MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 633 final declaration

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"Why are you still standing there, keep shooting arrows, and give me a good hello to these gangsters of the City Lord's Mansion."

With one hit, Kuska shook his arms excitedly and clenched his fists. This was the first actual combat for this group of young guards. Although it was a real experience to go to Kule Mountain last time, they From beginning to end, he never confronted the enemy head-on.

And in the face of the human-faced spider in the end, they were even more powerless to fight back. Some people even dared not take a step beyond the fog because of fear. In addition to being full of admiration and awe for Elder Ling Fei, it also made them hold their breath. They needed an opportunity to prove their ability, or value.

It's just that I didn't expect that this opportunity came so quickly, and it was so cruel. Faced with the choice of life or death, the young people finally gave up the last bit of cowardice in their hearts, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to this fate-determining battle middle.

Yes, this is our real first battle, and it may be the last battle. If this is the last battle, please let us perform more perfectly.

whoosh whoosh...

The second wave of arrow rain arrived as expected, and the sound of puffing into the flesh and the sound of wailing kept torturing these young people in their ears.

Ye, is really the best cover. It can hide themselves perfectly and prevent them from seeing those **** scenes. However, the mournful cries are still knocking on their ears that they think are powerful. nerve.

"Hurry up, put out the torch! Damn, are you all pigs? If you don't put out the torch, this is a living target!"

Someone in the opponent's camp shouted and ordered, so in the already chaotic formation, one torch after another was thrown far away, but some people were still shot into a hornet's nest by the third round of arrow rain.

One moment ago, the lights were still brightly lit, and the outer courtyard, which was screaming for killing, returned to darkness in the next moment. There were only scattered torches scattered on the ground, and one or two weak groans coming from the darkness. It proves that a battle just happened here.

Kuska glanced at the ambush circle, let out a mouthful of foul air, turned around, squatted down and smiled:

"Brothers did a good job, this first wave of attacks, we did a good job."

It just made him a little dumbfounded. The brothers who were as excited as him just now were pale, and some of them were still a little stiff. "

He knew that this was what the elder had reminded him, and this was the price of being young. Although the elder had tried his best to cover up the bloodshed with the night, the battlefield and training were two different things after all.

There is still a strong smell of blood spreading, and there is still the sound of crying that stirs their unprepared psychology, but this is all young people have to experience, and it is also the price that must be experienced. Only those who climb out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, To become a real warrior.

Kuska suddenly patted his companions who were in a daze around him and cursed:

"Look at your achievements. You just killed a few beasts. You are so nervous. The men of the Kunier family are not so useless. If it gets out, which girl will look at it?"

"Who... Who said I'm not a man anymore!? Captain, don't blame me. Besides, I'm not bragging. There are several good girls vying to marry me. For example, the youngest daughter of the gardener Bor, he Seeing me smile very brightly, it must be interesting to me!"

The guard was stunned, and immediately retorted angrily. At first, he stuttered, but later he became more and more smooth, and he couldn't even say the name of the girl he liked.

Kuska looked at him with a strange expression, and shouted to the brothers in a strange way:

"I asked why this kid didn't take a shortcut every time he trained. He insisted on going around the garden of the rigid old gardener every time. He fell in love with his girl, but now he is brazenly saying that it was the girl who fell in love with him. You? I said, you ask the brothers, if you look like this, can people take a fancy to you?"

Suddenly there was a burst of low laughter from around, the guard was exposed by Kuska's lie, his face flushed immediately, and he didn't know how to refute.

But Kuska suddenly stretched out his arm and patted his shoulder heavily and said with a smile:

"However, Captain, I can make a promise to you here. As long as we can keep the family this time, I will personally propose to you."

The guard suddenly stopped talking. He lowered his head and nodded heavily, and the eyes of the brothers around him became firmer one by one.

Seeing their sharp eyes again, Kuska nodded secretly, swept over each brother's face earnestly and said in a low voice:

"We successfully completed an attack, but it was far from enough. The enemy is very powerful. It is impossible for them to swallow such a big loss, so their revenge will definitely be more intense, so We are more cruel than them, more cold-blooded than them."

The atmosphere of the whole family became tense, but when Kuska looked up at the completely dark outer courtyard, he continued with a half-smile:

"But fortunately, we don't need to use our bodies to fight them like them. In the words of the elders, our lives are really precious, and we have been given more important missions, so we will not be foolish and fight against them." Helping the intruder face to face, only a fool would make fun of his life, wouldn't he?"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd.

"Okay, let's reposition according to the plan. I think they can't bear it anymore and are about to launch a second wave of attacks. Let them know how powerful the men of our Kunier family are!"

Kuska sneered, swung his fist heavily, and made the final declaration.

"My lord, we have suffered heavy losses, should we..."

The captain of the guard looked nervously at Contra who was sitting in the corner. At some point, a drop of cold sweat oozed from his temples.

Contra still bowed his head and drank the wine without saying a word, but it was like this, the captain of the guard was terrified, although it was the adults who gave the surprise order in the end, but with such a serious loss, he, as the commander of this mission, After all, it is still punishment, the more silent the adults are, the stronger the anger will be.

"Help... help, my lord, we have been ambushed and suffered heavy losses, help..."

Suddenly, a guard staggered out from the dark gate. Even though his face was covered in blood, he couldn't hide the fear on his face. He yelled and looked back.


The guard suddenly felt that he was flying, and then flew higher and higher, and finally his sight fell on a headless corpse covered in blood, this seems to be his body.