MTL - Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me-Chapter 250 Divine Star is dead ...

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"Still not talking?"

As soon as Lang Lang came out, He Shishi greeted him.

"唉 ..." Lang Lang shook his head. "Even Yaya couldn't attract her attention."

Three days ago, A Miao was carried back by Ouyang Jin. After the **** star trap fell, Le Yi would save people as soon as possible, but the crack was closed soon.

A Miao cried, tearing her heart and breaking the rocks with her hands. Her hand was injured, and it was destroyed again. Lei had to stun and take away.

"What to do next?" He Shishi frantically circled, "Where is the God Star? Live to see people die and see corpses, haven't you gone to find out, where did that turtle island go?"

At that time, God let Amy bring her on the plane. When they found a way to find the Star Star, the giant tortoise was completely awake, and the giant turtle island began to move.

"The sea where the giant tortoise is crossing is very weird." Lei looked dignified. They got on the plane and wanted to follow the giant tortoise, but it turned out that the dial of the plane began to malfunction.

Jiang Quanyu was also at the time, and his plane had a lifeboat. After changing to a lifeboat and chasing, it was found that green gas was floating on the sea. Wei Meng issued a warning as soon as possible.

"Who would have thought that there would be such a high concentration of carbon monoxide on the sea ..." Ouyang Jin glanced over He Shishi and then naturally moved away.

The crowd came to the living room, and the little demon came back from the outside.

"Is there any news?" He Shishi asked her.


God One and God Two brought people to look for, God Three was also recruited abroad, and Xiaoxi even looked for people on the Internet every day, trying to contact some explorers.

"If you can't find anyone after a week, let A Miao face the reality." Wei Meng said what everyone was afraid to say.

Twenty-four hours is the best time to rescue, and seventy-two hours ... is often the dividing line between life and death. After this time, I am afraid that there will be less evil.

"Wow!" Ya Lang cried in her arms.

He Shishi went up: "Are you hungry?"

"It's about the same time, it should be." Chang Lang took out the heated bottle in the insulated bucket. "Yaya, mother is very sad now, you have to be obedient."

Yaya took a pacifier two times and tried to spit it out, but she was probably very hungry.

"In another two months, Yaya will start to recognize people. I'm afraid we won't be able to take them." Le Yi held Chu Bai, and the little one now recognizes people. Occasionally give Ouyang a hug, and most of the time they only stick to Lang.

A Miao sat alone on the window sill. Except for He Shishi who was pressed to sleep for a while, she was so dazed at other times.

"con man……"

Tears fell on the rug, fainting into small circles. A Miao's memory always stays at the moment when the star star falls down. The attachment and determination in the eyes of a man is like a knife. It is milled inch by inch by her heart and never scars.

"It's okay to come back together, but you left me." A Miao faced the air, telling the only language in these three days, "I'll wait for you for another day, if I won't come, I will ... "

She wiped her tears fiercely: "I'll ..."

The words behind her could not be explained. She stared out the window for a while and said, "I don't want you anymore ..."

"Have you heard?" She suddenly opened the door and ran to the terrace. "If you never come again, I won't want you !!!"

This shout didn't matter, she almost scared the people below.

"A Miao!" He Shishi rushed to the garden first, "What are you doing?"

The little demon and Ouyang Jin ran to the second floor, and Lang Lang and Le Yi ran out with their children.

"Yeah?" Yaya saw A Miao.

This is the first time she has seen her mother in more than half a month. There was no response at first. I realized something after a few seconds, and yelled while reaching out to A Miao.

"Look at Yaya!" Le Yi handed Chu Bai to Lang Lang, and raised Yaya herself, "she's calling you!"

A Miao's eyes had no focus, as if everyone was nothing in her eyes, and even her most concerned daughter could not wake her up.

"It won't work like this ..." He Shishi was anxious, "We have to think of a way!"

Upstairs, the demon slowly approached A Miao.

"Miss ..." Her voice was very soft, and she was scared because she was too loud.

Ouyang Jin winked at her, carefully detouring behind A Miao.

"Did you see the star star?" A Miao stared at the little demon, and suddenly came over to grab her hand, "Did you see him?"

The little demon was crying and didn't know what to answer.

"I ..." A Miao even spoke, and the man fell down softly.

Ouyang Jin took her hand and hugged her: "Hurry up and send her to bed!"

The little demon hurriedly lifted the quilt, and Ouyang Jin put A Miao up: "Huh, what about Le Yi? Let him take a look, this situation is not right!"

"Dr. Charlie, you mean she closed herself up. We couldn't hear her and couldn't see us talking to her?"

Everyone was sitting in the living room. Le Yi invited an expert in brain and nerves. The other party checked A Miao and told them.

