MTL - Girlfriend Needs To Be Coaxed Every Day-Chapter 29

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Lin Zheng ran wildly all the way home, looking so happy that the whole world knew that she was carrying a 'treasure' at the moment. She turned on all the lights in the bedroom, and even put the desk lamp for doing homework over, and snapped at the chocolate .

There are shadows in the corners of this picture, this one is too exposed, this one is so ugly... Lin Zheng carefully selected a bunch of photos, but none of them were satisfactory.

Frustrated, she lay on her back on the bed, letting herself go.

Is it so difficult to post a circle of friends?

"Ah!" Lin Zheng hugged the quilt angrily and rolled around on the bed. When the phone rang, she couldn't control it, and rolled off the bed wrapped in the quilt.

The body fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Lin Zheng threw open the quilt indiscriminately and got out, lying on the bedside to answer the phone.

Teacher Gu? ! Lin Zheng's melancholy mood instantly floated into the sky, her body seemed to be thrown into the soft clouds, and the sun lived next door, making her whole body warm.

Lin Zheng patted her face, trying not to be overly excited, but she still revealed her good mood when she opened her mouth, "Teacher Gu!" The girl's clear and cheerful voice made people feel very comfortable.

"Hmm." Gu Nanzhi rested his arms on the lowered car door, and looked lazily at the pedestrians coming in and out of the north gate.

I don't know what the child's expression will be when he hears the news that she has gone and returned, and is planning to take her home for dinner, heh, let's take it slowly, if one step is in place, the child will probably be scared to demolish the house.

"Lin Zheng, is there a place that sells chili oil near your community?" Gu Nanzhi asked while looking at the supermarket diagonally opposite.

Lin Zheng got up from the ground, ran to the window and gestured for the direction, "There is a supermarket outside the north gate, cross the road and go west."

"I just went to see this, and there is no parking space." Gu Nanzhi opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Lin Zheng didn't doubt that he was there, thought for a while and said: "Then you go east, turn north at the first traffic light intersection, and walk about 50 meters and there is a grain and oil store on the left."

Lin Zheng neatly drew a small map in her mind. She was suddenly a little thankful that she had lived alone for the past two years. Otherwise, she really was not in charge of the family and didn't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. How would she know about such things as grain and oil stores.

As for Mr. Gu, she seems to have just graduated. She lived in school for so long and should not be familiar with this kind of 'ordinary' place. So, is it time to show her strength?

"Teacher Gu." Lin Zheng tried her best to hide her excitement, and asked her with extra restraint, "Do you want me to take you to buy it?"

Gu Nanzhi saw it through but didn't say it, she tapped on the car door with her white fingertips, "Have you finished your homework?"

"It's over!" Lin Zheng's answers were seamless, and she regretted it after she finished speaking. How could anyone be in such a hurry, as if she had never seen anything like that.

Um, didn't you see anything? Lin Zheng frowned and lost his mind.

Gu Nanzhi yelled several times before he heard the child reply, "Yes!"

Gu Nanzhi was overjoyed. How many twists and turns did Lin Zhenger have in her mind? How could she be confused at every turn?

"Let me ask you, is it convenient to come out now?" Gu Nanzhi repeated with a smile.

"Convenience!" Lin Zheng happily jumped to the window, leaned on the window and looked out, "Where are you? I'll go down and wait for you now!"

Gu Nanzhi raised his eyes and looked at the dots of lights in the neighborhood, "I'm at the place where you got off the car just now."

"Ah!" Lin Zheng screamed like a cat's tail had been stepped on and hid behind the wall, as if Gu Nanzhi had clairvoyance and could see her impatient appearance.

Gu Nanzhi couldn't help laughing, the night covered her cool pupils, like shattered starlight slowly entered her eyes, gentle to the extreme, "Don't worry, I'll wait for you right here."

Lin Zheng quietly opened the curtains a little, and looked in the direction of her through the moon shadow, "Yeah." The short single voice was full of happiness that others could not peek at.

The dark house outside the bedroom seemed to be suddenly illuminated by something, from the gap under the door to the living room, to the porch, to every corner she would pass by, every inch of the road she would walk.

