MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 14 mysterious power

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Through these goblins, Ling Fei quickly became familiar with the newly emerging power in his body. Although he didn't know the source, Ling Fei, who had mastered the new power, was no longer in the same breath. , now almost one sword at a time, and Jiang Anni is also adapting to the new power. Although she can't use the huge explosion like yesterday at will, she can also send out energy ammunition for auxiliary attacks.

After walking for a whole morning, the two came to a fork in the road. One seemed to be brightly lit, while the other was gradually getting dark. Ling Fei and the two who were eager to find the exit naturally chose the brighter road, but then The encounters that come down will tell them that some things can't just float on the surface, and the traces of the friction of those giants all show that this road is full of dangers.

On the other side, at the place where the two of them rested yesterday, a huge shadow gradually appeared. With the sound of "Peng Peng" coming from the ground, an extremely tall and strong giant beast appeared beside the campfire. It was from the depths of the forest. The minotaur came out... the minotaur king!

It bent down and saw the Minotaur that had begun to rot slightly, and let out a fierce roar. The huge sound startled a crowd of flying insects and birds, and gradually calmed down again after a commotion.

The Minotaur picked up a huge battle axe, and split the tree hole where Ling Fei and the other two lived, as if venting his anger. If you observe carefully, you will find that the Minotaur who died on the ground and the Minotaur King in front of you are extremely Similar, even almost identical except for size, the relationship between the two minotaurs is obvious.

At this time, Ling Fei, who was walking to the depths, did not know what happened. As they walked to the depths, Ling Fei found that the air was gradually getting colder, and Jiang Anni, who was more sensitive to the elements in the air, was holding on tightly. Hugging Ling Fei's arm tightly, even Ling Fei, who became stronger after awakening, felt a little cold, let alone Jiang Anni, who was not considered strong at all.

"Brother Lingfei, do you feel that it's getting colder?"

Jiang Anni's small body trembled a little, not knowing whether it was because of fear or some other reason.

"There are indeed some, I hope to cross this road quickly."

Ling Fei's eyes were bright, and he comforted Jiang Anni softly.

This section of the road is not as bright as it was at the beginning. On the contrary, it is extremely dark. The dense giant trees block almost all the sunlight, and the sporadic sunlight only makes it impossible to see anything here.

If someone who is familiar with this place sees it, they will know that this place is already deep in Gran's Forest, and its name is Mirkwood.

Jiang Anni nodded slightly, and suddenly, a distinctive blue-skinned goblin suddenly appeared near the two of them. Seeing this, Ling Fei quickly protected Jiang Anni behind him, and looked at the unusual goblin in front of him with some vigilance. Blue Goblins.

"It seems to be a new monster, be careful."

Jiang Anni looked at Ling Fei worriedly.

"Don't worry, it should just be mutated, I'll try its fineness."

Ling Fei's heart trembled, but he wasn't too nervous. Such a powerful Minotaur was no match for him, and a little goblin was naturally not in his eyes.

It was too late, but it was soon, when the blue-skinned goblin was about to throw stones, Ling Fei rushed straight up, and the long sword full of energy hit the goblin in an instant. After a scream, brother Brin actually struck out with hatred. Lingfei was careless for a moment, and he was hit as it should be. Suddenly, besides the severe pain, a biting cold penetrated into his body, and Lingfei trembled from the cold.

"Brother Lingfei, be careful!"

Just when Ling Fei felt that his thinking was sluggish, Jiang Anni's anxious shout reached his ears. In an instant, Ling Fei felt a gust of wind whistling behind his head. A lazy donkey rolled over to avoid the fatal blow. After standing still, Ling Fei took a breath, only to see a muscular Minotaur appear behind him at some point.

The new Minotaur was a little annoyed after seeing Ling Fei dodging his attack, and rushed towards Ling Fei with blood-red eyes. The huge stick was still hung with the minced meat of some unknown creatures, and it carried a **** smell. Straight into the nasal cavity.

After a series of actions, Ling Fei lost his strength, and at this moment, he had no time to dodge.

At this critical juncture, Jiang Anni's coquettish voice came: "Magic star bomb!!"

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling starlight, dozens of projectiles hit the Minotaur's body without falling, but apart from making the Minotaur's skin bruised, it did not stop its movements, but instead launched a more fierce attack.

Lingfei only felt a burst of force hitting his body, and the crisp "click" sound came to his ears very clearly, Lingfei flew away in an instant, but then the Minotaur also ate all the "clicks" "Magic Star Bullet" and couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately fell to his knees, looking at the burning flames, the Minotaur was a little frightened, and then left here dragging his heavily injured body.

"Brother Lingfei, are you okay, don't scare me!"

Jiang Anni looked at Ling Fei whose sternum was a little bit collapsed, crying pear blossoms with rain, and her tears fell on Ling Fei's face, which made Ling Fei, who was suffocating in pain, wake up a little bit.

"I! Hiss~"

"I'm fine, help me up first!"

Ling Fei grinned in pain, but miraculously, his life was not in danger.

Because at the critical moment, the mysterious power in his body saved him again. At this time, there was a kind of violent yet gentle energy in his body that was constantly wandering, UU reading www. is repairing his now somewhat "broken" body.

Jiang Anni checked repeatedly several times, and after finding out that Ling Fei was really fine, she helped him aside, and after feeding Ling Fei some water, Ling Fei seemed much better.

"It's still too reckless this time. You should check to see if there are other hidden dangers nearby."

Feeling the continuous recovery of his body, Ling Fei thought to himself, if Jiang Anni hadn't been in danger this time, the result would be really hard to say, maybe I'll just explain it here.

"Don't cry, I'm fine!"

Looking at Jiang Anni who kept crying, Ling Fei felt a dull pain in his heart. He promised to protect her with all his might, but every time she did his best to protect him, he really failed.

"Don't be so reckless next time, I have strength now, we can fight side by side!"

Jiang Anni looked at Ling Fei's face and said stubbornly.

Looking at her serious expression, Ling Fei couldn't help but feel apologetic when recalling the experience along the way, and then said: "Okay, then I will rest assured to hand over my back to you in the future!"

When Jiang Anni heard Ling Fei's words, she couldn't help laughing through her tears, but she was still sobbing.

"Didn't you agree to stop crying? Why are you still like this? You've become a big face."

Ling Fei hated seeing this innocent and kind girl cry the most, so he couldn't help feeling a little dizzy at this moment.

"I cried so hard just now that I can't take it back..."

Jiang Anni buried her face in Ling Fei's chest in embarrassment, and he almost died from the pain.

"Hiss, ancestors, take it easy!"

Jiang Anni bit Ling Fei fiercely angrily, and said angrily: "Let you see my joke, it hurts you to death!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ling Fei with distress.