MTL - Gamers of the Underworld-v2 Chapter 528 锄禾's adventure

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After the last battle, Wu He’s mood was very pleasant. Although he couldn’t deceive the black dragon dog eggs and rescue the captives of the **** country, it triggered the adventure mission, but the rewards from the system were rewarded enough. It is.

As the result of the last Victorian victory in the battle, the players of the Eternal Kingdom dungeons received a lot of rewards after winning the battle. The most important thing is to control the Dark Portal, whether they pass the Dark Portal. The portal, the Victorian player who attacked the intersection, or the ground world, went directly to the Victoria Forest to attack them, very convenient.

Players who attack those Victorias can not only get a lot of weapons and equipment, but also get the much-needed glory points. The glory points can be exchanged for a lot of things. The players of the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon can be said to have earned enough benefits.

Not only that, but when escorting the captives from the Kingdom of God, the players of the Eternal Kingdom dungeons also received a lot of adventures, most of whom were the captives who asked the players to help them escape the underground world. At the same time promise to give a lot of benefits.

As for whether it is true or not, players can leave the odd task if they don’t care so much. If it’s true or not, you have to try it. What if it’s true?

However, he did not have such a big ambition. After the players tried to confuse the black dragon dog eggs and let the black dragon dog eggs help to release the prisoners, Wu He did not spend more energy on this. He thought I can finish some daily tasks more and more, and the next copy will be taken down. I will go to the Winter City for a walk. Follow Arthur and go to Victoria to fight the autumn wind, fight against the guild, and bring the guild. Newcomers, try to update the equipment, if you can, buy a little more good-looking furniture and do something strange.

The requirements of Wuhe are really not very high.

But sometimes, the more you don't force it, the more you come to find it, and you will encounter such a situation.

When he walked on the road with Arthur and they met, there was a small stone lying in the back of his head. Then he was black and fainted. When the reaction came, the consciousness was already at the landing interface.

Lying in the trough? ! what's the situation? !

Hehe was shocked. This feeling is like a person suddenly dropped. Of course, it is definitely not death. If you want to re-select a character to enter, you will have a rebirth option.

This is being stunned!

Hehe’s brain is cold, and his heart is amazed, because he is in the safe area of ​​the eternal kingdom dungeon, which means that the player can’t attack him. It’s definitely not a player to stun him. Is it an adventure?

He was so excited that he rushed to log in again, but the game screen was still dark, and it was clear that he was still in a dizzy state.

After waiting for a dozen points, he did not have any movements. He could only contact Arthur and Meichuan Coolzi with WeChat.

WeChat group [Dungeon Monster Chat Group]:

[Seventeen years old]: I am in a hurry! I found something that is incredible!

[Little Knight]: Speak well, come in and grass us, what do you mean?

[National Treasure]: What are you not playing games and playing WeChat?

After finishing the conversation in the Weihe WeChat group, I quickly got a response from everyone.

Where does Wuhe have time to make jokes with them? I quickly told my story to everyone, and everyone is also confused. Is it really an adventure?

Hehe is not clear, but he said the first time he stunned the address in the group, let his friends go to see the situation for the first time, the other side began to log in repeatedly, with excitement With a nervous mood.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that he finally landed in the game, opened his eyes, saw the dim light in front of him, and a pair of eyes in front of the darkness.

"You wake up, a small Kobold."

The masters of the eyes said to the hoarse voice with a hoarse voice. He swallowed a slobber, and his heart was silently happy. He came and finally let me wait for my adventure mission.

"Yes, it's me! You are fainting. I must have something to do for you. It doesn't matter. You tell me directly, there is nothing I can do for you, I will do it!"

Hehe said that he was very sincere, but the person hiding in the darkness was not anxious to say anything. He looked at him and seemed to be examining the kobold, and then said with a smile:

"I am relieved to see you so enthusiastic, but you don't have to worry, I am not asking for help, but to help you, Kobold, you have to remember the day you were chosen by fate!"

The person hidden in the darkness is like a **** stick. If you listen to his tone, there is really no difference between it and the **** stick. But he doesn’t care. As long as it is an adventure mission, he nods and then nods. Say loudly:

"Yes, I really need help too much now. Do you want me to let my own wishes or send me weapons and equipment? I will accept them!"

"Not these things, I am planning to save your friends."

The man in the dark said this, Hehe listened carefully after thinking about it, and then said with confusion:

"You mean Arthur, they are going to be dangerous."

After all, when I mentioned the friends in the game, I only thought about Arthur. They are not very wide. They are not very popular except the players who play with the Pioneers League. .

"No, they are the friends you just mentioned, your relatives and friends of the teachings. I have already heard them when you shouted!"

The man slowly walked out of the darkness as he spoke. There was no hair on his head, crumpled, not only that, but also the eyes of this pair, which were completely different from the darkness, in the bare head. Behind it is a hard turtle shell, not wrong with the shell.

Standing in front of Qihe is an old turtle, or the old man is more accurate. After all, the difference between the tortoise and the toad is quite big.

This is not an ordinary turtle, and it is recognized at a glance. This is the pet of Sherlock, and the game npc has only recently been added.

The name seems to be called the egg flower, and I actually triggered the adventure task of the egg flower, it is so lucky!