MTL - Game Materialization: My Identity As The Immortal Emperor Is Exposed-Chapter 19 Dungeon Manifestation - Valley of Evil Wolf

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"Brother, aren't you afraid that this woman will reveal your identity?" The sword spirit Tianbao in his head asked curiously.

"She won't." Qin Mu said with a faint smile.


"Because she's a smart person. All she's thinking about now is how to win me over. Such a person who cares about strength, she won't do this kind of thing that exposes her cards to others. What a silly thing. She can't wait to hide me."

After chatting for a quarter of an hour, Qin Mu had already deduced what kind of person Bai Yanbing was.

While being strong... um... possessive.

Qin Mu just returned to the door of the rental house

The phone received a text message from Bai Yanbing.

[Bingbing: You first tell me some basic information about your sect, such as how many people there are and how many people you have in your realm, as well as previous sect announcements, and some specific details, I will let someone release the news and let Daqin Xianmen Cultivators come to Jianghai City to gather, and even if they don't come, they can establish a mutual aid group online. 】

Qin Mu just replied with a good answer, and then sent the screenshot of the previous game, and it was done.

He put away his mobile phone, opened the door, and saw Tianji Ghost King wearing a pink apron meticulously cooking vegetables.

"So serious." Qin Mu was also slightly surprised.

The red dress has not been changed, and the back is still naked. The exposed white skin looks very seductive, and it is even more interesting to match this apron.

"Master, I know you haven't eaten yet, so I specially prepared it first." The Ghost King Tianji said while seeing him coming back.

She knew very well that although Qin Mu no longer needed to eat grains to satisfy his hunger, he still had to eat three meals a day. Explain learned.

Qin Mu looked at the food at the table, went up to smell it, picked up his chopsticks and took a sip: "Well, the fried pork with peppers and shredded potatoes have just the right amount of salt."

"Thank you master for your praise."

Being praised, Tian Ji Ghost King also showed a happy smile.

"Why are you standing? Sit down and eat together."

Qin Mu handed the chopsticks to the Ghost King Tianji, and then he ate the rice in big mouthfuls. As he ate, he sighed with emotion: The appetite really cannot be given up.

Solve the battle soon.

Qin Mu hiccupped, and when he was drinking water, he asked inadvertently, "Why do you always wear the same clothes every day, haven't you thought about changing them?"

"I never thought that if the master needs me to change it, I can change it right away."

After hearing this, Tianji Ghost King immediately said, snapped his fingers, and a burst of mist dispersed, and immediately changed into a set of clothes.

"You... I can't stand it."

When Qin Mu saw the Heavenly Fairy Ghost King in front of him, he only felt that the blood was surging in his mind, and the blood flow became faster!

The Tianji Ghost King in front of him actually changed into a bikini!

The suet-like skin, the front bulge and the back, the incomparably plump and firm chest, and the pair of long snow-white legs are even more addicting.

"It's all from the owner's magazine, do you like it?" Tianji Ghost King showed a charming smile. She didn't seem to think so much. In her opinion, the clothes were just a cover. When she was in the game world, she never cared about what to eat and what to wear. Every day she thought about fighting, how many kills she could kill today, and whether she could become stronger.

"Forget it, let's change to a normal one." Qin Mu said reluctantly, covering his face.

Immediately, Tian Ji Ghost King changed into a loose white T-shirt and tight jeans, which looked full of a strong modern style. The only thing that appeared in the show was probably the pair of blood-red pupils, which looked extremely bewitching.

"Well, not bad." Qin Mu was very satisfied. Sure enough, good-looking people look good in everything they wear.

At this moment, a magnetic male voice sounded.

[The realization of the world is in progress, and the second step of dungeon manifestation is about to begin. In an hour, a monster field will be born within the scope of each place, please pay attention to all cultivators. 】

【Countdown starts】

Qin Mu secretly said: "The copy is manifested? Is it finally here?"

