MTL - Genshin Impact Simulator, Am I Their Public Enemy?-Chapter 165

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[At the end of the year, there was a heavy snowfall in the Winter Kingdom that had not been seen for a long time, and the weather was abnormally cold, which gave the Kingdom of Winter Solstice a chance to breathe. The reason why the Mond Army has been difficult to enter the Kingdom of Winter is a large part of the reason. The cold weather is unbearable, and this heavy snow is undoubtedly a natural barrier]

[And you, taking advantage of the opportunity to relax in the Solstice Kingdom, did your best to release a huge storm that could affect the entire Solstice Kingdom, blowing away the snow, and the Mond Army also took this opportunity to attack in one fell swoop. Volga, an important city in the Winter Kingdom]

[This battle has become a turning point in the entire war. At this point, the Winter Kingdom has finally become the end of the crossbow, and there is no possibility of winning]

[2789 years old: Even so, unlike Fontaine, who surrendered as soon as he saw that the situation was wrong, even if the defeat was decided, the Winter Kingdom still persisted in resisting for several years, until you led the army to break through the city gate of the Winter Kingdom and broke into the The Winter Palace of the Queen of Ice has drawn an end to this decades-long war]

【Entering somatosensory mode】

The gorgeous palace was now full of corpses, and the floor, which was smooth as ice, was already covered with red and black blood.

Those high-level foolish executives have either died in the war, or defended the country and were crushed to pieces by your army.

As the queen of losers, the Ice God has been sitting high on his throne for a long time, without losing any grace.

She is an extremely beautiful woman, even compared with the Thunder and Lightning sisters who are also gods, she is not inferior at all, but her stern appearance makes her look more like an ice sculpture.

"Respected Her Majesty," Li Xingshan said strangely, "I personally came to visit you in the Winter Kingdom, you must be very moved, right?"

After all, at the beginning of the war, almost everyone believed that the powerful Zhidong Kingdom could not lose this war.

But now, the King of Gale has already stepped into the palace of the Queen of Ice.

"You can kill me," the Queen of Ice said lightly, "but I can't beat me."

"No, not only can I defeat you," Li Xingshan stepped on the stairs to the Ice Throne step by step, and said, "I also want you to submit to me."

The power of the Queen of Ice has not subsided. If she wants to, she can still fight with you, but obviously, at this time, she has completely lost her fighting spirit.

"Unfortunately, it's too late," the Queen of Ice showed a sneer on her face: "You can never make a dead person surrender to you."

Li Xingshan was slightly startled, and saw that the arm of the Queen of Ice had actually turned into ice, and it was still spreading to his body.


Li Xingshan snorted coldly and said, "I thought that you would fight to the death with me, but I didn't expect that you would die in such a useless way. Your Majesty the Queen, you are so disappointing to me."

Chapter 384 383 Wisdom is the greatest enemy of the God of Wisdom

"Sometimes, living is more painful than dying," the Queen of Ice showed a smile on her face, and said lightly: "I am different from you. Your purpose is to conquer, and my purpose is to resist."

"Resistance?" Li Xingshan raised his eyebrows: "Obviously, your resistance has failed."

"No, it's not you that I want to resist, but an existence higher than you," the Queen of Ice shook her head and said, "If you don't resist, sooner or later, the whole world will become a 'nutrient'. No matter who rules the world, it doesn't make any sense."

The words of the Queen of Ice shocked Li Xingshan greatly.

As Fengshen, one of the seven rulers of the world, he naturally knew that above them, there was a higher level of power, Tianli, but he didn't know the meaning and purpose of Tianli's existence.

The seven gods are to the principle of heaven, just as the mortals are to the seven gods. For the former, the latter are unattainable existences.

Therefore, it is nonsense that the Queen of Ice wants to rebel against the principles of heaven, just like an ordinary human being who wants to rebel against the gods.

"You want to... rebel against the principles of heaven?" Li Xingshan lowered his voice subconsciously.

"Why, so you are also afraid?" The ice crystal had spread to the shoulders of the Queen of Ice at this time, but still sneered: "Defeat the Winter Kingdom, you are only one step away from conquering Tivat, but then again How about it? No matter how tall your towers are, they are still...under the sky."

Li Xingshan fell silent for a while.

Indeed, what about being able to defeat Solstice? How about being able to conquer Tivat?

As long as there is a higher level of power standing above the sky, there will never be true "freedom".

"Tell me..." Li Xingshan pressed the Ice Queen's shoulder, which had turned into an ice crystal, and asked, "What should I do?"

The Ice Queen's lips that had turned blue, gently opened and closed a few times, and said a short sentence, and her body finally completely turned into an ice sculpture.

Then, a "chess piece" with a faint glow floated out from the ice sculpture and landed in your palm.

That is the heart of the Ice God, and in her plan of resistance, the seven hearts of the gods play an important role.

This powerful enemy who has been fighting with you for decades, at the end of his life, entrusted his unfinished business to you, the "tyrant".

This protracted battle of Tivat finally ended with a brief dialogue between the God of Wind and the God of Ice. No one knew what the two gods said in the Winter Palace that day.