"This is actually a neurological disease ..." Dr. Charlie held his glasses up. "The patient's sense of self-protection arises when the patient is unable to bear the huge stimulus."

He Shishi wanted to cry a little, and she held back and asked, "How should we help her? If she keeps doing this?"

"If the patient continues to do this ... the end result is a complete lunatic."

Everyone was silent. Lei sent Dr. Charlie out. When he got on the bus, he reminded Lei: "Don't give up, you must talk to her every day. You can even stimulate her and say something she doesn't want to hear or is afraid to listen to."

"The doctor meant attacking the poison with poison." Wei Meng heard Le Yi's recount and touched her chin. "First of all, we should tell her the true condition of the God Star Lance."

He Shishi disagrees: "Oh, tell her that the star star is dead?"

"I didn't say that." Wei Meng glanced at her, "but at least let her know that everyone is looking for it, and no one has given up."

"No!" He Shishi resolutely opposed. "Although it was said to stimulate her to wake up, in case it passed, maybe she would not be able to endure the collapse."

Le Yi rubbed her eyebrows, "What do you say."

"For now, drag it on first." Chang Lang put the sleeping Yaya next to Chu Bai.

Chu Bai has teething these days and is holding a molar stick.

"Wait for three days." Chang Lang patted Yaya. "If there is still no news from God Star Lang, I'll tell her."

Three days later, God One and God Two sent back news.

"Can't find it." Xiaoxi connected the computer to the projector. "This is what they took back. They never saw the giant tortoise after crossing the poisonous sea."

God One and God Two drove people to search for thousands of miles of waters nearby, and dived very dangerously into the sea when all radar and navigation failed. Not to mention giant turtles, not even a fish was found.

"We should face reality." Wei Meng is always the most sensible and cruelest. "From a normal perspective, he should have died at that time."

"Don't look at me like that." Seeing Xiaoxi staring fiercely at himself, Wei Meng calmly said, "I am a materialist and only believe in a reasonable existence."

He Shishi was most jealous of her appearance, taunting: "Then you explain to us what kind of existence of that giant turtle is reasonable?"

Wei Meng drank a tea: "I haven't finished what you are anxious about. Yeah, the existence of giant tortoises is unreasonable, so we can't look at the death of the **** starring from a normal perspective."

"What on earth do you want to say?" He Shishi was confused by her.

Chang Lang raised an eyebrow: "Do you mean to let A Miao believe that God Star Lang is not dead, but just missing?"

"Maybe that's the case." Wei Meng shrugged. "Don't forget how the giant tortoise woke up."

Le Yi's eyes flashed: "Yes! The giant tortoise was awakened, that song!"

"Since some people, maybe God will be rescued!" Ouyang Jin was excited. "As long as he is alive, he will come back to us."

Tang Lang looked at Le Yi: "I'm going upstairs now."

"Wait a moment." Wei Meng hugged Yaya, "carry, no female will bear the cubs."

He Shishi endured her weird words, reached out and took Yaya over and went upstairs with Chang Lang.

"A Miao, we are coming in!" Tang Lang knocked on the door. After entering, he saw A Miao sitting on the windowsill with his legs in a daze.

Tang Lang poured a glass of water for her: "Drink, see if your mouth is cracked."

"Did you see the star star?" A Miao didn't take the cup and looked at her blankly. "I can't find him. If you see him, tell him I'm waiting for him!"

He Shishi turned her head and quietly wiped her tears, and Chang Lang grabbed A Miao's hand and shoved the cup into her hand: "Neither of us can find him. If you want to see him, you must wake up quickly."

"Wake up ..." A Mumble murmured several times, "Will you be able to see the God Star Lang?"

Chang Lang sighed, his tone slowly stern: "A Miao, you listen well. Think of all the previous things, the whereabouts of the God Star Lance are unknown. If you continue like this, what will Yaya do?"

"What is missing?" A Miao screamed suddenly. "You go out! You go out!"

"The Shenxinglang may be alive, did you forget that there were anyone else besides you at that time?" He Shishi hurriedly said, "It is the person who wakes the giant tortoise. He might save the Shenxinglang!"

A Miao's eyes flashed, and soon became empty again: "I don't listen, I don't listen! You all go out, all go out!"

"Amiao!" Chang Lang grabbed her shoulders and shook it twice. "You wake me up! What do you look like? You still have Yaya, there are maggots in her body, she is still waiting. You save her. "

A Miao pushed open Lang hardly, plucked the vase on the table and smashed it.

The loud noise awakened Yaya, and she cried.

"Shi Shi!" Lang Lang turned and walked away. "Leave the child to her, we don't care."