MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1093 The fire brigade is coming

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"One year? What kind of international joke are you doing?" Lin Biao was shocked and stunned. This lamp is still invincible under the siege of so many ordinary people. It is already very powerful. There will be fire brigades and researchers soon. Join, this lamp can not be destroyed? The longer it stays, the greater its influence, and it will attract more and more experts to come. The difficulty of maintaining it will definitely increase with each passing day. If you want to maintain one year, you will be talking about it. Moreover, even if no one destroys it, such a little lamp oil can not last for a few days, let alone one year?

"Three brothers, are you a mistake?" Xiao Rui also looked at Su Shi.

"There is no slip of the tongue, I am talking about one year." Su Shi smiled.

"Is your boyfriend really serious?" Qian Yingning did not ask Su Shi, but turned to look at Shi Qing.

"He is serious, but I don't know anything about the lamp." Shi Qing glanced at Su Shi and smiled. With her understanding of Su Shi, she can see that Su Shi is serious, but it is hard to believe that the lamp can last for one year.

"If it can last for a year, it will be awesome. This square will become a world-famous tourist attraction because of it." Jiang Wang said.

Everyone talked while eating, and when they finished eating, the square was still full of excitement, and the lamp was still not extinguished. Su Shi suggested not to wait here, go to Qingyun Town Beach to play, everyone is a bit sad, I really want to see the next development, but I don't know when to wait until there is no time, I heard Su Shi.

However, when everyone picked up their luggage and was about to leave, they saw three fire engines coming over. After the crowd let a road open, the fire truck drove to the side of the oil lamp.

"I am going, the fire brigade is really coming."

"Let's go slowly, at least first watch the fire brigade."

"Yeah, yeah, this kind of scene is not common on weekdays."

Xiao Rui, Shi Lei, Lin Biao and other students, refused to go, want to read the next scene and then walk, the crowd in the square, is also excited.

"It's fun, so an oil lamp can't resist the bombing of the fire truck."

"There was actually three fire engines, and this is really big."

"The fire brigade is not waiting, ready to rescue the fire, but instead come here to join in the fun, too negligent duty?"

Three cars came down with seven or eight firefighters, and a middle-aged man in casual clothes. He seemed to expect some people to be dissatisfied. He walked over and chatted with a professional woman with a microphone, and then took it. The microphone was explained.

It turned out that this group of firefighters had either a holiday break or an internship. The three fire engines were also spare. To put it simply, this is like a fire drill. Two old people are learning with a few new people. The real fire brigade is in a state of urgency. If there is a fire, no one will go to the fire.

As a result, the masses are relieved. Next, the firefighters started the action, first taking out the water gun from a car and pulling out the water pipe. The water gun was taken next to the hemispherical guardrail and was ready to spray.

"I just tried it, the water can't extinguish the lamp."

"The fire brigade's high-pressure water jets are the same as our bucket of water. Can I be sure that this light will be extinguished once it is fired by a water gun."

In the discussion of everyone, the fire brigade has quickly prepared, the water gun is opened, the high-speed water is sprayed out to the wick, and the oil lamp is sprinkled over a dozen or twenty meters. Of course, the people who stood opposite the other side have already spread out, otherwise they will definitely be sprinkled.

This scene, so that everyone can see the eyes, even Su Shi is nervous, his main concern is whether the lamp oil will be rushed out? Although the scorpion oil lamp is very special, when the wick is burning, it is not liquid, but it is viscous, like asphalt, and it is firmly stuck, but the impact of high-pressure water gun is not trivial, and it is impossible to rush the asphalt. If you wash away the lamp oil, it will be troublesome. As for the wick fire will not be extinguished, it is completely out of the scope of Su Shi’s concern.

The high-speed water flow is too urgent, and the wick and the flame are completely covered. Even if everyone is wide-eyed, it is not clear.

"It’s gone, the oil lamp seems to have gone out."

"All are covered by water, can you see it clearly?"

"If you can't see it clearly, it's definitely gone. With such a high-speed water jet, I don't believe that this oil lamp will not die?"

The firemen probably thought that the oil lamp had already been extinguished, so that the water gun was turned off. In fact, a few young firefighters came here, it was very depressed, although I was still in the internship stage, although this is just a performance, but I am going to give myself a big fire, actually acting against a lamp, what a ghost ?

However, when the water guns were turned off and the oil lamps were clearly seen, they couldn't help but blink out of the eyeballs, because the wick that was slanted and nearly parallel to the horizontal line was still burning, and the flames steadily jumped.

"I rely on, is this just the case?"

"The spray is ok, how can it be so close?"

"Then how can it not be destroyed, too evil."

The firefighters were shocked. The people around the world are once again dumbfounded. The tenacity of this lantern is still refreshing their perception. Su Shi saw that the lamp oil was slightly deformed, but it was still so much, and there was no reduction, and he could not help but relax.

The firemen didn't give up, they opened the water gun again and sprayed for about 30 seconds. However, the result was the same. They used the other two fire engines that were not ready before.

The one that sprayed before was a water tank fire truck, also known as a water tank truck. The other two are foam fire trucks and dry powder fire trucks.

The so-called foam fire trucks are mainly equipped with fire pumps, water tanks, foam tanks, foam mixing systems, foam guns, guns and other fire-fighting equipment, which can save fires independently. The foam can make the surface of the combustion object isolated from the air, play a role of suffocation and cooling, and can eliminate part of the smoke. It is especially suitable for fighting oil fires such as oil and its products. It can also supply water and foam mixture to the fire field. It is petrochemical. Enterprises, oil terminals, airports and urban firefighting teams must have firefighting vehicles.

The so-called dry powder fire trucks are mainly equipped with dry powder fire extinguishing agent tanks and dry powder spraying devices, fire pumps and fire-fighting equipment. They mainly use dry powder to save flammable and flammable liquids, flammable gas fires, fires from live equipment, and fires of general materials. For large-scale chemical pipeline fires, the fire-fighting effect is particularly remarkable, and it is a fire truck that is standing by petrochemical enterprises.

However, after the foam and dry powder were used, the oil lamp was still burning indefinitely, and the flame was still so small, but it had amazing vitality.