MTL - Get to Know about Wife Fan-Chapter 70

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The prince of Prince Edward said that he had a slap in the face, and he was the one who was in the scene. Sheng Qiao took the opportunity to touch in and saw Ji Jiayou tied to the pillar and quickly solved the rope.

While slipping out, the royal side also received the director's notice, reviving the momentum to the guards: "The prince is gibberish, it must be taught by the villain, first escorted him to the East Palace, then the little man... ”

Hey, villain?

At first glance, the villain ran across the wall.

There was a large water tank under the corner of the wall. Sheng Qiao and Ji Jiayou stepped on one side of the water tank, and both hands pulled the wall and turned over.

The photographer in the wall had no one to look at, and took the machine and chased it from the door.

Sinking and yelling: "You guys in this group! Dare to do it! Look at you and don't cut your head and send it to the father to bury!"

The scene was very confusing...

Ji Jiayou ran while asking: "What about your brother?"

Sheng Qiao said: "He is no longer a stupid prince in Donggong. No one dares to move him."

As soon as the words fell, a cold wind rolled up from the calf, and the surrounding winds suddenly became popular. Under the illumination of the palace lanterns, the peach blossoms flutter in the night, and it seems to be swallowed.

Sheng Qiao squatted and grabbed Ji Jiayou's sleeve. "I have to eat again. I still don't know how she used to eat people. What will not eat me this time?"

Both of them stood in the same place and did not dare to move. The wind was so loud that there was not much time. In the hurricane, there was a quiet and laughing female voice: "Eat it."

The next moment, the system announced: "Death to death."

Sheng Qiao and Ji Jiayou looked at each other and ran to the palace of the royal palace. There are palace ladies on the road who are cleaning the peach blossoms. Sheng Qiao has never paid attention to the peach blossoms on the road. I only feel that it floats in the air and falls on the ground. But the peach blossoms here are too much, and they are piled up together by the palace ladies. Heap of peaches with a height of centimeters.

Along the way, I saw several peach blossoms.

When I went to the palace of the royal palace, the inside was peaceful, and the chaise longue was on the lounge chair. I looked tired and tired, and there was a palace lady next to it. Sheng Qiao pulled Ji Jiayou, who wanted to go to Li Chong directly. He first asked for a fake, let the palace lady inform, and got permission to enter.

The nobles are too lazy to look at them, lazy and ask: "What is it?"

Sheng Qiao said: "Dare to ask the noble lady, where did the Prince's Temple go?"

"What kind of Prince?" Gui Yan turned her head sharply and glanced at her. "Your Majesty has never been a Prince since he was enthroned. You are too long to see this palace! Come and swear, and drag the palace to death!" ”

Sheng Qiao: "..."

Ok, death will die, and even the traces will be erased.

The guards are about to start to drag Sheng Joe out, and the plot line is open again. A palace lady hurried in and rushed to the foot of the chaise, shouting low: "The maiden, just heard the news, Qinyuan is pregnant."

The scorpion slammed up and smashed the tea set on the case and trembled with his fingers: "That oh! That oh, what is the qualification to give birth to the prince!"

Sheng Qiao: "That's right! Only qualified people like Niangniang are qualified!"

Royal: "..." She tried to maintain the person's establishment, and smiled a bit: "The palace has been in the government since the age of fourteen, and it has been more than 20 years old to accompany him. It must be rainy and rainy, but the only one wants a child, old. Heaven never wants to give."

The palace lady sighed: "The maiden can't hurt this, and the sire knows that it should be distressed. The slaves will go to the bowl of the medicine sent by the sire, and the maiden body will be well-conditioned, and the prince will naturally have it."

Then I will go on.

Can you read the mystery of this in the palace drama? Immediately said: "And slow!"

A room looked at her.

Sheng Qiao: "Is the medicine that the girl is taking every day is sent by her Majesty?"

Palace girl: "Yeah, under the armpit of the distressed maiden without a child, specially sent a doctor to nurse the body of the maiden."

Sheng Qiao: "How long have you been drinking?"

Palace girl: "It has been more than five years."

Sheng Qiao sighed: "I have never doubted that this medicine has a problem? I am so convinced that you will hope that you will give birth to his blood?"

Director group: "She didn't look at the palace fight, and opened the next plot line."

The face of the noble man was white, and he took two steps. He sat on the bed and licked his lips and said, "You mean... no! I don't believe it! The palace doesn't believe it!"