He had long guessed that the realization of the dungeon would come sooner or later, but he did not expect that different dungeons would be born in cities around the world.

He went to have a look right away.

"Tian Ji, come with me." This time Qin Mu planned to call the Heavenly Ji Ghost King, after all, he was also in the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, so he could act for him if necessary.

If he and Tian Yuangui were always fighting together, this world would be unable to bear it.

"Yes, Master."

They first came to a suburb of Jianghai City. It used to be a wasteland, but now there are three or four big mountains. Under the blessing of the setting sun, it looks extremely mysterious.

There is also a large white fog blocking the distance between the mountains, making it impossible to see what is going on at all.

"The location displayed by the system is here." Qin Mu confirmed.

Not only Qin Mu, but also many cultivators came one after another, wanting to find out, and at the same time want to see what a copy of the dungeon looks like.

"Will the monsters in this dungeon be resurrected after being killed?" Qin Mu couldn't help but think of this.

In the game, monsters will be refreshed, but what about after manifesting?

The Ghost King Tianji directly said: "In the former world, every time we died, our consciousness would fall into darkness, and one day later, we would wake up again in the ghost, and as long as there is a ghost, we will not die."

"But the world has been changed. If you both die again, can you still be resurrected in the ghost town?" Qin Mu asked.

"I don't know, I haven't tried it." The Ghost King Tianji was also stunned when he heard the words.

Who would joke about their own life?

[The countdown ends, and the realization begins]

With the sound of the male voice of the system, people's eyes turned to the deep mountains.

But there was no movement for a long time.

"Existence? That's all?" A Jindan cultivator sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, a gloomy roar was faintly heard in the mountains, and a pair of dark green eyes filled the valley. Like a ghost.

"It's a wolf cry! It's a wolf! This is a copy of the Valley of the Evil Wolf!"

a monk shouted loudly.

Only then did Qin Mu know that their manifest copy was the Valley of the Evil Wolf.

Evil Wolf Valley is a very classic dungeon that can be played by novices as well as by experts, because it is divided into several layers, and monks at different stages go to different levels.

The cultivator of the Jindan stage before saw that there was only a voice, and he didn't make a move for a long time. He wanted to go up and take a look.

Suddenly, a giant gray wolf pounced in the air and threw him directly to the ground.

This cultivator also reacted very quickly. UU reading also dared to make such a fuss when he was confident in his own strength. He picked up his magic weapon and slashed at the grey wolf's neck, severing it in two, and beheading him directly.

A 2.5-meter-long giant wolf just hanged.

Everyone saw that the gray wolf's body flashed white light, and directly escaped into the body of the Jindan cultivator.

The monk shouted happily, "I broke through!"

Only then did the cultivators understand that killing wolves can increase one's cultivation!

This greatly boosted the morale of the monks and boosted their courage. More and more monks stepped into the fog, looking for wolves to kill them. Some even used fireball magic to illuminate a mountain.

Only then did everyone see clearly that in the mountains, there were hundreds of dark green eyes, all of which were huge gray wolves.

The low-level cultivators were fighting in front of them, but the high-level cultivators didn't appreciate the increased cultivation, but chose to continue exploring to see if they could find any unexpected surprises.

Qin Mu was still watching from a distance, to see if anything unexpected would happen.

The howls of wolves in the mountains, and a human scream came from the fog.

Let the human cultivator who has already killed mad not move for a while.

These gray wolves are all very ordinary creatures, but they are relatively large, and the monks who build foundations and refine Qi are more than enough to deal with them.

This scream came from the previous Jindan cultivator!

This shows that there is a terrifying existence ahead that the cultivators of the Golden Core Realm will be defeated and killed.

A large number of monks have already poured into the Valley of Evil Wolf, and now it is too late to retreat, so they can only bite the bullet and move forward.

Qin Mu thought at the entrance, and he knew that the dungeon laid out by the system was definitely not that simple, and there were probably more powerful creatures inside.