MTL - Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed-Chapter 20 The strangeness in the depths of the wolf valley

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This Evil Wolf Valley, Qin Mu has also played in the game, and has passed it many times, but the specific differences are still better to find out.

The screams came from the front again, breaking Qin Mu's thoughts.

In the mountains, a daring cultivator flashed fires in his hands, warning those behind him, "There are werewolves in front! It is a werewolf!"

The voice was trembling, and it was obviously too frightened by the appearance of a werewolf that he cried.

"I see."

Qin Mu suddenly understood that the creatures in the Valley of the Evil Wolf were still the same group as before, but they did not completely copy the model in the game. They did not give the monks a choice, but embodied all the creatures of all difficulties in the Valley of the Evil Wolf. out!

And as far as he knows, on the last day of every month, the dungeon will release restrictions, and a large number of monsters will run out of the dungeon to attack human villages and sects. The strength of these monsters is stronger than before, and the number is more than ten times more. Players call this day a monster frenzy.

Qin Mu glanced at his cell phone, July 29th.

The day after tomorrow is the last day, the end of the month!

In the Valley of the Evil Wolf, many people have already left the Valley of the Evil Wolf. The strength of these werewolves has reached the Golden Core Realm, not as simple as ordinary gray wolves.

Just when Qin Mu was about to go into the copy to find out, a line of words appeared in front of him.

[Cultivators and players above Wonderland are not allowed to enter the Valley of Evil Wolf, and the consequences are at their own risk! 】

"Can't you enter the fairyland and above?" Qin Mu was immediately happy, and there was a dungeon protection mechanism.

It's not enough to disguise your cultivation.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound in the sky, and a thunder of destruction fell from the sky. The target was not Qin Mu, but a middle-aged cultivator in front of him.

The cultivator was directly electrocuted and his head exploded. His face was covered in black carbon, and he didn't even recognize his own mother.

"Damn! It's not good to pretend to be decorated." The cultivator scolded and left.

A small number of monks in Wonderland had to leave angrily.

Qin Mu could feel that the power of this divine thunder should have the strength of Jinxian's strongest strike.

"Brother Qin Mu, after Tianbao's analysis and calculation just now, the lightning calamity just now did not reach its peak. The calculation results show that the strongest strike of the thunder calamity can kill all monks below the Immortal Emperor."

"Then, can't I break through?" Qin Mu raised his eyebrows.

"No, brother, if you break through, thunder tribulation and your energy fluctuations may directly raze the Evil Wolf Valley copy to the ground." Tian Bao's words were full of warnings.

So Qin Mu gave up the idea of ​​pushing hard and came up with an idea. Since disguise is not enough, then creating a clone is not enough.

As he said he did, Qin Mu slowly took out a piece of hair and blew a breath.

An identical Qin Mu appeared in front of him.

"Let's set the strength to the Tribulation Realm." Qin Mu pointed his index finger in the middle of the avatar's forehead, and a powerful spiritual force was injected into it.

The clone quickly opened his eyes, but his eyes were dull and dull.

The Heavenly Princess Ghost King, who was beside him, muttered with a small mouth: "There is no breath of life, no thought, just a puppet,"

"The breath of life is easy to handle, but I'm afraid it won't work. After all, it's not real life, so it's up to you." Qin Mu smiled at Tianji Ghost King.


"Yes, I need you to enter the Valley of Evil Wolf, lead the clone, and explore the depths, and then I will see the picture inside through the clone."

"But my cultivation base has already reached Taiyi Jinxian." Tianji Ghost King wondered.

"This ban is aimed at cultivators and players. It should have no effect on you. I have just verified this." Qin Mu said meaningfully.

"It's very interesting inside, brother."

A sweet voice came from the valley of the wolf, and a girl with silver hair with two ponytails ran out from it.

"Sword Spirit can enter, so can NPCs." Qin Mu said with a smile.


