MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 587 final auction

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Ling Fei shook his head, and said seriously: "I don't know."

Tu Sier sighed in disappointment, but he didn't see the flash of excitement and eagerness on Ling Fei's face.

Everyone turned their attention to the stands again, because Yuri in the stands had already started the auction of the last set of dragon scales. This final auction will determine the implementation of future plans, so everyone seemed a little nervous.

There were only three people who didn't put their minds here. One was Emma who was innocent and innocent, one was Ling Fei who was a little excited, and the last one was Mo Ni. Because she was left out in the cold, she kept glaring at Ling Fei, and Ling Fei Fei's subtle changes just now fell into her eyes, which made her a little confused, so she always looked at Ling Fei from time to time, but the more she looked, the more confused she felt.

Just like that, the last auction finally started...

Perhaps because they were preempted twice in a row, these nobles finally felt a sense of crisis. They put away their usual aloof attitude, abandoned their calm and confident attitude, and started bidding impatiently from the very beginning.

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Fourty thousand!"

"Uh, the latest price is 450,000."

Before Yuri announced the countdown, the assistant behind him had already reminded that the price had risen again.

As if in a one-man show, Yuri was talking to himself, and the participants in the audience were a little at a loss. They were numb to the point of numbness as they listened to Yuri's constant price hikes.

"Oh, okay, I've got another offer, a million, yes, a million."

After reading this number twice in a row, even Yuri himself was a little uncertain. He subconsciously looked at the assistant's prompt behind him, and made sure that there was no new price tag. Then he said calmly:

"Yes, the latest offer is one million gold coins. Is there any higher offer?"

joke? More than 200,000 yuan is not something that the small family in the audience can bear. They have been carried to 1 million yuan. Master Yuri still asks this question, isn't it satisfied?

Who said Master Yuri is not suitable to be a profiteer? Is there anyone more suitable than him? Look, the simple and honest face, coupled with the plain tone, concealed his insatiable nature, tsk tsk!

Some people in the audience began to have a new understanding of this madman, but this did not touch Yuri's mood at all. In his view, this was just a game, a game between nobles, but the price was slightly higher Just a little bit.

"Damn it, this pair of old monsters are really willing to give up one million. It seems that they are going all out."

The handsome Ice Tribe man clenched the glass wine glass in his hand, and finally could no longer remain calm, cursing in his mouth.

One million is nothing to the nobles, it's just a numbers game. If it's just to say that more money is spent than this, it's just a bit of blood for their high-ranking families, but, The game between nobles is not just as simple as numbers, in addition to wealth, there is also family strength, which plays a decisive role.

Just like the second group of dragon scales, people only called out half a million casually, and everyone here must give in without showing any disrespect. This is the real game rule among nobles that they must abide by. .

At this moment, the complexion of this handsome Ice Race man turned icy cold, making his already pale face even paler.

This pair of old monsters with weird personalities directly increased the price to one million, just to tell other participants that they are tired of this kind of game, and if other people are unreasonable, I am afraid they will completely turn their backs.

To make a choice between a treasure that is bound to be obtained and a family that is as powerful as oneself, this is often a problem that the family leader dislikes the most, but often faces it.

No matter how he chooses, it seems that there is no benefit for him. Does the nobleman have a permanent friendship? Obviously not. It seems that a treasure that can improve the family's strength is more rare.

Gritting his teeth, the middle-aged man finally made up his mind and prepared to continue the competition.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden noise from downstairs, and with just such a casual glance, the middle-aged man's pupils shrank suddenly, and his outstretched hand stopped in mid-air, his face showed astonishment, and his expression changed immediately. Very angry.

Outside the gate of the Turtle Tower, another group of people walked in. The leader was an old man with red hair. This old man had a square face, thick eyebrows, and was wearing a vaguely red robe. He walked all the way with his head held high. com His arrival made many people in the hall startled for a moment, then quickly got up and bowed respectfully to salute. Even Yuri on the stage shook his head respectfully at the old man as a sign of respect.

The old man also nodded to Yuri, then laughed, found a seat at random, and sat down with a big horse. The dozen or so people behind him were separated on both sides, each with restrained breath, and it was obvious at a glance that they were definitely not ordinary people. .

And there are three of them, an old man, a lady, and a young man, but at this time, these three people have changed their previous arrogance and seductiveness, and they have a serious look. If their Seeing his lord like this, his subordinates would be so shocked that they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

When the Ice Race man saw the old man, he suddenly realized something, pondered for a moment, sighed, slowly withdrew his hand, closed his eyes, and seemed to completely give up the last bit of greed for the dragon scale.

The crazy man standing opposite him saw the changing expression on the face of his always wise and calm elder brother. He knew that his elder brother had always been arrogant, never regarded any family in his eyes, and was never afraid of fighting , this is the first time that his big brother hesitated, and he hesitated twice. The first time was because he was afraid of those two old monsters, but seeing the big brother's appearance, he still decided to give it a go, even if it would tear his face, Do whatever it takes.

But the appearance of this strange old man downstairs made the eldest brother hesitate again, and he chose to give up after only a moment of effort. From his point of view, it was absolutely incredible. Subconsciously, he bowed his head and started thinking about this old man Come on, in his eyes, this old man seems to be nothing special except for the long breath and the strong fire-source breath exuding from his body. Could it be that the elder brother who is already in the sanctuary and himself is not the old man's opponent?