MTL - Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed-Chapter 18 Bai Yanbing's idea

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Inside the coffee shop

Qin Mu stood up, and at the same time his breath surged, he instantly subdued Bai Yanbing.

Bai Yanbing only felt that her body couldn't move at all, as if she had been immobilized.

The whole space is self-contained, gradually forming an independent small world. This was Qin Mu's intentional move. When he did this, the outside world couldn't feel it at all, and couldn't see every move inside, just like the owner of a coffee shop, there was still no movement.

"You dare!" Bai Yanbing obviously felt it too, she stared at Qin Mu, looking very angry, but she couldn't move her limbs at all, only her eyes could move.

"Why don't I dare." Qin Mu sneered, bowed down, stretched out his index finger, and placed it on Bai Yanbing's chin.

"Do you think I dare not kill people?"

Bai Yanbing's heart froze slightly when she heard the words. Qin Mu's words were plain but full of murderous intent. She gritted her teeth and said, "I'm not here to be your enemy, I'm here to seek cooperation."

"Cooperation? What kind of cooperation do I need, whether it's the Imperial Immortal Division or the Netherworld Sacred Sect, in my opinion, it's just a trick." Qin Mu's words were cold, showing a very vicious look.

Bai Yanbing forced herself to calm down, and said seriously, "No, you need to. Unlike in the game, the monks now have no control, even if there is a Yuxian Division. Whether it is a magician monk or a private master who lives in seclusion. , will not give in and be willing to obey the orders of the Yuxian Division, at this time someone needs to stand up and form a sect."

"Forming a sect?" After Qin Mu heard this, he was slightly taken aback.

He really never thought of this. After all, everyone is from far and wide, and everyone has their own side. I don't know who is who. I am afraid it is not easy to return to the grand occasion in the game.

"Yes, as long as a sect is established, there will be righteous forces in the world, and there will naturally be a just order and reasonable control. Daxia will not be chaotic, and there is no need to be afraid of any Nether Sacred Religion." Bai Yanbing's idea , I want to gather the old people of the sect in the game, form a self-contained body, play a role in self-protection, and even have a lot of power.

"Continue talking." Qin Mu felt a little moved when he thought of the good brothers in his game friend list, whom he had not seen for many years.

Seeing that her words had an effect, Bai Yanbing said more vigorously: "What we have to do is to release news and let the sect players in the game return to our banner. I, Yaochi Holy Land, will use various channels. and resources, to find those players, and after finding them, place them."

She changed her words: "As an Immortal Emperor, you are different. In reality, you are just an ordinary security guard. If you don't rely on Yuxian Si, it may be difficult to do these things. But as long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I am willing to Provide you with funds and some other help, so that your sect forces can be quickly established."

After Qin Mu heard this, he couldn't help but be moved.

Although he is very strong, there is no limit to how strong he is, but he is the only one, and there are too few things that one person can do. The reason for Qin Mu's reluctance to join Yuxian Division is very simple. The more the other party gives, the more he has to repay. But the league is different. The help in the league is all transactions and short-lived.

Let me ask, if Daqin Xianmen can appear in reality, what kind of era will it be?

"The demons are manifested, the ghosts travel at night, and the dark clouds cover the world. This is a sign of troubled times. Some people have a hunch that the future changes will be more terrifying. If there is no unity within Daxia, it will be the beginning of human tragedy. There are already many forces. I have started to form my own sect, and you and I, as the front-end existence in the game, should work together, and we cannot let these finches take the lead."

Bai Yanbing's remarks are from the bottom of her heart. She doesn't want to see such a magnificent era without her own name.

Qin Mu did not speak, but lifted the restraint on Bai Yanbing. He knows that this woman must be for himself in the end, but there is no good way now, and cooperation is indeed the best way out and trend right now.

"Tell me, how to cooperate."

Seeing that she was able to move, Bai Yanbing answered honestly: "The most important thing for cooperation is naturally the pretext, which seems very reasonable to the outside world. I think I can make a fuss about my relationship with your Taoist companion."

"Daoist relationship?" Qin Mu immediately knew what she wanted to do.

"The Great Qin Xianmen and the Yaochi Holy Land are united, so the first reaction of those who see it is that the two are Taoist companions, so the forces they represent are also united." Qin Mu expressed his opinion.

Bai Yanbing smiled lightly: "Yes, in the eyes of everyone, the union of our two families is the most reasonable thing. No matter what we do, we will get twice the result with half the effort."

This smile was bright and sweet, like an iceberg melting, Qin Mu's breathing involuntarily increased.

"Then there are tedious issues such as where the sect is built, as well as the records and placement of personnel. These are simple, I will send professional people to do it." Bai Yanbing is extremely confident, her strength and ability are few and far between. , If the sect is established, the Yaochi Holy Land must be the top three major forces.

"Aren't you very resistant before? Being my Taoist companion, how come you have become so rational now?" Qin Mu said with a playful smile.

Bai Yanbing said with akimbo: "Being a person, you have to talk about the pattern. Besides, it is not ashamed to cooperate with the Immortal Emperor. UU Reading"

Qin Mu looked at the time, it was time to get off work, so he said: "Okay, I promise you, in return, I will help you when necessary. It's almost time, I should go to work, I will call you if you need anything."

"Okay, there's one more thing."

"you say."

"I advise you not to have too much hope for your Taoist companions."


"After all, not everyone is on your side like me. You better be careful." Bai Yanbing said with a frown.

"I still use you to teach." Qin Mu shook his head, put away his phone and left.

The two scanned each other's codes and left the coffee shop.


On a street outside a coffee shop

When Bai Yanbing came here, dozens of bodyguards in black came out immediately.

"Mr. Bai, how's the cooperation going?"


Bai Yanbing's eyes were full of fanaticism. Ever since she saw the Sword Immortal in White Clothes, she was stunned by the world-defeating divine power. At that time, she was thinking, even if she let go of her resentment, she would still win him over.

And this time, not only did she find out the true identity of the Immortal Emperor, but she also sought cooperation and gained a lot. This means that she has a super boost, who would dare to look down on her Bai Yanbing in the future?

However, these are not enough. In order to truly bind the Immortal Emperor and subdue the opponent, some other means are needed. If necessary, she will be desperate, even sacrificing her beauty.

She understood too well what the Immortal Emperor meant to this world. It's power, it's status, it's the future, it's everything.

"Maybe... I can take the offensive. I don't believe that any man can stop my charm."

Bai Yanbing secretly said in her heart.