"It's what our world calls people in your world."

"Okay." Tianji Ghost King agreed and let her take her clone into the Valley of the Evil Wolf.

Holding the clone, Tianji Ghost King walked out of the realm beside Qin Mu.

In order to prevent people from harassing and avoid unnecessary accidents, Qin Mu specially arranged a field of several meters around him, and Qin Mu could not be seen from outside the field.


The first floor of the Valley of the Evil Wolf

The cultivators ran out one after another, not wanting to face the terrifying werewolf on the second floor, but gradually they discovered that there was a couple who were not afraid of death, slowly walking towards the depths of the Valley of Evil Wolf.

"Aren't the couple afraid of death? The werewolves on the second floor are too terrifying. Each of them has reached the Golden Core Realm. Very few are still wearing armor. They can't be wolf soldiers, right? That's on the hard difficulty level."

"That's right, why do normal and hard difficulty monsters get mixed up?"

"You don't care about others, just care about yourself. They must be in the Mahayana realm, and they are great experts in transcending the tribulation realm."

"Don't talk about it, this girl is pretty good-looking, but it's a bit cold. I walked past her and felt a chill running in the back of my head."

"You don't know how to hit a ghost, why didn't I see it?"

"Go and see for yourself, is there a man and a woman who walked inside, still holding hands."

"Isn't it just a man?"


While the cultivators were discussing, the Ghost King Tianji had already brought his avatar to the second floor.

Qin Mu, who was outside, also injected his consciousness into his avatar, so he felt as if he had seen it with his own eyes. The second floor was a gloomy forest, even the branches were twisted and filled with a lot of black mist, so he couldn't look down on anything. .

"These mists are very evil, without any corrosiveness, but they can block the spiritual energy, and even my divine sense cannot pass through. If one person is likely to get lost." Tianji Ghost King swept the surrounding area, and the large black mist would People were drowning, unable to see the distant scene.

"It's okay, the reason why fairyland cultivators are not allowed to enter here is because the creatures inside are the strongest and will not pass through the catastrophe. No one here is your opponent."

Qin Mu comforted.

The two soon discovered the werewolf that the monks were talking about.

There are not as many as the giant wolves on the first floor, only a few dozen, but each one looks very powerful.

They are all two meters high, with thick muscles on their arms, eight-pack abs, hands and feet are human-like, but the fingernails are particularly long, particularly pointed, and full of feet. There are ten centimeters. The most conspicuous thing is the fierce wolf head, and the scarlet eyes are only wild and slaughter, and there is no intelligence and consciousness at all.

The most terrifying thing is its mouth, which is divided into four petals, like a blooming flower, each petal is full of sharp teeth, revealing a tongue that is half a meter long.


When the werewolf saw Tianji Ghost King and the clone, he rushed forward.

The speed was extremely fast, turning into a phantom, and a long tongue passed through from behind. Dozens of werewolves acted together, directly surrounding the two of them.

"This mouth is so disgusting, I thought a woman with a split mouth was scary enough, and your four mouths are even more disgusting." Qin Mu scolded with disgust.

"Kill them all."

"Yes." Tianji Ghost King lightly agreed.

Then a gloomy ghostly energy rose from the ground and spread to all directions.


There was a loud noise from the ground, and the surrounding werewolf couldn't let out the whine. It was instantly knocked out, crashed into the twisted tree, and was swallowed directly by the body of the tree.

"This forest is also very strange."

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu couldn't help frowning. Playing in a game is one thing, but fighting monsters in reality is another.


Suddenly, there was a trembling sound of iron armor vibrating from the surroundings.


Qin Mu knew that the heavyweight guests were online.

A tall figure in iron armor appeared within sight, and the only thing visible was the pair of scarlet eyes.

Qin Mu stared into the monster's eyes and said leisurely:

"Wolf Valley Hard Mode, E-level BOSS - General Evil Wolf, is one of the lowest level bosses."