MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 667 bloody clansman

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"If I were you, I wouldn't touch it, or even look at it!"

Looking at the fat man with gauze wrapped in his face, Bo Ruisi said unceremoniously.

Luka's expression fluctuated, and finally he reluctantly moved his eyes away from the shining stream, and asked in a low voice:

"Hey, let me ask you a question, and I said, do you know what kind of water this is?"

Bo Ruisi shook his head decisively, and said with a confused look:

"I haven't seen it. Among us, Carter is probably the only guy who has the most research on rare materials, especially water. He often deals with alchemists, so he should be good at this."

Luca also nodded in agreement, then raised his head and looked around, and said with some doubts:

"Hey, why haven't I seen Carter's shadow since just now, and Pissman has also disappeared."

"Pisman was summoned by Elder Tussle to be in charge of security. As for Carter, I didn't see him either. Speaking of which, I haven't seen him since the meeting began to clean up the spies in each branch."

Bai Ruisi thought for a moment and recalled.

"Then is he in any danger?"

Luca was a little worried, after all, it was also about his own safety.

Bai Ruisi pondered for a moment, stood up and said to Luca beside him:

"I'll go to Pisman to ask, you stay here, don't run around, it's very chaotic here now, and I don't know what danger there is."

Luka waved his hand indifferently, signaling the old guy to leave quickly, and then began to look around.

Speaking of which, it was the first time even he had heard of such a secret place in the family, so when Emma heard the news, everyone was taken aback.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing strange about it. This secret space is in the family cemetery, and not everyone is qualified to enter the cemetery. I am afraid that no one would have thought that there would be such a place.

It's just that, looking at the architectural style and the first method of the space, the more Luca looked at it, the more surprised and uncertain he felt.

In fact, the luminous stream is not the only thing that amazes people in this space. From Luca's eyes, he can see the unusualness of this hall at a glance.

First of all, this place is not a natural space at all, but a space that was completely excavated by people. Secondly, from the ground, to the walls, and even the top floor, they are all made of the same kind of stone.

If it's just the ground and the walls, it's nothing, but it seems a bit unusual that even the top floor is covered with stones.

What you need to know is that the height of this space must be at least 20 meters or more. How the stones are laid at such a height is indeed too weird and extraordinary.

Not only that, just now he quietly tested the material of this kind of stone material. He slid the Herbit gem on the stone material vigorously without leaving even a tiny trace.

You know, the Hebbit gemstone is known as the hardest gemstone in the Terra continent, which made this fat profiteer a little distracted for a while.

But these are not as shocking as the sculptures in this large space.

In addition to the two water bottle sculptures with streams flowing down the wall, two three-meter-high statues of the sea tribe with human bodies and fish tails are carved on the walls on both sides. The statues are all black, and the images should be a man and a woman.

These sea tribes made various poses, as if they were dancing. Their expressions were solemn, and the carvings were extremely vivid. There were also some relatively small relief sculptures beside the sculpture of Si Zun. A round bead that surrounds the statue.

What interests Luca the most is actually a statue of a sea girl about five meters high in front of the hall.

The color of the statue became brighter. The long blue hair fluttered in the wind, and a starfish bun was clearly visible.

The girl raised her chin slightly, her eyes were pious, as if she was looking up at something, her fish tail was raised high, and there was even some wave music visible below.

The girl raised her hands high and flat, and a pitch-black triangular fork lay quietly in the girl's hands. The triangular fork was gray and inconspicuous, and Luca's gaze stayed for a moment before moving down.

In front of the statue of the girl of the Sea Clan, there is a black altar one meter high and three to four meters long. There are some things placed on the altar, but because the distance is too far, he can't see clearly at all.

Obviously, this is more like a sacrificial place, which aroused Luca's interest, and the black altar is what he is most interested in.

But at this moment, Patriarch Moni, Old Patriarch Ruhr, and Elder Tussle were all standing in front of the sacrificial altar and saying something. He didn't want to get into trouble at this moment.

"Father, is this the place where the ancestors inherited?"

Mo Ni took a deep breath, and the Earth God asked.

For her, this is a difficult choice, UU Reading www. It is said that only those with the purest blood are eligible to enter the place of inheritance, and they can only enter once in a lifetime. It is said that if you get the gaze of your ancestors, you can gain great power.

It's just that with the passage of time, there have been no members with strong blood in the family for a long time, until Moni's birth.

According to Patriarch Ruhr's idea, he planned to pass on the position of patriarch to Mo Ni when she was thirty years old, and told her the secret so that he could enter the land of inheritance to try his luck.

Unexpectedly, the plan was not as good as changing. First, he was poisoned to death, and then the city lord's mansion suddenly attacked. He had to advance his plan by twelve years.

What made him even more troubled was that in the face of the continuation of the race and the family's thousand-year oath, Ruhr finally decided to give the choice to his daughter when he was indecisive. In the name of the people, the decision to quickly take refuge in the place of human inheritance.

Ruhr nodded silently, turned around and glanced at the huge statue of the mermaid girl, and muttered to himself:

"If the ancestors knew that we had broken the oath, would they blame us unworthy children and grandchildren?"

Knowing the guilt in her father's heart, Mo Ni forcibly pulled herself together and forced a smile:

"Father, don't worry, I am the patriarch of the family now, and I am the one who broke the family oath and allowed ordinary people to enter the inheritance land. If the ancestors want to punish, punish me."

"And I."

Tusr stepped forward and said lightly.



Pisman leaned against a corner of the corridor, and laughed at himself. Some recent incidents made him suddenly feel how ridiculous his previous actions were.