"Do you believe that if you take the medicine residue out and let the family look for the doctor, don't you know?"

The nobles shrouded their hands and the voice of crying came on and off: "Do not believe... This palace does not believe... Your Majesty will not treat me like this. How can he treat me like this?"

She cried and unloaded the arrogant people in the weekdays. The voices were filled with resentment. Ji Jiayou was always very sensitive to the voice. Immediately, Sheng Qiao whispered, "It seems to be the voice of eating people."

Sheng Qiao looked at the chast in disbelief and suddenly took a nap.

The cicada cried for a long while, and raised his body. He rubbed the tears from his eyes with his hand and said, "Go, send the medicine to the palace and give it to your brother."

The palace lady took the lead.

The nobles also ordered the palace girl to dress, put on the rouge, stepped on the step, and sneered: "Is she not pregnant? This palace will marry her."

A group of people are driving the piano house.

Ji Jiayou asked: "Can we go?"

Sheng Qiao said: "The trough, the 3D palace fighting drama, do not look at the white does not look."

The two followed behind the team and went all the way to Qinyuanju. The nobleman reached out and notified, and went alone. Sheng Qiao met the palace women are kept outside, thinking that there must be a plot, Xiang Jiayou beckoning, the two cats walking in the waist, no one blocked.

Going to the Qinyuanju, but seeing the nobles standing sideways in front of the window.

The house was surrounded by phoenixes and phoenixes. He was lying on the couch, his head resting on the legs of the emperor. The emperor held a book and touched her belly. Wen said: "When the emperor is born, he personally teaches him to read, but not like You must even teach your own name."

"Wait for the emperor to teach the emperor, and the courtiers will let the emperor come to teach the courtiers."


He reached out and tipped her nose, and the woman smiled into his arms.

The nobles stood at the window and watched the scene without moving. For a long while, she slowly turned back. Sheng Qiao originally thought that she had to let people drag themselves down and kill, but she saw her slightly frowning, and did not cry, but her eyes were red, I don't know who to ask: "What does he like her?"

She seems to be really confused: "She doesn't even know the words, the chess and the paintings are all the same, but these fall into his eyes, has it become pity?"

When she loves her, even her shortcomings have become advantages.

She looked up at Sheng Qiao and asked, "What about me?"

Sheng Qiao: "..."

Guiqi smiled softly, and finally looked back. "She always fights with me. She licks my beauty, swears at my family, and swears at my position. But she doesn't know, but I am jealous, and I am loved by my knees." She."

The royal family left the Qinyuanju.

Sheng Qiao and Ji Jiayou did not know where to go.

The six guests have already been eaten three, and there is still one party left to know where to go. The two decided to go to find Fanghui Confluence first, and then discuss what to do next.

Fang Wei’s identity card is the scorpion, and Sheng Qiao pulled a palace lady to ask about the palace of the sage, and found the past. Fang Wei is not here, the palace lady in the palace said: "The goddess said to find what peach tree."

Sheng Qiao asked: "Do you know where there are peach trees in this palace?"

"There is nothing in the palace of the royal sister."

They didn't see the peach trees several times in the Guilin Palace. Did they ignore what?

The two turned to the Guilin Palace.

Going halfway, the wind blew up again, and the walls of the four sides of the palace were filled with peach blossoms. Sheng Qiao did not patronize this time, she carefully went to see the peach blossom pile on the road.

At first I thought it was free to scatter. At this moment, I went to see it seriously, but I found out the mystery.

The road surface is irregularly distributed with a circle of several peach blossoms, which are hidden in the petals of the peach trees. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it.

Sheng Qiao is going to take a closer look. Fang Hao ran out from the corner and he said: "Finally found you! Xiao Qiao, I found the peach tree! In the vestibule of the Guilin Palace, the black Jiao Jiao tree is! It will only bloom when the peach blossoms rain!"

She said as she ran and stepped into the peach circle. The air blower in the corner slammed, and the pile of peach blossoms rose from the ground, floating in the air, from a distance, like the group of peaches surrounded her.

There was a faint low smile in the wind: "Eat it."

Several people in dark clothes came out from the side, tied the square and left.

The headset system prompts: "Fang is dead."

The wind stopped and the palace lady came out and began to clean the peach blossoms.

For a long while, Sheng Qiao said: "I know."

Director group: "..............."

She knows this? ? ? What does she know? ? ?

