MTL - Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed-Chapter 17 I guessed it right, you are Immortal Emperor Qin Ming, right?

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After the crisis of Jianghai University was lifted, the world did not stop changing, but changed the whole world in a faster way.

The outline of the city gradually faded, the spiritual energy began to become rich, the holy mountain and the spiritual mine also gradually appeared, and some places have already shown the quaint city, palace, and moat.

Lingshi has become popular in the market as a special commodity. Lingshi can improve cultivation, arrange formations, and create magical treasures. However, due to the quantitative relationship, it cannot replace currency for the time being.

In the countryside, valleys appeared, mist shrouded the mountains, which seemed extremely mysterious. For the time being, no one dared to explore, for fear of their own lives.

People tend to stay away from these changes, because they are not sure when the crisis will come to them.

The disappearance of a large number of evil spirits does not mean that it is absolutely safe. What the manifestation of aura brings is that there are many new evil spirits born in Daxia every day. They are often ghosts transformed from resentment spirits that have died soon, and those who have been dead for centuries. Unlike the thousand-year-old ghost king, these newly born evil spirits are weaker and easier to deal with.

In addition, Yuxian Si immediately increased the all-round arrest and investigation of the Nether Sacred Sect. For this reason, a large number of immortal cultivators were mobilized to vindicate the demonic forces in various places. Only Da Xia had the energy to do this. Others The country is very busy with the manifestation of evil spirits, and there is no time to manage the evil spirits.

In the Great Xia territory, since the last ghost country incident, the White-robed Immortal Emperor alone drowned out millions of evil spirits. Many monks in the Great Xia have regarded the White-robed Sword Immortal as their idol and their goal, and they have started to cultivate hard.

Different from the indifference and wait-and-see at the beginning, now everyone is starting to cultivate seriously, and even some places have set up immortal training classes to teach others to cultivate immortals.

For a while, many immortal cultivators were also busy.

Qin Mu, on the other hand, was bored and stayed in the school. He was on duty in the security booth every day, watching people coming and going. While yawning, he couldn't help but want to go out for a tour, although he said he could fly directly over, or even teleport. In the past, but can that be called tourism? Tourism naturally requires a process and someone to accompany it.

"Hey, Qiushui, are you free today? Why don't you go out and play?"

"Ah, I'm going to the neighboring city for a mission after class today, how about next time..."

"Okay." Qin Mu hung up the phone in disappointment and started doing nothing again.

"Brother, in the words of the Internet, you are very lonely now, hee hee hee." Tian Bao's sweet laughter came from his mind.

"Go, go, kid, what do you know?" Qin Mu said dissatisfied.

Just when he was in a daze, a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

a woman.

"What kind of wind brought you here." Qin Mu was a little surprised, she wouldn't appear here under normal circumstances.

"You look boring, why don't you come with me? Have a cup of coffee?" Bai Yanbing stood by the window of the security booth and raised her eyebrows.

As usual, Bai Yanbing's face was frosty, but facing Qin Mu today, a mysterious smile appeared on her lips.

"Don't go."

"Don't go... If you don't go, I'll let the school expel you and let you wander the streets."

"Are you threatening me?" Qin Mu squinted his eyes. Although his profession is very low, it is optional to him, but there is a feeling and a habit in him that cannot be lost.

"Hmm, no?" Bai Yanbing didn't wear gold-rimmed glasses today, her temperament wasn't as strong as before, but her mouth was still top-notch.

The upper body is a white off-shoulder soft sweater, which fully shows the snow-white collarbone and bumpy figure. The lower body is a gray short skirt with flower-carved stockings, which looks extremely sexy.

She didn't bring any bodyguards today.

Qin Mu secretly said, this girl is so abnormal today, it's not because of the binding of the Taoist companion, she covets my beauty.

"Go and go."

"Pharaoh, help me see the layoffs!"


"Get in the car." Bai Yanbing pressed the car key, and the lights of a pink Lamborghini slowly flashed.

"Not even with money." Qin Mu added in his heart.


Mouse Cafe

Only a man and a woman sat together face to face.

"I've booked a table today. Whatever you want to drink or eat, you can order whatever you want."

Bai Yanbing said.

"Okay, okay." Qin Mu casually ordered a cappuccino, he had long wanted to experience his aunt's cappuccino.

Soon the coffee came, Qin Mu took a light sip and couldn't help frowning.

"I'm tired of it, and it doesn't taste good either. It might as well be iced black tea." Qin Mu shook his head, expressing that he couldn't accept the taste.

"Okay, tell me, what's the matter?" Qin Mu knew that the other party must be more than just asking him to have a cup of coffee, it must have a purpose.

Bai Yanbing stared at Qin Mu's eyes without moving.

Facing such a beautiful woman, Qin Mu felt a little embarrassed when he was seen: "Is there something on my face?"

"Stop pretending."

"What are you wearing?"

Qin Mu pretended to be puzzled on the surface, but he muttered in his heart, did this woman find something? No, she pretended to be pretty good.

"Then I'll be straight."

Bai Yanbing stared directly at Qin Mu's eyes, and said lightly, "You are Immortal Emperor Qin Ming, right?"

Qin Mu didn't panic at all, his face didn't change, and he chuckled lightly: "Why do you say that, Immortal Emperor Qin Ming is the number one existence on the gold list, and I'm just a small security guard."

"At first, I was just skeptical, not sure, until you did something that made me extremely sure."

Bai Yanbing showed a confident smile of victory. UU Reading

"What's up?"

Qin Mu also became curious, he didn't seem to have done anything.

"Healing." Bai Yanbing said two words.

"Healing? But that's not enough to say that I am..." Qin Mu seemed to have noticed something was wrong when he was halfway through his words.

"You're kidding me, you're cheating me?" Qin Mu frowned, looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, feeling a little bit of being tricked.

She let herself fall into her logical network of thinking, and made the Immortal Emperor herself a prerequisite, and she involuntarily substituted it! And there is no inconsistency!

This woman is too smart.

Bai Yanbing stood up and explained: "If you are really the Immortal Emperor, then everything makes sense. Why did you appear in Jianghai University, why all the buildings were destroyed, but your security booth was safe and sound. , why do I feel palpitations when I use immortal power in front of you, but it's fine in front of others. The last question, why do you always take action at a critical time, I think it's because your Taoist companion has been wronged, and you have to take action Right."

Qin Mu had nothing to say, the other party's analysis was flawless, and he was too careless.

Sure enough, being a beautiful woman is not easy.

The corner of Bai Yanbing's mouth raised a sly smile, and she said very proudly: "Since you already recognize it, why don't you explain it?"

"What's there to explain?" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"I want to know about your experience and why you hide it. If I were you, I wouldn't be so low-key."

"Ha! Even if you guessed it right, so what, don't forget who is the master here." Qin Mu's eyes flashed brightly.

At this moment, a bad premonition flashed in Bai Yanbing's heart.