MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 16

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Some of the groupings in Moments are to protect against others, and some are just to concentrate on waiting for individuals.

Lin Zheng was waiting for Gu Nanzhi, and he waited until the morning without any comments or likes.

This sunny morning was not beautiful to her.

Lin Zheng seemed to have lost half of his soul, and he rode his bicycle to the school unhappily. When he passed the candy house, Lin Zheng didn't react much when he saw it, and even gave birth to an inexplicable arrogance—oh, just coaxing kid.

A few seconds later, little friend Lin Zheng stepped on the curb with one foot, and faintly fell back.

What Gu Nanzhi put in the class was liqueur chocolate. If something went wrong if someone ate it, Teacher Gu would definitely be in trouble.

Lin Zheng decided to spend a huge sum of money to buy a better box, and replace Gu Nanzhi's liqueur chocolates before everyone went to the classroom.

She wants to hide it for herself to eat slowly.


During class break, Shi Qi stepped on the crossbeam of Lin Zheng's stool and asked her enthusiastically, "Zheng'er, do you want to go hiking on weekends?"

Lin Zheng was lying on the table reading a book. When she heard Shi Qi's words, her hands shook. She couldn't hold the book firmly, and fell straight down and hit the bridge of her nose. The instant pain made her doubt her life.

Seeing this scene, Shi Qi felt distressed, rubbed Lin Zheng's nose and said ferociously, "Zheng'er, sit down and read a book!"

"Oh." Lin Zheng got up, leaned back as if he had no bones, looked at the sky and said slowly: "I have something to do on the weekend, so I can't go."

Shi Qi pinched the bridge of Lin Zheng's nose still, and asked resentfully: 'Is there anything more important than me? "

Lin Zheng stared at Shi Qi's hand, staring at himself cross-eyed, "My mother is at home on weekends."

"Oh!" Shi Qi's disappointment immediately turned into surprise, and he nodded cheerfully and said, "Then Zhenger, stay at home with Auntie well, let's make an appointment next time."

Lin Zheng didn't speak, her throat was blocked very uncomfortable.

Feng Hai'an was not at home at all on weekends, and she refused Shi Qi because of an agreement with Gu Nanzhi.

Regarding Gu Nanzhi... Lin Zheng didn't think much about it, and Shi Qi had already rejected her words. Subconsciously, she didn't want anyone to know that she and Gu Nanzhi were very close. They got too close in private, and if it got out, it would have a bad influence. On the other hand, Lin Zheng wanted to keep all his contacts with Gu Nanzhi as his little secret.

The reason why the "secret" is precious is that few people know it, it is not disturbed, and it is not defined by a third party. Only in this way can the parties be given enough pure space and long enough time to appreciate it carefully, but even if there are good reasons, Lin Zheng still felt that she had become 'bad'. This was the first time she lied to Shi Qi, and she didn't know if she would do it again...

"Seven, my weekends are real, jingle bells!" Lin Zheng couldn't shake the tension in his heart, and decided to tell the truth to Shi Qi, he didn't want to catch up with class, and he was still irritable in mathematics, so these words were forced to shelve, and he would think about it later The explanation also lost the impulse at that time.

Lin Zheng felt guilty, and behind the guilt was an expectation that she dared not admit directly, so she could only hide it in her heart and quietly count the days.

Fortunately, the intense schoolwork took up most of the energy, and Lin Zheng didn't pay too much attention to the time when she was busy. In a blink of an eye, she counted the days agreed with Gu Nanzhi.

Just after 6:00 a.m. on weekends, Lin Zheng got up to wash and dress up. She tossed and tossed until 9:00 a.m. but couldn't find a satisfactory dress. She was so anxious that she looked around.

Gu Nanzhi saw that the time was about to come and called when Lin Zheng was trying on a skirt, and when she heard the ringtone, she ran over to answer it in a hurry, but unexpectedly stepped on the clothes she had thrown on the ground, slipped and fell forward violently.

Getting on your knees is also embarrassing.

Lin Zheng didn't care about the pain, staggered up a little, lay down beside the bed to answer the phone, "Teacher Gu!"

Gu Nanzhi was startled by Lin Zheng's highly excited voice early in the morning. After a moment of silence, he slowly echoed, "Well, are you packed? What time should I pick you up?"

Lin Zheng shook her head hastily, "No need to pick up, no need to pick up, just tell me a place, and I will go there by myself."

"It's okay." Gu Nanzhi seemed to be eating, and his voice sounded vague, "I'll just go there for a few minutes."

"Really? Do you know where my house is?"

"I know, it's written in my personal information." Gu Nanzhi took a sip of his juice and got up to clean up the dishes. "When you're done packing, send me a message, and I'll pick you up."

Speaking of which, it would be hypocritical to refuse, Lin Zheng licked his lower lip, and said reservedly: "It's hard work, Mr. Gu." In fact, he was already happy.