There was a person at the end of the road, she just said "wait for you", and the night seemed not so lonely.

Lin Zheng didn't care about changing clothes, kicked on his shoes and ran out. On the way, he met the uncle walking his dog. He probably saw Lin Zheng running in a hurry, so he chased her when he caught her.

The uncle followed behind, unable to control the scene life and death, but still unable to untie the leash tied around his waist, so the leisurely scene of taking a walk after dinner turned into a farce of the uncle walking the dog.

Lin Zheng didn't know anything about it, she was all about Gu Nanzhi, Gu Nanzhi...

"Teacher Gu!" Lin Zheng ran out and waved to Gu Nanzhi from a distance.

Gu Nanzhi stood under the street lamp, and turned his head lazily when he heard the voice.

That scene is very much like the slow-moving shots in old movies, with warm light, gentle smile, pretty people, everything is the best, as if meeting for the first time, and as if reunited after a long absence.

Lin Zheng's heartbeat was infinitely magnified, and time was stretched wantonly. She walked up to Gu Nanzhi step by step, raised her head and smiled, "Teacher Gu."

Gu Nanzhi leaned against the light pole, hooked the key in his left hand, raised his right hand, and touched Lin Zheng's cheek with the thing in his hand. There was a little dampness in the coldness, like...

"Ah! Ice cream! Is this for me?" Lin Zheng was ecstatic, his movements preceded his mind, and he threw himself into Gu Nanzhi's arms, hugging her slender waist, jumping and jumping in her arms, "Teacher Gu, you are so kind!"

Gu Nanzhi's body stiffened for a moment. It had been a long time since she had been embraced by anyone in public like this, neither male nor female. The child in front of her was so innocent that she dared not get close to her, but this hug, even though it was immature, was still warm It's embarrassing.

Gu Nanzhi slowly raised his left hand hanging by his side, and leaned against Lin Zheng's back, lightly laughing and teasing her, "The old saying is true."

Lin Zheng raised his head, his bright black eyes were as clear as water, "I haven't eaten yet, what I'm saying now is true."

"Okay." Gu Nanzhi's voice softened when she laughed, and she handed the ice cream to Lin Zheng, staring at her burning eyes when she was attracted, "See if it has begun to melt."

"Hmm." Lin Zheng immediately let go of Gu Nanzhi, took the ice cream with both hands and opened it.

Gu Nanzhi was still leaning on the light pole, and slowly tore open the spoon and handed it to Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng took it over and dug a large spoonful, um, it was hard when poked, and it didn't melt very well.

Holding the box, Lin Zheng brought the spoon to Gu Nanzhi without warning, and called her with a smile, "Teacher Gu."

Gu Nanzhi was slightly stunned. She could still remember the scene of taking Lin Zheng to eat ice cream at the end of the weekend. The child ate it so seriously that he almost licked the box at the end. If he liked it so much, how could he be willing to give her the first bite?

"Pineapple-flavored." Lin Zheng added, his voice filled with anticipation.

Gu Nanzhi reacted, and couldn't help laughing. The child has a deep memory of the candy she gave. Unfortunately, what she gave was a sour punishment, and what Lin Zheng sweet expectations.

Gu Nanzhi brushed back her long hair, slightly parted her red lips, and gently held the spoon full of creamy fragrance in her mouth.

The entrance is sweet and cold ice cream, and the eyes are full of children's satisfied smiles.

Gu Nanzhi, who doesn't like sweets, suddenly didn't want to swallow them whole. She carefully wrapped the ice cream on the tip of her tongue, savoring the taste carefully.

Well, very sweet, but not as sweet as the smile of the child in front of me.

"Is it delicious?" Seeing that Gu Nanzhi was silent, Lin Zheng asked nervously.

Gu Nanzhi frowned, and let out a long "hmm..." inexplicably, arousing Lin Zheng's little thoughts and not letting go.

Lin Zheng held his breath and concentrated, for fear of hearing something bad from Gu Nanzhi.

After a long time, before Lin Zheng made himself blush, Gu Nanzhi said leisurely, "It's delicious."