Sheng Qiao pointed at the pavement and was swept into a pile of peach blossoms by the palace lady: "Is it just right to step on the square to eat it? Right? Let's assume it is a peach blossom array. People who step on it will be eaten. People who died before should I didn’t pay attention to stepping on it."

Ji Jiayou asked: "Why can peach blossom eat people?"

"It’s not that peach blossoms can eat people, but enchanting people eat people through peach blossoms. You pay attention to what she says every time, it’s ‘eaten’. Why isn’t it killing? Does it mean that she has to eat?”

Sheng Qiao looked around: "I have a bold guess. I think we are in a illusion, everything around it is actually fake. You think about it, every time the peach rain falls, npc will disappear. The enchanting is going to eat people. After eating the people, everything is back to normal. Does it mean that when the peach blossoms rain, the enchanting can not maintain the illusion? Because it can not be maintained, all the illusions in the illusion will disappear. So she has to eat people to maintain the illusion."

Ji Jiayou thinks more and more that she is right, and asks with admiration: "What do we do now?"

"Can you leave if you break the illusion? You make me think about it."

Director group: "........."

Please don't think about it.

She squatted on the ground and took a twig and slid it: "According to the general story, when the peach blossom rain is the weakest of the enchanting power, only at that time can she kill her. Fang Wei said that she is Do you find the peach tree in the temple? We assume that the peach tree is the real body of the enchanting, so in the illusion, she uses the charcoal to cover up and not let us discover. It shows that the peach tree is very important to her, is it just to cut Can you get rid of that tree?"

Ji Jiayou: "What are you waiting for! Go now!"

Sheng Qiao: "Wait for the next peach rain, it should only be cut off at that time."

Director group: "........."

Give the big donkey a cigarette.

The two quietly sneaked out of the palace, and planned to wait for the next peach rain to rush into the tree.

But seeing the inside is brightly lit, and is taking the plot. Adhering to the idea that 3D Gongdou does not look at the white, the two sneak around the door.

Inside the temple, the emperor kicked the nobles to the ground and angered: "You are a snake venom! You have poured medicine on your nephew, you killed the flesh and blood, you killed the royal blood!"

The elbow sat up on the ground and looked up at the man in front of him. When he looked at it, he suddenly smiled: "The medicine poured into her stomach is less than one thousandth of the weight of the shrine. What?"

The emperor stunned and did not speak for a long time.

His kick was heavy, and his chest was low and coughing, coughing and laughing: "Chen Chen can't figure it out, kneel down. Rao is that you don't love the courtier, why should you take the qualification of the mother? You Already gone, isn't even a child willing to leave it to the courtier?"

The emperor kneels down in front of her. He looks at the face of this city. When he was a man, he was also tempted. Fingers licked her half cheeks, he rubbed, whispered: "Look, blame, can only blame you glory, blame your brother."

A gust of wind rose from the ground.

The palace lanterns in the temple were all gone.

Surrounded by darkness, Sheng Joe was shocked and shouted Ji Jiayou: "Fast, fast, ready to cut trees!"

Peach blossoms dance with the wind, and the air is a touch of peach blossom.

The palace lanterns lit up one after another, and in the empty hall, a peach tree was enchantingly enchanting, but the night sky fell snow. The four palaces were not seen, the palace gate was wide open, only the enchanting, repeated again and again, re-enacting her death. The previous scene.

The man had a glass of poisonous wine, pinched her chin and poured it into her mouth.

In the abdomen, it was like a knife. She fell to the ground and forced her eyes to lift her eyes. She could only see the pace of his departure.

She whispered, "Your Majesty."

The footstep paused.

"Your Majesty, may wish Xu Chen the last wish."

He turned his back to her and didn't even look back at her.

She said alone: ​​"After the death of the court, I will not bury my family, I will not enter the imperial tomb, I will only have a straw mat, and I will be buried under the peach trees in front of the court."

She looked at the snow outside the window and laughed low: "Chen Chen did not die at a good time, can't see the peach blossoms of the coming year, and let Chen Chen smell the peach blossom after death.

He didn't look back, even the voice was like alms: "I will follow you."

He stepped away and his back was getting farther and farther in the snow. She squatted on the floor, reaching out to his back, trying to grasp something, but in the end, nothing was caught.

Fanghua went to twenty years, and the old boy was no longer there.

He had already forgotten that the peach tree in front of the court was planted by her own hand.

She closed her eyes and a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

It doesn't matter.