MTL - Get Bug Bonuses at the Beginning of Online Games-Chapter 517 Frost City launches the battle of the main city

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Player C: I can bet gold coins on the Bloodthirsty Family, but I can’t last for ten minutes. How is this calculated now? I was defeated in less than five minutes, what should I do with my gold coins?

Player A: Upstairs, you are an idiot, you don't understand, I also bet on the bloodthirsty family for ten minutes, and we won. I haven't lasted five minutes, naturally I haven't lasted ten minutes. People from the bloodthirsty family are really rubbish. These days in Moonlight City, they are in full swing. As for the competition, I didn't expect that after the big boss came back, they were still so rubbish, and they bullied the big boss for a long time before he was not in Moonlight City.

Player F: This bloodthirsty family also disappointed me too much. I knew they would lose, but I still chose to believe they could hold on for fifteen minutes. When the time comes, you will lose. Are the people of this bloodthirsty family a group of pigs? Even if it is a pig, it is not so easy for the Aoshi family to kill 8,000 pigs. It is really a bunch of waste. This is a loss for me. Really Nima is a waste.

Player D: Haha, I bet my entire fortune on the Aoshi family, and the Aoshi boss didn’t disappoint me, even if I lost 1, I made a profit.

In the clan of the bloodthirsty family, a group of bloodthirsty demons gathered here, their faces were very ugly.

"This Lin Feng actually has special skills equipped on his body, how coincidentally both special skills appear, I'm really pissed!"

"Patriarch, now is not the time to be angry, what should we do now? You have a bet with the world of pride, once we lose, then we have to get rid of the ghost-faced adults and surrender to them. Clan. Now we are defeated, patriarch, do we really want to surrender the proud family and betray Lord Ghost Face?"

The bloodthirsty madman asked with wide eyes.

The bloodthirsty madman frowned for a long time, and his eyes flashed with light.

"Awesome the world wins, it can be regarded as a way out for our bloodthirsty family. The strength of the proud family is not weak, if we join their proud family, we are not disadvantaged. As for the abyss demon Over there, I think the world is right. It can only guide us where to fight monsters, and can't provide us with substantial help. These days, we only know how to fight with the people of the proud family. We are Tianyu. Players of the world, we also need to improve our strength and level up monsters. This is a constant competition with the Proud Family. Our level has not improved but dropped a lot. And the Proud World seems to know how to open some dungeons. Now Many of the dungeons that we failed to pass were snatched by the Aoshi family."

The bloodthirsty madman thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Patriarch, what you said makes sense, does that mean that we have taken refuge in the proud family?"

The bloodthirsty demon gave him a sideways glance.

"It's natural to take refuge in the proud family now. The strength of the ghost-faced man is far from what the abyss demon players can match. We temporarily choose not to offend both sides. It's about to start, and whoever wins, we'll rely on whoever wins."

The bloodthirsty madman looked at him admiringly.

"The patriarch is still smart. In this case, we will not suffer no matter what."

In the clan of the proud family.

"Brother Chen, do you think that bloodthirsty maniac will keep his promise and join our proud family?"

Iron War asked with a puzzled face.

Yang Chen has not spoken yet, Yang Peng on the side.

"Of course not, even if the bloodthirsty madman joins our proud family, he is someone who is ready to leave at any time, and we are not of the same mind. What kind of person is the bloodthirsty madman? It should be clear that he is a two-faced, capricious person. Before, he took his bloodthirsty family by himself, and then followed the abyss demon player. Now he is following the ghost-faced man. Whoever can give him enough benefits, he will follow whoever. So Ah, of course he won't keep his promise."

Yang Chen glanced at him admiringly and nodded slightly.

"Yang Peng is right, the bloodthirsty maniac will definitely not keep his promise, but there is one more point. Failure to keep the promise should be temporary. He has followed the ghost-faced man for so long, he should Understand that the abyss demon and the Tianyu world cannot be integrated. The ghost-faced man can't give him too much. He is a player in the Tianyu world. If he wants to develop in the Tianyu world, he must break with the abyss demon. As long as The struggle between us and the ghost-faced man has come to an end, and he will submit to our proud family. As for whether he has any dissent after submission, don’t worry about it. Those of his bloodthirsty family, we will separate and slowly assimilate them. Okay Now, let's all go to level up. There will be a main city battle between us and Frost City tomorrow night."

"Brother Chen, are we really going to fight the main city with Frost City?"

The overlord Xiang Yu asked suddenly. The rest of the people showed the same look.

Yang Chen shook his head.

"I don't know either, Qianmo Pavilion will enter our Moonlight City tomorrow, mainly to find the source of the ghost-faced man's power and eradicate the ghost-faced man and the black-clothed man. As for whether it will take action against our Moonlight City, It is not known for the time being. Logically speaking, not, but we can't help but be prepared. Thinking about these now is meaningless. The most important thing is to work hard to improve our own strength, as long as the overall strength of our proud family It's improved, no matter who it is, we don't have to be afraid. Let's level up."

Immediately, everyone in the Aoshi family went crazy to level up and do quests. Although some dungeons had no rewards for the first clearance, there were still some rewards for the second clearance, and everyone in the Aoshi family took action.

Yang Chen also came to the map of the hidden copy of the mage. He planned to come before, but he was called to the border by Qian Mohan. This is the last map of the hidden copy of level 70. As for the map The level 80 dungeon map has not been opened for the time being, and this level 80 dungeon will not be opened until the King City is opened.

On a deserted mountain in Moonlight City.

The man in black stood respectfully in front of the ghost-faced man.

"Sir, there will be a battle of the main city between Frost City and Moonlight City tomorrow, I wonder if there will be any problems? The battle between the two sides of the main city, I think it is a bit abnormal."