MTL - Futuristic Chef Transmigrated As Mother-Chapter 18 grow vegetables

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Xiaohu was also frightened by them, his face froze and he jumped in sync, took a few steps back, and the amused Xiaohua could not stop laughing.

"Haha, this is a cow, Xiaohua Niu."

After Sister-in-law Yang finished speaking, the three children nodded ignorantly, "Cow, no one raises cows in the village, so they haven't seen what a cow looks like.

Xiaoguo didn't refute it after hearing it. Hua Niu is just Hua Niu. I'll explain it later.

They separated, and after returning home, Xiaoguo asked Zhuangzhuang to play with them, while she went back to the house, took out the seeds from the basket, and planted them after eating.

A big basket with a little seed in it is really not hard enough.

Even with supernatural powers by her side, Xiaoguo was still a little tired from bumping on the carriage. The simple carriage was made of wooden boards and had no cushions. The dirt roads in the countryside were full of potholes. All the way down, all the bones in her body felt like they were about to shatter.

Came to the kitchen, thinking about what to eat, pulled out the vegetable basket, took out two eggplants and a cucumber, let's just eat noodles.

Zhuangzhuang didn't go to sleep after eating. He was thinking about the calf in the yard, looking at the gray sky outside and said worriedly, "Mother, where does the calf live?"

There is no shed in the yard, so the cows are still small now, so it's fine to put them in the yard. "Wait a while, can we build a shed for the calves?"

"Okay." Zhuangzhuang ran to the courtyard again to play with the little cows.

Xiaoguo remembered that there would be heavy rain. Looking at today's weather, tomorrow's rain would definitely not be small. She had to cut back the fodder for the cows in advance, as well as the traps she set up on the mountain.

Thinking about the mountain in her heart, Xiaoguo quickened her hands. After eating, she took out the seeds she just bought. According to the size of her vegetable field, she took out 20 seeds. The vegetable seller said that it was a good catalyst. It only needs to be planted into the soil, which saves the time for the small fruits to soak them.

Pick up the **** and go into the vegetable field to loosen the soil first, because the vegetable field that has not been cleaned all the year round is already hard, and the hard soil cannot be used for growing vegetables. When the white soil on the surface is turned down, the moist soil below will come out. Vegetables can be grown.

Xiaoguo was digging pit after pit, and Zhuangzhuang next to him stopped playing with the calf. When Xiaoguo dug a pit, he followed behind and threw a seed, "Mother, what kind of seed do we have?"

"This is an eggplant. I'll grow beans, potatoes, cabbage, loofah, and leeks here in a while." Xiaoguo pointed to the ground under her feet and pointed at He Zhuangzhuang piece by piece.

Because of Zhuangzhuang's help, Xiaoguo quickly planted eggplant beans and potato cabbage.

Xiaoguo planted a loofah on the side next to the wall, and when it grew seedlings, it climbed to the wall.

The remaining leeks need to be sown in furrows, not one pit after another.

She dug out a small trench two centimeters deep on a piece of land that Xiao Guodan had dug out. There were five trenches in total, and each trench was five centimeters apart. The seeds should be sprinkled evenly into the trenches.

After planting, it needs to be watered. It needs a lot of water to irrigate the ground. Xiaoguo didn’t ask Zhuangzhuang to help him. He couldn’t carry the water. The wet skin then seeps in, making it impossible to water it at all.

This is repeated five or six times, and after the last bucket of water is sprinkled in, the ground will not seep down, and slowly the top will be able to hold water. That's it.

After planting, Xiaoguo was very pleased to see the fruits of her labor, and she will be able to grow vegetables soon.

The weather was a little humid at the moment, Xiaoguo didn't dare to stay, let Zhuangzhuang wait for her at home, and she went to chop grass for the calf to eat.

Zhuangzhuang wanted to follow at first, but Xiaoguo made him agree to wait at home.

If he only wanted to cut grass, let him follow, but he still had to go to the mountain, and after repeatedly telling Zhuangzhuang not to go out and wait for her at home, then he carried the basket and picked up the machete to go up the mountain with peace of mind.