"Ah!" Lin Zheng raised his hands and smiled happily.

Gu Nanzhi watched indifferently, the sweet taste in his mouth gradually changed.

This child has almost no desire for happiness, any attention can make her laugh, but for sadness, she is always resigned, no matter how difficult it is, she can return it with a smile.

"Leave after eating, or leave while eating?" Gu Nanzhi changed the topic, not letting his bad mood affect Lin Zheng's good mood.

Lin Zheng bit the spoon and pointed to the busy road ahead with a smile, "Walk and eat!"

Gu Nanzhi straightened his waist and abdomen, and turned around in the direction Lin Zheng pointed.

After walking for a while, Gu Nanzhi lightly pressed the car key with his hand behind his back.

The car door is locked, and for the rest of the time, she will stay with this lonely child every step of the way, instead of taking herself to find some grain and oil store.

A person who hardly touches spicy food, does not bother to look for chili oil? Heh, only Lin Zheng could believe such a far-fetched reason.

Perhaps, she didn't believe it at all, she just forgot to tell the truth from the false in front of Kaixin.

Gu Nanzhi walked very slowly. In essence, she was a lazy person. When she decided to work in education, it was not surprising. After all, she was a "problem student" in high school. 'Passionate', such a temperament, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a master who can seriously engage in education, let alone a high school that is the first hurdle in life.

Gu Nanzhi herself has quibbled. After all, her problem student is an excellent problem student. There is no problem with being a substitute teacher. The three views are also barely normal. The understanding of responsibilities and obligations is superficial, but it is necessary to bring these children safely to adulthood. enough.

The above reasons seem quite convincing, but unfortunately they were not accepted. Therefore, even though she has been recognized by the children, she is still burdened with doubts from her friends. I have to say that she is under a lot of pressure.

Gu Nanzhi sighed helplessly, there was no sign of stress in his smile.

"Teacher Gu, this way!" Lin Zheng, who was following behind, saw that Gu Nanzhi was about to cross the road, and called her loudly.

Gu Nanzhi took back the steps he had stepped out, and turned the corner, with a calm attitude that did not show the embarrassment of going the wrong way, and kindly reminded Lin Zheng, who was biting the spoon and snickering, "Follow closely."

There were a lot of people on the way here just now, Gu Nanzhi was afraid that Lin Zheng would eat and leave, so he asked her to follow behind him, so that if something unexpected happened, he could take a buffer from him.

Now it seems that her kindness to Lin Zheng turned out to be a hole she dug for herself. The child not only didn't appreciate it, but also spared no effort to watch the excitement.

For today's dinner, she has to make do with it. Gu Nanzhi thought to himself.

By the way, the child probably doesn't know that I'm going to take her home for dinner tonight, so let's not talk about it for now. After standing by and watching the wrong way just now, she also has a temper now.

Gu Nanzhi walked slowly, stepping on the moonlight leisurely to the grain and oil store.

The grain and oil store that Lin Zheng said was not big, but it had a complete range, and there was a vegetable and fruit supermarket next door. Gu Nanzhi bought everything in one turn.

Lin Zheng couldn't help being speechless when he saw the two bags full, "Mr. Gu, can you eat so much by yourself?"

Gu Nanzhi, who was waiting for the checkout, glanced at it casually, and his expression seemed to be troubled, "It's too much, but what should I do if I want to eat?"

Gu Nanzhi's tangled tone made Lin Zheng feel regretful, she shouldn't talk so much, making everyone live alone like her.

"It's okay. It's okay for the whole family to eat, and they'll finish eating in two or three days." Lin Zheng remedied.

Gu Nanzhi turned to look at her, "I live alone." Lin Zheng felt a strong sense of sympathy in his deliberately lowered tone.

She knows this feeling too well, and once she encounters it, she can't control the urge to lend a helping hand.

"Mr. Gu, come home with me." Lin Zheng said solemnly, and the title changed from you to you.

You are a respectful title, with the distance of identity in the middle, you are recognition, you can sit on an equal footing with her, and you are willing to share joys and sorrows with her.

