MTL - Gamers of the Underworld-v2 Chapter 596 Conspiracy of Alexandria

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The green-skinned Goblin, wearing a white and pink maid outfit, plus a shy expression, the standing position of the inner character, has already reached the knees together.

After placing the **** chrysanthemum tea at Sherlock's table, he then put the tray on his flat chest with some tension, and supported the tray with both hands.

Although it's Goblin, when Yucha made this action and gesture, the pitiful look can easily make people--

I feel like a big wicked person.

Sherlock was wearing a coat in disguise at this time, and the Black Dragon Dog Egg was also wearing a similar brown coat, dressed like Sherlock in "Detective Sherlock". With a big green hat.

The parrot Phoenix is ​​dressed up like the parrot in Pirates of the Caribbean.

These are the costumes in the movie or TV series that the three of them have recently watched.

At that time, the black cat pineapple cocked his feet on the table, holding in his mouth a uranium rod that did not know where it came from. The ignited uranium rod showed a very high temperature red. Emphasized:

"What meow—? Just a cup of **** chrysanthemum tea?"

"Ah? But the gentleman said just now, a cup of **** chrysanthemum tea ..."

Yucha was startled, and took a step back, the parrot Phoenix on the side, flew up, one side of the wings poked on the side of Yucha, shouted loudly:

"Did you look down on us? Ah?"

"No ... no ...

The black dragon dog egg also leaned back, his legs were crossed together, his mouths were pulled together, and he made a "murmur" sound, and then said:

"Stop! What's not, Uluru, you show that you look down on us!"

"Come on meow! Give us a cup of **** chrysanthemum tea meow!"

Yucha recoiled in panic, and kept nodding:

"I'm so sorry, this is where I go ..."


Yucha was about to turn around and bring three more cups of **** chrysanthemum tea, and heard a series of sounds.

Then heard Sherlock said:

"Sorry, the three of them will not be used. I did not bring so many magic stones."

Rain Tea [Ah? ] With a sound, I saw the three people who were very arrogant, and now they are sitting in good position without any movement.

Just listen to Sherlock:

"Thank you. Your service is no longer needed."

"Oh, sorry, please eat!"

After Yucha said, she turned around and trot away.

But as soon as she left, she heard the sound of jingle bells.

The door of the shop was pushed open again.

[Cat urine cafe] As a player shop opened in the underground city of Venice, it was originally a bold attempt.

But to be honest, the scale of the store is not large, and the business is really different.

In a continuous period of time, a second person came here, which really surprised other players.


Yucha quickly greeted him, but before he could talk, the man raised his slimy hand and said:

"No, I'm here to find someone."

It was a slime monster who came in and looked very stylish in a gray suit coat.

This slime monster "walked" into the store and made a sticky [的] sliding sound, leaving a series of transparent and viscous liquids that looked like jelly.

Yucha waited until the slime monster walked over, then looked at the trace left by the slime monster with a look of embarrassment.

How can this be cleaned?

The slime monster sat directly opposite Sherlock, and from inside the gray suit coat revealed a pair of eyes and said:

"I almost didn't recognize you, Master Sherlock."

The slime monster looked around and then said:

"But why did you come to this cafe?"

Sherlock leaned back and said:

"Because I know more about it here, there is no superb eavesdropping method."

"Superb eavesdropping?"

"Like the goblin behind you, eavesdropping on the sofa, it's low-end eavesdropping."

The slime stunned for a moment, then raised his body slightly and looked at the back of his sofa.

At the back was a goblin with the green character [】 禾] on its head. It was lying on the sofa, but already heard what Sherlock said, so the goblin immediately stood up.

Whistling towards the side, they saw Sherlock and the slime monsters watching him, and he said casually:

"I didn't eavesdrop."

The slime monster stood up, his body began to swell, and the whistle-filled **** looked at the swollen slime monster in a daze, and then [banged] himself and fell down.

going offline.

The slime strangely looked at the fallen goblin, Wohe, and heard Sherlock saying:

"Don't worry about him, it is estimated that it will not go online for a while."


