MTL - Game of Gods-Chapter 633 Strategic choice

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The mercenary camp takes one day to complete. The next goal, Yuan Chenfei, is selected as the smithy. The improvement of the equipment to the professional is still very obvious.

The smithy needs eight kinds of resources, of which four Yuan Chenfei already have them, so as long as the next four days are enough.

But just then, news came from behind.

A mine was attacked.

With the attack on one of the mines, the other mines also began to attack. Due to the large number of Qingkong clan, the five mines fell almost at the same time.

Fortunately, the Cyclops ran away as soon as they got the news, and there was no loss.

After the Qingkong tribe recaptured the mine, they settled down again and began to build defense facilities.

It is worth noting that this time they started to build turrets.

After learning about the news, Yuan Chenfei only thought for a moment, and continued to lead the attack. He quickly won the other four mining areas and retreated in time after cleaning up a batch of resources.

Because the action is relatively fast, the Cyclops is also promoted in the battle, and the strength is improved, so the battle on this day is much faster than before.

Li Zhanjun proposed to make persistent efforts and simply cleaned up the remaining three mines, but was opposed by Yuan Chenfei.

Rarely, when he saw it, he closed it and returned to the territory with the Cyclops.

The day passed quickly, and at night the construction of the mercenary camp was completed.

Yuan Chen used his authority to fly, and the first person he hired was Qu Wei.

Hiring costs crystal coins, but since the gods forbid Yuan Chenfei from using their personal resources, they can only be obtained in the territory.

Fortunately, Qu Wei's price was not high. He was only 28th grade. The first level was 100 crystal coins, which was 2,800 crystal coins, which was very cheap.

Stepping out of the mercenary camp, he saw Yuan Chen flying over to hug him.

Although Qu Wei was already mentally prepared, he was a bit surprised at the scene: "Am I the first?"

"That is, you are cheap." Li Zhanjun opened his mouth and said nothing.

"Get out of the way, don't listen to him. I have to ask you something. So I'll call you first. Although you can talk in the fairy world, it's still too much trouble." Yuan Chen said.

"Understand." Qu Wei nodded: "I have already received the news in the morning, and the staff has also analyzed it. Want to hear it?"

"I'm looking forward to it."

Qu Weidao: "I guess you also think that the stationing strength of the Qingkong clan has also been improved step by step."

In a word, the key.

Although Yuanchen Fei captured a lot of Qingkong captives, the mission of Qingkong clan was only known to the upper levels, so it was unrealistic to understand the mission of Qingkong clan through the captives, and they could only be judged by their actions.

At this moment Yuan Chenfei said: "But I think that the stationing of this strength restricts not the strength of soldiers but the defense measures."

"That's right." Qu Wei has said: "The Qingkong tribe clearly established a defensive stronghold in the buffer zone half a month in advance, but at the beginning there were only a few alchemy arrays, which was not reasonable at all. After the counterattack returned, they Starting to install the turret, considering the previous mission mode, it can basically be judged that each time they successfully counterattack, they will get a certain amount of defense promotion rights. "

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "Yes, this should be the limit given to us by the gods. If you want to use guerrilla tactics to collect resources to ensure that the Cyclops is not lost, then in repeated competition, the resistance we face will be Increasingly strong, until the end, each attack on a stronghold may pay a significant price. "

Qu Wei continued: "Besides that, there is another problem. You won the five mining areas in one breath yesterday. It is reasonable to say that in one day, how can the Qingkong clan fight back. But in fact they did not, but today The counterattack was only launched in the morning. If they were slow, it would be unreasonable. "

Yuanchen flying: "There is only one explanation."

They looked at each other and said in the same voice: "Time-limited attack!"

The Qingkong clan's counterattack is likely to be limited. For example, they can only counterattack the next day after losing, so even if they know that the mining area is losing, they will not fight back immediately.

This is the opportunity that the gods gave them.

Otherwise, the twelve mining areas will start a fight once they fall behind, and the 70,000 Cyclops alone can't help it.

It is also because the total time is limited, so when the time point of the next day comes, the five mining areas are almost attacked at the same time, and the opponent is not given the opportunity to resist at all. In other words, even if Yuan Chenfei guards one of them, there are four points too late to defend.

Qu Weidao: "From this analysis, we are likely to draw a conclusion that there is only one chance to fight back every day. This time without success, we cannot fight back today."

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "It should be so."

Xia Ning and others also suddenly realized: "So this is why you did not order the attack to the three remaining mines? Because there was no counterattack, they could not upgrade the defense system."

"Yes." Yuan Chenfei sighed. "So, things are contradictory again."

To avoid being counterattacked by the opponent as much as possible, you have to do more cleaning in a mine and try to keep it, but a single resource cannot build any special building.