Gu Nanzhi only took it as a matter of raising his hands, and said indifferently: "It's okay, you clean up first."

Lin Zheng, "OK."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Zheng lay down beside the bed, buried her face in the quilt and yelled.

Teacher Gu is coming to pick her up, pick her up! She likes this word so much, it feels like being cared for and taken care of, but! She has no nice clothes to wear!

After another ten minutes of tossing, Lin Zheng finally picked out a white dress with a doll collar from a pile of clothes, and the accessory was a goose yellow monkey messenger bag.

Lin Zheng put her bag on her back and turned around in front of the mirror, then patted the little monkey on the head, smiling very shyly, "Does it look good on me?"

Naturally, the little monkey would not answer Lin Zheng. The corners of her mouth could not control the upward arc and she had already given an affirmative answer.

Lin Zheng happily took out her mobile phone and sent Gu Nanzhi a WeChat message—【Mr. Gu, I'm fine! 】

Outside the community, Gu Nanzhi had been waiting for several minutes, and immediately replied when he received the message - [I'm at Xiaobeimen, you can see me when you come out. 】

Lin Zheng said "Oops", kicked on her shoes and ran out.

Outside the small north gate is the main road, and there are no people there. As soon as Lin Zheng went out, she saw Gu Nanzhi leaning against the car. Her outfit today made Lin Zheng's eyes shine—pink 9-point wide-leg pants, the waist and trousers were pressed Pleats, a white loose shoulder T-shirt is tucked into the trousers at will, paired with beige daddy shoes, fluffy and wavy curls, this body has a special cuteness in its vitality, and it is a bit cool to wear, which is very similar to the school Intellectual she is completely different.

This Gu Nanzhi looks like the big sister next door, making people want to take a second look.

Gu Nanzhi looked up after replying to WeChat, and smiled when she saw Lin Zheng standing by the door in a daze. She put away her phone and waved to Lin Zheng from a short distance away, "Here."

Lin Zheng held on to the shoulder strap of the satchel with both hands, and walked over while suppressing his steps.

Loose clothes are not as good as suits, but they are just right for the thin and tall Gu Nanzhi. She just leans against the car at will and becomes the most eye-catching scenery there.

Lin Zheng couldn't see enough, and was even more afraid of being discovered if he watched too much, so the further he walked, the lower his sight

"Is there money on the ground?" Gu Nanzhi patted Lin Zheng's drooping head and asked her.

Lin Zheng shook his head silently, and at the same time added in his heart, "Where is the money that looks good to you."

"Then what are you doing with your head down?" Gu Nanzhi asked.

Lin Zheng grabbed the little monkey's tail and glanced at Gu Nanzhi's waist, "I'm building myself mentally."

"Huh?" Gu Nanzhi didn't hear clearly, bent over and approached Lin Zheng and asked, "What did you say?"

Lin Zheng was not ready yet, when he suddenly saw Gu Nanzhi enlarged in front of him, he screamed subconsciously, and backed up more than half a meter. This move completely confused Gu Nanzhi.

"Did my outfit scare you today?" Gu Nanzhi asked uncertainly.

This dress is what she often wears in college. She originally thought that she would take the children to eat snacks today. Dressing like this will make it less likely to be misunderstood as a mother and daughter. Now it seems that she made a mistake in planning, and the children may still get used to her Like a teacher.

"Why don't you wait for me for a while before I go back and change?" Gu Nanzhi said.

Lin Zheng shook both hands violently, "No need to change!"

"Are you sure?" Gu Nanzhi didn't understand, didn't he just scream in fright?

"Sure! Me, you!" Lin Zheng was sweating anxiously, afraid that Gu Nanzhi would continue to misunderstand and said, "I don't look at you because you look so good in this way!"

Gu Nanzhi paused, then patted Lin Zheng's forehead with a smile, "How many people have you met before, so you know what looks good?"

"Of course!" Lin Zheng retreated to the curb angrily, trying to keep eye level with Gu Nanzhi as much as possible, so that she would not lose her momentum, but when she went up, she suddenly found a more cruel problem. She's much taller than her, and today she's wearing daddy shoes that come with increased height. Now that she's got 'bricks' under her feet, she's half her head. What kind of tragic contrast is this?

Lin Zheng stood on tiptoe dejectedly, looked into Gu Nanzhi's eyes and continued to finish what he had just said, "No matter how many people I meet in the future, Mr. Gu is the prettiest in my heart!"

The older a person is, the more reserved his feelings are. Gu Nanzhi hasn't heard such a straightforward compliment for many years, which made her heart beat faster inexplicably.

In order to conceal his strangeness, Gu Nanzhi raised his hand, pointed his index finger between Lin Zheng's eyebrows and gently pushed, "Little friend, you are not bad."


Happy holidays, students~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Cocoa Cola 1 piece

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Wide5 bottles