"I mean, wake up."

The slime monster heard Sherlock talking like this, then sat down by himself, then put his hands on the table.

A puddle of mud on his body hit the table and made a [咚] sound. He saw transparent body fragments popping up, and a small piece smashed directly towards Sherlock's bowl.

Sherlock raised his hand and dragged his tea cup towards the back a little. The pieces fell behind the **** chrysanthemum tea and did not let any pieces fall into his **** chrysanthemum tea.

"These small details don't need to be mentioned for the time being. Is there any new news for me this time?"

Sherlock asked, looking at the slime in front of him.

"Speaking of the latest news, the new city lord Alexander, Lord Sherlock, do you know?"

Sherlock nodded and said:

"Of course I know, that Alexander has been to Winterfell, and I have dealt with him twice before. Is this news related to him?"

"That's right," said the slime monster, looking around vigilantly, and then his body wriggled. From his body, a diamond-shaped crystal was soon spit out.

The rhombus-shaped crystal was still sticking to the thick, dripping liquid, which spread out on the table into a large pool of liquid.

"This is one of my customers who brought me, and is said to have been taken from the treasure house of Alexandria."

"Alexandr's treasure house? I didn't expect that kind of thing." Sherlock nodded, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, the black cat pineapple walked over, staring sharply at the diamond crystal on the table. The black cat pineapple said with a mysterious tone:

"This is ... meow full of darkness!"

The parrot Phoenix fluttered his wings, flew to the table, and then glanced in front of the diamond crystal, he was surprised:

"This ... this is!"

At this moment, a claw stretched out, grabbed the diamond-shaped crystal, and then stuffed the diamond-shaped crystal into his mouth. The rows of teeth that just grew out gave the diamond-shaped crystal to Stuffed into his mouth.

Hearing the sound of clicking and clicking, the black dragon dog egg put the diamond-shaped crystal in his mouth for half.

Obviously, the black dragon dog egg didn't expect it to bite the black crystal into several halves.

It spit out the fragments in its mouth, and then panicked and said:

"That ... I didn't mean it."

After the black dragon dog egg smashed the crystal, he saw a stream of black mist floating from the crystal.

There seemed to be another kind of emission in the mist:

"Ah ... I am liberated ... dead!"

With a subtle wailing noise, the black mist disappeared.

This looks a bit strange and familiar.

just like……

"Is this your brother?"

Parrot Phoenix asked, looking at the black cat pineapple on the side.

As one of the seventy-two demon pineapples, one of his abilities is to be able to turn into such a mist.

And now this looks like the same ability as the black cat pineapple, but the difference is that this mist does not seem to be able to survive outside the crystal for too long.

"What's going on meow? That guy named Alexander took away even I didn't know the brother meow!"

The black cat pineapple questioned loudly.

"What's going on with your subordinates?"

The slime monster looked at Sherlock strangely, but Sherlock didn't care. He waved his hands, a baby dragon lying on the table, a black cat, and a parrot. All were shuffled by Sherlock's magic. Pushed to the sofa.

"They're just kidding." Sherlock said with a smile:

"So, the information you want to provide me, is this Alexander studying the power of the Seventy-two Demon?"

"Yes, but this is not the purpose of Alexander. In addition to this ability to turn into black mist, the young man called Alexander, as far as I know, is planning a terrible thing!"

The slime monster lowered his body while he came over again.

As a slime monster, if he wants to come over, the lord's upper body is stretched like a jelly, and then viscous liquid drips down everywhere.

I heard the slime monster said softly:

"He's resurrecting the great demon Rocky Langeme."

"Wait, the resurrection of the devil? What does this have to do with the Seventy-two Demon?"

The parrot Phoenix asked with a stunned wings, and the slime said:

"It seems that there are seventy-two demon gods, and each person's ability has mastered a code for resurrecting the great demon Rokirang Kaimi. If the power of the seventy-two demon gods is gathered, the big devil can be resurrected."

The slime said this, but whether it was Phoenix or Pineapple, they were both aggressive.