MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1408 Fairy sky

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When Xie Xianyu summoned the dead spirit from the realm of death, the whole battle platform is filled with the breath of death, which is deeper than the death atmosphere contained in the power of Ye Feng's ancient demon dragon!

"This is the real death. In the nine-color world of the sky, after the death of the other eight-color world, it will come to the realm of death."

Xie Xianyu said faintly, with a wave of hands, thousands of dead spirits dance!

Among them, Ye Feng saw the ancient sea wolf that he had killed at the beginning, and the soul after the death of the flame behemoth, and more than one.

When I heard Xie Xianyu’s words, everyone including Ye Feng couldn’t help but think that this nine-color world is not connected in every world and every world.

The nine worlds have become a world of heaven and earth, and the cycle of heaven and earth seems to be endless!

"It’s wonderful, such power, such a fairy, unheard of!”

Ye Feng not only did not fear, but instead showed an excited look.

In the process of cultivation, the more you see, the more experience you have. With his strong talent, it is easier to comprehend similar sorcerers and powers, and even create a similar set of fairy tales.



A series of dead souls rushed toward Ye Feng, as if to drown him in the sea of ​​death.

"Destroy the soul of the sword, destroy the sword, out!"

Ye Feng did not think about it, and merged the nine-color fruit sword and the sword of the sun **** into one another, and once again became a broad sword.

Then, with the spirit of destroying the sword, the swordsmanship was used to destroy the swordsmanship.

Destroying the soul of the sword, destroying the sword, is of course an excellent means of destroying the soul.

Sword light scattering, one by one, the dead spirit mourns under the spirit of the sword, roaring, thoroughly purified!


When Xie Xianyu saw it, he smiled at random, and he waved his hand, and more and more dead spirits emerged from the realm of death, and there was a tendency to surge into the sea!

As if, Xie Xianyu also knows that Ye Feng has not yet stepped into the realm of immortality, and wants to use this to consume Ye Feng's true strength, thus making it easier to get battle.

Unfortunately, there are still some left in the water of Ye Feng, and he is expected to be exhausted. For the time being, don't think about it.

Desperate swordsmanship continues to display, destroying the sword and smashing into a sword, full of the entire giant battle platform, and the dead spirits emerging from the death world are also eliminated one by one by the sword.

It didn't take long for the whole battle platform to become a sea of ​​swords and dead spirits. The onlookers could not even see the shape of Ye Feng and Xie Xianyu.


Instant Sword!

Ye Feng screamed and screamed, and then appeared behind Xie Xianyu, a sword that broke the void, and stabbed the back of Xie Xianyu!

The deadly spirits suddenly roared and wanted to come to Xie Xianyu to protect the master.

However, at the speed of the dead spirit, there is no time to rescue!

"Fairy world, the fairy screen is hanging!"

Xie Xianyu felt that Ye Feng had a fierce sword and did not hesitate to use the power of another skylight world.

I saw a layer of light curtains that fell from the sky, shrouded Xie Xianyu, and exuded a kind of holy power.

This power, such as the immortal, such as the holy, but like a demon, is a ban!

The sword of instant air, the sky of the fairy screen, the two forbidden moments collided together!

A burst of arrogant power was blown up on the surface of the fairy screen, but it was not able to break the fairy screen like a fairy.

Under the scent of Xian Xian, Xie Xianyu's figure is looming, showing a charming smile.

"I want to break through this fairy screen. With your six thousand years of cultivation, it is still too far! I admit that your talent is very strong, but cultivation is the foundation of the immortal."

Xie Xianyu raised his chin: "If you want to get it, you want to become a fairy, the foundation is repaired! Now, at this moment, I am a thousand years of cultivation, it is a fairy! And you, six thousand years of cultivation, Just got the road, the gap is only a hundred million miles away!"

"If you really said it, shouldn't I be defeated before?"

Ye Feng said faintly: "But in fact, I am still standing here, and, ready to break through the defensive ecstasy you are proud of - Long Yuan, Wan Jian!"

Six flying swords, once again gathered at the side of Ye Feng, were condensed together and turned into thousands of swords, creating two Jianqishan walls out of thin air, blocking Xie Xianyu's figure.

The roaring dead spirit around, when they met these two swords, they were immediately strangled without a trace, mourning the wild!

And a piece of swordsmanship with the power of terror, squatting from the sky above the Jianqi Mountain, is like a long dragon composed of swords, as if to engulf Xie Xianyu!

The fairy curtain of Xianqi is still in front of Xie Xianyu, making her figure looming and extremely attractive.

Then, the attack of Long Yuan Wan Jian was instantaneous, and the stars fell on the curtain of the fairy that was condensed by her ban.

In the field, ethereal gas, violent swords, collided together, bursting out a horrible wave of turbulence, at this time the surface of the fairy screen, even the void and time, have been shattered, resulting in a burst of time and space, in The whole battle broke out.

The large dead spirits that rushed from the realm of death were suddenly mourned and dissipated by these time and space, completely losing the threat to Ye Feng.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are staring at the scene, the fairy curtain.

The fairy tales can definitely be regarded as the strongest defensive ban on this Eastern Conference. After all, even Ye Feng’s ban, the sword of instant air, can’t be swayed on the fairy screen. Even a trace of ripples.

And Long Yuan Wan Jian, can also be regarded as the strongest attack ban on the Eastern Conference. Under this sword, the blood sword was buried in the sea of ​​swords, and the dead emperor was forced to admit defeat.

Now, what kind of result will it be when the fairy screen and the Longyuan Wanjian collide with each other?

The scent of the scent is gone, the sword is suffocating, and the whole battle platform is over. It has only been restored to the Qingming for a long time. However, at this moment, both Longyuan Wanjian and Xiancao Tianshang have disappeared.

“Do you offset each other? These two people are really evenly matched!”

"This Ye Feng is awesome, but Xie Xianyu is not covered. That Long Yuan Wan Jian's display is not even able to let Xie Xianyu move one step!"

"And look at what Ye Feng has to do next, know that Xie Xianyu has several world powers that are not used."

Everyone, look forward to it again.

Every time Ye Feng sets foot on the battle platform, he will display a new kind of powerful swordsmanship. Then, what more powerful swords can he display?

Swordsmanship, invincible, is the most powerful destructive force in all immortals.

If you practice swordsmanship to the extreme, you will be shocked, weeping ghosts, and a sword will destroy everything!

However, the current Ye Feng Xiu is still too low, many people secretly shake their heads, feeling that if they fight like this, Ye Feng will lose sooner or later.