【Exit Somatosensory Mode】

【Reward: Heart of Ice God】

[Completion of the mission "Collect the Seven Hearts of God" (2/7)]

He actually got another god's heart?

Li Xingshan almost forgot that he still had the "main mission" of collecting the seven hearts of the gods.

It stands to reason that after defeating Fontaine before, he also obtained the Heart of the Water God, probably because of the limitations of the simulator, and each simulator can only obtain at most one Heart of God.

Otherwise, I might be able to collect all seven hearts of the gods in this simulation.

【Enter text mode】

[2790 years old: The war between Mond and the Solstice Kingdom finally came to an end, and even Munata, who had always been belligerent, had to accept the fact of defeat]

[Fontaine, Solstice, and Munata, like the rice wives of the year, became Mond's vassals, and the three hearts of the gods were all in your pocket]

[The world pattern was reshuffled. Although Liyue did not join the war, she gave Mond a lot of material assistance, and virtually strengthened the defense of Mond's rear. Therefore, you go to Liyue to meet Morax, who has not met for a long time. , made a "transaction"]

[As a result of the transaction, Liyue got half of the territory of Solstice, and you got Morax's Heart of the Rock God]

[So far, you already have six of the seven hearts of God, and you are only one step away from the unfinished plan of the Queen of Ice]

[You don't want to inherit her legacy, you just don't want to be "conquered" by anyone, conquest and freedom are antonyms in themselves. You are obsessed with building towers, not because you want to see every inch of land that you have conquered, but because you hope that one day, you will be able to break free from the constraints of this land on you]

[3013 years old: You went to the kingdom of wisdom alone, Xumi, your arrival aroused the vigilance of Xumi. After all, you, the tyrant, has conquered four countries, and your "wolf ambition" has become obvious. Reveal]

[However, you didn't bring one soldier or one soldier, you just said that you want to see the grass and gods]

[This of course caused a lot of suspicion. Who knows if you will take this opportunity to kill the grass god? Among the seven gods, the grass **** who is known for his wisdom is not strong, and he is not your opponent at all]

[Unexpectedly, the grass **** actually agreed to meet you]

[In the sea of ​​books piled up like a castle, you met the legendary God of Grass. Unlike what you imagined, the God of Grass is already old.]

[The life of a **** naturally has an end, but you have never seen an aging god, and the ravine-like wrinkles seem to be filled with years and wisdom]

【Entering somatosensory mode】

"So, the God of Gale Wind, the conqueror of the Five Kingdoms, from a faraway place. What are you doing to me?" The old grass **** said solemnly, "As far as I know, there are no rich resources here. There is no fertile land either."

"But here is the most precious thing," Li Xingshan said neither humble nor arrogant: "wisdom."

"Wisdom is the greatest enemy of the God of Wisdom," the grass **** said indifferently: "Every time I acquire new wisdom, my body will be one step closer to extinction. Wisdom... is a curse."

"I'm here, I just want to know the answer to a question," Li Xingshan said blankly: "Now, I'm a student, not a conqueror."

"All of us are students." Grass God's wrinkled face showed a smile: "Students are welcome here, tell me, what do you want to ask?"

Li Xingshan said a short sentence, and the grass god's smile gradually solidified on his face.

"What?" Li Xingshan frowned, "Is this question difficult to answer?"

"Indeed, it is difficult to answer, because if I say the answer to this question, I will perish immediately, and you who know the answer will not live long."

The Grass God shook his head and said, "Everything you have worked so hard for will become a dream come true. Is it really worth it? Ignorance is sometimes a kind of happiness. If you look back now, it's still too late."

Day 385 384 Break the Shackles

"On my way here, I saw a circle of lambs. They didn't know anything, but they were carefree and happy, nibbling on the forage in front of me," Li Xingshan said word by word: "But the butcher on the side has already Staring at the fattest one, sharpening the butcher's knife."

"You don't want to be a lamb to be slaughtered?" asked the grass god.

"I don't want to be a butcher's knife being manipulated," Li Xingshan replied.

Your answer made the grass **** silent for a while, and finally, the old **** nodded and said, "I can tell you the answer, and I can give you the heart of God, but you also have to agree to my conditions. You can conquer Sumeru, but please keep those books."

"I promise you, Mond will not invade Xumi," Li Xingshan nodded and said, "There is no need to continue to conquer."

The God of Grass has told you the answer to your question. Every time you say a word, there will be an extra wrinkle on the old body. When all the words are finished, the body has already curled up into a ball. Where does the heart of a **** come from? It slowly floated out of the slough and landed in your palm.

After losing the heart of God, the corpse quickly turned into dust and turned into a pile of dirt.

But in that "soil", an emerald green sprout slowly emerged.

【Exit Somatosensory Mode】

[Get the reward talent "The Teachings of the God of Wisdom"]

[Effect: Your learning ability and comprehension ability have been greatly improved]

【Enter text mode】

[3014 years old: You got the answer you wanted from the grass god. After returning to Mond, you immediately began to implement a decree that many people could not understand.