A full sweep will give the opponent a chance to counterattack.

It can be said that for this mission, the gods have been creating contradictory choices for them.

Whether the construction of special buildings or not, the offensive and defensive balance of the resource area, all the choices are pros and cons, and Yuan Chenfei must weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

For this reason, Yuan Chenfei also had a headache: "Things are troublesome."

Qu Wei smiled: "Isn't that why you came to me?"

"Do you have any suggestions?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

Qu Weidao: "Before I came, I had some discussions with the above. We agreed that among the twenty special buildings, what is really useful is the breeding of Tianchi, the Jedi Corral, the smithy, the mercenary barracks, the guardian statue, the anger sky stone, and the spell. There are ten kinds of towers, dark soul trails, silent pure land and thick soil mazes. So our planning should be based on these ten kinds of building materials. "

Liu Li wondered: "Although cultivating Tianchi was useless in this battle, it can improve the overall strength of the Cyclops. It is a necessary building for long-term development. I can understand it. But what does the magic tower want it to do? Just to put a few Spell? Cyclops wants it useless. And it contradicts Silent Pure Land. "

Qu Weidao: "It is really useless from a combat perspective. But have you forgotten how Yuanchen Fei first and foremost drew his kingdom?"

Everyone froze: "Illusion? Hide?"

"Yes!" Qu Weidao said: "Spell towers are not used to fight, but to deal with magical disappearance. Cyclops does not have this method, and can only rely on spell towers. Unless you do not care about the future development of Cyclops, Otherwise, it ’s best to build them for them. In fact, even in this defensive war, the possibility of the Qingkong tribe sneaking into destruction must be considered. Don't forget, the mission only said that one month later, but did not say attack When will it end. In theory, as long as the opponent's soldiers have not died and they have not given up, they can continue to fight. "

Only then did they realize that they had made a mistake. They only paid attention to the non-war period of one month, but ignored how long they would fight after the start of the battle. If the Qingkong clan deliberately delays and consumes the advantages of resources, the 70,000 troops can be very powerful.

But Qu Wei noticed them.

Now everyone knows the urine of the gods. What you haven't specified is what I can use.

Since the gods do not stipulate how long they can fight in a month, the Qingkong clan is likely to fight time-consuming wars, resource wars, and slowly kill their opponents, like the fairy fortress.

"Spell towers really need to be built," Yuan Chenfei affirmed, "but there are only ten, still involving twelve resource points."

Qu Wei laughed: "This is where you missed. I have analyzed and compared the resources required for these ten types of buildings before. We found that the resources required for these ten types of buildings are mainly concentrated in crescent stones and amethyst crystals. , Mantukin ... Of the eight ores, the other four require very little. "

"But it still needs it, doesn't it? Xia Ning asked."

"Yes, but if we focus on it, it may be collected in one or two days."

After hearing this, everyone understood.

Yuan Chenfei said: "These four less-required resources took one or two days to focus on the strategy. As long as ten types of buildings are met, they can be strategically abandoned."

Rouwa also said: "That is to say, only eight resource points will be needed at that time."

"No." Qu Wei shook his head: "There are six places. There are two special resources, pearl wood and lava agate, which can also be obtained in Qingkong City, not only in the buffer zone."

There is an attack on the city in the mission, which is used to compete for those two resources, so there are only six places that really need to be entangled.

In this way, everyone's pressure is reduced a lot.

"In this way, it means that we have to compete for six places ~ ~ Abandon the six places? When the total attack is, it is 70,000 plus 9,000 people, and maybe another 18,000 people?" Xia Asking.

"Abandoning is not necessarily a complete abandonment." Qu Wei explained: "Although it is only a speculation that the base guards can join the siege war, we analyze it and agree that this is indeed very possible. According to the habits of the gods, all The hidden methods are necessarily related, and there is rarely a direct increase of troops for no reason. It is like the ambush of the Qingkong clan, and it is also to issue related tasks in advance, not directly. This is in line with the rules! So if this inference is correct, can we? Think about it the other way around? "

Yuanchen Airway said: "Before the end of the last day, clear up the strongholds we gave up. Because they can only counterattack the next day, so they will lose the opportunity, and this 18,000 people will not appear. Now. "

"Yes, then, do you understand the order of our attacks?"

Yuan Chenfei said: "Give priority to attacking the mine to be abandoned and collect all the resources needed. Since the mission has just begun, when they launch a counterattack, they will definitely use the weakest troops. But they will not think of these six places. After that, the mine will not be attacked again. Due to the limitation of the mission, they will no longer be able to strengthen their defense and deploy troops until the last day, and we will solve it all at once! "