MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1405 Unyielding will

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Seeing that Duan Xiao actually opposed the blue fairy kingdom with his own strength, Xie Xianyu flashed a glimmer of surprise. [

"Dapeng Yaozu, really worthy of the name, but the door of Xianguo is not so easy to resist."

Xie Xianyu smiled lightly, and then he waved his hand, but saw that the blue door of the fairyland flashed even more blazingly, and suddenly suppressed the mighty momentum of Duanxiao.

Immediately, the blue glory became more and more fierce, and the golden-winged Dapeng, which was made by Duan Xiao, trembled all over, and apparently could not hold on.

On the referee's seat, Dapeng of the Dapeng Yaozu stood up and looked nervously at the scene.

Even if he was shocked by the power of the door of the fairy kingdom in the field, although for him, the power of the power is not worth mentioning. After all, Xie Xianyu is still shallow, but the level of power is better than he has ever seen. Most of the power must be strong.

"This Xie Xianyu's skylight is probably a kind of taboo force from ancient times, and it is much stronger than the existing forces in the world."

Duan Qi knows that Duan Xiao must be defeated, and the only thing he is worried about now is whether Duan Xiao will be suppressed by the door of Xianguo.

If the paragraph laughs and does not admit defeat, then the final result must be suppressed, thus losing life!

However, even if Duan Yi is an elder of Duan Xiao, even if he is very optimistic about Duan Xiao, there is no warning, let Duan Xiao admit defeat.

Because admit defeat is a very shameful word for a genius. If it is not Ding Xiao’s decision, it will definitely have a great impact on it in the future, and even make it impossible to break through certain bottlenecks and eventually live a lifetime.

To admit defeat, this decision can only be made by Duan Xiao himself!

On the giant platform, the door of Xianguo is getting stronger and stronger, and the blue light is strong, almost covering the entire platform. As for the body of the golden-winged Dapeng that Duan Xiao has incarnate, it has already been completely shrouded by blue light.

A roar, from the golden-winged Dapeng section of the mouth, but never able to break through the suppression of the blue door of the fairy kingdom, step by step was forced to retreat.

On the body of the golden-winged Dapeng, there was a trace of burns one after another. In order to stick to his will, Duan Xiao did not hesitate to be seriously injured.

Heroic and unyielding, this is the powerful spirit of Dapeng Yaozu, the strongest will!

"Put it!"

Xie Xianyu sighed and pressed his hands to the next pressure. The blue light of the door of Xianguo was even more shining. Like the fairy light descending from the sky, the golden-winged Dapeng Duan laughed completely.


In the loud noise, Duan Xiao’s entire body of the golden-winged Dapeng was suppressed into the mud of the giant battle platform, and the entire platform was trembled.

The tyrannical power swept out.

Duan Xiao’s powerful willpower, tenacity and unyielding, made everyone in the battle discolored.

"This laugh is really too hard, but the power level gap is too big, his failure is doomed!"

"Oh, it’s just an idiot. It’s so desperate that it can only be hurt even more, or even die. What can it do?”

"Well, the power of the door of the fairy kingdom will be maintained soon, and it will soon be weakened. In that case, the persistence of Duan Xiao can make sense. Unfortunately, the facts are too cruel."

Everyone has a lot of arguments, and for the insistence of Duan Xiao, whether it is right or wrong, some are just shocking.

Whether he thinks he is strong, he still feels stupid, and everyone's mind is shaken at this moment.

Including Ye Feng, also shocked by the move of Duan Xiao.

"Duan Xiao, the pride of the Dapeng Yaozu, should not have been defeated before participating in the Eastern Conference. Now that Xie Xianyu, who is stronger than him, can have such a strong will, it is really admirable. ”

Ye Feng was shocked.

This time, the Eastern Region will be armed, except for Duan Xiao, no one has made such a crazy move. After all, for all practitioners, no matter how powerful the genius, life is the first.

When life is threatened, it is their most sensible choice to admit defeat.

For example, when the Emperor of the Dead, facing Ye Feng and Xie Xianyu, they chose to admit defeat, otherwise they would have died on the battle platform.

However, this will of Duan Xiao is the most lacking spirit of the current practitioners.

"This kind of willingness to go forward, rather than the unyielding will, if Duanxiao can grow up, it will definitely be a terrible opponent."

Ye Feng thought in his heart, and he saw the blue light of the door of Xianguo in the field.

At this time, Xie Xianyu even waved his hand to let the door of Xianguo dissipate, and the golden-winged Dapeng section under the suppression of the original fairy kingdom laughed like a dead man on the ground of the battle platform.

"He passed out, can I win?"

Xie Xianyu looked up and asked the fairy who was on the referee's seat.

"Xie Xianyu, win."

Tianxiang fairy nodded, her eyes swept over the battlefield, the injury was extremely heavy, and the stunned past laughter, the heart is also a little shocked, this laugh, even dying unyielding, it is amazing.

"This kind of will, if it makes him grow up, is bound to be terrible."

Tianxiang Fairy made a very high evaluation of Duan Xiao. Even if Duan Xiao lost in the hands of Xie Xianyu, the future is still very long. No one knows what the future will be.

Duan Xiao was stunned and was judged to be defeated, but this should be a good result for him, and it is better than losing his life.

Xie Xianyu smiled a little and walked away from the battle platform.

When she left, she turned back and looked at Ye Feng. It seemed to be in the eyes that there was still your last opponent!

Ye Feng blinked his eyes. With the defeat of Duan Xiao, the champion of the Eastern Conference will be almost certain that he and Xie Xianyu have been created.

To be honest, even Ye Feng does not know how strong Xie Xianyu is, but Ye Feng thinks that he should not be enemies of Xie Xianyu because of his nine-armed sneaky consciousness.

"That again, I am still a disciple of the Yujie Tianqing Jiange Pavilion. I have cultivated the powerful heart of the sword court. I will never lose to a Xie Xianyu in this place?"

Ye Feng thought for himself.

If he and Xie Xianyu are also repaired for 12,000 years, then Ye Feng’s victory is no doubt.

But now, Ye Feng’s cultivation is only six thousand years old, and the basic strength of the two sides is too wide. In the face of Xie Xianyu, who has a world of nine colors, Ye Feng is still not sure whether he can beat the other side.

"In any case, this first place in the Eastern Region will be obtained, otherwise..."

Long Yu has already made up his mind, even if he is desperate to die, he must also win the championship of the Eastern Region, because if he does not get it, the first one who does not let him go is the demon **** of the fairy demon, pity!

Don't look at the previous pity to maintain Ye Feng, it is entirely because of wanting to rely on Ye Feng to get one of the rewards of the Eastern Region.

If Ye Feng fails to win the championship, the consequences can be imagined!