MTL - Gamers of the Underworld-v2 Chapter 555 Brave Goblin

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In front of the smithy in the dungeon of eternal kingdom.

"Ping Pong Pong ... Ping Pong Pong!"

On the large stove in the industrial zone, players with green characters on their heads are waving their hammers and beating metal, while injecting magic to accelerate the forging process.

You can see your shirt and sweating everywhere.

Behind these players is their mentor, Blacksmith Simba.

As a veteran employee of the Dungeon of the Eternal Kingdom, he originally came to work temporarily, but because of his good work, he has been converted to a regular employee by Sherlock. Not only that, he also recommended his brother, Mufasha.

At this point, the two brothers were sitting beside the furnace and chatting, just like the players who were buzzing and talking.

"Moros went to the theater today. Did you watch it?"

Simba twisted his body, put the metal rod in his hand into the smelting pool, heated it, and then put the red iron rod into his mouth, making noisy sounds, and white green smoke.

"I went to see it, but there were too many underground spiders over there. I went to take a look and hurried away."

Mu Fa snorted for a moment, then said something scared.

"Do you know why there are so many spiders? Because they caught the spider queen's daughter, according to my experience, that little spider will one day become the new queen, and the scene was really spectacular at that time."

Simba shook his head and recalled.

Mu Fasha showed an envious expression. Since he came to the Dungeon of the Eternal Kingdom, his heart of adventure has been activated, but because he is too timid, he is not as brave as those players. Go out for adventure.

Mufasha slowly cut his small wooden knife. Since the number of players in the dungeon of the eternal kingdom began to increase, his carpenter's work has gradually been abandoned, and most of the time he is teaching those players how to cook and carpenters.

"I heard that they are making a movie. I don't know what will be made."

Mu Fasha said curiously.

"Are you interested? I'm not very interested. What would they shoot?"

Simba smiled and said, Amufasha looked in the direction of the players, then showed the longing look:

"I'm envious, adventurer."

"... the devil from hell, I command you to die in the name of the Lord!"

A human being shouted at Morros, shouting at Morros.

And James was wearing a handsome robe holding a short sword, as if not affected by the Holy Light, leaped high, and then slashed the short sword towards the human body, chopping diagonally After a stab, blood splattered and the human fell down.

"Well, this scene is all right here, and we are ready to play against the dragon."

Oscar stood up, then waved and shouted at the human players who were still waiting in line:

"Let ’s all go, the rest is gone."

"Don't let me show up, I've been in a long queue!"

"Dragon sets also have human rights. How many more priests are not killed? How can you show that Moros is incomparable?"

"Yeah, yeah, at least to finish mowing Wushuang. I'm willing to mow him as a grass."

"Laughing with a smile, you are exhausted to get out of the camera."

Players of the eternal kingdom dungeon and the Victoria Free City rarely speak in a language that only they can understand, and there are words of joy and laughter, and Moros can't understand a word of them, although Moros is curious Where did the warriors of these eternal kingdoms find these humans, and they were all humans with the power of the Holy Light, but watching them communicate so smoothly, Moros dare not ask or say.

The black dragon dog egg was led up by a player. He held his arm, looked at the players in front of him with an unhappy expression, and said to them:

"Did you ask Master Sherlock for me to act? Don't you know I'm busy every day?"

Although the words of the black dragon dog eggs are full of dissatisfaction, the players are not afraid of the dragon's power. They are not even afraid of Sherlock's coercion. How could they be afraid of the black dragon?

They only think that this is a normal npc conversation.

"Hello, hello ..."

Players are not afraid, but it does not mean that Morros is not afraid. In fact Morros is now afraid of death. The opponent is a living black dragon. Even the cubs, the dragon power emanating from him is not a goblin that can resist.

But there is no way, they have already reached this step, and those who can talk and laugh with the priests, and have no fear at all, the players of the eternal kingdom of the Black Dragon, it seems that it is not a good deal, if you do not After listening to them, maybe they will be killed directly. Moros is just trying to redeem his marriage. He never imagined that this day would make his life dangerous.