[Recover all the eyes of God in the five kingdoms, regardless of the cost, and send them to the top of the tower]

[This decree caused a lot of turmoil for a while, but the prestige of the tyrant made the people of the five countries dare not resist, so they could only hand in the eyes of the gods]

[Not only that, you also began to limit the use of elemental power, and instead vigorously develop new technologies to replace the dependence of the people on elemental power]

[3142 years old: At the beginning, the Eye of God recycling project still caused a lot of dissatisfaction, and those who were deprived of the Eye of God even had negative reactions such as depression]

[But being deprived of the eye of God will not affect life after all. In addition, you have not carried out any other tyranny, so people have gradually accepted this decree]

[3287 years old: In the country you rule, the level of technology has improved significantly. Slowly, people's dependence on the power of the elements is getting lower and lower]

[3482 years old: Emperor Yan of Liyue was stabbed in the back in the annual "Seven Stars Invitation to Celebration", and Qixing of Liyue decided not to set up a new Emperor of Yanwang for the time being]

[3521 years old: Many years after the Eye of God Recycling Project, when the time is right, you once again issued a "decree to cut the gods" to cancel the **** system]

[All the gods in the five kingdoms under your command have been banned, but this is far from the recovery plan of the Eye of God in the past, and it caused too much waves]

[After all, the gods of the other four countries are basically just your puppets, and with the continuous development of technology, people's dependence on the power of elements is getting lower and lower]

[After the death of the previous **** of the grass country, there has been no election of a new grass god]

[At this point, the "Seven World Governments" that have ruled the Tivat Continent for thousands of years have finally collapsed, and your plan has finally ushered in the final step]

[3568 years old: Heaven's superiority, finally no longer silent, you seem to finally be qualified to become their threat]

[Before you, it is not that there are no kingdoms that make Tianli feel threatened, and their ending is to be completely destroyed by the "Cold Nail" dropped by Gaotian]

[And so, the Nail of Cold Sky, which seems to be able to penetrate the sky and the earth, appeared in the sky above Mond, and the target is your country and people.]

[But this time, you did not sit still like the country that was destroyed before. The only mistake Tianli made was to give you a chance to breathe and grow]

[Above the tower you built, a giant cannon stands, and its ammunition is the power accumulated by all the eyes of the gods that you have collected over the centuries of this tree]

["Try it," you pressed the command button of the launch: "This is the power of the lamb."]

[The muzzle of the cannon fires not any of the seven elements, but a huge beam of light, which slams towards the falling Nail of the Cold Sky]

[Under the power that gathered countless hopes, the Nail of Cold Sky was turned into powder in an instant, and the light cannon went straight to the sky, breaking through the sky]

[The Nail of the Cold Sky was actually destroyed, this is undoubtedly a challenge to the authority of the heavenly principle once again, and one of the maintainers of the heavenly principle has finally come to you]

["Sky Island has given you the authority of God," the maintainer of the law of heaven said condescendingly: "Why do you violate the law of heaven?"]

["I just don't have a good cervical spine, I don't want to keep looking up at you all." Facing the force that used to make you breathless, at this time, you are quite calm: "I have fought for thousands of years, and today, it is My last battle."]

["You are by no means my opponent," the Heavenly Principle maintainer said disdainfully: "In this world, there is no power that can hurt me."]

"Of course, the Eye of God is a device for you to absorb nutrients from mortals, and the Heart of God is the shackle that seals the power of this world." Seven colors of God's Heart floated in your palm: "If , what happens when the shackles are broken?”]

[The Tianli maintainer finally had a panicked expression on her face. I saw that she suddenly summoned countless cubes and spread towards you, and at the moment when those black cubes wrapped you, you were instantly crushed. Seven Hearts of God]

[A beam of light cuts the black cube that symbolizes the power of space. The heart of the gods is not the authority of the seven gods, but the shackles that seal the power. Now, the shackles are broken, and the sealed power of the seven gods is all gathered. In you, a new element has been fused together.]

["This is not a power you can control..." The Heavenly Principle maintainer frowned and said, "If you use this power, you will also be destroyed."]

["I would rather be destroyed than ruled." The light in your palm gradually converges into a blade: "Fate is up to you, not God!"]

[You are not the first person who dares to maintain the sword of heaven, but you may be the first person who makes fear appear in the eyes of the guardian of heaven]

[The voice of the grass god, which has passed away for many years, echoes in your ears again - only the light of hope can break the shadow of heaven]

Section 386 385 Light of Hope (four more)

[This is a battle that has transcended the boundaries of the world and is even difficult to describe in words. On one side is the supreme power that can control space, and on the other side is the former tyrant who holds the light of hope. Every contact may lead to the whole world. destruction]

[However, the source of the power of the maintainers of heaven is precisely through the eyes of the gods, which continuously absorb the power of hope from everyone. Now, the source of this power has disappeared, and the light of hope in your hand is constantly increasing. 】

[In the end, the sword of light pierced the chest of the keeper of the heavenly principle. The forces of the world could not harm the heavenly principle in the slightest, but the force other than the seven elements penetrated the body]