MTL - Genius Sword Immortal-v3 Chapter 1407 Great Broken Kingdom Gate

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Two giant beasts appeared, and Ye Feng’s nine-color fruit sword directly waved.

The Jianguang flickering, condensing the power of the totem-destroyed ancient demon dragon, splitting the two swords, and instantly rushing to the wolves of the ancient sea and the flame behemoth.

The wolf of the ancient sea roared in the sky, and a wave of waves from the ancient sea surged, and the blade of the leaf was swallowed in an instant. However, after a while, the breath of absurdity and death spread out, and the wolf of the ancient sea was swallowed up in an instant.

Even the raging waves from the ancient sea can't stop the spread of absurdity and death!

As for the flame behemoth from the realm of fire, it is even more unbearable. Under the scintillation of the sword, it is divided into countless parts by the ridiculous and dead atmosphere, and then disappears.

Easy two swords, will kill two giant beasts!

"Your strength, I really did not let me down."

Xie Xianyu smiled faintly and looked at Ye Feng: "Next, take out your strongest power!"

When the voice fell, she waved her hand, and the blue fairyland in the nine colors of the sky suddenly rose, and a door of the fairy country emerged from it!

The door of the fairy kingdom appeared again, and this is already the third time. When the first two appearances occurred, the dead domain emperor and Duanxiao were completely suppressed.

This time it appears in front of Ye Feng, can it still have the same effect?

The mood of all people has stirred up, looking forward to Ye Feng's ability to resist the door of Xianguo, and hope to see other forces of Xie Xianyu!

At this moment, no one even thinks that Ye Feng will be suppressed by the door of this fairy country!

"The door to the fairy country, this power is indeed very strong!"

Ye Feng laughed happily: "But since you have used it so many times, it is a big mistake to deal with me!"

When he said this, he saw his arms twitching, and a horrible force radiated from his body, and it became a dark door behind him.

This door looks like the size of Xie Xianyu's fairy kingdom door, but it is all black and black, and there is a purple light thunder on it. At first glance, people feel a sense of breathlessness.

"what is this?"

Everyone has doubts in his eyes. Xie Xianyu summoned the door of Xianguo. This Ye Feng actually condensed a door. Is it because he wants to rely on this door to fight against the gate of Xianguo?

"Not too possible!"

Most people think so in the bottom of their hearts, because Xie Xianyu's door to the fairy country, but there is a fairyland behind the support, nine heavenly world, each world has its own law power.

The gate of the fairy country is precisely because of the support of the world of heaven and earth, so it is so tyrannical, even the Duanxiao and the dead emperor are stabilized by the system.

Now, the dark door that Ye Feng condenses seems to be just modeled after the door of the fairy kingdom. Without the support of powerful power, it will eventually become impossible.

But what the truth is, now only Ye Feng knows it!

"Go, fight against the gates of the fairy country!"

Ye Feng’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and his hands waved. The back of the door was dozens of times thicker than others, and instantly flew up and smashed toward the door of Xianguo.

"Give me the suppression!"

When Xie Xianyu saw it, the color of interest in the scorpion flashed, and the door of Xianguo went all the way to the dark door.

The two gates will be collided together in the next moment. The various forces that are unclear are poured into the surroundings like an explosion at this moment. Among them, Xie Xianyu’s power of Xianguo, and Ye Feng’s power of the ancient demon dragon , and the power of the Shining Dragon.

Ye Feng, actually used this double demon dragon force to construct this black door!

The power of the demon dragon is originally from the same origin. Ye Feng, who used to be in the past, could not combine it. But after observing the nine-color skylight world of Xie Xianyu for so long, he finally realized something.

The power of the ancient demon dragon is the breath of death and ridiculous!

The power of the Shining Dragon is the power of violent and speed!

When the two forces are combined, an extremely powerful destructive force can be erupted in an instant. Death and ridiculous breath erupt at this moment with great speed. With a mad thunder, it blasts within the gate of the fairy country. .

The combination of the two forces can produce dozens of times of power in an instant. At this moment, the power of the ancient demon dragon and the power of the shining spirit dragon are merged with each other, and the door of the fairy kingdom is suppressed.

The absurdity and the breath of death spread in and around the gates of the fairy kingdom, wrapping them up and completely losing the momentum of the suppression.

"Abandoned ancient dragon swordsmanship!"

Ye Feng Jian swayed, the power of the seven scorpions fully integrated, condensed into a bundle of savage swords, and instantly hit the door of the fairy kingdom.

The loud bang, the power of the seven scorpions in the ancient swords of the ancient dragons, suddenly detonated the ridiculous death of the gates of the fairy kingdom, and the terrorist forces broke out.

The power of the blue fairy kingdom drifted away from the four surrounding areas. It easily suppressed the door of Dianxiao and the Emperor of the Dead, and was actually broken by Ye Feng!

The black door that Ye Feng had condensed, the surface flashed with electric light, and went on to go to Xie Xianyu.


Xie Xianyu was so bright that he was shocked by Ye Feng’s means.

The condensed means of the dark door was obviously learned from her, but it was not the amount of pressure on the town like the gate of the Kingdom of the Immortal, but a violent destructive force. It is conceivable that if it is not repaired, it is not high. The soul is covered by the dark door, so there is absolutely only one dead end.

Even if Xie Xianyu is covered by the dark door, it is impossible to escape, because the violent destruction power is too horrible!

Under the battle platform, everyone was holding their breath and gazing. Everyone did not expect that Ye Feng actually dealt with the door of Xianguo in this way. It was not to move away from dodge, but to exercise restraint and to use the power of violent destruction to open the gate of Xianguo. Burst open!

"Ye Feng's understanding is really strong."

In the camp of the fairy demon, he squinted and said to Jin Yi.

"However, in this battle, he still does not win."

Yu Jinyi brows and wrinkles and said: "Xie Xianyu, there are too many means not to make it out, the sky is nine colors, nine worlds, she has made three means, it has already reached this point, I am afraid..."

When he said this, Xie Xianyu in the field faced Ye Feng’s dark door and finally showed his fourth means.

There are nine colors in the sky, nine worlds, and each world contains great power.

Xie Xianyu swung a hand, a world full of lacquered black color floated, and a burst of desperate destruction power came from the world.

"The world of death, the dead are in the world, everything is dead!"

Xie Xianyu's figure floated and then retreated, and in his dark skylight world, there were ghosts one after another, each carrying the power of death.

The power of these deaths seems to be more pure than the power of Ye Feng’s wild demon dragon!