The players saw the black dragon dog eggs complaining, and rushing up was a lick of madness and bragging, making the black dragon dog eggs comfortable and comfortable.

"Ready to shoot!"

Oscar shouted.


The giant flying black dragon dived down, and the sound of the dragon rang through the wilderness.

Moros was still wearing his handsome robe, crawling on the huge rock, shouting at the black dragon dog egg that dived down:

"Come on, you evil black dragon, I will not be afraid of you, I will use your blood to bathe!"

Although his words were trembling, Morros finished speaking.

The giant black dragon landed in front of Moros, and the roar echoed in Morros's head, Moros shuddered and knelt down.

"Card! Card!"

Oscar almost screamed and rushed out, he looked at Moros angrily:

"What are you doing? This is the third time, why are you kneeling down again?"

Oscar has just finished speaking. The figure of the giant black dragon in front of Moros has shrunk back and turned into the original appearance of the black dragon dog egg. The huge black dragon is a black dragon dog egg magically transformed.

"I can't help it ..."

Moros said this almost with a sad face.

"The black dragon shouted, and my courage broke."

Those players are not kidding when they see what Moros said, one of them suggested:

"No way, I'm afraid this Moros can't overcome his fear. We might as well change the script!"

Oscar thought about it and shouted:

"Change the script! Kneel the black dragon!"

Moros dragged his tired body back to his room. Behind him were a bunch of hippie smiley and joyous players.

Those players carried magic recorders and various small props and went back to their own territory with a smile.

Moros finally glanced back at them, and his body was about to fall apart. It was a whole day's play with the Black Dragon Dog Eggs, but it was finished, so where was the Black Dragon? It was just being played by the Black Dragon.

Just thinking about it trembled, but fortunately it was over, Moros sighed:

In this way, he should be able to save his wife.


"I'm off, you should go off the line early to rest, you stay up late every day for the past two days, don't burn your body."

"Yeah, the director has a rest!"

Oscar heard the players shouting, obedient, but nothing wrong, but looking at their expressions, one by one hippie smiley, at a glance, I know that it is not sincere, but intentionally said so.

They are all gloating.

However, for Oscar, filming is not something that makes him tired, but a very happy thing. Don't look at him at the shooting site and keep yelling, it looks as if he is very angry, but That's why he loves it.

In the real world, although he is studying film and television director, but where is the director so good, let alone film, micro-video, he has no money to shoot. But in the game world, goblins, black dragons, priests, giant spiders ... these are all ready-made!

He even felt like he was filming a Lord of the Rings!

In fact, he is already writing a script, and the name is all about Bracelet King. "

But now, he is going to finish the final preparations and edit the video.

In Dungeon Players, if you want to edit a video, you must not go to the magic engineer, Yoda, like the real world.

Oscar brought all his gold cobblestones in the direction of the magic energy engineering hall.


"Master Sherlock, the player's movie has been finished, and I have put it on your computer desktop."

In the Lord's Hall, Bruce spoke to Sherlock.

By the time Yoda helped Oscar edit the video, Bruce had copied the edited video as well as the unedited version and placed it on Sherlock's computer desktop.

Sherlock nodded, sat down, and saw two different versions of the video on the desktop.

Brave Goblin Brave Goblin

"Is it ready so soon?"

Sherlock opened the video and looked at it.

[I'm Moros, a lone goblin warrior ...]

"Huh? Isn't this voice Moros?"

Sherlock froze, and Bruce quickly said:

"It seems that the players dubbed it later, Master Sherlock."

"So it is."

Sherlock nodded, and then continued to take a serious look. The entire video was not long. The unedited version was an hour, and the edited version was only half an hour.

After Sherlock finished watching, he nodded quickly:

"Well, it's a good shot. The land we bought in the old town seems to work."

"Master Sherlock? You plan to ..."

"Nothing, open a movie theater."