MTL - Galactic Garbage Station-Chapter 1145 Repression of the audience

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At the beginning of the second quarter, the Australian team's offensive remained unchanged. Su Shi alone could not prevent them from five, and they couldn't help them.

To make them a little annoyed and even frustrated, Su Shi seems to be too lazy to defend, look at his leisurely look, as if to say, just vote for you, I am not against you, anyway, my offense, you can not help .

After the Australian team scored a goal, the Chinese team served the ball. It was still Su Shi’s offensive. Just after half of the game, the Australian team’s formation changed again. In addition to the two defending Su Shi, there is also a The distance of the embarrassment, at first glance, is against others, in fact, you can always pack Su Shi, it is a three-person defense. There are only five people on the basketball court, and three defenses are one, which can be said to be extremely high.

Su Shi once again showed superb skill and passed through two people, but the person nearby was immediately intercepted and the two men who passed through also went back in time to cover Su Shi.

This time, Su Shi finally passed the ball out. The Australian players felt a sigh of relief. The ball was not in the hands of Su Shi, and the pressure was reduced a lot. Of course, their formation has to change a little bit. After all, other players can't be completely prevented.

The players of the Chinese basketball team are obviously weaker than the Australian team. The other players take the ball and it is difficult to break through. A player outside the three-point line suddenly dropped the ball and shot it at the ball frame, but at first glance, it was obviously higher.

At this moment, the Australian player was shocked to find that he had not known which moment, could not stare at Su Shi, he actually went to the rim and jumped high.

This... is it necessary to take a dunk in the air? However, the ball of this vote is too high, it is difficult to receive the connection, so that can be deducted?

Seeing, Su Shi flew up, even his shoulders exceeded the basket, and his hand was almost in the middle of the rebound. He just caught the basketball and buckled into the basket.

All Australian players can only watch, they can't stop it, I am afraid that even if someone is at the rim, they can't stop it.

"Wow, this aerial relay is so cool."

"It turned out that they have other styles of play, but they just didn't use them before. Obviously, the previous Australian defense was not enough to force this move."

"Well, Su Shi is so bullish, and with the help of teammates, it is even more difficult. This is even more unstoppable."

"Nothing is ok, no matter how they change, they still rely solely on Su Shi. This unsound way of playing is not long."

The game continues. The next thing that makes the Australian team chill is that it seems that Su Shi’s strength has not yet fully played out. With the teammate’s assists and cooperation, it has become more unstoppable. He’s offensive, it’s like nowhere, as if How can I definitely enter, once forced to tilt in midair, lost balance, even throw it out, and accurately score.

The Australian team is still stubbornly resisting, trying to score as much as possible, reducing the points difference, and thinking of various ways to stop Su Shi. They thought, even if they couldn't stop Su Shi, they would have to exhaust Su Shi's energy and strength. When Su Shi left, it was their world.

However, Su Shi has been fully fired, compared to the second quarter, which is the entire first half. In the second half, I saw Su Shi still playing. They were a little embarrassed at the time. Nima attacked the whole team in the first half. How much physical energy it cost, no one can stand it, but it is still in the second half. This is What is the bluff?

It turned out that where Su Shi was bluffing, the third quarter was still full of firepower, until the third quarter was over, there was no one-minute relaxation.

In the third quarter, the score is already 98:72. Obviously, both sides can't stop each other. The offense is stronger than the defense and the score is high. However, the advantage of the Chinese team's points difference is already obvious.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Su Shi finally did not play, so that the Australian team finally breathed a sigh of relief, they fired all the way, quickly pulled back six points.

However, soon they saw a scene of near desperation, Su Shi actually played again, Nima, you have only rested for a few minutes, you are not able to fight?

What made them even more desperate was that Su Shi was even more than the iron, and the rest of the time was full of firepower, and the idea that they wanted to pull back the score was completely shattered.

At the end of the game, the score was 122:91. Su Shi’s score reached 102 points of horror, exceeding the highest score of 100 points left by Chamberlain.

"My God, 102 points in a single game, what is the situation?"

"Is this not more than Kobe's 81 points?"

"It’s more than Kobe’s, and it’s more than Chamberlain’s 100 points. It’s the highest score in a single game in basketball history.”

"Too cow!"

The Chinese team won the Australian team. This was enough to be a surprise. It was enough to make people talk about the big news. But at this moment, everyone’s more attention is on the fact that Su Shi took 102 points, he was alone. The score can exceed the Australian team.

His performance in the audience also left a deep impression on the audience and the audience in front of the TV set, which made many fans feel shocked.

"Winned and won." Suya jumped.

"Is this still our son?" Ye Qin is simply unbelievable.

"This kid, when did you learn basketball?" Su Zhenyue was also unbelievable, and couldn't help but think, is there a gene in the body of basketball?

"It's too powerful." Time-space group, Zheng Nan, Wang Zhuo and others are shocking.

"This guy is really omnipotent." Wang Siya is also shocked. Yin Ningning, Cheng Shiyao, Zou Xue and others don't know what to say. I can't help but have an idea. Is Su Shi really a person? ?

"What did he experience in the past two years?" The question in Wang Xin’s heart is even more intense. What was Su Shi two years ago, she is relatively clear, it is hard to believe that within two years You can grow to this point, not to mention two years, I am afraid that it will not be possible in my life. In Su Shi, something special must have happened.

Of course, Murong Xianer, Nalan, Zhu Jianhua, Peng Ming, Lin Biao, Xiao Rui, Shi Lei, Qin Xulan, Liu Qing... and many domestic fans are also shocked, and they are pleasantly surprised. Inspired.

But without waiting for everyone to digest it, in the afternoon, Su Shi entered another boxing event that was completely out of bounds. Within a day, from basketball to boxing, many foreign viewers who did not know before were all stunned. Forced.19