MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 718 Emerge the **** of the lower realm, the **** of candlelight!

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  Chapter 718 Emerges as the God of the Underworld, the God of Candlelight!

  The person who appeared in front of Spider Fairy was a dignified and beautiful woman. The other party wore a decent kimono all her life, but judging from her attire, it gave people the illusion that the other party was not a person of this era.

  That's right, the other party is someone Zhu Ji knows, even if Yuto and Jiuxiang are here, they will find that they know this person...or this monster.

   "Dude girl, why did you appear here? And what's the matter with your injuries?

  With your current monster power, there shouldn't be too many people in this world who can hurt you like this? "

  The ones who appeared in front of Spider Hime and the others were the two youkai girls that Yuto and the others met in the Chiba area before.

  At that time, Yuto and Jiuxiang were members of the countermeasure team to deal with the monster incident, and the monster they encountered at that time was the couple in front of them.

  At the beginning, Yuto also tentatively recruited the other party, but unfortunately he was not very courageous and not very strong at the time, and all the couples in the end neither agreed nor refused.

  The original couple was an existence who could defeat Jiuxiang, and was also an existence comparable to Spider Fairy in terms of demon power.

  In the world where the aura of heaven and earth had just recovered, the strength of the couple could be regarded as a rare monster.

   See you again after a long time. Although the two girls do not have the supply of You Dou demon power crystals, their strength has widened the gap with Spider Princess.

  But now it is also a big monster with S+ level of monster power. This kind of strength is not to say that it is rampant, but it can basically be regarded as dominating one side.

  But at this moment, the couple in front of Zhu Ji and the others seemed to be in a rather bad situation.

   Not only did he walk with a staggering gait, but the demon power on his body also fluctuated, and the kimono on his body was burned in a large area, revealing the fair skin that was also burned inside.

   "Is it someone Spider Princess knows? She looks like she's seriously injured. Let's help her back to the camp."

  Seeing Spider Ji's expression, Masami subconsciously thought that the other party was her friend, so she was going to step forward to help.

   However, when they met Spider Girl in this kind of place, the couple's expression was obviously quite surprised, but after reacting, the couple quickly waved their hands to tell Yami and the others to ignore her, and leave here quickly.

  Although they only meet each other a few times, the couple don't want to involve other people, because chasing and killing her enemies is indeed quite troublesome.

  She could tell that Spider Fairy was much stronger than her now, but the woman beside her was an ordinary person.

  Hearing the reminder from the married woman, Zhu Ji planned to leave with Yami almost without hesitation.

   It's not that Spider Ji is ruthless and intends to treat the couple with death.

   But in her view, the couple just met by chance, not even friends.

   Right now, Masami's comfort from the Heavenly Court is even more important. Not to mention that she and the couple are just acquainted, even if the other party is her friend now, Spider Princess will choose to take Masami away first.

   After all, in the eyes of Zhu Ji, Yudou-sama is the most important, and Yudou's most important family is the second most important.

   Giving her such an important task of protecting Yami-sama means that Yuto-sama trusts her the most, so she will naturally perform her duties no matter what.

  And the other party can make the S+ level couple tell the danger and hurt her like this. It is conservatively estimated that he is also a guy whose strength is comparable to his own, or even stronger.

  If she is alone, then she naturally doesn't mind helping the couple, and maybe she can be drawn into Lord Yudou's command because of this.

  But now, Spider Princess is not sure about fighting against such a powerful enemy while protecting Masami-sama.

  However, just when Spider Girl was about to leave with Yami in her arms, a violent flame suddenly ignited in the forest, and the flame formed a circle, surrounding them.

  The flame burned violently, and a flame barrier several meters high was formed around it.

  Feeling the intensity of the surrounding flames, Spider Girl felt that if she forcibly crossed over, she would probably suffer some minor injuries.

   But the problem is that the Yami in her arms is an ordinary person, and the flame that can only cause minor injuries to her can instantly burn Yami to ashes.

  Looking at the surrounding flames, and then looking at the burns on the couple's body, Spider Fairy instantly understood that this should be the enemy the couple mentioned.

  Even if Spider Fairy doesn't intend to be troublesome, they seem to have been affected by Chi Yu now.

   "I'm still thinking about why you, a monster, deliberately ran into the wilderness. It turns out that there are accomplices here.

   And it seems that she is not weak, but if you think she can save you, then you are really naive, because even a demon king like her is still not my opponent. "

  There was a wave of fluctuations on the flame barrier, and a figure leaped over the flames and slowly appeared in front of Spider Fairy and the others.

  The other party is a short and cute loli with flaming Shamat orange hair. What's even more outrageous is that there is actually a wick on it with a flame burning on it. It looks like a cute character.

  But there is no doubt that from the appearance of the other party, it can be known that the other party is not a human being, and he can't feel any demon power on his body, so he is not a monster either.

   Judging from his self-proclaimed "principal god", it should not be difficult to deduce that the other party is the so-called lower realm god.

  The God of Candlelight, the lower **** of the God Realm, but among the lower gods, it is also a famous one after all.

  Before humans did not have such things as light bulbs and electricity, and the things used for lighting were either candles or oil lamps.

  The candles produced by these lighting tools are the source of the birth of the God of Candlelight.

  The existence of the other party can be said to be one of the important factors supporting human night activities in ancient times, and the force is quite high.

  Humans are afraid of darkness, candles can illuminate and bring them light, and when people are helpless, they make wishes to candles.

   It is also because of this belief that gods like the God of Candlelight appear.

  If the world does not change, the God of Candlelight will even gradually set foot on the level of the middle **** because of the lights of thousands of houses at night.

  But since the world entered the electrical age and people used other lighting tools such as light bulbs, the status of the **** of candlelight began to plummet.

  The God of Candlelight hates humans who don’t know how to repay their kindness. In the previous night, he helped humans drive away the darkness and pointed out the way forward.

  But after human beings have more convenient tools, they forget him, the **** who once gave them light.

  As for why the couple of girls offended the Candle God, it was because of a group of human traffickers.

   As we all know, because of the emergence of high schools that eliminate spirits, and the fact that ordinary people can also get in touch with yin and yang, this has led to some children with spiritual talents becoming extremely valuable.

   Therefore, there are not a few traffickers who are desperate because of this, because children with spiritual power can buy a good price as soon as they change hands.

   And what kind of monster is the couple, I believe that those who understand the culture of monsters should also understand...

  (end of this chapter)