recovered, and hurriedly kicked the football under him, but accidentally used too much force.

It was just such a vigorous ball but Li Qingqing stopped it very easily, just like there was a "suction stone" in her shoes that could hold the ball. Then Li Qingqing shot the football towards the "goal" of the wall.

The football hits the upper right corner of the "goal" and pops up.

Li Qingqing turned his head to the dumbfounded Hu Lai and said, "Do you understand? After a while, I randomly shouted a color at your location. You have to turn around and jump into the circle of the corresponding color, and then jump out, bypassing the sign pole like me , Run to me, after receiving the pass I gave you, shoot the football towards the goal. It's that simple. "

Hearing Li Qingqing's words, Hu Lai grinned. When he first saw Li Qingqing doing a demonstration, he said the same thing, and was taught to be a man by cruel reality.

So he felt that now Li Qingqing had finished the demonstration and added a sentence "It's that simple" was mocking him, in order to retaliate, he just shouted at him just now.

Li Qingqing and Hu Lai changed positions. She stood where Hu Lai stood before and asked Hu Lai to stand in front of the sign circle.


Hu Lai squatted slightly, his entire body stretched up, leaned forward slightly, waiting for Li Qingqing to shout that color at any time.

At the same time, he remembered the positions of the three colored circles in his mind, so as not to jump the wrong circle.

Red is at the top of the triangle, I stand in front of the red, yellow is on the left of the red, that is, on the back of my left, um, right of the red is blue, so my right back is blue ...

At this moment, he heard Li Qingqing shouting: "Purple!"

Hu Lai's body shook, and his right foot stepped forward sharply, making a lunge, which only supported the body that was about to fall.

Then he turned back and shouted to Li Qingqing: "Where is the purple!"

Li Qingqing laughed out loudly: "There was no black just now!"

Hu Lai rolled his eyes-Li Qingqing was waiting for him here ...


Ten sets of training have ended, Hu Lai sat on the floor, take time to rest.

And while he was resting, Li Qingqing was busy again. She put away the logo discs, logo poles and logo rings she had put before, and then pulled out the agile ladder from her shoulder bag. To this thing.

Hu Lai watched Li Qingqing skillfully fiddle with these training equipment and put them in the right place to form a new training content.

He asked a question that had been long-awaited: "Classmate Li Qingqing, why do you understand this? Are you professional?"

Li Qingqing said that I learned this with my father since I was a child, but she didn't say that because she said so, Hu Lai would definitely ask what her father did. She did not want Hu Lai to know that her father was the head coach of the school team and decided that he could join the school team.

She worried that when Hu Lai knew, everyone would be embarrassed to get along together.

Then she smiled and said: "Well, I'm a female football."

She did not lie, she is indeed a female football player.

Hu Lai was surprised to hear this answer: "Women's football?"

In his life, there are many girls who like football, but there are very few girls who play football. Li Qingqing is the first living girl he saw in his life, playing football.

Li Qingqing nodded: "Well, before I transferred to Dongchuan Middle School, I went to school in a football school, from the third grade of elementary school to the junior high school.

Before coming to Dongchuan Middle School, Li Qingqing attended the best football school in China. If it were not for her father to come back, she would definitely continue to attend high school in that school, then enter the professional football system and join a professional women's football team ...

"Wow ... no wonder you are so powerful." Hu Lai remembered that the two met for the first time. He couldn't grab the ball under Li Qingqing's feet anyway. At that time, he was still frustrated that he was not as good as a girl. Now he is in a mood. The child is bright-it turns out that the other party is professional, then it is not that I am too weak, but that the other party is too powerful! Fortunately, fortunately ... Fortunately ...

Hu Lai no longer asked why Li Qingqing understood these training contents. People stayed in professional football schools for six years. Training is all these things on weekdays. Can she not understand?


When Hu Lai was training, Li Qingqing was watching, with a whistle in his mouth. UU reading www.

When she discovered that Hu Lai's training was wrong, she immediately blew her whistle, suspended the training, pointed out the error to Hu Lai, and asked him to come again.

It's just that during the recent period, the whistle sound has become less and less.

Hu Lai's movements are obviously more skillful, smoother and more natural at the beginning of Bit Training.

This is something that surprised Li Qingqing.

It stands to reason that when I was 13 years old, even with coordinated training, the effect would be much worse-not that it is completely ineffective, but the progress will be slower, and the effect is not as good as when I was a child-but look at Hu Lai Li Qingqing could n’t help but doubt his past experience.

Actually, this situation of Hu Lai has not appeared on the first day. As early as the first day of training, Li Qingqing discovered it, so she cares so much.

After this period of observation, she found that Hu Lai's coordination has really improved. There may be a big gap from excellent, but it is much better than before.

Be aware that Li Qingqing didn't use the ball training mode when he started the coordinated training, but now it has the ball mode, and the difficulty is much higher than the ballless mode.

Doesn't he have no talent before, just because he hasn't received professional training?

But what a pity ... Even if he can receive one more year of training, I am afraid he can be selected for the school team. But now there is only one week left for Hu Lai ...

But even if he couldn't join the school team, at least he ended up playing football in the class physical education class, so he wouldn't be excluded because of his poor performance?

This can be regarded as the compensation that I gave him after hitting him.

I can only do this.

Li Qingqing thought so.