MTL - Get Bug Bonuses at the Beginning of Online Games-Chapter 516 Kill the bloodthirsty demon in one move

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"What's going on with Lin Feng? Couldn't he really bet with the bloodthirsty maniac with one skill? The bloodthirsty maniac's attack power is as high as 3 million, and Now we still shoot together, how can he resist Lin Feng's attack? It's good for him to dodge, why are you so serious, this is the future of our entire proud family!"

The overlord Xiang Yu saw that Lin Feng did not dodge, his eyes widened, his face full of anxiety, and he was furious. The same is true for the Jagged Zhantian on the side. He secretly said in his heart, Lin Feng, you are hiding. How can your defense be compared with the defense of the bloodthirsty madman? This is not just a matter of his own defeat. The future of their entire arrogant family, once they are defeated, Yang Chen will have to give up the position of the city lord. He is very puzzled why Lin Feng wants to bet on a skill with the bloodthirsty madman to decide the outcome, not just the two, but the entire bloodthirsty family. People in the gang don't understand what Lin Feng is doing. Isn't this a deliberate gift?

, and within three seconds, it entered the invincible effect. Overlord Xiang Yu and the people of the Aoshi family were stunned and their eyes widened in disbelief. The effect of hegemony and invincibility, they did not know that Lin Feng still had such a means. After entering the Moonlight City battle these days, Lin Feng has never used his talent to grow. skills, so the group of Overlord Xiang Yu did not know that he had such a means.

"Damn, Lin Feng actually has such terrifying skills, this kid is hiding too deep, no wonder Brother Chen will let him play, even we don't know, this kid is not authentic, today He must invite us to a late-night snack at night."

Overlord Xiang Yu's eyes widened, showing excitement.

The bloodthirsty madman was also shocked by this scene, and he sneered inwardly, what about the domineering skills, the skill collision skills, but who has the highest attack power, as for Lin Feng's three-second invincibility No one could see through the skills. The skills of the two collided and made a loud noise. The skills were extremely gorgeous. Countless gun shadows instantly penetrated the body of the bloodthirsty madman, and his blood bar was instantly emptied and turned into a white light. He floated away and left the map in an instant, and at the same time, several large characters appeared in his position just now, penetrating the defense! At the same time, the words MISS appeared on Lin Feng's body. Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, and their horrified eyes were about to fall, unbelievable.

What's going on here, Lin Feng actually ignores all defenses, what kind of equipment is he wearing, this equipment has special attributes, can there be a certain chance of ignoring any defenses? But this is too coincidental, just triggered the skill attribute to ignore the defense? And Lin Feng actually had a MISS effect, and the attack power of the bloodthirsty demon was ineffective. Is this an invincible attribute? How is this possible? With two skill attributes appearing at the same time, this Nima has a lower chance of winning the lottery, right? It's just that everyone didn't know that Lin Feng was a talent growth skill. Overlord Xiang Yu's group was also dumbfounded, unable to believe it, guessing that Yang Chen knew that Lin Feng's equipment had this special attribute, so he let him take the risk? But it's too lucky to try this. Both attributes have appeared. It's so lucky to be able to do it. Even the Empress of Fire couldn't help frowning slightly, no one thought about Lin Feng's talent growth skills.

"Come on, Brother Lin Feng is too strong, these two attributes appear at the same time, ignoring any defensive power, but also temporarily invincible. These two attributes appear at the same time, this one-on-one match is almost immediate In an invincible place."

Overlord Xiang Yu jumped up excitedly, and immediately looked at Yang Chen on the side.

"Brother Chen, how do you know that Brother Lin Feng will definitely trigger these two special attributes, the probability of such a sky-defying attribute must be very low? This is the future of our proud family, Brother Chen, aren't you afraid that if the two special attributes of Brother Lin Feng are not triggered and let that bloodthirsty madman win, then the future of our entire proud family will be over?"

Hearing his question, everyone's eyes focused on Yang Chen, and they seemed to be very curious, how Yang Chen was sure that Lin Feng was able to trigger two special attributes. As long as there is a slight mistake in this, the future of their proud family will be gone.

Yang Chen smiled lightly, the corners of his mouth raised, and glanced at the bewildered crowd.

"Who said that these two special attributes of Lin Feng are equipment skills? These are his talent growth skills, the same as that of the happy. They are the darlings of the Tianyu world, and they have obtained talents. Growth skills, it’s just that Lin Feng’s talent growth skills have just been activated, otherwise, his current combat power is definitely more than that. Lin Feng’s combat power will also improve a lot in the future.”

"Damn it, it's another talent growth skill. Brother Chen, this is too exaggerated. It's okay to not be sad before. Now there is another Lin Feng. This talent growth skill doesn't cost money, right? Why can't I be the darling of the Tianyu world?"

Overlord Xiang Yu said with a depressed expression.

This is the case with the rest of the people, showing envy, but more of joy, because Lin Feng is a member of their family, a player with talent growth skills, and will not be weak in the future. , their proud family will have a powerful warrior.

Yang Chen's eyes instantly fell on a group of people from the bloodthirsty family, and glanced at everyone.

"Your patriarch has left, and you heard the bet just now? Are you still planning to continue with your bloodthirsty family?"

When everyone in the bloodthirsty family heard this, they looked at each other, and after a moment of hesitation, they quickly left the map and sent out. Useless, although being killed will not drop the level, nor will it consume the number of resurrections, but the feeling of being killed once is quite uncomfortable.

There are two ways to win the battle for the city lord. The first is to cut down the banner of the other family, and the second is to kill all the people of the other family. Both ways can win. Now that the bloodthirsty family has left the map, naturally the proud family has won.

Players in the entire Moonlight City received a message prompt, and the public screen exploded again.

Player A: Damn it, it’s over so soon, and in less than five minutes, this bloodthirsty family is defeated. I know the bloodthirsty family can’t beat it, but it’s too defeated almost?