MTL - Get Bug Bonuses at the Beginning of Online Games-Chapter 515 Lin Feng played

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The bloodthirsty maniac fell into contemplation, his eyes kept rolling around, seriously thinking about Yang Chen's words, he was also afraid that Yang Chen would win in Moonlight City, as for the ghost-faced man who could leave Moonlight at any time City, go back to the clan of the abyss demon, then only him will be left in Moonlight City, and his entire bloodthirsty family will not be able to stay in Moonlight City. Surrendering the Aoshi family is also a good choice. More important Yes, he wants to take the position of the city lord, as long as Yang Chen doesn't fight against him, he firmly believes that the rest of the Aoshi family are not his opponents at all, nearly three million attacks, more than 900,000 blood, And two million defense. Thinking of breaking his head, he couldn't think of anyone in the Aoshi family who could beat him. After pondering for a long time, a flash of determination flashed.

"Awesome in the world, since you dare to gamble, then I also dare to gamble, I agree to your request! We will fight one-on-one, but you can't shoot, come on, let you Let the people of the proud family go to battle!"

Immediately, the bloodthirsty madman waved his hand, signaling his bloodthirsty family members to step back, and the bloodthirsty members of the family immediately stepped back to make room. Yang Chen also motioned the Overlord Xiang Yu and his group to retreat a few steps back to make room for the two sides to fight.

"Brother Chen, you have to think clearly, this is the position of our city lord, don't fall for the tricks of the bloodthirsty demon!"

"Lin Feng's battle is up to you!"

Lin Feng's pupils widened sharply when he heard it, he couldn't believe it. He never thought that Yang Chen would give him this task. 's trust. Overlord Xiang Yu and his group were dumbfounded, speechless and unbelievable. Even Empress Yanhuo couldn't believe it. Lin Feng's strength is indeed not weak among the crowd. His combat power has now reached 1.5 million. The strength is similar to that of the overlord Xiang Yu and the others, and the distance from Empress Yanhuo is also quite different. Everyone thought that Yang Chen would let Empress Yanhuo fight. Never thought that Yang Chen would let Lin Feng play.

"Brother Chen, don't worry, I will not disappoint you!"

Lin Feng was very excited, and his eyes showed endless perseverance. He would never fail Yang Chen, and immediately stepped forward, showing a confrontation with the bloodthirsty demon.

"Brother Chen!"

The overlord Xiang Yu couldn't bear it any longer, his eyes widened, and he was anxious. Qiao Xue and others were the same, even the Empress of Fire was very puzzled and frowned.

Yang Chen glanced at the crowd and cast a reassuring smile.

"You should all believe in Lin Feng, because the only person who can win in our proud family is Lin Feng."

Chen borrowed equipment for him to wear. The two of them had different occupations, and they couldn't equip them at all. The position of the city lord was gone.

But Yang Chen is very confident. Only he knows that Lin Feng's talent growth skills are invincible for three seconds, ignoring all defense power, with his 1.5 million attack power, One blow is enough to kill the bloodthirsty madman in seconds, and his two million defense is useless at all.

In the map contested by the city lord, you will not lose your level if you are killed, but after being killed, you will be forcibly teleported out of the map and cannot enter it again.

When the bloodthirsty demon saw Lin Feng at this time, he laughed wildly in his heart, but he forcibly restrained himself from laughing. He had already seen Lin Feng's attack power and felt that Lin Feng wanted to outsmart him. , there is no possibility at all, his position as the city lord has been settled.

"Awesome the world, it seems that you want to give me the position of the city lord. Awe the world, you bet with me in front of so many people in your family, you can't lose Do not admit it."

The only thing that the bloodthirsty madman is worried about now is that Yang Chen refuses to admit his account, and he defeated Lin Feng.

Yang Chen smiled and said solemnly.

"Bloodthirsty maniac, don't worry, I will naturally abide by my promise. But what you mean, it seems that you have decided on me. You can say it better than Lin Feng."

The diameter of his eyes fell on Lin Feng.

"Boy, since your patriarch takes care of me so much. I don't want to bully you, so I'll let you do it first!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly, the corners of his mouth raised.

"No, bloodthirsty madman, you want to sit in the position of the city lord of Moonlight City, that is impossible. To deal with you, one of my skills is enough, I don't need you to let me!"

When the bloodthirsty maniac heard this, he was startled, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"I can understand the arrogance of the world, but I didn't expect you to be so arrogant. Could it be that the people of your proud family are so arrogant? You want to kill me with one skill? Do you think you are the world leader? Seeing that you are so confident, I will give you a chance, but I want to see how you can knock me out in seconds with one skill. Both of us will use one skill to see who can win!"

When Lin Feng heard this, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth rose up, not realizing it was a little funny, his talent growth skill, this skill is the only skill that surpasses the bloodthirsty maniac, I didn't expect this bloodthirsty maniac , actually taking the initiative to say that a skill will determine the outcome, this is completely fulfilling him.

"Okay, bloodthirsty madman, since you want a skill to decide the outcome, come on, and save us from wasting time here."

The bloodthirsty maniac snorted coldly, and endless fierce light bloomed in his eyes.

"If you want to court death, then I will fulfill you!" At the same time, he glanced at Yang Chen behind him. "Proud of the world, this is because you took the initiative to give me the position of the city master, so you can't blame me!"

Immediately, the bloodthirsty madman picked up the long sword in his hand and went straight to Lin Feng. Although he was a master swordsman, his speed was extremely fast, almost catching up with the general Shura profession. . Approaching Lin Feng, the whole person jumped to the ground and slashed out, releasing the **** slash of the tyrannical sword.

A terrifying sword light descended from the sky, heading straight for Lin Feng, but Lin Feng had no intention of dodging.