MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 581 War (1)

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Bypassing the gate of the light spirit, Yuan Chenfei returned to the goblin world again, and it was already a day later to see the old general and others.

At this time General Gao and others already knew what happened at the Lava Fortress, and they were all irritated.

"These aliens really have few credible ones!" Zhang Tiejun exasperated.

Yuan Chen flew and didn't care too much: "It's not surprising that there are all kinds of races in the universe of the universe. Anyway, the lessons that should have been taught have also been learned. By the way, have you talked about the Flower Protoss?"

"It's been talked about, and basically no problem." Qu Wei answered.

The main force of the Expeditionary Force originally prepared by the Terrans was eight million now plus one hundred thousand flower gods and one hundred thousand light spirits.

"What's going on there?" Yuan Chenfei asked again.

"Slaughtered a goblin city ... these demons are really only interested in destruction, nothing else. I am a bit worried. Although putting them in now can help us weaken the influence of the goblins, it may not be easy to finish later. Qu Wei was a little worried.

"How can there be victory in the world without paying a price? It is very good to be like this." Zhang Tiejun didn't care too much.

From a high-level perspective, in addition to the goal of obtaining a large amount of goblin land and resources, it is also more important to understand the differences of various ethnic groups and know their future practices.

Facts have proved that if D-Ball wants to survive better, it must also be transformed into the direction of the whole people, and truly exert the advantages of a large population, as well as the further development of science and technology-this is the difference between human beings and most aliens. Even for those races that are good at technology, many of the people ’s technological foundations are not useless.

"Where is the Goblin?"

"An army of eight million has been assembled, and this time it is going to play with us."

"Do I need to fix it?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

General Gao laughed: "Rest assured, we know how to deal with it. If all this needs you, then we will not use it. Even if it is a bait, we will let them know that this bait they can not easily hold."

"I believe. In this case, then I will prepare and continue to carry out my task." Yuan Chenfei no longer wastes time. After understanding the situation, he started to the next target.

Perhaps the encounter of the lava tribe gave enough warning to the aliens, and the other aliens finally did not make any more moths.

Yuan Chenfei killed all the way in this way, constantly helping the major aliens recover the defending ground, and the defending ground of the goblin tribe disappeared at an alarming rate.

At this moment, a top-level strong man who is not restricted by the environment finally erupted his powerful deterrent, cruel killings, accompanied by the fall of each of the powerful Goblins.

Twenty days passed in a blink of an eye.

In these more than 20 days, the coalition army also launched several confrontations with the goblin army.

In terms of strength, the joint army is not as good as the goblin army, but the joint army has a huge advantage that the goblin army does not have: information.

The omniscient data allows the joint army to understand the race conditions, living habits, combat characteristics, and all geographical environments of the goblin army, while the goblin army knows nothing about the joint army's intelligence, and the information they can get every time They were all obtained from the last war, and they were destined to be led by their opponents.

The second confrontation between the Allied Forces and the Goblin Army was six days after the Battle of Purple Rock City.

Five million to eight million, the joint army is a purely weak side, and Yuan Chenfei did not participate-he was busy liberating the ground to defend it.

Although it was weak against strong, the coalition forces surrendered a victory. They used the way to entice the enemy to go deep, led the goblin army to the ice field, then blocked the ice path, trapped the goblins on the ice field, and withstood the power of the frozen tundra. Goblins launched a frantic attack on the Ice Path, while the United Army stationed heavy soldiers here, guarded the Ice Path, and placed a large number of jammers to block the information.

The war fought for three days, and the Goblin Army eventually failed to break through the path of ice. Eventually, they had to escape from the frost to the extreme polar regions. But as soon as they left the ice field, they encountered a surprise attack from the coalition forces already ambush there, and they again suffered huge casualties, and only half of the goblins fled.

This war was also the most unsatisfactory for the Allied forces. They dumped millions of tons of bombs, used all-knowledge stones, books of all-knowledge, consumed hundreds of neutralization bombs, but eventually failed to wipe out all. The opponent also lost more than 200,000 by himself, but was still escaped by the opponent with his strong ability.

Five days later, the third war broke out.

The scale is much smaller this time.

A 300,000-strong goblin army met Zhang Tiejun's Fourth Army, who was attacking a small city at the time. The enemy was weak and the enemy was weak. Zhang Tiejun evacuated. He encountered Demon Lord Hepitus on the way. And his demons. Hepitus had about 10,000 demons at this time, but the Guards were still 3,000.

But it was this 10,000 demons that actually destroyed 300,000 goblin troops, and Zhang Tiejun was shocked to see his powerful fighting power.

He filmed the shot of the Demon Lord, but Hepiter was just a look, Zhang Tiejun's cell phone burst, and even Zhang Tiejun himself was demonized and eroded, but later he was released by Hepiter. "It's a warning, don't do things that demons don't like," he said.