Gu Nanzhi's first reaction when he heard Lin Zheng's words was that he wanted to laugh, but he immediately held back when he remembered his purpose, and asked her back pretending to be puzzled, "What are you doing home with you?"

Lin Zheng raised her head with a confident expression, "I'll cook for you!"

Gu Nanzhi nodded and asked her, "What will you cook?"

A question left Lin Zheng speechless. How could she cook? The instant noodles are not as delicious as others. How could she starve herself to the school infirmary?

Why didn't you just think about what you said just now?

Lin Zheng was annoyed.

Gu Nanzhi saw Lin Zheng's embarrassment and didn't want to tease her anymore, "I..."

Lin Zheng interrupted her words just as she said, "I'm very good, and I can learn it in no time!" The swear-like tone hides a sense of responsibility and firmness far beyond this age.

Gu Nanzhi's heart softened when she heard it, and the sour taste made her feel heavy when she tasted it carefully, "Teacher Gu believes it, but not now."

Lin Zheng was puzzled, "When was that?"

"Wait until you grow up." When your life and emotions are independent of your parents.

At that time, even if you lived alone, you would not make me feel bad, and would not make me feel lonely. Only in this way can I feel at ease and let you do something for me, whether it is gratitude or a friend.

Hello, I can accept it with peace of mind.

Gu Nanzhi didn't say anything later, afraid of putting pressure on Lin Zheng, and even more afraid of exposing her hidden heartache and embarrassing her.

Lin Zheng didn't know the reason, she only listened to the surface when she was obedient, and it was precisely because she only listened to the surface that the meaning was pure enough, like a warm sun, filling her heart to the brim.

Lin Zheng curled her lips, with a smile on her face, "Okay."

She is already 15, only 3 years away from growing up, so fleeting, at that time, this person must still be there.

Lin Zheng's smile was too warm, Gu Nanzhi couldn't help pinching her childish cheeks for a moment, and asked with a smile: "So, what should we do today?"

Lin Zheng pouted and shook her head, "I don't know." Teacher Gu couldn't finish eating by himself, and she refused to agree to take Teacher Gu home. This matter is so difficult.

"Ma'am, the total is 263." The cashier at the fruit and vegetable shop said after scanning the barcode.

Gu Nanzhi withdrew his hand and took the phone to pay.

Lin Zheng stood aside, poking and poking with his fingers where Gu Nanzhi had just pinched.

Does her face look good to pinch? Teacher Gu seems to like it very much.

After paying the money, Gu Nanzhi told Lin Zheng to leave with two bags.

Lin Zheng returned to his senses, and hurried to pick up the things in Gu Nanzhi's hand.

Gu Nanzhi avoided it and handed her the fruit on the other side, "You mention this."

"Oh." Lin Zheng took it with both hands, bubbling with sweetness in his heart.

Teacher Gu's place is full of ingredients, at least twice as much as hers. She, as long as she is with Teacher Gu, she will be taken care of no matter what she does. If this continues, will she be unable to take care of herself?

Thinking of this, Lin Zheng whispered "Yeah", Gu Nanzhi heard it, turned around and asked her, "What are you thinking about?"

Lin Zheng ran two quick steps, stood at the same level as her, kicked forward, "It's nothing, I was wondering why the moon is so round today?"

Gu Nanzhi raised his head, and it was rare for a bright moon to hang in the gloomy night sky for many days. The silver moonlight fell gracefully, illuminating the bustling city with extraordinarily tranquility.

"Why?" Gu Nanzhi asked, this kind of unnutritious conversation was only possible for Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng put her hands behind her back, and the shopping bag hooked in her hand knocked against the bend of her leg as she walked forward, "Because Teacher Gu is by my side, even if it's cloudy and rainy, the moon will be bright in the sky. "

Childish movements, innocent words, clingy tone, Lin Zheng's simple answer turned life into a painting. Gu Nanzhi was originally a passerby, but unexpectedly became a character in the painting through her hands.

Not the main character, but also very important.

She was a little flattered.

The author has something to say: Bow, what~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Cocoa Cola, Karan 1 piece

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 9 bottles of dreaming stars, 2 bottles of Xi Nagi