MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1406 Peak matchup

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The game went on all the way, but the minds of everyone have already drifted to Ye Feng and Xie Xianyu.

Duan Xiao lost to Xie Xianyu, then the champion of the Eastern Region will be born between Ye Feng and Xie Xianyu. For the peak matchup between the two, everyone began to look forward to it.

It now seems that Xie Xianyu's fairy kingdom is simply invincible, and even the powerful Dapeng demon body has been suppressed.

In contrast, although Ye Feng is strong, but only six thousand years of cultivation, it is even more difficult to fight against Xie Xianyu's door to Xianguo.

Are the two sides weak and weak?

However, Ye Feng and Xie Xianyu seem to have no intention of playing against each other today.

Next, Ye Feng chose Feizhan Gu's Fei Chess as his opponent. This is a game of chess. In the previous battle with Qingxin, the poultry was lost, but Ye Feng was quite satisfied.

Seeing him now has 56 points and decisively challenged.

After listening to Ye Feng’s arrival, he pointed to his name and instantly blackened his face. He only had 56 points remaining, and thought he could get a top ten. Now, it seems that it is not so easy to get the top ten!

When the points are high, they will be defeated by the strong, and they will not accumulate!

However, under such a rule, the current ranking of the Eastern Conference will be matched with the strength of everyone. The stronger the strength, the higher the score, of course, there are exceptions, but not many.

After plundering the points of Fei Chess, Ye Feng’s points have been raised to a full four hundred points!

In other words, Ye Feng’s points have already occupied 40% of the entire population.

On the eighth and ninth days, the game is still fierce. Many people have arranged the battle at the bottom of the box for the two days. These two days are also the moments when the points change is relatively large. Close to a hundred points, the two have long been challenged by the strongest, and now both of them encounter ordinary players, each battle can win.

Xie Xianyu seems to have no intention of targeting the Fairy City. He has not chosen Qingxin and Yi as opponents.

It is worth noting that Duan Xiao, who was seriously injured and comatose, continued to participate in the war in the past two days. However, on the eighth day, he chose Ye Feng as his opponent and then went on stage to admit defeat.

"One day, I will fight with you, but now I am seriously injured and admit that it is not your opponent!"

After finishing this sentence, Duan laughed and released.

However, there are quite a few people who are seriously injured in the paragraph and want to take the opportunity to challenge him, but even the injured paragraph laughs, it is not the average person can be provocative.

All the people who challenged the laughter, all defeated, and were suppressed by the powerful Dapeng!

Duan Xiao’s points have risen back to more than 80 points, almost the same as the dead domain emperor.

It was Ye Feng. After being sent by Duan Xiao, the total score reached 433. In addition, in the past two days, Ye Feng challenged others to win, with a total of 445 points.

After two days of fighting, the gap between high points and low points is getting bigger and bigger, and this is the embodiment of the strength of everyone.

The last day, finally arrived in the eyes of the public!

This is a crucial round that will determine the final ranking of the entire Eastern Conference, and everyone will not care.

Including Ye Feng, they all paid attention to the order of everyone's appearance on this day.

Xie Xianyu, ranked third in appearance.

The moon, the scorpion, and the little fox demon are all in more than a dozen appearances.

Ye Feng is ranked in twenty-six appearances!

"This sort of sort is really great."

Ye Feng’s heart moved and his eyes showed a happy color. In this way, he could truly realize the idea of ​​the beginning, that is, to give the points to the moon and let her become the first place!

In this case, he and the moon will take the first place in the Eastern Region, and get a better reward. As for the pity, let the moon be the final special reward for her, I believe that the moon is close. There will be no objections.

The most important thing is that after Ye Feng chose to challenge the victory of the moon, there are only four people to challenge. None of the four people are opponents of the moon. They don't have to worry about the points that are gathered together.

"As for now, I will first prepare for Xie Xianyu's challenge."

Ye Feng’s eyes flashed in anticipation, and Xie Xianyu’s battle, he had been waiting for a long time. After all, he finally discovered that Xie Xianyu was the strongest player in addition to him in this Eastern Region.

Only on the Xie Xianyu, let Ye Feng not have the confidence to win!

The first two battles were contests between the middle-class disciples, and in the third game, Xie Xianyu appeared.

Xie Xianyu floated on the battle platform, and he did not hesitate at all. He looked at Ye Feng at a glance. The key to this Eastern Conference will be in this game!

If Xie Xianyu wants to win the championship, this battle must challenge Ye Feng and plunder half of his points.

But is Ye Feng’s points so plundered?

Ye Feng chuckled and his body shape changed. The next moment appeared on the battle platform and confronted Xie Xianyu.

The peak matchup is about to begin!

Everyone's eyes are full of excitement. Whether this battle is successful or not, they believe that they will be very exciting. Should they be able to see the strongest strength of the two?

The most concerned is the dead domain Emperor and Duanxiao, both of whom lost to Xie Xianyu and Ye Feng. At this moment, they want to know where their limits are and how much they have to do with them.

"This moment, finally arrived."

Xie Xianyu said with a slight smile.

Ye Feng nodded, but did not speak, just showed the nine-color fruit sword in his hand.

Xie Xianyu did not continue to say anything, but a wave of hands, the sky and the nine colors of the world suddenly appeared around her body.

The sky is nine colors, one color and one world!

The fairyland, the ancient sea, and the fire, this is the power that Xie Xianyu showed in the previous battles, and there are six other heavenly world forces that she did not display.

I don't know if she doesn't have to show the power of those worlds, or does she still have to understand the power in those worlds?

Everyone is not known!

However, after this battle with Ye Feng, the two sides should finally be clear at a glance.

"The ancient sea, Hailing is now!"

"The realm of fire, the fire is now!"

It is still the two strokes, Xie Xianyu's body is swaying. From the ancient sea and the fire, there are two giant beasts, an ancient sea wolf, and a flame behemoth.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the crowd was curious.

In the past, Duan Xiao defeated these two behemoths from the front with absolute domineering power. Now, what means will Ye Feng use to deal with these two behemoths?

Is it more aggressive than Duan Xiao, or will he take a roundabout tactic?

These two behemoths, no matter which behemoth, are placed in front of most of the Eastern Warriors, they can't match and can only be defeated.

But in front of the strong players such as Ye Feng and Duan Xiao, it does not pose any threat.

Ye Feng saw that the two beasts were summoned and their mouths were slightly tilted. The two giant beasts appeared too many times, and he could kill them with his eyes closed!