Zhang Tiejun couldn't take pictures, and the commander of the iron blood was not good at describing, so the word was simple and straightforward. "When he shot, all the miles and miles were dark and dense, and then countless flames and meteors came down ... Yes, it is Fire and rain meteor, but it can reach a hundred fire and rain meteor used by the elemental mage. And this guy is not an elemental mage, the demons are not professionals, but they have a lot of abilities, including system abilities. That guy is terrible. "

This war also made everyone realize that the devil is powerful, but it is doomed to rely on it.

After learning the lessons from the ice field, the goblins are no longer led by the United Army, and they will not go to any more desperate places.

But this time, the coalition forces came up with new methods.

To be exact, new weapons-at least for Goblins.

The fourth war took place in the Amano River.

Goblin world has few water resources, and goblins are not good at water.

In their knowledge, the human race is also not good at water-compared to Naga, Kraken and other races, the human races that cannot sleep and breathe in the water are indeed pure land creatures.

However, they did not expect that if they were not good at water, they would not be able to fight water, and they did not expect that the Terrans would secretly transport a large number of local ships-for this they could spend a lot of effort. Fortunately, the strong executive power of professionals makes it possible to do things that were otherwise impossible.

When the local elite army confronted the human race along the river, the joint fleet appeared suddenly. A large number of destroyers and frigates appeared on the Amano River, firing directly at the Goblin Army. If the aircraft carrier is not too big and it cannot be moved, even the aircraft carrier may appear.

Because of its inability to water, the Goblin Army had no way of facing warships in the river.

Although they also tried to jump into the water, even ran on the river, and flew in the sky, endless mines, rapid-fire guns, missiles, submarines and a large number of professional snipers came on, even the same space Fighter aircraft.

The Terran will exert its own advantages to the extreme, using terrain and various scientific and technological weapons to attack the Goblins.

This was also the worst time for the goblin army to fail, with millions of goblin troops eventually escaping only one-tenth.

From this day on, they are no longer willing to fight any war with the Terran Army by the river.

The fifth war took place three days ago.

It's much simpler this time.

The Terrans did not use any more tricks, but they had a large number of alien alliances around them.

The advantages of strategic alliances are being exerted. More and more aliens have joined this attack on goblins. The goblins have suddenly discovered that their most proud number advantage has gradually disappeared in this war.

They finally began to fear and began to shrink.

Despite the winning streak, Terran has paid a huge price.

After several wars, the joint army paid nearly a million casualties, and ammunition and weapons were consumed innumerable, fortunately, most of them were in inventory.

However, the surviving professionals have become stronger.

In the face of alien races, human races have gradually let go of prejudices among nations and have united as never before.

James Brown, Catherine, Field and a large group of outstanding people have also come to the battlefield, and each has outstanding performance.

As for Yuan Chenfei, he is still busy killing everywhere.

Yuan Chenfei himself didn't know how many goblins had been eliminated and how much equipment he had harvested. All he knew was that Han Feiyu's points had actually reached 400,000.

These points were exchanged for God coins, and the harvested equipment, Yuan Chenfei, was handed over to General Gao Lao.

As for the materials used to make the demon artillery, they have been gathered for a long time: every city that is destroyed can get some resources, so that Han Feiyu can't put up a lot of materials. The state has opened a warehouse for him, which is full of them. His material is so beautifully named: Han Feiyu's treasure house.

This is also a person with a treasure trove. Yuan Chenfei laughed and said: I really want to rob him.

As for the goblins who died in the hands of Yuanchen Fei, Yuan Chenfei also counted countless. He did not know how many tasks he had completed. Anyway, when he saw the goblins, he killed them. Under the cruel BUFF, the strong goblins and the weak goblins are sometimes The difference between one more attack.

What really makes Yuan Chenfei pay attention is his own duel ability.

During the killing during this time, Yuan Chenfei's duel really broke through the boat again. Now he can challenge the two beasts twice in succession, with up to seven pets.

But for Yuan Chenfei, this actually doesn't make much sense.

Only one piece of equipment can be used in the duel space, and the limitation of two monsters at the same time makes it impossible for him to challenge too strong monsters. In contrast, although an external duel can only challenge one, it can at least challenge powerful monsters—two Only ordinary monsters at level 90 are no better than elite monsters at level 100.

But there is a benefit, is the death circus.

Yuan Chenfei's death circus still only works on five targets ~ ~ So after collecting seven pets, Yuan Chenfei can choose to sacrifice four ordinary pets and one elite pet, and keep three elite pets, This makes his tactics more versatile, and the frequency of use of the death circus can be greatly increased, so there is no need to hide.

After all, this is a limited promotion, so Yuan Chenfei is still trying to see if he can break the limit and let the double-picked pet appear outside the duel space.

For this reason, Yuan Chenfei will enter Xingluo Fantasy when he is free.

Today, Chen Chenfei was still in the Xingluo fantasy, and suddenly heard a voice.

"It's time for the goblin mission."

"The mission executor Han Feiyu failed to complete the Goblin Empire destruction mission, and the mission entered a delay period."

"You young, you are doing well. Although this country has not been ruined, it seems to be close. The gods are looking forward to see if you can accomplish another miracle."